I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 676 Zhang Sheng, are you using your power for personal gain?

Ancient and elegant buildings and modern high-rise buildings complement each other beautifully under the flashing neon lights. The shining bustling city is reflected in the distant night sky, and people come and go...

It has been almost five years since I came to Yanjing.

Fatty Wang, who lived in a tar-filled, dirty, dark Internet cafe every day, accompanied by games every day, and never knew when it was day or night, had never realized that Yanjing City was so beautiful.

Standing on the overpass, overlooking the distance, Fatty Wang suddenly felt something in his heart.

At this moment he seems to be a rich man.

Early November.

"Dungeon" has 2.6 million users.

In mid-November, the number of registered users of "Dungeon" surged from 2.6 million to 3 million!

You know, at this time [Tengji Technology]'s "Gunfight Glory" only has 3.4 million...

Who would have thought that a horizontal version of a game that looks so much like an arcade fighting game would be so popular at this moment?

The promotion of "Dungeon" was a great success, and the leaders of the entire local promotion department were naturally very happy. The leaders gave him a bonus of 20,000 yuan. Coupled with the previous business accumulation, he now has a total of 50,000 yuan on hand. That’s more RMB.

In the past few months, he has been following "Dungeon" to promote it offline in major Internet cafes, and he has gradually learned some skills. Through training after training, he has gradually begun to take on apprentices.

The current local promotion team of "Dungeon" is like this. The top leader assigns regional tasks to his subordinates and is responsible for training, marketing, and learning. After the subordinates receive the regional tasks, they assign the tasks to the next level. Each leader After the tasks are divided and detailed, a space for development is left for the lowest level. In addition to doing tasks, the lowest level people develop downline and form a grassroots promotion team. Well, that is to recruit people into their own team and become leaders themselves. …

It looks very much like a MLM organization and an insurance organization, but the routines are very easy to use.

Looking at the green faces.

Fatty Wang felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

This sense of accomplishment gradually brought out the ambition deep in Fatty Wang's heart.

He began to crazily watch various videos of [Success Masters] on the Internet in his spare time at work.

"Don't keep money in your hands, it will depreciate in value!"

"Be brave. What is the difference between us and the rich?"

“Rich people are bold and dare to invest in anything!”

"And what about us? We are timid and just want to save money. How can we save money?"

"Look at Mr. Zhang. Mr. Zhang is a very typical example. When he was at his poorest, he still dared to take on debts. When he had the least money, he still dared to give it a try!"

"Analyze all Mr. Zhang's resume, what is it?"

"It's Stud!"

"No matter what, stud, stud, stud again!"

"Come, say it with me, Stud, Stud, Stud!"



As I looked at it, I was reminded of Zhang Sheng’s history of success step by step.

Fatty Wang somehow felt an unprecedented encouragement deep in his heart!

After thinking about it all night, he finally set his sights on the raging stock market.

During the 2008 financial crisis, stock markets around the world were in mourning.

After 2010, the global stock market began to gradually recover. After the stock market fluctuated for nearly half a year at the beginning of 2011, it finally started to become popular in October.

Although the definitions are different, in this world, many people are eager for success and even more eager to get rich overnight.

At the same time, there are not many gamblers in this world who dare to stud.

The money earned in traditional industries is too little, and it often takes months or even years to get a return on investment.

The stock market is different.

You invest your money and you get immediate results.

Everyone knows that they are probably that [leek].

But, maybe, I am a lucky sickle for cutting [leeks]? Maybe, even if you are a stock god, you can’t tell?


This is November.

For Ha Wenliang, it was the most painful month.

He followed Zhang Sheng around, like a free billboard, advertising Zhang Sheng's [Didi Taxi Taxi]...

Oh shit!

If I keep playing, I will soon become a platinum member of [Didi Di Taxi]!

This is a kind of mental torture!

The assistant directors told me every day that they should report to the boss on behalf of the Spring Festival Gala production team, otherwise they would go on strike.

I also gave feedback to the upper-level leaders, who looked at him and focused on someone who didn't care about anything...

There are all kinds of rumors on the Internet, such as "back door", "plugging people in", "this year's Spring Festival Gala is the most commercialized Spring Festival Gala", "the most disappointing Spring Festival Gala", "this year's Spring Festival Gala is probably worse than last year's" 】......

When Ha Wenliang saw this scene, he felt that his blood pressure was high and he was spinning for a while.

As the general director of the Spring Festival Gala, he has even planned to wait until after this year's Spring Festival Gala to stand under the pants of CCTV and apologize to the people of the country.

"Director Ha, what's the matter? Don't you want attention from the Spring Festival Gala? Isn't he the most popular in this year's Spring Festival Gala?"


"It will have great ratings if it attracts a lot of attention. I would say that you are a small business and you can't bear the pressure. You..."


"Director Ha, I sincerely want them to attend the Spring Festival Gala. Are you sure you don't want to see the sketch we arranged?"


"Director Ha, taking a taxi is one thing, and don't you reimburse me for it?"


November 17th.

Ha Wenliang chatted with Zhang Shengshen for the last time.

Zhang Sheng currently has 3 programs packed in.

One language skit, two songs, one by Ah K, the other by bricklayer Liu Chungen...

During the in-depth chat, Zhang Sheng once seriously hoped that Ha Wenliang could stay and help guide the sketch.

But Ha Wenliang finally escaped from Zhang Sheng's devilish cave, citing the numerous events of the Spring Festival Gala and various reasons.

After returning to the villa in Yanjing, he felt a little more secure.

Zhang Sheng has a strong brainwashing ability and is full of benevolence, justice and morality.

When you stay with him, your thinking will unconsciously synchronize with his, and then you will gradually feel that what he says, even some evil things, make sense.

He was afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would be completely brainwashed, and then...

After returning to the villa, he chatted with the assistant director, the choreographer and the planning team.

This year's Spring Festival Gala can actually be saved despite Zhang Sheng's nonsense. As long as we can invite Lin Jianyong and Huang Hongsheng, some of the sketch masters, and if we can invite teacher Zhao Degang, that will be even better.

In the past few years, many artists of the older generation have retired due to age, the restructuring of the Spring Festival Gala, mental pressure, or their works.

At first, I didn’t feel anything. I felt that the younger generation also had a number of outstanding talents. However, later, the whole Spring Festival Gala seemed to have changed.

There is no denying the excellence of the younger generation, but they cannot support the show. The audience still likes those familiar faces.

From 2009 to 2011, the Spring Festival Gala director team invited them many times, but...

Without exception they all ended in failure.

Naturally, Ha Wenliang, like the rest of the director team, was grasping at these life-saving straws and wanted to make a last-ditch effort.

The ten days from November 17th to November 27th.

Ha Wenliang traveled all over the Northeast and searched for almost all the seniors he could find.

I also personally visited him and tried to persuade him, but the seniors said they would consider it.


"Teacher Huang Hongsheng said that he did not have suitable works..."


"Teacher Zhao Degang has been feeling unwell recently and is focusing on recuperating..."


"Teacher Lin Jianyong is available, but teacher Huang Hongsheng will not participate, and neither will he..."


The Spring Festival Gala, for countless artists in the entertainment industry, is the greatest honor in this life, and it is also a kind of recognition.

But for those old-timers, it doesn’t mean much anymore if they can’t attend the Spring Festival Gala.

November 28th.

The weather in Yanjing City is getting colder and colder.

The temperature is generally below 7 degrees...

Ha Wenliang was sitting in the study room of the villa, blowing on the air conditioner, watching the Spring Festival Gala works submitted one by one with the deputy director and planning team of the Spring Festival Gala.

I can't say it's bad, but it still has no bright spots.

After reading these works, Ha Wenliang also heard some polite rejections from his seniors.

These ten days...

He is working in vain.

“Is this year’s Spring Festival Gala over?”


Outside the window of the study, the north wind blew slowly.

One of the assistant directors asked this question awkwardly.

Ha Wenliang did not respond.

At this moment, his cell phone rang.

When he glanced at the phone, he saw that it was Zhang Sheng calling.

It seems that Zhang Sheng also came over to review his sketches.

Although he had complicated emotions towards Zhang Sheng, Ha Wenliang was still very polite when he answered Zhang Sheng's call.

The directors of the Spring Festival Gala were filled with indignation. When they heard that Zhang Sheng was coming, they expressed their disdain for Zhang Sheng's company, and some even scolded Zhang Sheng.


When the door was pushed open, the assistant director who scolded Zhang Sheng first had a bright smile on his face, and even stood up to greet him.

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, are you here? It's cold outside, come here and warm yourself up..."

"boss Zhang!"

"Director Zhang!"

"Director Zhang, sit here..."

"Director Zhang!"


In the study.

Zhang Sheng also greeted these assistant directors with a smile on his face, and then with a humble face, he bluntly said that you are all seniors. Faced with the directors giving up their seats, he always insisted on sitting in the corner, but he really couldn't stand it. He was so enthusiastic about helping the directors that he finally managed to sit down as the second-in-command director of the Spring Festival Gala.

Ha Wenliang looked at this scene...

His facial muscles couldn't help but twitch hard.

A new round of review meetings began under the leadership of Ha Wenliang.

When Zhang Sheng "modestly" presented his two language works, everyone unanimously agreed and gave the green light.

Some people even shamelessly praised Zhang Sheng, praising him as "a great talent in the world".

Ha Wenliang felt waves of flattery. Although he was used to seeing these faces, he still couldn't help but feel disgusted deep in his heart.

This group of people secretly knew some of the attitude of the superiors. Although the superiors did not hint, next year, Zhang Sheng, a layman who had just obtained his director's certificate not long ago and did not even have a movie, is very likely to be in [ The Chinese Directors Association] has a certain right to speak...

The meeting lasted until 9 o'clock in the evening.

The assistant directors and planning team dispersed one by one.

Only Zhang Sheng was left in the study.

For some reason, Ha Wenliang felt a little frightened when he saw Zhang Sheng.

He saw Zhang Sheng approaching with a smile.

"Director Ha... I heard some rumors. I heard that you want to invite seniors like Zhao Degang to come over, but it's not ideal?"

"Yes..." Ha Wenliang nodded.

What kind of gossip is this? Now everyone on the Internet knows that they have been going to Zhao Degang and others for more than ten days, but they still ended in failure.

"Is it possible that the method is wrong?"

"Mr. Zhang, what do you have to say?"

"I can't talk about Gao Jian. I can talk about dreams. I think even old artists have artistic dreams..."


"How about, Director Ha, let's go look for it together?"

"Mr. Zhang, don't waste this time. In more than a month, the Spring Festival Gala program will enter the final review period. Let's not waste this time..."

"Why is this a waste of time? It just so happens that I need some advice on my sketch, so I just asked teachers Huang Hongsheng and Lin Jianyong. As seniors in the sketch circle, they should be able to help the younger ones..."

"They are all very busy...Mr. Zhang, we can't bother them..." Ha Wenliang frowned.

During this period of contact with Zhang Sheng, he realized more and more that Zhang Sheng would collect some nectar for you even if he was a passing bee.

"Director Ha, your situation is too small again. What is trouble? Maybe if we ask them for help, not only will it not make them feel troublesome, but it will enhance our relationship..."

"boss Zhang……"

"Okay, okay, Director Ha, stop frowning. You are already old. If you frown again, I will doubt that I will have to visit your grave next year. Director Ha, stop standing. Let's go..."

"Mr. Zhang, don't pull me. Where are you going? It's too late..."

"When I go to Northeast China, I will talk about my dreams with my seniors and give them some souvenirs..."

"Ah? Mr. Zhang, what I mean is...it's late at night. If you want to go, you have to go tomorrow..."

"That's right, Director Ha. In this case, you can give me the detailed information of these seniors. The information of family members is the best. I will go and think about it... By the way, your villa is so big, there should be a lot of empty rooms, right?"

"Mr. Zhang, what are you..."

"Arrange a room for me. I'll sleep here at night. By the way, we [Honeycomb Extreme Delivery] have launched a late-night snack event. Please help me order a late-night snack. I'm a little hungry. By the way, you can go on a mission to get it. With a red envelope, you can have a midnight snack for two people for at least 10 yuan..."

"Zhang Sheng!"



November 29th.


The north wind is biting.

Zhao De just woke up from his sleep, and then heard his wife Hou Guihua pushing open the bedroom door.

"The director team of the Spring Festival Gala is here again?"

"Yeah, here we go again."

Zhao Degang frowned.

However, he still sighed and walked downstairs from the bedroom.

When he walked downstairs, before he could react, he saw a young man wearing glasses, carrying a large bag of gifts, and his eyes lit up!

"Hey, Teacher Zhao is here? Teacher Zhao, you..."

The young man came over excitedly, and then shook his hand tightly.

"boss Zhang?"

The young man's smile was quite contagious. After the two parties sat down, he saw Zhang Sheng's face burst into laughter: "Come here today and I saw Erya live broadcast on the Internet?"

"Girl, just have fun. By the way, Mr. Zhang, what are you doing..."

"Oh, I watched a few of Erya's live broadcasts, and I thought they were pretty good. I want to sign her..."


"I've brought all the contracts. By the way, Teacher Zhao, why don't you also live broadcast it?"


Not far away, Ha Wenliang, who was sitting and drinking tea, suddenly turned green when he saw Zhang Sheng coming over not to talk about the Spring Festival Gala but to do business.


(power cut!)


(I can no longer write it when I go to an Internet cafe...)

(I can only update 4,000 words today!)


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