I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 680 [Yu Libao is online]

December in Yanjing City.

The weather was unbelievably cold.

As soon as I stepped outside, I felt a biting cold wind blowing against my face. Soon I developed frostbite.

Fatty Wang gets chilblains every year, but not that much this year.

In the hotel, a meeting was taking place, and a new round of local promotion conference for "Dungeon" was held.

Fatty Wang listened with dull eyes...

The highest point of the stock market on April 18, 2011 was 3067.46 and fell all the way to 2315.46 points in October 2011...

The Big Bear City has made countless people mourn.

October is getting warmer and the market is booming. Countless experts are talking about the upcoming bull market in the stock market this year.

Fatty Wang was so excited that he jumped into the stock market with 50,000 yuan. After about ten days of fighting, he successfully increased the amount from 50,000 yuan to 80,000 yuan!

Seeing how easy it was for Fatty Wang to make money, his heart naturally swelled up. At first, he would run with him during the day and direct the newcomers to work. But gradually, whenever he was free during the day, he would take out his laptop and connect to the Internet. Staring at the stock market, until late November, Fatty Wang gradually felt that he seemed to have found another way...

Every day when the market opens, he stares at the computer, watching the rise and fall...

Every day when the market closed, he began to read various books and listen to various experts analyzing the market trends of each stock...

From 80,000 to 100,000!

It only takes two days at the shortest from buying at the lowest limit to the highest limit!

Although Fatty Wang did not exaggerate so much, he still made nearly 100,000 yuan from the initial capital of 50,000 yuan in a short period of time!

When it becomes easier and easier to make money, and when the data starts to become more and more crazy, what are you thinking about?




December 1st.

At the [Local Promotion Conference], all the content was about various interpersonal relationships and business training.

However, Fatty Wang's mind was filled with red and colorful daily limit boards, and it was too easy to make money, which gradually made him lose interest in the so-called "local promotion" and the so-called traditional industries.

After the meeting, Fatty Wang ran non-stop to the rental house after dealing with the leaders.

Open that laptop and stare at the stocks with excitement!

The continuous success in November and reading some expert opinions have convinced him that he has a certain talent in stock trading!




The cost of tens of thousands of yuan is too small!

When the greed deep inside is gradually expanded, it can no longer be contained!

He borrowed more than 200,000 yuan from his hometown, and adding his own money and loans, nearly 350,000 yuan worth of property was invested in the stock market!

Make a million!

Just buy a suite in Yanjing and stop playing!

However, the expected increase did not occur...

Instead, it dropped a bit.

"Don't worry, this is a technical adjustment, a technical adjustment!"

"The market is good..."


Looking at the Shanghai Composite Index which is over 2,000 points.

Fatty Wang calmed down, then recorded a series of data with a pen, opened the Internet, looked at a series of experts' comments, and found that his judgment was completely consistent with the experts' comments.

The bear market for stocks has been falling sharply for more than half a year since April 2011. In the last month of 2011, there will definitely be another bullish trend!

On the afternoon of December 1st, when the market closed, Fatty Wang looked at his green stock. He was disappointed, but he always believed that the bull market would strike again, maybe tomorrow!


Don’t throw it!

Can't throw it away!

On December 2, Fatty Wang stayed up all night, so he simply took a leave of absence and stayed in front of the computer as soon as he opened his eyes.

As soon as the stock market opened, the market index plummeted instantly!

Fatty Wang was shocked!

More than 300,000 yuan was reduced by tens of thousands in an instant!

At this moment, he gradually became a little anxious and continued to look at various stock information. Then after listening to a clear analysis, he realized again that his path was right and he could not give up!

December 3rd.

Fatty Wang felt that he was a little nervous. He did not go to the [Local Marketing Conference] meeting and lost interest in the so-called bonuses. At this moment, he was only staring at the stock market, which had fallen three times in a row.

It has dropped below 300,000...

this moment……

He panicked, looking at various expert analyzes everywhere, joining various stock trading groups, and looking at the stocks that made a lot of money and made him rich...

He began to learn from his disciples, listened to all kinds of words and deeds, and then dumped all the stocks, but invested in those stocks with greater risks but greater returns.

December 4th, limit down!

The stock market is all green!

On December 5, it continued to fall to the limit, and more than 200,000 yuan was locked up, but the market rose.

On December 6, there was no limit, but it was still falling, and the entire market was in turmoil.

On December 9, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets both opened lower in early trading, at 2315.51 points, down 14.31 points, or 0.61 points. Fatty Wang’s stocks, like his face, were all green.

He stared at the principal that dropped from more than 300,000 to 200,000...

His eyeballs were bloodshot, he was sitting on the chair, and his scalp was numb!

"No way, no way, experts are fucking liars!"


He joined a series of QQ groups and WeChat groups, but found that most of the [disciple] groups where people paid tuition fees to buy inside information were blocked for suspected fraud.

【Study! 】

【Study! 】

【Study! 】

In his ears, he still recalled the image of the successful master raising his hands and shouting loudly.

His heart is bleeding!

If I keep fucking going, my underwear will be gone, but if I don’t fuck, I’ll just take the money and leave!

Oh shit!

I have lost hundreds of thousands, how can I make money?


2011 was a bittersweet year for Chinese investors.

Starting from April, in order to solve the inflation problem, monetary policy was tightened in the first three quarters. It was not until November that CCTV began to lower the deposit reserve ratio by 0.5%...

The top leaders held an economic meeting and said that China's economic situation is still getting more and more severe, but the real estate policy is still not relaxed.

Countless investors dream of making big money in the stock market, but many lose their pants!

More and more negative news is sweeping across the entire Chinese stock market.

Many retail investors who had suffered huge losses were almost going crazy and walked towards the rooftop one after another.

Seeing the great turmoil in the stock market and various negative news, countless vigilant young people began to no longer choose to invest in the stock market, but deposited their money in banks.

Various news trends gradually changed from "bull market" to "bear market". From the beginning of December to December 5, more and more experts no longer touted the so-called stock market, but changed their approach.

Similar to [Don’t spend money indiscriminately], similar to [Save money], similar to [Be cautious when investing]...

And at this time slot.

An interview video from Ma Yunhua became a hot search topic.

As the founder of [Taozhu.com], the founder of China’s e-commerce, he is called Papa Ma by countless young people.

Ma Yunhua's influence in China's financial circle is extremely amazing!

"A few days ago, I held a meeting with all employees of [Jiahu Technology] who have been working for more than five years!"

"In the meeting, I told them seriously... [Taozhu.com] has been established for 7 years, and we have so many millionaires and multi-millionaires. In the eyes of others, we are very successful, but why are we successful?"

"Are we diligent? There are more people who are more diligent than us. Seven years ago, when [Taozhu.com] first started, it was very difficult for us to recruit workers. Everyone regarded me as a big liar and a financial criminal..."

"In the past seven years, you say we are smart? In these seven years, many companies and a lot of capital have poached our smart employees or started their own businesses, leaving us who are looked down upon by the market and are not smart. There was no market for people willing to poach, so we foolishly followed [Taozhu.com]. After working for so many years, we finally achieved something, and before we knew it, hey, we found ourselves so rich!"


"Having said that, over the years, I have always proudly claimed that we [Taozhu.com] are pioneers, and we [Jiahu Technology] have always been at the forefront of the times..."

"Why do we make [Yu Li Bao]? Because in recent years, more and more brands have followed us, and more and more people have trusted us [Jiahu Technology]. We have made money, and then we dare to tell the truth. We Dare to innovate, we, this group of people, got together and thought about making some contribution to China's financial system..."

"Everyone can't buy stocks. Moreover, the stock market is so bad now, and no one's money comes from the strong wind, right?"

"I have gone to the bank, and the bank said that this is a financial product and they dare not do it. But if we don't do it, multinational companies will do it. In that case, we will become victims of foreign investment!"

"Can we see these things? No, we can't!"

“Some people are timid, but as a founder and a pioneer, we cannot be timid. [Taozhu.com] has created a new era of e-commerce, and now [Yu Libao] I believe that this is another It is a new era, and I am willing to boldly try and do things that do not harm the country or customers. Moreover, the first rich will lead to the latter, and we will lead our group of young people to make money together. This is my mission, and more It’s a social responsibility!”



Ma Yunhua's speech was very impassioned.

After listening to the speech, countless people and media applauded.

What followed was that in the [Zhilibao] system of [Taozhu.com], a [Yulibao] column appeared!


"Where's Zhang Sheng? Why can't I contact him yet?"

"He is studying in Yanshihua!"

"Damn it, the flood has reached his heels. Why is he still reviewing? What a waste of reviewing! Does he want to take the postgraduate entrance examination?"


December 7th.

Several staff members of [China Construction Bank] stared at the menacing beast [Zhilibao], and their expressions suddenly changed!


He hurriedly took a group of bank managers to Yanshihua...

But the result was a rejection.

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