The overall ratings of the 2011 Spring Festival Gala were 31.04%, and the overall market share reached 65%.

No matter how you complain or how bad it is, the Spring Festival Gala is still an indispensable activity for most people.

Young people like to play mahjong, cards, and mobile phones...

However, they always turn on the TV subconsciously, even if they don't watch it, they just listen to it.

Not for anything else, just to make the house lively and to be a background sound.

And this year’s Spring Festival Gala…

The hands playing mahjong stopped subconsciously.

One spreads to ten, a hundred, a hundred spreads to a thousand...

Everyone picked up their phones almost at the same time and shook it at [WeChat].

When you win the red envelope...

Countless people excitedly called friends and shared various things...

An amazing fission!

It is raging crazily at an incredible speed.


Sketch, cross talk, singing and dancing...

One program after another, like watching a horse and watching flowers, gradually passed by.

The Spring Festival Gala is lively and noisy...

Backstage at the Spring Festival Gala, the string deep in Ha Wenliang's heart was always tight.

His eyes were fixed on the CSM national measuring instrument.

31.4, 31.5, 31.6…

It has surpassed the ratings of the 2011 Spring Festival Gala!

There was excitement, but besides the excitement, the string deep in my heart became tighter and tighter.

Liu Chungen is about to go on stage. Although rehearsals before the Spring Festival Gala have made Liu Chungen familiar with the Spring Festival Gala environment, no one knows what Liu Chungen will be like until the last moment.

That is a big stage that all 1.4 billion people in the country are paying attention to!

The imprint of being a bricklayer has always been deeply engraved in Ha Wenliang's heart. The more this moment came, the more nervous Ha Wenliang became.

In previous years’ Spring Festival Gala, all the singers sang [recorded] music, but in this year’s Spring Festival Gala, the rest of the singers were still recorded, but the few singers designated by Zhang Sheng...

Ha Wenliang argued hard and repeatedly refuted, and even all the directors on the directing team chose to persuade Zhang Sheng.

What does it mean to really sing?

It means that the singer must make no mistakes from beginning to end, which means there are too many uncontrollable factors, and it also means that he has to place his bet on a mason.

However, it was useless. As the chief director, he had no decision-making power at all on some matters. Some projects even became Zhang Sheng's dictum, and his role was more like a handyman.

"It's about to start. Is the equipment ready for debugging?"


"Okay! Are the lights ready?"


"Okay, all units are ready!"


Ha Wenliang no longer watches the skyrocketing ratings of CSM's national meter.

At this moment, his eyes were only on the stage. He took the trouble to tell the staff over the walkie-talkie over and over again that they must record the various equipment to the best condition.

Time kept ticking by. Ha Wenliang couldn't help wiping the sweat on his forehead again. He looked towards the singer's passage backstage. He saw Liu Chungen wearing an ordinary jacket and walking silently from the lounge. out.

He wanted to step forward to give him a few words, but saw Zhang Sheng walking out of another office.

Liu Chungen's figure who was about to take the stage paused slightly.

Ha Wenliang subconsciously quickened his pace, but heard...

"Did you eat well?"


"Would you like to rest?"


"How are you feeling..."


"Are you ready for the whole country to remember you?"




It was a very simple and short conversation.

Ha Wenliang stared at Liu Chungen, but found that Liu Chungen's face was calm...

But it was wrong. Under the calm expression, Ha Wenliang keenly felt that there was a flame in Liu Chungen's body, which was burning with bursts of strong emotions.

He saw Zhang Sheng pat his shoulder, and then watched Liu Chungen step onto the stage.

"Mr. Zhang, he..."

"Would you like to see a magic trick?"


He looked at Zhang Sheng, who was staring at the stage with a smile.


The lights dim.

Liu Chungen stood in the slowly rising elevator. A breeze blew, making Liu Chungen feel a little chilly.

For a moment, endless darkness seemed to envelope it, and a sense of loneliness overflowed instantly, and then, it continued to permeate the surroundings.

The short-term fear and short-term uneasiness still affected Liu Chungen's mind, and the boundless tension was always accumulating in his heart.

The lights dimmed.

It was so bright that Liu Chungen was dazzled for a while. When he gradually revealed half of his head and saw countless devices shining on him and countless pairs of eyes staring at him, all his emotions turned into ashes at this moment. He held tightly Holding the guitar, feeling the temperature on the guitar, gently touching the strings...

He closed his eyes and felt his body gradually rising, then stopped. He also felt bursts of noise in his ears, as well as slight accompaniment, slowly sounding.

Poor living environment, poor material support, scoldings that hit the spine, doubts and ridicules from all directions...

Everything has never wiped out his persistence and love for music. It seems to be imprinted in his bones, and the stubbornness deep in his soul supports him to move forward step by step.


He walked onto this stage.

[I still remember the spring many years ago

I hadn't cut off my long hair at that time

No credit card and no her.

A home without 24-hour hot water...]

He opened his eyes.

The moment your hand touches the guitar strings, countless sounds and all emotions are integrated into the lyrics.

As he opened his mouth, at that moment, the lights on the stage enveloped his whole body, bathing him in the most brilliant position and receiving the attention of everyone.

The big screens behind him suddenly lit up with his voice.

In the audience, the young people who were grabbing red envelopes were stunned and subconsciously looked up at Liu Chungen.

They heard a hoarse sound, as if in the wilderness, a not so loud roar slowly rose in their ears.

The leaders' expressions gradually changed from smiles to serious ones, and they listened carefully to the lonely figure on the stage...

He looked at the figure and began to roar, the cry tearing through the brief numbness.

The screen behind...

Silent videos and photos flashed by.


"This song……"

Spring Festival Gala in the past.

Everything is festive, everyone is getting together, making dumplings, and talking about all kinds of festive things.

But this year's Spring Festival Gala is not just about the happiness on the clouds...

In front of the TV.

Those young people who were frantically grabbing red envelopes and shaking their tendon sheaths were in pain when they heard the sound coming from the TV, they subconsciously raised their heads.

A few middle-aged people who were playing mahjong and smoking cigarettes subconsciously looked at the TV...

They saw Liu Chungen raising his head and roaring hysterically in the picture.

Amidst the roars, they saw a video flashing before everyone's eyes...

That video is from Zeng Jincheng’s [Hongyuan Decoration]...

Countless migrant workers surrounded [Hongyuan Decoration] in darkness. In the background, some were roaring, some were screaming, some were blushing, and some were kneeling on the ground and pleading...

【If one day I am old and homeless

Please keep me in that time

If one day I leave quietly

Please bury me in this spring! 】

Accompanied by Liu Chungen's hoarse roar, faces one after another in front of the camera recounted their despair.

There was a little uneasiness in his voice, as if he was an individual who was not being noticed in the great era.

News headlines from 2009 appeared in front of all viewers.

[Some are for their daughter’s tuition], [Some have worked hard for three years and were defrauded], [Some have paid all the money, but were eventually defrauded]...

Seeing this scene...

[Bird's Nest International Hotel].

The old employees of [Hongyuan Decoration] and now the department leaders of [Bird's Nest Decoration] couldn't help but have moist eyes.

Three years have passed like this.

But everything seems like yesterday...

The screen gave Liu Chungen a brief close-up, and then the close-up was overwhelmed by the crowd.

The camera flashed again, flashing to a brief scene in which the former [Hongyuan Decoration] was smashed into pieces...

In the picture, a signboard for a decoration company called [Bird's Nest Decoration] was hung...

The decoration company was small at first, and it was full of dilapidated things. From time to time, people would come to the door, and from time to time, someone would criticize...

Li Bin's figure appeared in the camera at some point, persuading customers over and over again, promising over and over again...

During that time, [Bird's Nest Decoration] lights were on over and over again, day or night.

Under the camera, Liu Chungen's figure is constantly in the dusty and muddy construction site, following everyone's efforts to pick up the lost reputation bit by bit...

Dirty body, but strong back. At the most tiring moment, when night falls and everyone is sleeping on the construction site, his figure holding the guitar and playing and singing with his co-workers turns into pieces. Haunting under the camera, that seems to be one of the few entertainment activities they have...

In a fleeting photo, what was once dilapidated, once ruined, once dirty and messy gradually becomes spacious, bright and tidy...

Three years, a blink of an eye.

In the singing, some figures gradually disappeared, some people became leaders, some people went abroad in the singing, and continued projects one after another abroad, bringing China's decorative and architectural culture abroad, while some people still stay at home. , continue to stand on the front line and guard...

in a photo.

A [decoration company] went from being dilapidated to the extreme, then gradually stood up, and became bigger and bigger...


Ma Yunhua's expression gradually became more wonderful.

this person……

It seems that they are using the MV of the Spring Festival Gala to advertise their decoration company!

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