I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 700: Run forward to meet the cold looks and ridicule! (Four thousand words!)

End of skit...

Countless doubts turned into applause at this moment.

Li Fugui stood on the stage.

Tears wet my eyes, but I still held back a smile...

It’s Chinese New Year today, so we can’t cause trouble for the audience.

He left the Spring Festival Gala with a smile.

But when I arrived backstage, tears finally came out of my eyes.

When he saw Director Ha Wenliang, who had never wanted to see him, he rushed over excitedly.

First, he shook hands with the two sketch masters Lin Jianyong and Huang Hongsheng. After shaking hands, he looked at him, and then gave him a tight hug!

Li Fugui felt his ears buzzing, and for a while he didn't know what Director Ha Wenliang was saying to him.

It seems to be talking about ratings.

Their ratings have gone up a lot again...

It is very popular on the Internet and has high praise...

But he couldn't understand the specifics, but he knew that everyone was happy...

Looking at the smiling faces, he breathed a sigh of relief. This time during the Spring Festival Gala, he did not let anyone down!

He was also very happy. His eyes subconsciously searched for Zhang Sheng, but he did not see Zhang Sheng.

Only later did he learn that Mr. Zhang had left the Spring Festival Gala stage early.


"What happened to the decoration workers?"

"What happened to the mason?"

"What happened to the guy knocking on the wall?"

"Why can't you go to the Spring Festival Gala?"


"Come, let's drink for our dreams!"


[WeChat promotion] Regional lobby.

As the sketch "Decoration" comes to an end, the atmosphere continues to rise.

Perhaps they were too drunk. In the hall, groups of excited young people were shouting like crazy at the screen.

The sound made He Yuan's eardrums buzz and feel a little painful.

However, He Yuan did not feel the noise. Instead, he stood up very excited and joined in the carnival.

They drank wine and grabbed red envelopes...

Soak up the buzz and waves.

They saw Mr. Li Bin from [Qiangsheng Online Mall] and [Bird's Nest Decoration] walking over.

Mr. Li was very excited and followed Hu Guozhu, the leader of the [Local Promotion] team. Mr. Hu clinked a glass. Then, he excitedly took the wine glass and toasted with them.

After finishing this glass of wine, before he finished speaking, he saw the person in charge of [WeChat], Liu Changyu, who also came over drunkenly with red wine.

Looking at everyone excitedly.

"I'm here to announce good news. Today, before the Spring Festival Gala ends, our [WeChat] has already exceeded 50 million downloads!"

“We are not far away from [WeChat] owned by [Tengji Technology], the dominant player in China’s social networking field!”

"Thank you, Mr. Hu, thank you, thank you!"


"Here, let me toast you all!"

"Thank you for your hard work day and night to expand your customers. Thank you for protecting our [WeChat]. Thank you..."


Liu Changyu came over and toasted everyone again. After the toast, he seemed a little too drunk, but he was even more excited.

He talked freely about his plans for [WeChat] in the new year.

However, he hadn't chatted for long when he saw Xu Guangbiao, a man with black hair from [Shengteng Technology], walking over with Jin Minjing.

One by one, the leaders walked into the [Local Promotion] area hall.

Every leader has gratitude and gratitude on his face...

He Yuan drank one cup after another. He never thought that people like himself could be so valued...

At this moment, he suddenly felt that his persistence seemed to have another meaning besides the high bonuses.

Although these people are tired, exposed to wind and sun, and suffer a lot...

They are the cornerstone of the entire local promotion team.

Just when they were drinking and drinking, and everyone was excited, they saw a figure wearing glasses appear at the door...

The originally exciting scene suddenly became quiet...

Countless leaders looked at that figure.

Excitement, adoration, incredible, fanaticism, madness...

"boss Zhang!"

"Mr. Zhang! Aren't you at the Spring Festival Gala?"

"Mr. Zhang, did I read that correctly? You're actually here?"

"Ah, Mr. Zhang, why are you here..."

"boss Zhang!"


Voices sounded next to Zhang Sheng, and countless pairs of eyes looked at Zhang Sheng.

At this moment, Zhang Sheng was smiling all over his face. Facing these people, he laughed: "My mission for the Spring Festival Gala has been completed, so I came back early..."



Zhang Sheng could see all the worried expressions in his eyes, but he waved his hand: "Okay, let's not talk about anything else today. Let me toast you all first! Come on, raise your glass!"

Everyone looked at the figure who picked up the wine glass not far away...

this moment……

Raise your glass, everyone!

He Yuan felt that all the cells in his body were replaced by bursts of heat that was about to explode...

He drank the wine in one gulp!

When I was thinking about what to say...

They saw the screen in the distance suddenly light up again.

Immediately afterwards...

A rhythmic piano sound suddenly sounded.

Amidst the bursts of piano sounds, He Yuan looked at the big screen fiercely.

On the big screen, he saw Ah K walking to the center of the stage step by step.

Immediately afterwards...

"Where is the world full of flowers!"

"If it really existed then I would definitely go..."

"I want the highest mountain to stand there"

“I don’t care if it’s a cliffhanger…”


A pair of eyes looked at Ah K on the Spring Festival Gala stage.

They saw Ah K holding the microphone and raising his head slightly. Then, in his slightly hoarse voice, documentaries appeared on the big screen not far away!

He Yuan's eyes widened.

“You’re in a documentary!”

"No! I am also in the documentary, this is me, this is me, I also went to the Spring Festival Gala!"

"I am also here!"


The whole hall suddenly burst into excited voices...

Countless pairs of eyes stared at the figure on the screen in shock...

He Yuan's heart suddenly trembled, and then, for some reason, tears burst out of his eyes uncontrollably...

He saw himself in the documentary.

That was the time for [QR code] promotion...

He saw a smile on his face, but was rejected again and again, but still refused to give up and continued to walk to the next house...


"Run forward to face the cold looks and ridicule!"

"How can you feel the vastness of life without experiencing hardships!"

"Fate cannot make us kneel down and beg for mercy!"

"Even if blood is spilled all over my arms..."

On the stage, Ah K held the microphone and his high-pitched voice spread throughout the Spring Festival Gala.

The sound of drums and bass filled the air and exploded in an instant.

On the big screen behind him, from the corner of his eye, Ah K saw videos and pictures...

It was 2009. He was standing under the overpass at 4 o'clock in the morning, singing songs that no one cared about. In the darkness, he couldn't see any direction clearly...

He doubted that he had no talent, doubted music, doubted everything he saw, and even doubted the meaning of his so-called persistence.

That year, he composed the song "In the Rain"...

That year, he created "Running"...

Memories kept rolling around in Ah K's mind, as familiar and clear as yesterday...

The blood boiled in his heart, and he sang more and more hysterically, as if everything he had ever experienced was roared out in these roars!


"Maybe I don't have talent"

"But I have the innocence of dreams"

"I will prove it with my whole life!"

"Maybe my hands are clumsy..."

"But I am willing to keep exploring and devote all my youth without leaving any regrets!"


[Honeycomb extremely free].

One by one, the knights stared at the screen in shock...




They saw people riding electric bicycles, shuttling through the streets and alleys...

They saw a heavy rain...

They saw a person fall in the heavy rain and hurt so much that he couldn't help himself, but he desperately protected the takeaway and finally delivered the takeout to the customer's home...

They also saw hurried figures in the snow, and also saw complaints one by one...

Vaguely, mixed with "Why is the delivery so slow!" ] [I want to complain to your leader about you] [Damn, I can’t even deliver a takeaway], [When your son grows up, don’t deliver takeaways]...

In the video, they saw harsh sounds...

They apologized over and over again, living like a dog, humble to the extreme, but in their ordinary positions, they did everything they did seriously...

As they watched, their tears kept flowing out. The excitement just now turned into an indescribable emotion at this moment. They wiped away their tears...

At this moment, almost everyone had an idea deep in their hearts, that is, Mr. Zhang has never forgotten them and always remembers them...


Spring Festival Gala scene.

Liu Chungen stared blankly at the constantly switching videos on the stage.

He saw his live broadcast room...

In the empty live broadcast room, he kept singing like a clown.

Li Fugui next to him also looked at his figure...

He was knocking on the wall at the renovation site...

Covered in mud, he looks like the filthiest person in the world. Even he himself doesn’t know who shot this video...


Waves of ridicule were heard on the screen.

[Can a decoration worker attend the Spring Festival Gala? 】

[You should just knock on the wall honestly, stop being funny...]

[You have to know who you really are...]


The background sounds were not too heavy, but they were like a knife piercing his chest.


When you are most disappointed...

A high-pitched voice sounded.

"Run forward to meet the cold looks and ridicule!"

"How can you feel the vastness of life without experiencing hardships!"



[Honeycomb Extreme Delivery] The figures of delivery riders running around the city...

[Jitu Video] Programmers working overtime until late at night...

[Bosch Technology] Employees working on the assembly line...

[Bird's Nest Decoration] Figures with tears streaming down their faces, covered in mud and eroded by dust, but smiling...

[The army of local promoters] was rejected again and again, and was regarded as a scam again and again. They traveled all over the streets and alleys of the city, spending day after day in bitterness and exhaustion...

Video after video.

In the loud and clear singing of "Chasing Dreams", it is constantly being switched.

Ah K became more and more excited as he sang, and his whole body seemed to be integrated with the sound.

In the audience at the Spring Festival Gala.

Some people's eyes were slightly red as they listened, some were very excited, and some sang along after listening to it once...

The camera records every expression...

"Mr. Ma..."

"In this year's Spring Festival Gala, Zhang Sheng went too far. All his properties were shown on the screen!"

"Oh, is it possible that in China we only have Zhang Sheng's "Beehive Jisong"? Isn't he bending the law for personal gain?"

"This is not the Spring Festival Gala. This is Zhang Sheng's own company's Spring Festival Gala! We might as well move it to their place..."

"Every video shows Zhang Sheng's company logo. This is too much!"

"Why doesn't Zhang Sheng appear in the video? Isn't he very inspiring? Ah, haha..."

"Mr. Ma, what are your plans next? What are your countermeasures? This time, Zhang Sheng..."


Ma Yunhua came out of the bathroom and heard the harsh voice on the phone.

That was the call from Liu Hong. When Liu Hong saw this, she seemed to be filled with anger and had nowhere to vent her anger, so she could only call Ma Yunhua.

Beside the phone, Liu Jiahui seemed to be persuading Liu Hong not to get so angry and to stay calm.

Listening to the voice on the phone, Ma Yunhua remained silent.

He also received a call from Li Zongyao, who reminded him on the phone that he must prepare in time...

The influence of this year's Spring Festival Gala is so great that the download volume of [WeChat] is almost crazy...

He returned to his seat.

He was quickly thinking of countermeasures in his mind.

After thinking about it, he glanced ahead subconsciously.

In front is the leadership seat of the Spring Festival Gala.

At the leadership table, each leader looked at the figures on the screen.

Seems a little moved.

One of the old men nodded repeatedly.

“This year’s Spring Festival Gala is very meaningful!”

He seemed to be feeling something when he said this. When he finished saying this, he started to applaud.

When hearing this sentence, several other leaders were shocked, especially the leaders of CCTV, who responded with a smile and praised Zhang Sheng profusely.

They said that this proposal was a joint effort between them and Zhang Sheng, just to make this year's Spring Festival Gala more down-to-earth...

not far away……

Although Ma Yunhua didn't know what these leaders were saying, he could guess a little bit from their expressions.

He frowned.

He had a hunch that after this Spring Festival Gala, Zhang Sheng would most likely launch a stormy offensive against the entire market!


Zhang Shenghui has an absolute advantage!


It seems that from this moment on, it will become the defensive side!

(Today there are 7,000 words, this chapter has 4,000 words...)

(Please give me a monthly pass!)

(It’s not that I don’t want to update more, but it’s really difficult to write...)

(Kneel down and beg!)

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