I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 706 No martial ethics! (Third update! Big update for Guo Jiuxing!)

Big Year.

[Tengji Technology] All [WeChat] leadership received a text message from the company.

After receiving the text message...

The leaders hurried into the [WeChat] business group.

Even the leader who was previously in charge of [Q Dog] sat in the position of the [WeChat] business group.

Zhang Xiaoqiang sat at the main seat in the conference room.

"[WeChat] has over 100 million users nationwide..."

His face was haggard.

[Spring Festival Gala] So far, he has never slept a full night. Even if he fell asleep, he would be awakened by nightmares.

In a nightmare...

His [WeChat] was completely defeated by [WeChat].

The social field is different from other fields. The social field will only continue to expand, and it is extremely monopolistic, so that it is impossible for two social giants to truly appear in the same field nationwide, and even if they do, they will not last long.

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers!

[Q Dog] Over the years, he has been traveling all over the world and fighting against invincible opponents. This is a clear example.

Zhang Xiaoqiang's voice was extremely dry. After saying [WeChat] broke 100 million, all the strength in his body seemed to be drained.

"Everyone, I shouldn't have called you during the Chinese New Year. However, our [WeChat] has truly reached the stage of life and death, and it no longer has any advantage!"

"What will happen after [WeChat] is surpassed by [WeChat]? It will indirectly affect our payment, affect the social field that we were once proud of... and affect our roots!"

"The opponent is coming fiercely, and there is no way out behind us!"

"Leader Q Dog, I hope I can get your help this time..."


Zhang Xiaoqiang's posture was very low.

For a time, all the leaders were moved. Later, the leaders expressed their stance that they would support the big tree of [WeChat] with all their strength.

After getting a clear attitude, Zhang Xiaoqiang finally calmed down a little. After briefly chatting about the arrangements, he ended the meeting and walked towards Zheng Huateng's office.

From 10 o'clock in the morning to 5 o'clock in the afternoon...

Zheng Huateng's office has always been full of people coming in and out. These people are very mysterious. Zhang Xiaoqiang guessed that these people are the pillars of support behind [Tengji Technology]. Zhang Xiaoqiang has never had the opportunity to enter.

But during this period, I heard a series of bad news from [WeChat].

Their land promotion project is progressing very slowly, and their manpower is getting smaller and smaller. Some leaders on the phone were hesitant, saying that they had to celebrate the Chinese New Year during the [Spring Festival], and that they really had to visit relatives. Some even said They stayed in the ravine of their hometown and couldn't get out...

But after he truly understood the truth, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt like he was punched hard in the chest, suffocating him.

Zhang Sheng’s poaching is so crazy!

Zhang Sheng's leaders, large and small, all spontaneously took their bonuses and invested in promoting [WeChat] and poaching people.

According to the latest news.

They established a [Poaching Team] under the nose of [Tengji Technology], no, not just [Tengji Technology], but even [Jiahu Technology].

People in these groups obtained the phone numbers of members of the local promotion team of [Tengji Technology] or [Jiahu Technology] through various channels.

They do nothing but make phone calls to harass and poach people...

The crazy look made Zhang Xiaoqiang feel horrified!

Time passes little by little...

It wasn't until around 5:30 that Zhang Xiaoqiang walked into Zheng Huateng's office.

Zheng Huateng looked expressionless and closed his eyes after listening to what Zhang Xiaoqiang said.

"Then send it!"

I just said this...


From the first day of the Lunar New Year to the fifth day of the Lunar New Year.

A big thing happened in China Internet.

Both [Tengji Technology] and [Jiahu Technology] immediately sent a big red envelope to their employees.

The migrant workers who had been exploited to the point of misery were both surprised and pleasantly surprised when they saw the big red envelopes.

After so many years of suffering, I finally feel like a cow and a horse no longer.

When they truly realized the truth behind this incident, everyone praised Zhang Sheng to the sky.

"Zhang Sheng's year-end bonus stimulated these major Internet companies. They felt the crisis and had to give out red envelopes..."

"The total number of downloads of [WeChat] has exceeded 130 million, creating a miracle in the social field! [WeChat] has recently started to carry out various [Hourly Red Packet Rain] activities, and the number of users has increased to 150 million. However, , the influence is not comparable to [WeChat]’s red envelope distribution during the Spring Festival Gala, [WeChat] seems to be caught up... Moreover, [WeChat]’s current growth rate is really not as fast as [WeChat]!”

"I have two apps on my phone right now, namely [WeChat] and [WeChat]... just click wherever there are red envelopes..."

"By the way, today, the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, I saw a very strange thing to share with you. I found that in the merit box in the Temple of Wealth, there was actually a scan code for [WeChat] and a scan code for [WeChat]. Receive the red envelope, eh, that makes me happy, so why don’t you start knocking on technological wooden fish and meet the electronic Buddha now?”

"I also noticed, haha, [WeChat] also appeared in the temple in my hometown, which really made me happy. There was also a church. When I saw [WeChat] during worship, I was shocked. Oh, God, do all the old people use [WeChat]?”

"Also, on our bus in Hangzhou, three payment codes appeared. One was from [Zhilibao], one was from [WeChat], and the other was from [WeChat]. It seemed that electronic payment was unknowingly The era seems to have arrived suddenly..."


From the first day to the fifth day of the Lunar New Year.

Countless netizens and users have discovered one thing.

The payment system seems to be gradually spreading in all walks of life, with lightning speed and sudden spread.

While everyone is talking about payment systems...

On the Internet, a title called "All the money Zhang Sheng earned was given as a year-end bonus" became a hot search topic.

The article stated that all the money Zhang Sheng earned in 2011 was given as a year-end bonus...

As for Zhang Sheng himself, he had no car or house and lived in the company's lounge for three years...

After this article was fermented, a lot of fans and adoration appeared on the Internet instantly...


【Haishu Garden】.

The New Year firecrackers are a bit noisy.

It was already noon when Zhang Sheng woke up from his sleep.

Zhang Sheng walked out of the room.

I saw Lin Guodong sitting on the sofa smoking.

Zhang Sheng has no father or mother in this world, and has no real relatives, so he avoids the trivial chores of visiting relatives.

On the third day of the first lunar month, after walking into Lin Xia's house carrying a gift, Zhang Sheng simply slept with Lin Xia.


"woke up?"

"Um...Uncle, has the 4G license been issued?"

"The official license is coming soon, but the civilian 4G infrastructure has been laid out since the 3G era..."


Since officially giving up the [mobile phone business], [Yaohua Technology] has shifted its focus to the direction of [artificial intelligence] and [5G fields].

In the original world, 4G was truly popularized for civilian use and licenses were officially issued in 2013.

In this world, one year ahead of the original world, around February this year, the three major operators will obtain official 4G operating licenses.

4G era...

It is a node in the true sense.

This means that traffic charges will be reduced a lot, and it also means that many systems will be officially laid out in the future.

In 2011, [Yaohua Technology] and [Zhongsheng Technology] accounted for 52% of China Mobile’s 4G main equipment.

[Yaohua Technology] has also achieved 25% of the country's share in the field of 4G base stations, and this data is constantly increasing.

After Lin Guodong briefly explained the situation to Zhang Sheng, he looked at Zhang Sheng with a smile: "I heard the company's financial staff said that all the money you earned last year was almost spent? You don't have a house or a car..."

"That's not true. I just think that buying a house doesn't make much sense. As for a car... I don't need a car. I rely on taxis for all my travels. It's very convenient to use it at any time..."

"Ha ha."

Lin Guodong laughed loudly and then talked about his plans for the new year.

"Uncle...have you ever considered starting our own high-end industry?"

"You mean [artificial intelligence]? We have been doing this..."

"No, uncle, have you considered the chip?"


"Yes, chips are the true leader of the future industry. They are the foundation, but they are also the core..."

"We are overcoming the difficulties of independent chip design. We invest nearly 30 billion in research and development every year."

"Uncle, I think independent design is always in the initial stage. The real field is chip production and lithography machines...Uncle, have you ever considered that even if you really develop 5G, what will happen to the whole world?" Block your 5G?”

"Good stuff, why don't they use it? Unless they are mentally ill..."

“But what if it rises to the level of great power competition?”


The smile on Lin Guodong's face gradually disappeared, and then he lit a cigarette and started smoking.

Obviously, he heard something different from Zhang Sheng's words: "You mean, stuck in the neck?"

"Yes, it's not just the chip field, but also other fields..." Zhang Sheng took a deep breath and said a series of things.

"Chips, lithography machines, artificial intelligence and some of the things you mentioned... it is a bottomless pit... Moreover, it is not really possible to achieve results by spending money. It may take five, ten or twenty years of continuous investment. …Our family [Yaohua Technology] cannot bear the cost of time, manpower, and all aspects, and the final result may be in vain…” Lin Guodong murmured to himself after listening.

"Uncle... But we have to do it. At least, we have to guard against this trick, right? After these bad things on the Internet are solved... I will make more companies hate me to death and want to skin me. All the opponents who had been beaten rushed into this field..."

"How can this be done?" Lin Guodong frowned.

"Hey, many people are studying what I will do next, for fear that I will attack them..."


Just when Zhang Sheng and Lin Guodong were chatting.

Zhang Sheng's cell phone rang.

The call was from Ma Hongbo from [Apple]. Ma Hongbo's voice was a little frightened.

"boss Zhang……"

"What's up?"

“iPhone5 will be released ahead of schedule!”


(The third update is a big update for Guo Jiuxing, and there are 15 more updates!)

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