I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 709 Zhang Sheng’s Self-Analysis (Third update, a big update for Guo Jiuxing!)

January 29th.

2 o'clock in the afternoon.

In the hospital.

The smell of disinfectant is unusually strong.

The nurse slowly lifted Jos' body from the hospital bed.

Due to muscle atrophy caused by calorie consumption, no muscles can be seen in his hips, and his whole body is like a skeleton.

A very simple sitting action on weekdays, but at this moment, it was more like a luxury wish for Joss.

This morning, pain suddenly spread throughout my body, as if every cell in my body was in pain.


By the evening, the pain gradually disappeared, but except for his mouth and eyeballs, he seemed to have suddenly lost control of his body.

At this moment, his eyes were fixed on the big screen in front of him.

On the big screen is the scene at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco.

The lights flashed, countless people cheered, and the excitement of countless people could be felt through the screen.

That is, a kind of belief!

The memory seems to be brought back many years ago.

many years ago……

Wearing a black top and blue Levi's 501 jeans, he walked onto the stage under the spotlight and took out the first-generation iPhone...

He stroked lightly...

To this day, that touch of touch still remains on my fingertips.

In a daze, his fingers trembled slightly.

Countless excitements and cheers seemed to echo in my ears, as well as the long-lasting screams...

on the screen.

He saw Kusu slowly walking to the center of the stage.

He saw his old friend smile.

Immediately afterwards...

"Sorry, there is no Mr. Jos today..."

"But, I believe Mr. Joes, somewhere in the world, is paying attention to our iPhone 5 launch conference..."

"Perhaps, he will curse in his heart and feel that I am not wearing the right clothes today. Maybe, he will start the joke. Maybe, after the press conference, he will want to kick my ass..."

"But, no matter what, we are very proud of this company and proud of all the teams who work hard to bring us all these innovations and keep us at the forefront of technology..."

"I am even more proud to say that every product we have produced in the past is a work of art. They are all excellent and industry leaders. In the past, MP3/MP4, cameras... [IPO] is the reason why it can be in the industry Cutting-edge because we can perfectly integrate everything together..."


In the ward.

Looking at the calm and humorous old friend, Joss really wanted to kick Kusu's ass if he could.

Then, he wanted to laugh, but at this moment, he found that he was deprived of the right to laugh.

There were bursts of sobs all around.

That was the voice of her assistant Weiss.

He really wanted Weiss to stop crying, it was no big deal, but he couldn't do anything.

He felt that his soul was imprisoned in a numb body, and he could only look at the screen in front of him.


No matter what.

In China in 2012, the iPhone series of mobile phones is still one of the glory pursued by all young people.

1 o'clock in the morning.

Hundreds of millions of iPhone fans stayed in front of their computers to watch the iPhone 5 launch event through videos, live broadcasts of pictures and text on Weibo, and other methods.

Just a few hours ago, some managers under Zhang Sheng had a meeting together.

Zhou Wen of [Jitu Video] once suggested using means to block all live videos of iPhone5.

Liu Changyu even suggested that the iPhone and other series of words in [WeChat] should be set as [undisplayable] sensitive words...

At this moment, they [WeChat] have just reached the top. If the display of the iPhone series is reduced, their influence will be greatly reduced...

The previous [IPO] company's ban on Zhang Sheng's software is still vivid in my mind. At this moment, when Zhang Sheng succeeds, it is reasonable that he will fight back.


Zhang Sheng refused.

"Blocking means fear. If we are afraid of the other party, then it means that we will never get out of the cage we have set for ourselves..."

"Moreover, blocking is the stupidest method. When blocking others, we are also blocking ourselves..."

Everyone's suggestions were flatly rejected by Zhang Sheng in one sentence.

[Apple] In the office.

Ma Hongbo sat aside and watched the press conference.

"Mr. Zhang, do you think [iPhone 5] will copy us again? If so, our legal department will have work again." Ma Hongbo had a smile on his face.

"have no idea……"

Zhang Sheng was not smiling, but just stared at McCann Kusuo.

When he saw McCann Kusuo taking out a black iPhone 5, the smile on Ma Hongbo's face gradually disappeared.

After a long time: "He made rectifications based on our [appearance patent]..."

Ma Hongbo said this without confidence. When he saw that Zhang Sheng still remained silent, he stopped talking.


Deathly silence.

iPhone 5 is 7.6mm thick, 18% thinner than 4S; weighs 112g, 20% lighter than 4S…

In terms of volume, iPhone 5 is smaller than the previous generation product, and the body color is still black and white.

But the appearance is different from any [Appearance Patent] Zhang Sheng applied for. Its appearance seems to have become smoother, and at the same time, it has become more rounded...

What surprised Zhang Sheng was...

Not only does the iPhone 5 look different from any previous product, but there is a silver fingerprint recognition circle around the home button on the front of the iPhone 5, while the iPhone 4S and even the original iPhone 5 do not have a home button on the front. At the same time, when the processor used by 5 was introduced, Zhang Sheng looked at that processor silently...

I originally thought that they would use an A6 processor, and even all manufacturers thought it was an A6. However, the iPhone 5 in this world is equipped with a 64-bit dual-core Apple A7 processor.

Skipping the A6 processor directly...

Parameters emerged in Zhang Sheng's mind.

Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses and realized that the iPhone 5 configuration in this world was already the 5S configuration in the original world.

When the press conference reached the second half, Zhang Sheng stood up and walked not far away step by step.

Ma Hongbo also stood up.

"I received a message that the [Taomi 4] mobile phone will be officially released tomorrow. The rough parameters are the parameters of our [Apple 5], and it also focuses on cost-effectiveness. Should we..."

Although he knew the answer deep down in his heart, Ma Hongbo still came over and asked again.

Zhang Sheng did not answer, but shook his head.


After the press conference is over.

Kusuo rushed to the hospital immediately.

In the hospital...

Kusuo saw that Jos's originally immobile body was actually able to move.

Even deep in his throat, he could make a sound that was dry but slightly audible.

Kusuo was very excited and thought it was a medical miracle.

But when the doctor saw this scene, he shook his head.

"This is the secretion of adrenaline and the release of adenosine triphosphate within the cells..."

"What's the meaning?"

"When the human body faces a serious health threat, the brain will respond quickly and activate an emergency plan to release this hormone, allowing various parts of the body, including the originally weakened heart, lungs and digestive system, to obtain energy in a short period of time, thus allowing Patients exhibit temporary lucidity or other positive symptoms…”


Kusuo was shocked.

Then he suppressed the fear in his heart.

When he saw Joss, he smiled.

Joss also smiled at him, as if time went back to twenty years ago, when the two young people started a business together.

"Congratulations! The press conference was a success!" He said these words with great force, trying to keep himself clearer.


Kusuo sat on the edge of the bed and looked at his old friend lying on the hospital bed with his best posture.

After a brief exchange, Jos asked about the Chinese man's situation.

He laughed when he saw that the Chinese never made any more noise or filed a lawsuit with them.

Although I still don’t know how the other party knew about their previous [appearance patent], maybe it was their [IPO company] that really learned from that Chinese person.


None of this matters anymore.

"The Chinese didn't take advantage of the popularity of our iPhone 5 to launch their [Apple 5]..."

Weiss couldn't bear to look at Joss anymore, but tried hard to say these words calmly as usual.

Jos nodded.

But then, his brows frowned slightly.

Somehow, I suddenly became more and more uneasy.

Both Kusuo and Weisi were comforting him...

But he braced himself and shook his head: "Never underestimate the details of any opponent..."

After he said these words, he felt that his body seemed to be getting better again.

Just at this time……

Weiss's phone rang.

After answering the phone, Weisi glanced at Kusuo hesitantly.

Jos noticed this detail.

"What's wrong?"

"That Chinese guy sent an internal letter within his company..."

"Let me see……"


Weiss put the phone in front of Joss's eyes.

Jos looked at the article.

[First of all, I am writing this internal letter to my colleagues at [WeChat]...]

[At this moment, our [WeChat] total registered users have exceeded 160 million, while our friends’ [WeChat] only has 158 million. In the field of payment, we have achieved great success. We have not only opened up the payment market, but also influenced It has changed the way of life of countless people. In 5, 10, or even 20 years, when people recall the history of the Internet, we will always remember it in the annals of history]

[This is a feat, I am so proud of you! 】

[However, we cannot relax, let alone be complacent. The Internet is only part of our journey, and we are still in the babbling stage...]

[Secondly, I just watched the iPhone5 launch conference. I felt very shocked, but at the same time, I felt a deep sense of gap...]

[You say, it doesn’t matter if it’s uncomfortable, you say, it doesn’t matter if it’s despair...]

[I have to remind myself that we have fallen behind in the field of science and technology... and we are being treated with unprecedented humiliation]

[Just now, Mr. Ma told me that there is something wrong with the processor of our Apple 5, and we cannot purchase the S5 processor from [American Long Sky] Group... We only have S4...]

[Mr. Ma also told me that except for the processor, which we cannot purchase, our other parts have been upgraded compared to [Apple 4S]...]

[But, when I saw other parts, I suddenly became more pessimistic...]

[It turns out that the [Apple] mobile phone we are proud of is just a very simple assembly factory without any core technology...]


(The third update is a big update for Guo Jiuxing, with 14 more chapters left!)

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