I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 711 Zhang Sheng’s wake-up call!

On the hospital bed.

Joss read the [internal letter] from beginning to end.

After reading it, he moved his lips and wanted to say something, but suddenly he coughed.

The cough was so violent that his body was shaking, as if there were razor blades all over his body, and the pain made his whole body twitch.

Immediately afterwards, all the strength in his body gradually disappeared, his pupils became more and more dilated, and his mouth opened wide desperately, greedily absorbing more air.

However, there is less and less air, and less and less things can be seen in the distance.

McCann Kusuo's face was full of anxiety, and he yelled at the doctor desperately.

With tears in her eyes, Weiss looked at Joss in pain on the hospital bed...

There was nothing she could do at this moment.

Medical staff rushed over in a hurry...

But Joss used his last strength to shake his head and hold Kusu's hand tightly.



"A roaring beast is not scary. What is scary is that this beast will awaken with more beasts..."

"A nation is awakening..."


He muttered to himself, his voice getting softer and softer, and finally Kusuo couldn't understand what he was saying.

Eventually, he could no longer make any sound.


"Is he trying to undermine himself?"


"Yes, is he trying to dismantle his own platform, or is he trying to dismantle all domestic mobile phone platforms?"


January 29th.

[Hongtian Capital].

Li Zongyao silently read the so-called [internal letter].

There was a bit of confusion in his eyes, and he seemed to be gradually unable to understand Zhang Sheng.

From the time he first met Zhang Sheng, Li Zongyao had a very strange inherent impression of Zhang Sheng. "Madman" seemed to be his best description of Zhang Sheng.

Not achieving the goal, using unscrupulous means, being despicable, and using all kinds of dirty tricks...

Li Zongyao can always hear the collaborators and brand owners around him saying these words with gritted teeth.


But he had to admit that every unorganized blow from Zhang Sheng always paved the way for his next step.

For example: battery cars have turned into new energy electric cars, for example, the [group buying industry] has gradually evolved into [takeaway] and [Qiangsheng Online Mall], for example, [WeChat] links to [Didi Di Taxi] and connects to payment, forming a unique system. …

Successful cases appeared in Li Zongyao's mind one after another. The calmer Li Zongyao became, the more he realized that Zhang Sheng seemed to be doing crazy self-analysis this time, destroying the [iPhone] that he had finally built, but in fact On the other hand, we are building a bigger industry...

"He came to win over a wave of people with the most sincere attitude. Secondly, I suspect that his core is really going to enter the technology industry chain..."


Capital likes to pick peaches the most, but it doesn’t like to start the most tedious basic industries where no benefits can be seen in the short term.

[Hongtian Capital] is no exception.

Over the years, they have been infiltrating various brands, suppressing some Chinese brands until they can no longer survive, and then acquiring them to gradually nourish and strengthen themselves.


This set of invincible underlying logic has gradually become less applicable.

When he saw that [WeChat] completely defeated [WeChat], and when Zhang Sheng's physical industries were linked up to form one network after another, and these networks turned into layers of large networks, complementing each other with the Internet industry, Li Zongyao gradually began to I’m thinking deeply about the future direction of [Hongtian Capital].

[Hongtian Capital] is still one of the largest capitals in China, and its investments cover all aspects of China, such as medical care, food, travel, Internet, and clothing.

However, they have never been able to suppress Zhang Sheng. They could not suppress him before, and now that he has gained momentum, they can no longer suppress him.

With such a cancer here, whatever they do in the future will be hindered.


If Zhang Sheng is really allowed to step into a new track and add a touch of weight to his industrial chain, then...

"Have a meeting!"

"Everyone prints a copy of this [internal letter] from Zhang Sheng and puts it on the table..."

"I want to hear what everyone has to say."



"He is taking the stupidest path..."

"In the final analysis, this is how he sells mobile phones, being a bitch and building an archway..."

Liu family.

After reading this [internal letter], Liu Hong sneered.

If a large industrial chain is really laid out from the basics, it will take until the year of the monkey. Moreover, research and development...

You take out one billion, two billion, three billion... these are just sprinkles.

Moreover, there are some things that you can successfully develop without having money.

In the past, how many technology companies in China, after making a little money, immediately engaged in so-called research and development, and then lost their lives?

Research and development, for most technology companies, is just a cover to deceive users.

[Soudu Technology] has been in trouble for so many years, and every year it clamors to compete with Google and become the largest Internet technology company in China. But in fact, apart from [selling fake drug advertisements], what other new technologies has he made?

This is a totally unworkable path!

The midday sun shone into the balcony. Liu Jiahui was also reading this [internal letter]. After reading it, he fell into deep thought.

This young man seems to have some so-called feelings and some so-called sentiments.

However, he was too reckless, like a newborn calf that is not afraid of tigers, like a warrior who goes forward indomitably.

However, upon careful analysis, is this young man really a reckless man?

Liu Jiahui doesn't know.

More than ten minutes later, Liu Jiahui took off his glasses and put the iPad aside.

At this time, Liu Hong came over: "Dad, if he wants to do research and development, let him do it. I will let him continue to blockade them, push them into the corner, drain his funds, and let him go to destruction! "

When Liu Jiahui heard this, his expression became extremely serious: "I think the blockade on Zhang Sheng should be lifted..."

"What? Lift the blockade on Zhang Sheng?" Liu Hong's eyes widened and she stared at Liu Jiahui in disbelief.

"Yes, not only do you have to lift the blockade on Zhang Sheng, you even have to help them get the S5 processor of [American Longkong Group]..."

"Dad, are you kidding me?" Liu Hong once thought she heard wrongly.

"I'm not kidding..." Liu Jiahui stared at Liu Hong: "In the past, Zhang Sheng was blocked alone, but now, Zhang Sheng is no longer alone..."

"With only a few people under his banner, how can he still..."

"Do you think Zhang Sheng's [internal letter] was only for Zhang Sheng's internal employees?"

"you mean……"

"No one knows if this young man will take such a high-level voice, and no one will take it seriously, let alone how many people will come over to cooperate with Zhang Sheng to establish the so-called [R\u0026D] alliance... When this team When it gradually grows stronger and forms a force again, then no matter how difficult it is, it will be conquered." Liu Jiahui stared at Liu Hong: What really destroys people is never sudden and painful. , or even a fatal knife, what really destroys people is boiling a frog in warm water, boiling it bit by bit, until the hot water boils, and when you want to jump out of the pit, you can't jump out anymore..."

Liu Hong seemed to understand: "Dad, you mean, not only do I want to help Zhang Sheng get the S5 from [American Long Sky] Group, but I also want to help other brands of domestic mobile phones get foreign products, so that they can completely Binding? To resolve Zhang Sheng’s last-ditch move?”

"Yes, and this matter must be made public. The sooner the better..."

"Then if Zhang Sheng gets the processor or even the chip, his mobile phone sales are getting better and better, and his channels are getting better and better, then what should we do? This will not invisibly fuel his arrogance and let us In the next [taxi-hailing] war, will we be at a disadvantage again? Behind him, there is a complete industrial chain... Dad, I will help all other brands of domestic mobile phones to get the S5 processing from [American Long Sky] Group Devices are still blocked against Zhang Sheng. Driven by interests, other domestic mobile phones will try their best to squeeze Zhang Sheng's share. Other suppliers will also take the opportunity to suppress the systems that cooperate with Zhang Sheng. When the time comes, , one was ebbing and the other was ebbing, and Zhang Sheng was unable to survive alone...eventually fell into a bottomless pit of research and development and became a joke..."

Liu Hong looked at Liu Jiahui, her voice filled with cruelty.

But Liu Jiahui shook his head: "How many times have you used this method to suppress Zhang Sheng secretly?"

"But, this time..."

"Behind Zhang Sheng is not only the mobile phone industry, but I hope you remember that the people behind Zhang Sheng who follow him are not just those on the Internet. Ma Yunhua tried every means to make [Taozhu.com] go public in the United States. Do you think, Is it really just for some false fame?”


"There is a red line where you can't see it. Under this red line, don't act rashly... Zhang Sheng and [Yaohua Technology] are actually deeply bound, and his physical industries have been contacted from China When it comes to Brazil, it has already formed a barrier. This so-called research and development step seems risky, but in fact, it is very solid. Outside the barrier, another root is stretched... If this root once again goes Deep down, then, let alone you, even us old people, there is nothing we can do... unless the national level takes action..."

"Is this all we can do? We can only boil frogs in warm water and slowly disintegrate their will..."

"This is the optimal solution..."


Liu Hong gritted her teeth, feeling unwilling to accept it.


In the early morning of January 30th.

The day after the iPhone 5 launch event.

A piece of news from the other side of the ocean shocked the entire China and even the global technology circle...

The founder of [IPO Technology], the founder of the smartphone era, the father of iPhone, and the god of Silicon Valley, passed away in the early morning...

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