I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 719 Zhang Sheng’s Temporary Farewell

In the early morning of February 8th.

Li Bin is still busy with [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

The distribution of red envelopes during the Spring Festival Gala not only made [WeChat] users grow wildly, but also brought [Qiangsheng Online Mall] to a new level once again.

As of February 2012.

[Qiangsheng Online Mall] has nearly 60 million registered users, with a daily transaction volume of approximately 800,000 orders and over 20 million member users!

Li Bin has set a goal for himself. This year, the turnover in 2012 will exceed 60 billion, and he will lead [Qiangsheng Online Mall] to rush to the 80 million registered user mark...

"[Taozhu.com] is about to be listed... As of February 7, the total number of registered users of [Taozhu.com] has exceeded 650 million, with 120 million member users. Last year, the total transaction volume was 485.6 billion yuan... Just now, [Taozhu.com] Net] The new vice president Chen Jun made a bold statement that this year we will break through one trillion yuan!”


"It is entirely possible that [Taozhu.com] will be listed in the United States with a trillion yuan this year. A large amount of capital will help [Taozhu.com] expand in the form of transactions and flow back to China, thus covering all fields... There are With the support of huge capital, the next competition will become increasingly cruel..."


Sitting next to Li Bin was a middle-aged man wearing glasses named Chen Biyun. He was an assistant hired by Li Bin at a high price from overseas. He once served as the regional team leader of the marketing department of [Amazon].

[Taozhu.com] once invited Chen Biyun to take up a position with a high salary. When he was about to sign a contract with Chen Biyun, Li Bin immediately called Chen Biyun...

The content of the phone call was very simple, but very sincere. Without saying anything, I directly invited him to come and participate in the annual meeting draw.

Under the constant bombardment of red envelopes, Chen Biyun burst into tears and finally chose to join Qiangsheng Online Mall.

Morning wind.

Slightly cooler.

Li Bin sat by the window of his office, letting the wind blow his head.

He silently stared at the behemoth [Taozhu.com].

There is pressure.

[Qiangsheng Online Mall] seems to be booming at present, but its products are mainly mid- to low-end domestic products, focusing on cost-effectiveness.

Many big names have still not stopped soft-blocking [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

Riding on the wave of domestic products, although sales and reputation are still very good, the real growth point is far from as fast as [Taozhu.com].

[Taozhu.com] is not the case. They have complete samples, qualifications and user cohesion. Their listing in the United States is a sensation in China and even the world. With such a huge momentum, [Taozhu.com] Net】Users will take a step further...

"The road is long and long..."

Looking at the comparative data one by one, Li Bin felt a little heavy in his heart.

He sighed.

There is a 7-year gap between them and [Taozhu.com].

In a sense, without Zhang Sheng's appearance, [Taozhu.com] would still be alone in seeking defeat, and Lao Ma would still be the king of e-commerce who can't find an opponent even with a telescope.

“However, we also have great advantages, such as the huge traffic advantage on [WeChat], we have distanced ourselves from [WeChat], and the only thing standing in front of us is [Tengji Technology]’s Q dog... We have nothing but In addition to the [WeChat] traffic advantage, we also have our own logistics system... Although our system may not necessarily surpass Lao Ma immediately, it is impossible for the other party to truly suppress us..." Chen Biyun looked at Li Bin , with slightly fanatical eyes: "Mr. Zhang has already paved a road in advance. We just need to follow Mr. Zhang's steps and move forward step by step..."

He joined [Qiangsheng Online Mall] after the Spring Festival. When he saw Zhang Sheng, he mostly looked at Zhang Sheng from a distance.

She has never had a real chat with Zhang Shengpan, but Chen Biyun is very eager to meet this legendary figure who climbed up from the abyss step by step and built the prototype of a huge business empire.


Li Bin looked into the distance. When he thought of this, he felt that the pressure was a lot lighter, as if he had found some backbone.

Just at this time……

"Dong dong dong"

There was a knock on the door in the office.

Li Bin looked at the time...

It's 1:30 in the morning. Who would come here at this time?

"Come in!"

When the door opened and he saw who was coming, Li Bin immediately stood up from his chair.


"boss Zhang!"


They saw Zhang Sheng coming over and nodded to Li Bin. When they came to Chen Biyun, Zhang Sheng smiled and said, "Mr. Chen... are you still used to staying in the company?"

"Ah, I'm used to it..." Chen Biyun was shocked and nodded quickly: "Mr. Zhang, please talk, I still have something to deal with..."

"Well, go to bed early."


Although she wanted to stay here and chat with Zhang Sheng, Chen Biyun still took the information and left the office step by step.

The office fell into a brief silence.

Then, Li Bin instinctively felt an unusual smell: "Teacher, it's time, you are here..."

"Li Bin, how long have you been with me?"

"It's been the fourth year since 2009..." When Li Bin heard Zhang Sheng ask this question for the first time, the complex emotions in his heart suddenly became more intense.

"Sit down, don't be nervous, just chat casually, these three years have gone by so fast..." Zhang Sheng sat on the chair, briefly looked around Li Bin's office, and said this with emotion.

"Yeah, so fast. I often think of the past, when I was a network administrator in an Internet cafe, and when I first met you..." Li Bin sighed with some nostalgia.

Sometimes fate is so magical.

Who would have thought that in three years, he could step by step from a network administrator with a salary of more than 1,000 yuan a month to his current level?

"In three years, you have grown a lot and learned a lot..."

Zhang Sheng's smile also contained a bit of relief.

In the past three years, although he has been very busy every day, and his time is squeezed into the size of a fist, he has always been paying attention to Li Bin.

Watching Li Bin take the first step in running a business, watching Li Bin begin to learn various management knowledge, watching Li Bin step by step become a leader, and manage [Qiangsheng Online Mall] well.

At this moment, Li Bin can truly take the lead.


Li Bin nodded, but then he realized that the atmosphere was getting more and more wrong. He seemed to have thought of something and looked at Zhang Sheng: "Teacher, what you said to me today is..."

"I'll probably have to leave for a while..."

Zhang Sheng looked at Li Bin.

"Where? How long?"

"I won't go anywhere, just in Yanjing. However, I won't come to the company for a long time... I will leave a series of company matters to you."

"Teacher, how long is your long time? Is it a few months or..." Li Bin suddenly felt a little uneasy.

After seeing Zhang Sheng's calm expression, this uneasiness became more and more intense.

"Maybe a few months, maybe a year. Of course, I won't leave Yanjing to go anywhere. I just put my field in another direction... Next, any of the [Qiangsheng Online Mall] Unless they are core issues such as equity changes or issues related to the reform of [Qiangsheng Online Mall], you will make decisions on everything else without asking me..." Zhang Sheng looked at Li Bin.

"Teacher, I, I, I...Teacher, is there something I haven't done well...I..."

The feeling of insecurity suddenly became stronger, and he suddenly panicked, as if he had suddenly lost his support and fell into an abyss from which he could not extricate himself.

"Li Bin, whatever I tell you is the truth, and I don't mean anything shady. In the past three years, I have been wearing too many things. No matter how energetic a person is, there will be a day when it becomes too much for me. Although for me, For now, it's not affected, but it's time to make some reductions." Zhang Sheng looked at the panicked Li Bin and said these words with seriousness.

Li Bin opened his mouth and wanted to say something. However, he found that his mind was in a mess, as if he had been hit hard by something, and the panic in his heart became more and more intense.

"You don't have to worry about anything. I've been watching you for the past three years. If I didn't see that you can really hold up the sky, I wouldn't let you go..."

"But, teacher, currently our [Qiangsheng Online Mall] is at the critical moment of fighting against [Taozhu.com]. [Taozhu.com] is about to go public. That wave of terrifying traffic, if you hadn't come forward to take charge, we would..." Li Bin took a deep breath.

"You can still fight!" Zhang Sheng gave Li Bin a look of affirmation when Li Bin was about to say more: "Don't think about what you will do if I am no longer behind you, but think about what you will do alone. Think about what you would do if you encountered various shocks, what should you do, what should you do..."


"Can you?"


"Can you! Tell me!"


"May I!"



Zhang Sheng stared at Li Bin, his voice getting louder and louder.

Li Bin's face turned redder and redder, and he finally nodded fiercely.

Afterwards, Zhang Sheng stood up, patted Li Bin on the shoulder, and showed a smile: "Look, it's actually just taking one more step forward. It's not that difficult... After you take the first step, the next steps will follow." The road will be much smoother.”


Li Bin was in a daze.

this moment……

Time seems to have returned to the day when Li Bin swept the building for the first time three years ago. He hesitated and finally took the first step forward.

"Teacher, what I plan to do next is..."

"I said, except for the company's major changes and reforms, you make your own decisions on everything else, including the next series of activity arrangements and marketing arrangements... Of course, I will also pay attention, but if there are no other abnormal situations, I will I won’t interfere... By the way, before I leave my job, I will give you another gift to give you an extra chance of winning in the competition with [Taozhu.com]..."

"what gift?"

"You'll know tomorrow..."

Li Bin's lips trembled slightly, then nodded.

"Okay, it's getting late. You should rest early. I'm leaving."

Then, he watched Zhang Sheng turn around and leave the office.

Li Bin stared blankly at Zhang Sheng's leaving figure and suddenly chased him out: "Teacher, I won't let you down!"

Zhang Sheng didn't respond, just waved his hand at him.

Finally, I walked into the elevator and the elevator door slowly closed.

The entire corridor suddenly became quiet.

Li Bin stared in the direction of the elevator alone for a long time...

I will do it well!

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