I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 729: The geese pluck their feathers when they pass by, and the dragons gather their feathers

2012, May.

After the financial crisis...

China's photovoltaic companies did not take a breath, but fell into deeper business disputes.

The haze of [anti-dumping] has always hung over all photovoltaic companies...

The US Department of Commerce announced the preliminary anti-dumping ruling. Yingli, Suzhou Deshang, and Tianhe Solar will be levied anti-dumping duties of 31.18%, 31.22%, and 31.14% respectively. The tax rate for Chinese photovoltaic companies that did not respond is 249.96%. This is The preliminary ruling decision soon attracted responses from various European countries. Overnight, Chinese photovoltaic companies, which were already swaying in the wind and rain, once again worsened...


[Bosch Technology].

After 2012, [Bosch Technology]’s battery and battery industries have experienced a new wave of growth.

In the first quarter of 2012, the total revenue of the lead-acid battery industry was 32.5 billion yuan, an increase of 20.7% compared to the same period last year.

[Weineng] and [Liwei] were once the two leading companies, and they took the lead in launching a price war in December last year. This price war was so fierce that it once forced the battery of [Bosch Technology] into a corner. Although [Bosch Technology] is unwilling, it can only be forced to fight.

This battle lasted for nearly four months. By April this year, the two companies [Weineng] and [Liwei] gradually began to feel overwhelmed.

The two companies [Hongwei Technology] and [Bosch Technology] have formed a deep tie. One makes batteries and the other makes battery cars. Both parties are under the same group, and even some of the installation industry chains are interoperable. Precisely because of interoperability, costs can be pushed to the limit. Coupled with subsidies from some countries, [Bosch Technology] has won an absolute advantage in this price war.

"The total turnover of the lead-acid battery industry in the first quarter was 32.5 billion yuan, of which we [Bosch Technology] accounted for 6.3 billion, [Liwei] 5.6 billion, and [Weineng] 5 billion... We successfully reached the top!"

"But profits are still low. Our profit is about 630 million. Putting aside operating expenses, other bonuses, taxes and other expenses, our company's real profit is only 100 million... Among them, the after-sales system is the bulk, accounting for our profits. About 30% of…”


[Bosch Technology] In the office.

Chen Mengting looked at this data, her emotions were slightly complicated.

In 2009, they established [Bosch Battery], and it has been almost four years now.

In the past four years, [Bosch Battery] has changed a lot almost every year. From the initial training base, it gradually turned into a school-enterprise, and gradually received various subsidies and support, step by step, it has become more and more popular across the country. Branch factories were opened in various places, growing step by step, and sales volume also broke into the top 20, top 10, and top 5 in the country. Finally, in May this year, it officially became the NO.1 in the field of [lead-acid batteries].

"Mr. Chen, in the past May, [Bosch Technology]'s lithium battery sales totaled 52.5 billion nationwide, most of which were in the digital industry. Our [Bosch Technology] sales in lithium batteries were not high. , only about 2.5 billion. Putting aside all expenditures, our lithium battery lost about 50 million, of which most of the lost funds were the amount of our factory expansion, and of course, scientific research funds..."


Chen Mengting nodded.

Asked the assistant to leave the office.

After the assistant left, Chen Mengting stayed in the empty office, silently looking at the current situation of China's photovoltaic industry.

When Zhang Sheng left in February, he asked her to pay more attention to China's photovoltaic industry. Chen Mengting never knew what Zhang Sheng meant by paying attention to the photovoltaic industry.

She looked at the news again.

This news is even worse.

In May, the price per kilogram of polysilicon dropped from a high to US$40.

The price of photovoltaic raw materials has fallen, but it has no benefits for the photovoltaic industry.

Basically, Chinese photovoltaic companies and overseas raw material companies sign 10-year sales contracts with quantity requirements.

At this moment, they have two choices.

One option is to lose money and continue to buy polysilicon bodies at high prices; the other option is to breach the contract!

However, whether it is a breach of contract or the original price, photovoltaic companies have to pay a lot of money!

When seeing this, Chen Mengting shook her head.

This year's photovoltaic industry, compared with last year...


If the photovoltaic industry in the past was a cold winter for the industry, then the word "doomsday" cannot be an exaggeration to describe the photovoltaic industry this year.

The few photovoltaic companies that survived the financial crisis did not win the spring. Instead, every day we heard about their bankruptcy, losses, compensation, breach of contract and other news.

It’s almost a storm!

[Bird's Nest Law Firm] has been receiving international photovoltaic orders recently. In April, they went to Europe to argue with those European guys...

In May, Chen Mengting received the news of [losing the lawsuit]...

Even though they produced a lot of evidence, and even though they ran around and cooperated with the review, in the end, they still lost!

This situation caused Chen Mengting to think deeply for a long time.

Since Mr. Zhang asked her to pay attention, there must be a reason to pay attention...

What is Mr. Zhang going to do?

During this time, she had been thinking about this issue.

[In this great era, you must always maintain a clear mind, and always think about what you want to do and what you should do]...

Such a sentence came to Chen Mengting's mind.

Until today, there seems to be some answer to this question.

Two words appeared in her mind [Integration]!

Now that the photovoltaic industry has entered a cold winter, stocks have fallen to a desperate level, and countless people are intimidated. So, if at this time, a company comes over and takes action to reintegrate the entire industry, then when the cold winter passes , the next ecological niche belongs to them.


Chen Mengting fell into hesitation for a long time.

On the one hand, the money in the [Bosch Technology] account has never been much, and it seems that sales are strong. However, due to the excellent welfare benefits and bonus system, coupled with the money-splitting business wars last year, the funds in the company's account have been reduced. There are only about 500 million yuan.

Chen Mengting didn't dare to touch about 500 million yuan. Tang Wu, Teacher Tang walked into his office almost every day some time ago, asking for money without saying a word.

In the past year, Zhang Sheng and his colleagues [Bosch Technology] subsidized Tang Wu's research laboratory with a total of nearly 1 billion yuan. As a result, nothing was researched. Instead, Tang Wu complained about lack of money every day...

The only good thing is that since the establishment of [Deli Sheng] company, Tang Wu's research fund [Deli Sheng] company has also allocated a sum of money to jointly develop and enter the battery industry. This has allowed Tang Wu to calm down a little. He's like a ghost asking for his life, coming here every day to beg for money.

Spend 500 million to integrate an industry into the new energy field of [Boshi Technology]?

How to integrate?

Are you kidding me, stuffing my teeth between my teeth?

And Chen Mengting doesn’t dare to take 500 million to gamble on the future of [Doctor Technology] this time...

"It would be great if I were Mr. Zhang..."

Chen Mengting looked at the [China Photovoltaic Industry Report 2011] and let out a long sigh.

As long as Mr. Zhang’s golden sign shines in that direction, a steady stream of funds will flow forward...

And she...

Chen Mengting sighed quietly, and suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness rising up.

After a long time, she began to think about what Mr. Zhang would do and what his attitude would be if he faced such a situation...

But the brain is blank.

She finally took out her cell phone and dialed the number she had been unable to get through for nearly three months...

This time, quite unexpectedly, the phone that had always been turned off was suddenly connected!

"Hello? Senior sister, what a coincidence, I just turned on the phone and you called me?"

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang, great, we finally got through!"

Zhang Sheng on the other end of the phone was very surprised.

After answering the phone, Chen Mengting seemed to have found a backbone, and she was so excited that she was a little incoherent.

"Don't be impatient. Speak slowly. What's wrong?"

"I don't know if my idea is right, Mr. Zhang, I would like to ask you about our future photovoltaic industry in China, what do you think..."

"Come to [Huaqing University] and let's talk."


"Come to the [Semiconductor Research Institute] next to [Huaqing University], I'll wait for you here... Tomorrow [Huaqing University] will discuss some academic issues with overseas experts... Come with me to find some people …”


After making the call, Chen Mengting stared at the phone, a little confused.


Who are you poaching?


"Mr. Zhang, our future research direction is [optoelectronics]. Of course, in addition to semiconductors and other fields, the photovoltaic industry is also included..."

"But our team currently has too few people..."

"We need some auxiliary teams for research and development. That is, we hope that research colleagues in other fields can work with us to complete some topics and projects..."

"This is the [project] list I brought you..."


"By the way, in addition to the [project list] we need, this is the talent information our team needs..."


"According to my understanding, there will probably be a group of overseas talents coming to the academic exchange meeting the day after tomorrow..."


【Huaqing University】20 kilometers away.

Inside the [Bird's Nest Research Institute].

Zhong Bai carefully took out two pieces of information.

One of the information is the [Project List] that needs to be researched next, and the other is the personnel information sheet for the [Huaqing University] academic exchange meeting the day after tomorrow.

Zhang Sheng nodded and looked at the information sheet.

"Mr. Zhang, if you can get those people on the red line to join our team, I think it will be very helpful for our future breakthroughs..."

"Okay, I know, you go ahead and do your work."

"Okay, Wei Yang and I will take stock of the experimental equipment first..."


Zhong Bai left the office.

Zhang Sheng looked at the names on these information sheets.

A weird smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Just as he was about to think about his next arrangements, his phone rang.


It was Xu Guolong who called.

"boss Zhang……"

"Dean Xu?"

"Mr. Zhang, I have reported your cooperation plan to the top. Well...Mr. Zhang, please don't make trouble for the academic exchange meeting the day after tomorrow..."

"It won't affect your academics, and I'm not qualified to influence it..."

"That's good. Also, Mr. Zhang, I'm going to ask you to stop secretly calling our researchers to talk about your dreams. I hope you can see the big picture. I told you that I will actively consider contacting your unit. As a cooperative person, if you talk about dreams like this, isn't this using capital to corrupt academics? Who can resist this?"


"Mr. Zhang, are you listening?"

"Listening, Dean Xu, don't worry, I won't make secret calls anymore. I have a big picture view." Zhang Sheng nodded.

"That's good, by the way, Mr. Zhang..."


"The collective resignation of the security guards at our institute has something to do with you?"

"No, how is it possible..."


(Three more updates will continue today, a big update for Guo Jiuxing, and there are still 9 more updates! Work hard to pay it off!)

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