I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 745 The rest of the world is left to you!

"These days……"

"I get phone calls from time to time..."

"On the phone, Mr. Li Bin, Mr. Chen Mengting, Mr. Nie Xiaoping, Mr. Shen Xiaoxi, Mr. Xu Guangbiao and Mr. Xu..."

"Almost all my colleagues who started a business with me are asking me this question..."

"They asked..."

"How should we go next..."

"They told me repeatedly that we are now facing competition from countless friendly businessmen and countless capitals from all over China, entering our track in an attempt to remove us from this track and put us in the highest position. Go up, pull it down hard... They were a little confused for a while, not knowing how to make a decision, whether the decision they made was right, or whether they were qualified to be at the helm of a company..."

“In the past, I would tell them very seriously what we should do, how we should stand out in this track where everyone is squeezing, and how to establish a temporary victory, and then how to pave the way for the next step. Go forward……"

"But, this time I didn't answer any of my friends, and our call was very simple. No matter how they described the bad market situation, I only had one sentence, and I didn't know what to do..."


This is a very special meeting.

The meeting was held in the largest comprehensive hall of [Yan Petrochemical].

This conference room was built by [Bird's Nest Decoration]. As far as the eye can see, there are tables and chairs, water and electricity projection, glass manufacturing, central air conditioning...

Almost every corner you can see is branded with the name [Bird's Nest Decoration].

[NC Entertainment], [Didi Di Taxi], [Honeycomb Jisong], [Bird's Nest Law Firm]...

The leaders of all the brands under Zhang Sheng's system came and sat in the front row of the conference room, and behind them were the figures of brand owners who had joined the brand from 2009 to 2012 or had been with them for a long time. In addition to them, there are also senior executives in the system and some invited teachers from the college...

At this moment, everyone was staring at the serious-looking figure on the podium.

That figure stopped his speech.

He looked around at everyone in the scene.

There were only bursts of silence.

Complex emotions flashed in everyone's eyes...

Some people's eye circles gradually turn red, some people feel confused, some people are in a trance, and some people are sad...

Everyone knows that after Zhang Sheng's speech, he will officially withdraw from the exciting tracks one after another and devote himself to higher-level battlefields.

After looking around, the serious Zhang Sheng finally showed a smile.

He looked at Li Bin.

"It's been almost half a year since I left. In the past half year, [Qiangsheng Online Mall] has been operating very well, and it has even reached a higher level than when I was here..."

He looked at Hu Guozhu again: "I also saw that [Didi Taxi], despite facing strong enemies, still maintained our dominant position..."

After reading it, he looked at Liu Changyu again: "I also saw that our [WeChat] users have exceeded 200 million, and we have obtained the first ticket in the 4G era..."

“Our social software defeated [Tengji Technology]’s [WeChat]. In the game field, our “Dungeon” competed with [Tengji Technology] and “Gunfight Glory”. Today, we finally took the lead. Advantages, and our profit flow has even surpassed that of "Gun Glory"..."



Zhang Sheng looked at each leader.

Every leader subconsciously took a deep breath.

They were excited and proud, and they felt a heavy responsibility weighing heavily on them.

Like, some sense of mission...

"From 2009 to 2012, we have been making progress. We have all gone from that worthless poor boy to now, step by step, and can compete with any internet company in China, almost every one of us. Every moment, we are creating miracles, and we are shocking the entire industry..."

"You did it, I'm proud of you!"

"So, don't panic or be anxious!"

"In the six months since I left, in fact, each of you has done very well in your respective fields..."

"This kind of excellence is enough for me to say [I don't know] when I face questions. Each of you is an independent individual. Each of you has grown step by step under my witness... When you grow to a certain level, the stage will be bigger. I don’t want to be the one who restrains you. Your future will have unlimited possibilities. No one can even lower your upper limit. You surpass me and rush forward. Tianji, in my opinion, is not surprising..."

"I am very lucky to meet you on this road, and to create stories with you on this road..."

"I have always admired a saying, that is, princes, princes and generals should have their own kind!"

"Everyone has their own path to take, everyone has their own dream..."

"Everyone, as long as they have a dream, as long as they are willing to work hard, as long as they are not afraid of hardships and dangers, and never give up in the ups and downs, in the darkness, and against the trend of history..."

"Then he will transform!"

"Talk about dreams, I want to say something..."

"Li Bin once asked me that I have helped many people realize their dreams, so what is my dream?"

"I have been talking to everyone about my dreams, but suddenly I didn't know how to answer this question, so I fell silent..."


"For me, it is a very distant and unfamiliar thing..."

"Over the years, I have been busy. Various business disputes and various things have squeezed my personal time into a space the size of a fist..."

"I have never thought about what dreams I have. I only have one goal after another, from no money to rich, from rich to starting a business..."

"That night, I stayed up all night and thought about it for almost the whole night..."

"Money? Money is important, but money is a defined evil and a universal product under the rules of the entire world. As long as I am willing, I can have a lot of money in the blink of an eye..."

"House? Since I started my business, I have owned ten office buildings. If I want, I can afford an expensive villa at any time..."

"A car? To me, no matter how expensive a car is, it is just a representative of vanity and glitz defined by capital. I don't need a car to decorate me. When I travel, I can [Didi Di Di Taxi] at any time, even [Shared taxi]…”

"Women?" When Zhang Sheng said this, he was silent for a brief moment, and then smiled: "I am not lacking, and I have a spiritual resonance, a girl who is waiting for me silently behind my back... "


Under the light.

Chen Mengting looked at Zhang Sheng in the distance. When she heard Zhang Sheng say this publicly for the first time in front of the public, her expression gradually became sad.

Not far away, Shen Xiaoxi and Zhang Panpan were sitting. They were staring at each other's figure with complicated eyes, but in the end they didn't say anything...

Only in the corner, a slender figure trembled slightly, and then, with a blushing face, he just pulled up his mask and pushed down his hat.

"The whole night that day was the most confusing night for me..."

"I seem to be a person without dreams..."

"Until, a few days ago, we ran out of money. I thought for a time that we wouldn't be able to fight the next battle..."

"Our collective has not dispersed because of this. Many senior executives, many grassroots delivery boys, Didi boys, and many familiar and unfamiliar brand owners have all stepped forward in unison..."

“Amidst the swaying winds and rains, we stood firm together and used our own methods to provide blood transfusions for our [Beehive Jishu], [Didi Di Dashi], and [Qiangsheng Online Mall]. Some people even took out their own money. For one year, two years, or even three years, we have prepared bonuses for buying a house, a wife, and a car to support our respective battlefields so that this capital war can be fought step by step..."

"At that moment, I was very touched..."

"I suddenly realized that part of my dream has come true!"

"Together we have created a utopia that is not perfect, but very warm..."

"The ancestors built a great wall with their blood and flesh, so that we will no longer suffer humiliation and oppression!"

"They yearn for a better life!"

"After the founding of the People's Republic of China, figures who came one after another, in the poverty, cold, and dark environment, broke through the blockade step by step and created the future step by step..."

"They also yearn for a better life!"

"And we!"

"We are also working hard for a better future. No one can stop us from yearning for a better life, so that our future generations can enjoy a better life!"



Zhang Sheng's voice gradually became sonorous and passionate.

Everyone stared at Zhang Sheng excitedly.

They saw Zhang Sheng stretching out his hand!

At this moment, involuntarily, everyone stretched out their hands!

Then, he clenched his fists!

"The rest of the world is left to you!"

"The flash of swords, the roaring waves, the majestic waves, this battlefield belongs to you!"

"The following story is a new chapter that belongs to you..."

"Whatever the ending of the story is, no matter success or failure, no matter how sonorous and exciting it is, no matter what opponent we face, what dilemma we face..."

"I only hope that each of us has a clear conscience and can write more exciting stories..."


"but me……"

"I also want to step into a brand new battlefield!"

"And everything for me will start again!"

"Okay, thank you all for accompanying us all the way. Let's move on!"




After Zhang Sheng finished speaking, he took a deep breath.

He pushed up his glasses, looked around at everyone again, and finally showed a smile.

Then, he bowed to everyone.

Everyone stood up with excitement and bowed to Zhang Sheng. They were unwilling to put down their fists for a long time.

Zhang Sheng looked around at everyone and motioned for everyone to put their hands down.

Immediately afterwards...

Amid thunderous applause and tears...

With a smile on his face, he left the podium step by step, walked out of the house, and finally disappeared into the sunshine...

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