I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 750 From now on, your era is over!


When he first came out of the Huaxia Film Academy, Bi Feiyu was respectful to all the leaders in the system.

He is young, enthusiastic, full of passion for everything, and also has the dream of getting ahead in the Chinese film field, and he has devoted all his efforts to it.

The movie "The Dog Over the Mountain" was his painstaking debut, but it did not perform well after it was released.

Young people always have unwillingness and ambition in their hearts. Like most directors, they feel that they are missing an opportunity!

In order to have one more filming schedule for the movie "The Dog Over the Mountain", it will give me more exposure opportunities.

He knelt down to toast every senior director, helped run various errands inside and outside, and took the trouble to promote his own work whenever he had the opportunity, as humble as a pug.

He respects every senior and every leader from the bottom of his heart, and feels that they are the future of the Chinese film industry. He once tried every means to give them all kinds of expensive [gifts], and tried every means to integrate with them...


He is humble and never gets any respect. On the contrary, everyone looks at him like an ant.

Behind the fake smiles at the wine table, there are only "next time", "I will help you tell the big company", "Don't worry, I will take a serious look at it"...

However, when I turned around, I burst into laughter...

After he heard it accidentally, he felt only anger in addition to sadness. Then he realized that no one in this world cared about the dignity of a little person.

You either have money, and if a little money is not enough, you need a lot of money, or you have the power...

Otherwise, the so-called talent is worthless.

He tried everything, but the harder he tried, the more he realized that the film industry in this world was rotten.

There are all kinds of bad movies related to capital emerging one after another. In addition, the history of capital investment has become more and more serious, and many people who are not worthy of their ethics occupy an important position.

In what Mr. Zhang often says, it is [the right to speak], and some of the following people...

At the most desperate moment, even he doubted himself...

He met Zhang Sheng and the so-called [Southern California International Film Awards]...

At that moment, the gears of fate completely turned!

"The Dog Over the Mountain" is beginning to gain international reputation!

"Prisoners" and "7 Days to Die" embarked on an international journey and stood on the highest podium!

He received box office, flowers, applause, and even daunted countless predecessors.

At the same time, he became a disciple of Taishan Beidou Wu Guanli and Dean Wu in the Chinese film industry...

When I came back again, I looked at the seniors who were once indifferent, sarcastic, and condescending...

At this moment, they were all smiling and enthusiastic as if they were a family.

What he felt, however, was not recognition.

But, irony!


"Why! What! What! No! Mr. Zhang!"

There was silence in the conference room.

Bi Feiyu said this sentence almost word for word!

Staring at everyone coldly.

In the past, he was afraid of this and that, so he almost knelt down in front of these people.

But at this moment, there was only a coldness as sharp as a knife in his eyes.

After a short while, an old man about fifty years old stood up. There was no anger on his face, but a smile.

"Director Bi, Mr. Zhang is not a figure in the film industry. Moreover, our election this time is to elect [Member of the Chinese Directors Association]. Mr. Zhang is not a professional..."

The old man's name is Kou Huai. He is a director of the Fifth Generation of China. He has directed many local films. After 2005, he has basically no films, but he has always controlled half of the Chinese Directors Association.

Li Qingming is the president, and he is the vice president. Since Li Qingming stepped down, he has been the president with the highest voice.

He has the highest qualifications in the Chinese Directors Association, but when facing Bi Feiyu, he explained patiently.

"[Truman] is Mr. Zhang's work! Who says he has no works!" Bi Feiyu didn't give Kou Huai any face, but responded back.

Kou Huai's face froze slightly, but he still smiled: "Director Bi, it's different. The president of the Chinese Directors Association must be familiar with the entire association's procedures. At the same time, he must seek benefits for all directors in China, and he must also bear the responsibilities of the Chinese Directors Association. The hope of film revival...Mr. Zhang Sheng may be talented, but Director Bi, Mr. Zhang Sheng is so busy to take on this position..."

"Seeking welfare? You are seeking welfare for yourselves, right? Are the other young directors so suppressed by you that they have no chance of getting ahead?"

"Hollywood, what are you doing when you are wreaking havoc on our Chinese movies? What kind of movies are you making..."

"During the Domestic Film Protection Month, how many subsidies did you defraud? How much did you defraud from the box office?"

"From the millennium to the present, how many good movies in China have been suppressed by your own selfish desires?"

"When the West uses movies to open up our Chinese market and spread their ideologies, what are you doing!"

"How many of the movies you have made have butts that are positive? How many of you kneel down to lick the West, kneel down to lick foreign adults?"



After Bi Feiyu heard the patient explanation, he still had no intention of sitting down and just stared at everyone in succession!

Kou Huai's face froze again, and suddenly became ugly. He took a deep breath, suppressed his emotions, and was about to speak again, but he didn't expect that another figure stood up next to him.

"Bi Feiyu! Don't think that you have capital backing you and Mr. Wu Guanli backing you, so you can run wild here. If Chairman Kou hadn't invited you here today, you wouldn't even be qualified to sit in this position and speak. How many movies have you made internationally? You really take yourself seriously!"



The young man who stood up and spoke with a cold face was named Zheng Feng. He was a director of the Chinese Directors Association. Although he had no works, he was already in the industry in 2009.

At this moment, he was staring at Bi Feiyu.

However, Bi Feiyu didn't even look at him.

"Mr. Zhang may not want it, or he may refuse it politely, but you cannot refuse to give it!"


"The Chinese film industry needs some fresh blood. You old men, retire as early as you can. Now is not your time!"


Bi Feiyu's words were extremely sharp.

After he finished speaking, he looked around and saw that every old man from the Chinese Directors Association had angry expressions, and their eyes wanted to devour him.

Director Zheng Feng clenched his fists and stood up to beat Bi Feiyu, but was stopped in the end.

"Director Bi...can I understand that you want us all to get out of class?" Ren Shikou Huai was extremely well-educated. When he heard this sentence, he still couldn't help but his voice was cold.

"You can understand that!"

"..." Kou Huai's eyes instantly turned cold, his expression extremely ugly.

Immediately afterwards...

All the veteran directors in the entire conference room stood up and accused Bi Feiyu of being defiant, and all kinds of abuses were heard.

Bi Feiyu looked at these people as if he were looking at a group of clowns!

"The fourth [Southern California International Film Awards] will be officially held in November this year. If you want to participate and be a guest, shut up!"


Bi Feiyu's words are extremely penetrating.

In an instant, everything was suppressed.

[Southern California International Film Awards] Since last year, it has become the most important overseas film award for relevant Chinese units.

Many seniors want to show up at this film award as guests. This time they invite Bi Feiyu to come over, also because they want to show their good will to Bi Feiyu and talk about this matter by the way...

But no one could have imagined that this time Bi Feiyu came over with murderous intent.

Looking around at these old guys who dared to get angry but dare not speak out, Bi Feiyu sneered even more.

What a coward!

Then, he slowly walked towards Kou Huai step by step.

Kou Huai somehow felt that this young man had a bloody smell like a beast.

His expression was calm, but he was a little frightened in his heart, and finally showed a helpless expression: "Director Bi, you are making it difficult for us... I know you are young and energetic. Sooner or later, the China Directors Association will belong to you young people, and we will I just want to help you take a look..."

"If it's difficult to do, then don't do it!"

Staring at Kou Huai: "From the millennium to the present, you old people have acted like old people, and we young people have acted like young people! This world itself is inhabited by the capable!"



Bi Feiyu did not look at Kou Huai, but looked at the others again.

"You are old!"

"When you are old, retire well and take care of yourself. Don't learn any inheritance. This is a modern society, not a feudal society..."

"I will just say a few words today..."

"First, I must be added to Mr. Zhang's list! The position of president will be filled by Mr. Zhang!"

"Second, I will call Mr. Zhang later. If Mr. Zhang really doesn't have this intention, then I will take this position!"

"Third, I left my words here. I am here now! If you are not convinced, you can go to the relevant departments to report me at any time. If the relevant departments feel that I have done something wrong and want to punish me, I will accept the punishment!"

"Okay, I'll give you twenty minutes to think about it. I'll call Mr. Zhang and my teacher, Mr. Wu!"

"I want to see your reply in twenty minutes!"


In full view.

The young man who was once humble to the core stood up at this moment and left the conference room step by step.

After he had to leave, the conference room was filled with curses, and countless people even slapped the table, pretending to call the leaders of the relevant departments.

But at this moment, Kou Huai looked gloomily in the direction Bi Feiyu left without saying a word...

More than twenty minutes passed quickly.

The door opened.

The originally noisy conference room fell silent instantly.

They saw Bi Feiyu walking over step by step.

"Mr. Wu, you...why are you here!"

Just as Kou Huai was talking, the door of the conference room opened.

Wu Guanli walked in step by step, then sat next to him with a calm expression, and briefly greeted Bi Feiyu.

Behind Wu Guanli, directors from the [NC Entertainment] system such as Xin Xiaoqi, Li Zhonghe, You Tianming, Ke Zhanyi, etc. all walked in.

In addition to them, some directors Gao Yuan and Gao Hui who were participating in the Southern California International Film Awards, as well as several directors close to Zhang Sheng, also came over one by one.

The past three years...

These directors make up almost half of the Chinese director circle.

At this moment, these people were sitting down one after another...

After seeing these people...

Bi Feiyu's expression didn't seem surprised...

Instead, he looked at everyone again.

"Now, everyone is here!"

"The election begins!"

"As the honorary president of the Chinese Directors Association, I nominate my teacher, Mr. Wu Guanli, and as the vice president, I nominate myself. In addition, as the vice president, I nominate Gao Yuan and You Tianming. In addition, Director Kou Huai and Kou continue Become the vice president and help us manage!"

"As for the directors, I nominate Director Xin Xiaoqi and Director Li Zhonghe!"


Bi Feiyu said this lightly.

After finishing speaking, the entire conference room suddenly became extremely silent.

Everyone looked at Kou Huai.

Kou Huai's expression was extremely difficult to see and extremely complicated. He glanced at Mr. Wu Guanli out of the corner of his eye. When he saw that the old man was silent, he finally realized in his heart that this Taishan Beidou in the Chinese film industry was determined to do something for him this time. My apprentice has taken the stand!

He took a deep breath, his eyes were complicated, and finally he raised his head silently: "I raise my hand to agree with Director Bi's suggestion! I am willing to help you young people to make Chinese movies better!"

This sentence……

He almost squeezed it out from between his teeth.

Looking at him, I have to nod...

The expressions of the remaining old people eventually became a little disappointed and decadent. A few young people clenched their fists, but they did not speak from the beginning to the end.

After several people raised their hands one after another...

These young people finally sighed and raised their hands one after another.



"Why should he come!"

"Isn't there capital behind him and high box office?"

"Why? You are all seniors in the Chinese film industry. Are you willing to..."

"I disagree!"


The young director named Zheng Feng stood up suddenly and slammed the table with a ferocious face, almost roaring.


Except for an old man next to him who pulled him, no one else answered.


"Then from now on, Director Kou, please submit our proposal to the leaders..."

Bi Feiyu's cold expression began to soften, and then he showed a warm smile as if changing his face, looking at Kou Huai.

Kou Huai nodded but said nothing.

"Everyone, in order to celebrate the success of today's meeting, I have arranged a hall in the [Bird's Nest Hotel]! Everyone, don't go home until you're drunk tonight!"


Zheng Feng stared hard at Bi Feiyu!

He suddenly discovered that the seniors who had just been tense with Bi Feiyu were all applauding at this moment, and no one blamed or scolded...

He looked around silently, and finally lowered his head sadly, his figure drowned in the applause.

"From now on, our goal is Hollywood!"

"October 1st!"

"I'll give you a lead!"

"Kill them!"


Xin Xiaoqi looked silently at Bi Feiyu who stood up and spoke boldly.

She was in a trance...

I found that I don’t know when to start…

Bi Feiyu looks more and more like Mr. Zhang!

Not only does Bi Feiyu look more and more like Mr. Zhang...

Even other people in the company...

It’s becoming more and more similar!

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