I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 769 Creating an Ecosystem

Tara Beach.

The base's former canteen was small.

The shortage of supplies made the food in the canteen extremely simple.

Foods such as radish, green vegetables, steamed buns, and instant noodles have been the norm for a long time.


Starting from October 13th, the entire Talatan Canteen has undergone a simple expansion.

At the same time, with the [Jingsheng Logistics] fleet traveling back and forth every day, some chicken, duck, fish, meat, drinks and other food have been officially supplied.

In Zhang Sheng's dictionary, blindly enduring hardship will not make scientific research progress faster. It will only make the researchers' physical condition worse and worse, and eventually they will collapse.

[Bird's Nest Decoration] is very efficient...

The cafeteria, which was originally about 100 square meters, has been about tripled in size at this moment, and the tables, chairs, and stools have been replaced with new ones. Although it is not possible to install air conditioning immediately due to conditions, electric fans and water sources in each area are. All are supplied in time.

After the researchers who had suffered too much pain at Tara Beach entered the cafeteria, their faces showed shock and excitement...

Then, he sat on the chair for the first time and fell into a trance.

"I don't know how long this kind of life can last..."

"I heard that Mr. Zhang specifically told his colleagues at [Jingsheng Logistics] that he hopes our canteen supply can be normalized every day..."

"real or fake?"

"It should be true. From the beginning of his business to now, Mr. Zhang has been very good to his subordinates..."

"Huh? This book of yours is..."

"Oh, this book "The Biography of Zhang Sheng"... it just came out recently. It's selling very well. I got it by chance..."

"Is it a pirated copy?"

"I don't know, but it's really well written."


After each discussion, under the light.

The leaders sat down to eat one by one.

In the past dinners, the leaders would sit up and toast each other, but this time, no leaders went to toast, let alone drink.

Half an hour later...

A group of people walked into the conference room and sat down.


"When I came here, the most touching thing was one thing."

"That is because desertification is serious, and the sand blown by the wind covers the sky and the sun. If solar power generation panels are installed in this windy and sandy environment, the power generation efficiency will be greatly compromised..."

"So, my first thought was, how can we reduce sandstorms?"

"This is a fundamental problem. Many people have told me that you can't have your cake and eat it too. It's simply impossible to enjoy abundant sunshine and improve power generation efficiency..."

"Furthermore, this afternoon, I checked the sand control situation in our Tara Beach over the years. In fact, many seniors are using various solutions to control sand, but the results are not ideal..."

"So, what's the reason for it not being ideal?"

"I personally think that we need to create a true ecological framework!"


The once simple conference room was now equipped with a lot of new equipment.

Zhang Sheng sat in the main seat, his expression more serious than before. Under the light, he asked people to open the slides. In the slides, past cases of sand control in Talatan were inserted.

One case after another was presented in front of the leaders. After reading it, the leaders looked heavy.

From ten years ago to now, many people have actually been thinking about plans and put in a lot of practice, but in the end they have not achieved much results.


When they heard the [ecological framework], several leaders were instantly stunned.

This is a new term that only exists in academic circles or textbooks...

Several leaders immediately took out their notebooks and pens and continued to look at Zhang Sheng.

"The best way to control sand is to plant green plants. Although it is difficult for plants to survive in this area, growing some grass to reduce sandstorms is still worth a try!"

"So, before building our 77.9 square kilometers photovoltaic industrial park in Talatan, we need countless pasture seeds..."

"I learned that the solar panels in our current photovoltaic industrial park of about 9 square kilometers regularly spray water to clean the dust on the solar power generation panels, and water spray equipment is also installed simultaneously..."

"The flushed water flows into the underground land, and the photovoltaic panels block part of the sunlight. At night, the photovoltaic panels will also retain some condensed water, which can not only indirectly irrigate the pasture, but also allow soil composition to change. Change……"

"In addition to pasture, we also need to plant some plateau plants such as truncatula and snow chrysanthemum. These plants are more tenacious and can better maintain the entire system..."

"This is the first step for our ecology!"


Zhang Sheng's voice echoed throughout the conference room.

In the huge space, there was only Zhang Sheng's voice.

The leaders listened attentively, and when they heard [the first step in ecology], countless people nodded.

"Of course, leaders, especially those from the meteorological department, I need you to do a favor. If our preliminary experiment is successful, I hope you can provide us with the corresponding [artificial rainfall]. At the same time, I also hope that the Engineering Department Our leaders can help us lay a correspondingly larger water source system. These water source systems can better assist the changes and replacements of our [photovoltaic industry]..."


Zhang Sheng looked at the relevant leaders.

After listening, the leaders nodded one after another.

Wang Hui, the leader of the meteorological department, was silent for a moment and looked at Zhang Sheng: "Mr. Zhang, from today on, the staff of our meteorological department can be mobilized at will, and large equipment can be used. You greet us in advance, and we will give you the green light to go all the way. You can let go Go do it!”

After receiving the leader's promise, Zhang Sheng nodded: "Thank you, Wang Bureau..."

After thanking him, Zhang Sheng slightly moved the slides on the big screen in the conference room.

Then continue to the next page.

"Of course, this is just the first step [ecology]. The second step, our 77.9 Photovoltaic Industrial Park, is just the beginning. In the next few years, this industry will double, or even more than ten times. When it is truly After the vegetation is laid, we will face another problem. Well, Mr. Gong discussed it with me at the afternoon meeting. These turfs grow wildly in the dark and humid environment under the solar panels, directly covering the solar panels, which will cause inefficiency to a certain extent. Disadvantages of collecting solar energy…”

"This problem will not only happen here in the future, but also in other places!"

"Using lawn mowers for harvesting cannot completely solve the problem, and the grass grows too fast, and the weeding work also consumes a lot of financial, material and manpower. You said herbicides are not realistic..."

"We thought about it, and finally, I thought of the scene when I took our group of senior researchers to the village..."

"I was thinking about how to get more people to take advantage of nature and carry out poverty alleviation work..."

“Now, combined with the second step of [ecosystem], I thought of [sheep]!”

"I hope to establish a breeding base here..."

"Introducing a kind of sheep called "Small Tail Han Sheep". According to my understanding, this kind of sheep eats a lot and likes to eat grass. It can effectively fill up our system, and the sheep's excrement, Can better promote the expansion and improvement of the entire ecosystem..."

"When the sheep grow up, we can sell them to other areas..."

"Of course, we can also sell online. My [Qiangsheng Online Mall] has officially prepared all the procedures for the next ecosystem work..."


In the conference room.

Just like peeling off a cocoon, Zhang Sheng deduced the entire ecosystem from the basics to the end.

The leaders of Qinghai stood up instantly, their eyes full of excitement and surprise!

After the entire photovoltaic industrial park is really built, it will not only be able to provide electricity to more residents, but also be able to control desertification in a more [scientific] way.


When he was excited, Zhang Sheng looked at another group of moving leaders.

"Here, I need the leaders to help me with the second favor. The second favor is the 4G rollout here. I hope it can be started. All of us at [Qiangsheng Online Mall] will be stationed here to open stores. , all our colleagues at [Jingsheng Logistics] will try their best to open up the region..."

"Of course, in addition to this, I also hope that our transportation can be paved... I know that this requires larger funds, but if you want to completely open up the entire field and let more people get rich, except for many remote areas In addition to the fact that the cost is too high, I hope more regions can join together..."


Zhang Sheng looked at the leaders again!

Several leaders nodded with serious expressions.

"Comrade Zhang Sheng..."

"We will report your plan to the organization immediately after the meeting is over."

"The organization has told us that we will give the green light to all your plans. If the plan is approved, we will immediately invest the next strategic funds in the construction field..."



"Okay, thank you leaders!"

Zhang Sheng nodded.

Under the light, he looked around at everyone again.


"Besides that..."

"I hope more media support!"

"After all, sand control and environmental protection are big projects, and I need a certain amount of exposure."

"For example, our [WeChat] will appear next, [WeChat Sports], [WeChat Forest] and several other small programs!"

"if you can……"

"I hope this small program can be vigorously promoted..."

"My personal power is limited. I hope more people can join our [environmental protection] ranks and expand our ecological circle even bigger!"




Late at night.

A message reached ZhongYangD.

A big leader heard that meeting from the west.

He watched the live broadcast of the meeting throughout. After watching it, the appreciation in his eyes could no longer be concealed.

He saw scientific research, environmental protection, ecology, clear waters and green mountains, and poverty alleviation...

A complete system, from the Internet to industry, has been tightly integrated...


It is the true backbone of the times!

"We need to give this young man some encouragement..."

"The next itinerary will be slightly adjusted..."


He said this meaningfully.

Several people nearby were slightly shocked!

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