At this moment, the void crack above the summoning array that led to the Light God Realm slowly emitted an endless sigh.

The next moment, a six-winged angel slowly flapped its wings and slowly flew out from behind the void crack.

Everyone was surprised to find that this six-winged angel was only in a soul state, and it was obvious that the endless power of faith was building the divine body of this angel.

The six-winged angel held a scepter in his hand, and a burst of pure and extreme light power enveloped the surrounding heaven and earth.

After seeing this six-winged angel, everyone actually had a trace of reverence in their hearts.


However, at this moment, a cold hum suddenly erupted from Yu Zhangtian’s mouth.

The Supreme Supreme Sword soared into the sky.

The sword intent instantly shattered the light power around it.

The people of the Yu Family and the Heavenly Fire Sect who had just been almost brainwashed suddenly woke up.

“Grass! This birdman is weird! Almost brainwashed me! ”

Yu Batian suddenly scolded angrily.

They don’t know what just happened.

On the other side, the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor glanced at Yan Hong helplessly.

Just now, Yan Hong was almost brainwashed.

Yan Hong smiled helplessly, he had long known that the angel had such a magic trick, but he did not expect that in the end he almost found the other party’s Tao.

Then he looked at Yu Zhangtian.

“Such a powerful sword heart, how did this son cultivate it!?”

Yan Hong’s heart was very frightened, you know, just now the angel’s light power soaked into the power, he was instantly affected by the thought.

“Since so many years have passed, let him pass, Zhixin’s strength has surpassed yours now, and she should rest in peace under the Nine Springs!”

And the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor who knew Yan Hong suddenly said calmly.

In fact, Yan Hong’s talent was no less than that of Sword Yuntian, but his age was slightly younger than that of Sword Yuntian, who was one or two hundred thousand years old.

And just a hundred years ago, Zhao Zhixin’s mother died directly after giving birth to Zhao Zhixin’s first child, Yan Hong’s Daoist heart was instantly hit hard, and his strength was not as good as a year, otherwise he would now be a strong person at the limit of the Heavenly Realm.

Now in the face of the angel’s brainwashing, it was actually the other party’s Word in an instant.

“Yes, Zhixin is so big, why can’t I put it down!?”

Yan Hong smiled helplessly.

But remembering the more than ten years since Zhixin disappeared, the anger in his heart instantly soared to the extreme.


“Oh? I didn’t expect that such a lowly human sword heart of yours was so powerful, which was a rare genius in the bright period of that year! ”

As for his own light indoctrination being cracked, the six-winged angel whose face was unusually handsome and could not tell whether it was a man or a woman suddenly looked at Yu Zhangtian with some surprise.

Unfortunately, from receiving the Pope’s memory, he knew that this teenager was an enemy of the Illuminati Cult, what was the Illuminati Sect? It is the people who worship them, and if they allow such geniuses to develop, the Light God Sect will not be destroyed in the end.

At that time, the day when his Angel Clan would make a comeback would be getting farther and farther away.

“You’re an angel!?” Sure enough, as in the legend, neither male nor female! ”

However, in the face of the angel’s questioning, Yu Zhangtian said it calmly, and his words immediately made the people around him almost laugh.

The face of the six-winged angel instantly darkened.

As one of the seven archangels guarding the underworld, no one had ever dared to say such a thing to him.

“Humble human being, you will pay for your stupidity!”

Remir said coldly to Yu Zhangtian, and at the same time the surrounding area converged madly towards him.

At the same time, it seemed that the number of faith forces gathered around him was too small, and it was far from enough to condense his divine body, and Remil suddenly snorted coldly.

In the next instant, a terrifying force of light instantly began to spread frantically towards the entire Dragon Continent.

All those who are enveloped by this power of light are directly brainwashed by the powerful force of light.

“No, he wants to forcibly indoctrinate everyone on the Dragon Teng Continent!”

The face of the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor changed slightly.

“Ordinary angels don’t seem to need such a huge power of faith, what level of angel did the Pope summon this time!?”

Yan Hong’s face changed slightly, and his eyes looked solemnly at the divine body that was slowly condensed by Remir not far away.

“Wait, six-winged angel! Before the God of Light taught me that all I had seen them summon were four-winged angels, and their strength was in the ordinary Immortal Realm One and Two Heavens, this time it was actually a six-winged angel, was he one of the seven archangels of the Ancient Angel Clan!? ”

The Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor also thought of such a possibility at this time, and his heart was suddenly a little solemn.

“Hahaha, humble human being, I am one of the seven great angels under the throne of the God of Light, Remil! Angels guarding the underworld! Since I am called out after today, it is the time of your death.

I just don’t know, do you dare to fight with me if the so-called strong man dares to fight! ”

In the endless void, Raymill, who began to rapidly indoctrinate believers, smiled.

All seven archangels were super strong above the Fifth Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm before they were alive.

After all, the strength of a race that can rule an entire continent for an era cannot be measured by the current situation on the continent.

However, after hearing the name of the other party, everyone shrank slightly.

Raymir, the powerful being of the Church of Light is recorded and celebrated in the Bible.

However, now such a mythical figure has appeared in front of their eyes,

“Archangel Remir, it is actually him, and the strength of Remir who guarded the underworld at that time was second only to that of Archangel Michael.”

But why could the old dog of the Pope summon Remir!? ”

The face of the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor was very ugly.

You must know that Remil’s strength during his lifetime was definitely in the Sixth and Seventh Heavens of the Absolute Wonderland.

Although even the divine body condensed by condensing such a terrifying faith power could not allow him to exert his full strength, at least the strength above the Fourth Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm could definitely burst out, and such a terrifying strength could wipe out everyone present with a wave of his hand.

And whether the existence of the Yu family was so powerful, now he actually had the slightest doubt.



In the Church of Light hundreds of millions of kilometers away, all the cardinals felt the breath of angels in the distance.

“This time His Holiness the Pope’s summoning of angels will definitely lead to instability in the realm!

We must prepare the power of light before His Holiness the Pope returns, ensuring that His Majesty’s realm does not fall! ”

Slanka, the head of the Cardinal, spoke solemnly to the remaining dozens of cardinals.


However, at this moment, a wave of fluctuations silently swept over all of them.

“Boom boom!!! boom boom

Suddenly, one cardinal after another unexpectedly knelt down in the direction where the Heavenly Fire Sect was located.

Their faces changed drastically.

“No, the Pope is going to offer us to the angels!”

An exclamation instantly spread to the entire area where the Holy See was located.

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