“Cut, how can the flesh of this Dragon God Clan be so strong!?”

Yu Yanxiao rubbed his body and grinned before coming to the medicinal garden.

After being taught a lesson by Yu Feng, he went directly to Ao Fall, one of the four elders of the Dragon God Clan!

Ao Yu was the four elders of the Dragon God Clan, a super strong person who had understood the law of destruction, and few of the other races in the Strength Horror Demon God Domain dared to touch his brow.

However, the newborn calf was not afraid of the tiger’s Yu Yanxiao and found Ao Chen’s palace.

Unfortunately, in the face of the Ao Meteor of the Ninth Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm, Yu Yanxiao was directly ignored.

Directly release the body for Yu Yanxiao to hit casually, and then go to sleep by himself.

After finally using the trick, Yu Yanxiao still couldn’t wake up Ao Meteor!

On the contrary, because of the anti-seismic force carried by the dragon scales, Yu Yanxiao’s whole body was seriously injured.

If it were normal, he would only wait for himself to repair, after all, his recovery power would be improved in a few days with the blessing of the sacrifice.

But he was still waiting to go back to find the field, naturally it was impossible to just concede defeat.

Immediately ran to the medicine garden to prepare to dig up some Heavenly Order medicinal materials to refine a medicine to speed up the recovery of their strength!

However, after coming to the outside of the medicinal garden, Yu Yanxiao was suddenly confused.

“Sleeper! Heavenly Order Ultimate Herbs? Thousands!? What exactly did Grandpa rob the place!?? ”

Seeing that the entire medicinal field was directly enveloped by thousands of Heavenly Order Ultimate Medicinal Materials, Yu Yanxiao was dumbfounded.

The Heavenly Grade medicinal herbs he was looking for were actually thrown directly on the ground like weeds.

After all, the size of the medicinal garden was limited, and the cultivation of thousands of Heavenly Order medicinal herbs was already the limit. After all, some Heavenly Order medicinal herbs are thousands of meters high!

“Huh? Isn’t this the Heavenly Order Ultimate Heavenly Fire Dragon Fruit? Even this thing has it!? And isn’t this medicinal herb a Heavenly Order medicinal herb, how can it seem to be the Heavenly Order Ultimate Product!? “

Yu Yanxiao suddenly found that in a corner there were small trees with fruits like red dragons.

This medicinal herb is the Heavenly Fire Fire Dragon Fruit, which is said to be something that grows on the Endless Fire Domain Vulcan Mountain.

It’s just that Yu Yanxiao didn’t find it after he went, and he didn’t expect to plant it in his own family’s medicine garden.

“There are so many fruits, thirty of them, just eating one can make my strength soar, it seems that this time it has been issued!!”

Yu Yanxiao was immediately overjoyed and immediately flew to the front of the small tree, squeezed a fruit like a small fire dragon, and directly pulled it down.

Then Yu Yanxiao directly plucked these fruits one by one.

However, in the end, he only dared to take ten, and the remaining twenty did not ask Yu Feng but he did not dare to move, otherwise he would have to be beaten violently!

Then he went directly to the cultivation room. 、

As for why he didn’t go to the alchemy pharmacy, the reason was very simple, with his current alchemist level, wanting to refine the Heavenly Rank Ultimate Medicinal Materials was simply to seek his own death.

A careless explosion of the furnace is that Yu Feng can’t save him!

After all, when the time comes, the soul will be blown up and scattered, and even the underworld can’t go to how to save it!?

Although the level of the cultivation room at this time did not reach the level of one product, it was also upgraded by Yu Feng to the level of three products.

Sanpin’s cultivation room not only has the blessing of cultivation speed, but also the speed of comprehension, as well as the absorption speed of Dan Medicine, and so on.

All of these things combined were enough to make the strength of the Yu family increase rapidly.

As soon as he entered the cultivation room, Yu Yanxiao saw Yu Zhangtian and Yu Zhanyun frantically fighting in the cultivation room.

“Boom boom!!!!! boom boom

A terrifying roar spread wildly throughout the cultivation room.

Fortunately, this cultivation room was a realm of its own, and its scope was much larger than that of the Dragon Teng Continent, otherwise it would really be impossible to resist the battle between the two powerful people of the Fifth Heaven or above of the Immortal Realm.

“Nine Heavens Arrow Array!!!!”

A loud roar suddenly erupted from Yu Zhanyun’s mouth.

At this time, the strength of Yu Zhanyun, who had completely developed the Arrow Demon bloodline, had surpassed that of the Arrow Demon at its peak.

At the same time, the arrow intention is also very powerful.

It can be said that the development of the whole person is extremely stable.

On the other side, Yu Zhangtian was even more so, the terror of his strength that had obtained the Heavenly Sword Intention had already suppressed the all-out Yu Zhanyun to death just by using one percent of his strength.

And with Yu Zhanyun’s loud drink, the nine magic arrows behind him instantly flew out of the barrel, taking arrows, and shooting arrows in the clouds.

In an instant, the nine magic arrows were like nine to black streamers at an extremely terrifying speed towards Yu Zhangtian in front of him, and Yu Yanxiao, who had just entered to watch the play, was shocked.

“, what medicine did this uncle take, and his strength has increased again!!”

The wordless Yu Yanxiao no longer watched the battle between his grandfather and his uncle, and quickly found a corner to start preparing to take the Heavenly Fire Dragon Fruit.

For Yu Zhanyun’s strength to soar, in fact, he didn’t know the reason, he had been fighting madly with his grandfather in this cultivation space when he was looking for those Dragon God Clan strongmen in the outside world to fight.

Under the blessing of this cultivation space, it is of course inevitable that the speed of combat effectiveness will increase rapidly.

Therefore, Yu Yanxiao did not have a trace of jealousy or anything at all.

It’s just that with his personality, it is absolutely impossible for him to hide from cultivation here.

“Let’s try one first!”

From the medicinal material catalogue given to me by my grandfather, it is recorded that one Heavenly Fire Fire Dragon Fruit can make an ordinary person’s strength reach the Absolute Immortal Realm, but now this Heavenly Fire Fire Dragon Fruit seems to be the best of the Heavenly Order, and the effect will definitely be more powerful!

Or be careful!!! ”

Yu Yanxiao’s eyes were slightly solemn, because he knew that although his current strength was still quite OK, the realm was just the Triple Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm!

The combat effectiveness is also around the Sixth and Seventh Heavens of the Absolute Immortal Realm.

Therefore, as long as one Heavenly Fire Dragon Fruit can make a lot of improvements in his strength.

Thinking of this, Yu Yanxiao’s expression became solemn.

The next moment he directly took out a Heavenly Fire Dragon Fruit.


The Heavenly Fire Flame Dragon Fruit had just appeared in this cultivation space, and the temperature of the entire cultivation space began to rise madly in an instant, and the entire heaven and earth were scorched by this terrifying fire power.

Yu Zhanyun and Yu Zhangtian, who were still fighting in the distance, suddenly listened.

“Huh? Isn’t that Xiao Yanzi? What is he holding in his hand? It seems to be full of energy, but this thing seems to be a small fire dragon! ”

Yu Zhanyun saw Yu Yanxiao in the distance at a glance, and he was stunned after watching Yu Yanxiao start to eat the Heavenly Fire Yanlong Fruit one bite at a time!

That thing looks like a small fire dragon, is it true that Yu Yanxiao this boy went to steal the fire dragon cub of the Dragon God Clan and ate it!?

“That’s the Heavenly Fire Fire Dragon Fruit, but it’s a Heavenly Grade Grade Medicinal Material, I didn’t expect Yan Er to actually find this kind of Heavenly Treasure!!”

Yu Zhangtian, who was next to him, slowly put away his sword, and his brow frowned slightly.

“What? Herbs of the Heavenly Order? He just swallowed it? What a beast!! ”

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