I Heard That I’m Super Fierce

Chapter 103: .Devil Combination

For a while, the screams and screams outside the door were endless.

At the beginning, a statue alone could make SCP-682 stick to the wall without daring to move, but now there are more "shy people", the picture is simply not too exciting.

The Foundation has done a good job in security measures-repeated containment breaches are not a problem with these methods. They have done their best within their capabilities, but the capabilities of these containment items are too easily out of control.

But apart from anything else, the quality of this iron door is still acceptable. In addition, SCP-682 was entangled by the two, and there was no space to attack this side. Lin You also heard the corner with confidence and boldness.

She can tell who called it.

The statue doesn't make a sound, listening to the familiar cry belongs to SCP-096, and the one that is unfamiliar doesn't have to be thought to be the big lizard. The latter roared more and more hoarse, and I don't know if he accidentally closed his eyes when being slapped by 096, and 173 twisted his neck a few times.

It's terrible, it's terrible.

"It's not very safe."

The butler watched her close to the door, and said worriedly: "...Would you like me to listen for you?"

"No," Lin You said with a leap, "It's okay, I guess 096 won't give it a chance."

Compared with the tranquility and peace in the door, SCP-682 in the corridor is really in deep water.

The immortal lizard is a deadly trick that can't figure out which **** thing came up with, and actually put these two guys together.

Just when it was staring at the statue in order to save its life, the guy hiding behind had already released the fingers covering his face and rushed towards it crying!

After repeated beatings, SCP-682 was beaten to the top of his head, and had to stare at the statue tremblingly while screaming.

It quickly shed its skin and regenerates, leaving a few more eyes on its back. It is trying to escape from the statue with its back to the statue.

He grabbed its tail with one hand.


SCP-096 screamed, rounding its arms, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

——It turns!

In this situation, the only thing left is the sentence "The windmill creaks and creaks". SCP-682 was lifted by its tail and turned into a standard circle, slammed the ceiling and rammed the wall, causing broken bricks and rubble to fall to the ground.

Most of the surrounding walls were damaged, and the Immortal Lizard himself was not lightly injured. It was gasping for breath, and when it collapsed, it was about to bite at the opponent, but before it could dry like that, a shadow fell in front of it.

SCP-682: "…………………………"

Go away! ! !

The suffocation on the neck clearly reminded it that it accidentally blinked in that frenzy. With the statue's two short hands tightly clamped around the neck, SCP-682 felt that these two guys were really **** cooperation.

What is the feeling that life is better than death?

It thought that it had become accustomed to their methods under various executions by the Foundation, but it never expected that someone could do this.

And speaking of the source of all evil--

The Immortal Lizard who still had enough energy struggled to look at the iron gate not far away. It found that the pale fellow who was holding it back and forth torn back and forth avoided it intentionally or unintentionally.

The opponent and the humans behind that door belong together!

Not to mention it remembers the phrase "meeting ceremony", go to his meeting ceremony!

When it gets away, it will kill all these idiots—kill—

Before SCP-682 could finish thinking about it, he was grabbed by the hard shell of his mouth. It listened to the harsh screams in its ears, and almost couldn't tell which one was from itself and which one was from the other party. Then, it was hit the ground again and again.

The skull behind the door sighed quietly.

——It's really tragic.

But it even wanted to laugh out loud with glee.

The time limit was almost five minutes. Lin You no longer listened to the outside movement as he did at the beginning, and instead collected everything.

It is a pity that apart from some of the daily necessities, Lin You only touched a third-level authorization card. Obviously, the one who lived in this room was a senior researcher, but it was limited to this.

After thinking about it, she put away the card and put it and the card super-finished by the universal converter in her backpack. Waiting for the outside noise to diminish, only the big lizard's broken roar and screams were left. After confirming that 096 had returned to the illustrated book, Lin You did not need to do it herself. She looked over and the housekeeper had already consciously spontaneous He opened the door and bowed to invite her out.

The first step is to confirm where SCP-173 is.

Unbiased, the statue stands about five or six meters away from the door.

The short arms were raised straight, as if as long as there was no more time to move, it could directly twist the neck of the pile in front of it.

The Immortal Lizard was torn to pieces, and only a small half of the body and one claw remained attached to the head. It was lying on the ground, and the only two remaining stared at the statue in front without daring to blink.

It can't hide from 096 or 173. Under such a double-strike, five minutes later, it has so much volume left.

SCP-682 wished to close its eyes and drag the human into the water, but it was not sure whether the statue would break the other's neck or give it a shot first.

In the end, he could only stare at the statue intently.

If the statue is allowed to pinch its neck again, I am afraid that this little life will be really not guaranteed-in the last execution experiment when it encountered SCP-173, it survived the disparity in size between the two sides. The immortal lizard dared to pack a ticket, and that group of **** definitely wrote in the record that the next time they would damage its body before using this statue.

However, the risk of dispatching multiple high-risk SCPs at the same time was too high. This repeated experiment was put on hold by the Foundation indefinitely. I didn't expect that some people would dare to do it now.

Its damaged vocal cords vibrated, making a rough and incomprehensible sound.

The regeneration has already begun, even if the speed is slow because of the serious damage, at least the words become clearer.


"What are you saying, I can't hear."

Lin You smiled and squatted more than a meter away from it, "Let's make a discussion, do you want to go with me?"

As if hearing a big joke, the dying SCP-682 gasped hard and laughed like "hoho".

"...Don't dream." It said strenuously, "I'm really dead here, even if I let those guys recontain them, I won't go with you."

"Get closer if you have the ability."

The immortal lizard squeezed out its voice, don't look at it at this point, it can still be attacked if it is close enough.

"When I get up, I will definitely kill you—just stay and see."

The butler stepped straight forward.

Lin You reached out to stop him.

"Hey, it's okay."

She smiled.

After all, compared to SCP-173, which attacked indiscriminately, it would be better for someone with a high level of intelligence like the Immortal Lizard to walk together willingly, otherwise 80% of them would turn back if they didn't listen to them.

"Just wait and see," Lin You straightened up, "Let's go."

Only the skull hanging on the bag gave the big lizard lying on the ground pityingly.

SCP-682: "..."

? ? ?

It's just a mere human.

It thought, how could it eat its flesh and blood in mouthfuls by the time--

"Diz," Lin You didn't care what he was thinking, and called the housekeeper's name, "How long can you keep it without blinking?"

The housekeeper was taken aback.

He immediately reacted and smiled and said: "One minute and thirty seconds."

"This is a guarantee," he added, "maybe longer."

Lin You said "Well".

It is not the limit of the human body, but it is far above the average.

"Let's go."

She resolutely said: "Put this statue together."

What she wants to do is difficult to say, and simple is not easy.

After such an experiment, Lin You deeply felt that this pair was really worthwhile, and she had to take 173 back to 096 as a company anyway.

It's just that she hasn't found a way to turn the statue into a jam, and she's afraid that it will run around during this period, so, as I said before, find a place to lock it up.

Asking the butler how long to stay unblinking is also for this. Although SCP-682 is still on the spot, it is more likely to attack them first than itself when it sees the statue. It will definitely not stare at it again-it is eager to kill them. .

time is tight.

The butler once again carried the statue, and he walked behind it like flying trot, keeping his eyes on it. Lin You was in front, her gaze flicked across each door and paused for two seconds on the reader beside one of them.

She didn't even think about it, and directly posted the level three card she had just picked up.


It looks like a storage room with three or two shelves stacked. Regardless of other things, the butler immediately pushed SCP-173 inside.

Close the door, lock it with the card again, and do it all in one go.

The other side of the door almost heard the sound of stone scraping in the next second, followed by the "clang" of hitting the door. However, the iron gate has been locked, so don't think of it anymore.

Lin You is not afraid of the "lizard" doing his hands and feet. She believes that the appearance of the lizard has left a lot of shadow on it, but she will never release this statue again if she has a little memory.

She only glanced at 682, who was still lying there, and turned her head to walk down the stairs.

The corroded traces of the terrifying old man still remained on the steps. Lin You carefully bypassed this time. She went up to the top of the stairs without forgetting to bring the door with her backhand.

"Do you have a place to go?"

The butler actively asked: "I can find the way."

"...No," Lin You paused, "I'm thinking about something."

"Since the ultimate goal is to escape this base alive, we have to figure out what caused the containment breach."

Only in this way can we know where the most severe damage is, where is the safety exit, and where we can receive the most cards.

... Well, the last point is the top priority.


Lin You said.

"This site is quite large, and I cannot investigate the entire building by myself."

It's best to meet Jian Mingjia. If she can't see them, she still has to try to meet other players. Of course, it is not to act with them easily, but to exchange for information that you want to know.

"If you are thinking about this," said the butler, "I can—"

——What Lin You didn't expect was that Cao Cao arrived.

It is estimated that there are quite a few players who have matched this copy. When someone approached, Lin You and the housekeeper looked at each other.

"I follow you quietly."

He bowed deeply, "Don't worry, they won't find me."

After two steps back, the butler's body and voice disappeared into the darkness at the same time.

Regardless of the skull and crossbones' protest of "this is too boring", Lin You directly stuffed it back into his backpack. The second after she closed the bag, the players turned the corner.

Hearing the voice faintly distinguished it was four people, and the same was true of those who appeared in front of them.

The lights were obscure, and the four people saw her in the same way. But compared to Liang Siting's unreserved attitude at the beginning, their expressions were a little more wary.

Lin You can fully understand that there are too many weird items here. If they are not enough, they have accommodated a person who has the ability to transform. Naturally, they should be guarded when they encounter strangers.

"and many more."

To her surprise, one of them suddenly said: "I have seen her."

Lin You also reacted. She watched the other person push the gold-framed glasses-they met in the meeting room where the game just started.


Another person shouted: "I remember too."

"But," he asked again, "you are not with that—"

"Yeah..." Of course, it is impossible for Lin You to say that she herself is incompatible with the eminent monk, so she happily separated. "There was an accident and she accidentally left."

The teammate said "Hey".

"Is that so?" He obviously misunderstood something when he saw the bandage on Lin You's leg.

"Oh yes, we ran into them again on the way."

He pointed to the remaining two.

Only then did they put down their vigilance. One of them brought up the topic again: "By the way, where did you go?"

"Speaking of... I remember there was a mask," the man said at last, "put it on and you can stay in another world temporarily. If you find that one, maybe you can use it to hide-eh? What's that number called?"


The man in glasses took the conversation.

"The scary old man."

It doesn't need to be so troublesome, Lin You thought silently, anyway, his house was smashed into a mess, and he became stuck.

"I don't know where these monsters are. I heard that one will be chased by him if he sees his face--"

I got stuck at Kisaragi Station, now I am addicted to collecting paper bags.

"There is also the opposite. If you accidentally blink your eyes, you will be broken your neck..."

I was locked in a small black room three minutes ago.

"I haven't seen any of these." The teammate who also recognized her was puzzled. "By the way, did some place collapse just now? I seem to hear those helicopters saying that SCP-682 breached containment and was sent. The agents are completely destroyed—"

Just below, the one who was chased by the face and the one who died if not looked at him was beaten together and lying there to recuperate.

"Sure enough, it's better to be careful."

The teammate said worriedly: "I don't want to worry about it in this book."

Lin You: "..."


In fact, she had a good time.

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