Hair is inherently flammable.

The wanton growth of Jakar's mother-in-law's hair is no better than others. In order to better control the prey into the trap, the surface is covered with a thin layer of enzyme. With such a light scorch, a small flame ignited instantly. Almost in the blink of an eye, the flame rushed out of the door and burned upwards, and the other side of the door immediately sounded an unprepared and incredible howl.

"Ah-ah ah -"

Without catching more human flesh, she was even set ablaze. She yelled at her in the old Russian with a strong accent.

But soon, she didn't even have the thought of cursing, and she was full of care about how to put out the flame that was about to burn on her body. Together with the continuous slaps, her soaring voice immediately caught the attention of the two people who were looking for an exit from the room, and they turned their heads in surprise.

The Linyou who had not had time to get up was caught directly.


Seeing them dumbfounded and didn't expect the matter to be resolved so easily, Lin You couldn't help falling into silence.

She thought it was tragic enough to be caught after chasing SCP-106 before, but she didn't expect this chain to fall so off guard.

She glanced at the man with gold-rimmed glasses again, knowing that most of her behavior just now fell into his eyes.

"Accident, really an accident."

She acted decisively, opened her eyes and said nonsense: "I just wanted to take care of what's going on with this hair, but I accidentally lit it--this is just right."

... Believe your evil!

The two teammates involuntarily looked up at the lamp in the middle of the ceiling. The entire site was dim and gloomy, but the light in this laboratory was not enough to see the densely entrenched hair on the wall.

Take 10,000 steps, even if what she said is true...

Would normal people know that this hair is hallucinogenic and deliberately put it on? !

The expressions in their eyes looking at Lin You became complicated for a while.

"No, no need to explain," one of them said hard, "we all understand."

The other person murmured: "Too ruthless..."

Lin You: "………………"

It’s not that you understand what is going on. !

She-- she--

Lin You opened her mouth, simply closed her mouth and gave up the struggle, ready to open the door-nonsense, just listen to the screaming at the door, and then ran away looking at the card that was about to be obtained without doing anything!

She doesn't care about everything else! The card is the most important!

The silvery white hair that got into the gap burned completely. Lin You unscrewed the doorbolt and then pulled the doorknob, only to see the old woman outside was slapping her head yelling.

Looking at her old and weak figure, her skin was wrinkled in layers, and it was hard to imagine that she could run at that speed. But even with such physical strength, Jakar's mother-in-law couldn't solve the situation now.

The fire stretched over his upper body, and the translucent hair spreading all over his body was completely burnt. She stomped the ground with her feet, but she could not extinguish the raging fire with her hands.

In a mess, she only had time to give Lin You a bitter and resentful look, then turned her head and ran away.

It might be looking for water.

Thinking about this, Lin You shouted: "Diz!"

The butler, who had always been lurking in the dark, showed up in time and bowed.

"Catch it," she said, "bring her back."

No matter how hard it was, I shouldn't grow good hair so quickly.

She didn't worry about what would happen to Jakar's mother-in-law. The other party could recover from the fatal injury to ordinary people-even if it was beheaded or opened, it might take several weeks.

But judging by the speed at which the needle girl regained her long hair, the time in the illustration book passed faster. In short, even if you are seriously injured, you are not afraid of not having time to raise it.

After thinking about it, Lin You still added another sentence.

"Safety first, come back immediately if something goes wrong."

The description of the housekeeper's bell does not seem to specify the usage time. But one thing is certain, Mr. Diez will be counted as over once he dies.

The butler smiled and responded. He responded to the call and obeyed the bell ringer's order. He didn't look at other people at this moment, and walked towards the corner of no one.

If you look at it from a monitoring point of view, he just disappeared from the place.

After a series of actions and instructions, I saw that the remaining teams were friendly for a long time without closing their jaws that were shocked to the ground.

Even if you don't mention the devil's act of burning your hair, sending people to chase the old lady who likes human flesh is can no longer be described as "courageous."

"Yes, I admit."

Lin You took a deep breath.

"I'm the one who kidnapped Toshio by Dian Sadako, do you have any comments?"

Teammates: "..."

He shook his head.

I dare not have it.

"It turns out that there is someone on the forum..." One of them said in awe, "Big brother! Be worshipped by me!"

When I didn't see it with my own eyes, I thought it was someone who made the post for the sake of my presence. I didn't realize it was true until I experienced it myself! Although he only burned his hair, the other party's aura while doing this made him have no doubt that even Sadako would carry a stick in front of him.


Lin You waved her hand quickly.

"Just now," she paused, "I remembered where I might find a living person."

Immediately, he said "Ah" again: "Of course, it means NPC."

It doesn't matter if she doesn't add this sentence, they originally discussed how to find a former researcher or agent to inquire about the situation.

The teammate looked at her suspiciously. Just now, when I was tossing about it, they knew who might be the most reliable person at the moment, and they didn't dare to speak out casually, just waiting for her to continue.

"I was under here before," Lin You said, "I ran into SCP-682."

The man with glasses broke the silence first.

"What are you talking about?!" He opened his eyes wide, "682?!"

"Then what do you—"

He looked at Lin You back and forth to check if she had any missing arms or legs, "Why—"

Lin You completely imagined what he wanted to say but couldn't say, nothing more than how could you come back alive.

Just a little understanding of how immortal evil lizards hate humans is very clear. Cannibalism is common, so it will not let people leave in front of it all.

"Oh," Lin You said lightly, "I let 096 and 173 join forces to beat it down."

Man with glasses: "………………………………”

After being too shocked, he was stupefied, and he looked at each other almost numbly.


After a while, he finally remembered to help his glasses that were almost sliding down the bridge of his nose.

"1, 173 and 096?" he asked with a shaking voice.

I don’t even dare to look at the picture...No, I still have to watch...Wait, should I watch it? !

"Yes, but that's not the point." Lin You waved her hand, "It's already lying there anyway."

"The problem is that when I watched it break the ceiling, I took half of a human leg down, indicating that there was a massacre... However, there may not be no survivors."

The air fell silent for a while.

There is no stupid one who can be ranked in this book. Everyone present understands that if what she said is true, this will be their closest chance to the truth.

"Is it upstairs?" The teammate scratched his head.

"In that case..." he hesitated, "I might know a way."

However, the safety of this road is open to question.


Another teammate said quietly: "In case there is a power outage in the elevator half..."

"...Isn't it?" The square-faced boy who proposed it scratched his head, "I just sat down here."

"Try it."

Lin You didn't care much, she was the first to walk in, "It's a big deal to climb the elevator shaft. Now this is the fastest way, I guess you don't want to run into other SCPs."

This is correct. The teammate who suggested that the elevator might be out of power also followed in with grimace.

Which floor did SCP-682 fall from?

Lin You tried to recall the scene at that time, and suddenly there was a glimmer of inspiration.


There was light coming through the hole, otherwise she wouldn't be able to see that it was a human leg that had fallen together. Although layers of rubble are indistinguishable, it feels more like sunlight.

It may be the top floor that is destroyed. Another thing is that if there are employees who have not had time to evacuate, they will definitely be there waiting for rescue.

Without much hesitation, she directly pressed the button leading to the top floor.

Strictly speaking, it takes only two minutes for the elevator to rise. But no matter how short a period of time was in a closed space, it was extremely long. The second after the elevator door opened, they rushed out for the first time, however—


I don't know who murmured behind him.

"We are late."

Someone hurriedly tossed Lin You, and she herself reacted fast enough to find a piece of ruins as a shelter to hide behind.

In a sense, her judgment was correct.

The elevator is not far from where SCP-682 originally fell. They went straight up and down to the top floor, and found that it was really messed up everywhere, and there was a big hole in the ground. But as teammates said, they are one step late.

The last researcher in a torn white coat was climbing the ladder lowered by the helicopter, half of his body soaked in blood. He didn't have the strength to climb up again, and could only wait for the ladder to be pulled up a little bit.

On the other helicopter, the rope ladder was only halfway through the air, and someone jumped straight down.

He hardly used a ladder and landed like a leopard. At the moment when he saw the man clearly, Lin You heard the man with gold-rimmed glasses take a breath.

Mobile Task Force Omega-7, the captain of "Pandora's Box".

SCP-076, "Abel".

He is lean, and his arms exposed in his cuffs are covered with tattoos. The black hair was scattered and scattered, and the gray pupils scanned everything around him indifferently.

Abel, the second son of the myth of Adam and Eve. Although there is no clear proof of how much he has to do with the legend, after being discovered and awakened from a sarcophagus with a history of tens of thousands of years, he called himself that way.

Omega-7 is called "Pandora's Box" largely because of Abel's instability.

He will make his own weapons, be obsessed with fighting violently, and be satisfied with killing, is an out-and-out killing machine.

Just like now, he is like a black panther on the hunt, leaning forward with a smile on his face, pulling a shadowy crack out of thin air.

Lin You intuitively noticed something wrong.

Maybe he heard the disturbed breathing of the man with the eyes, maybe he really smelled something, maybe it was the prolonged fighting instinct that made him notice their breath, or it was both--Abel turned to The broken wall where they are hiding.

The hand that reached into the crack pulled out a dark dagger.

He moves extremely fast.

The naked eye could barely capture the process, she only felt that Abel was right in front of her eyes. With his bloodthirsty smile on his face, the sound of the blade breaking through the air was enough to make anyone frightened.

But just a second before Abel swung the blade, Lin You caught a glimpse of someone behind him.

——So, she didn't even hide.

Blade Wind brushed his face and stopped abruptly at the moment he was about to cut. But this is not because of Abel's change of heart, but because of—

Abel stared at the hand holding his wrist.


It only took less than half a second to change his position, and the mysterious evil **** said in a relaxed and relaxed tone, "I can't let you do it."

"Otherwise," Nyarlatotep smiled cheerfully, "I have so much fun."

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