I Heard That I’m Super Fierce

Chapter 136: .Inner demon

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——Then with a knee blow, the pulling force was enough for her to cut the string at once.

Flip the palm of your hand, and the keychain just falls into the palm of that position.

I want to say that there are still flaws...

Lin You's eyes moved to her fingertips.

She didn't have much experience, she was not so skilled, and the knife was too sharp, so she accidentally cut in her hand.

Fortunately, the wound is not deep, and the blood can easily stop by itself.

"To be honest," Lin You said, "I'm thinking what should I do if none of the keys in this bunch of keys are really true."

This blood will not flow in vain.

Geng Qinghe: "..."

Geng Qinghe: "Don't, are you so abused?"

Lin You shrugged meaninglessly. Anyway, this one won't work. She switched to the next one and continued to try.

The two of them listened to the surrounding movement all the way, hiding the eyes and ears of the maid who was still crawling around, and finally reached the stairway leading to the fourth floor.

At this moment, it was two o'clock in the morning, four hours before dawn at six o'clock.

As the teammates who stayed in the hall downstairs said, a wooden door blocked all the way. The door is thick and the lock is very strong, you can't get in without the key.

This one still doesn't work. After trying four or five in a row, Lin You got used to failure. She turned the key ring and inserted a new one.

The key bit fits perfectly with the keyhole, Linyou lifted up and turned the key very smoothly.


In the next second, the oncoming air made them take a step back.

Lin You pinched her nose, she didn't want to go up now.

"How is this—" Geng Qinghe's expression was also full of disgust, "Why is this so unpleasant?!"

If I had to describe it, it was a stench like a tomb. Lin You never thought that she could smell this kind of smell in her life. For the first time, she felt that the olfactory simulation of "Box" was too much.

Standing in front of the wide-open wooden door for a long time, Quan should just let it go.


Even now, Lin You slapped his hand and made a difficult decision, "Go up, maybe you will get used to it in a while."

"Wait," she stopped Geng Qinghe, who was about to step up the stairs directly, "I will go ahead."

Although the lights on the floor where they were staying were dim, they were within the normal range. But this floor is completely different. The lighting is almost nothing, and the tiny bit of light comes from a few small light bulbs with poor brightness hanging on the ceiling.

After getting used to the darkness, Lin You first saw the wide wooden strips nailed to the upper window on the side of the corridor facing the stairs.

The wooden steps made a "creaking" sound. She stepped through the last step and suddenly felt her feet slip while stepping on the floor of the fourth floor.


Lin You swiftly held the wall with his eyes and hands, anyhow he stabilized his balance. But she also got a lot of greasy liquid on her hands, and she threw it aside with no words.

"It's too disgusting on the wall..." she complained, then turned to the person behind, "Be careful, the ground is slippery."

After raising his hand to study the light of the bulb for a long time, Lin You still couldn't make out what the light green slime was.

She squatted down|body.

With the light, the part of the ground she could see seemed to be the same thing that was still on her hands. The only difference is that there are obvious traces of crawling and dragging on the ground.

"Mucous..." Geng Qinghe was also not far away looking back and forth on both sides, "It's still stuck on the wall. It seems that he is not small in size, can it be said..."

His inspiration flashed, "Giant slime?!"

Lin You: "..."

God is a giant slime.

Which cult worships slimes? This is not a horror game, is it Dragon Quest?

"Whether it is a slime or not," Lin You stood up, "Such a big body must be a monster, 80%... is the product of that so-called ritual."

Thinking about it, this is the most likely development-the Langtons held a cult ceremony for a certain purpose. The ceremony failed. The lady boss found that the summoned was a monster and went crazy and wanted to burn them all.

But here comes the problem. From the time they came to this hotel, they met the proprietress, and the maid and the Tuan Mie engine folklorist also met. What about Langton himself who planned everything?

It stands to reason that he should be the one she hates the most who killed the proprietress himself.

"Don't mention anything else."

Geng Qinghe said quietly, "Is there any water here?"

Lin You also looked at what was left of her hand in disgust.

This has to be washed.

The corridor was terribly dark, fortunately, not far from the stairs is the laundry room of the hotel. Obviously the faucet here has not been used for a long time, and the water that flows out is red rust when it is turned off.

After waiting for half a minute, the tap water finally turned clear. She washed away the mucus from the palm of her hand, and when she stood up, she saw Geng Qinghe carrying a plastic bucket next to the washing machine and leaning on it.

Lin You: "...what are you doing?"

"Boss, you see there is so much slime," he said solemnly, "what if it gets corrosive later. It's okay, I won't spill it in my backpack."

……as long as you are happy.

Lin Youxin said that this person couldn't help boasting. While he was receiving the water, she rummaged around to see if she could pick up something useful.

She really turned over a small flashlight from the cabinet above her head.

She tried to twist, and immediately saw that this was far from the one she had taken from the host in the last copy.

The brightness was dim. At first glance, it was hovering on the edge of dead electricity, but it was better than nothing. Lin You turned around and asked, "Did you finish?"

"It's over."

Geng Qinghe immediately responded, picking up the bucket with both hands.

The backpack setting is still a bit black hole, as long as something smaller than the player itself can be put in. Of course, props cannot be accumulated, and one person can only bring ten.

Watching the bucket disappear after he opened his pocket, Lin You turned around and shone the flashlight into the corridor.

"Quickly, I don't know how long this will take," she said, "hurry up."

"Come and see, is this blood?"

Geng Qinghe was startled when he heard the words, and hurried over to squat down.

Although I have almost adapted to the smell here, I don't know if it is a psychological effect when I get close to the mucus, and I always feel that the smell is heavier.

It was not obvious at first, but with the lighting of the flashlight, there was still a thin trace between the mucus on the floor.

Red and dark, dripping out like blood.

"...It's hard to tell." He struggled.

"From the top of the stairs to there," Lin You lifted his chin, "go and see."

The two of them were careful to avoid the mucus on the walls and the ground, fortunately they could always find a place to stay. As he walked, Geng Qinghe felt more and more wrong—the density of their spread increased significantly.

"In front," he asked in a low voice, "isn't it a boss fight?"


...Is it too late to run now? !

Geng Qinghe wondered if he was confused when he went upstairs together. After hesitating for a while, he bit the bullet and followed.

Lin You ignored his little entanglement, the power of the small flashlight was exhausted, and she had no time to see the blood stain and stopped in front of a door.

She held her breath and turned her head to signal that the people behind were also silent-Geng Qinghe nodded her head into a rattle.

Lin You carefully pushed the door open.

Inside is a small banquet hall.

The tables and chairs were all piled up in a mess, and a figure stood in the center of the empty banquet hall.

The lights inside are not bright, but a few lights together are better than the corridor. She saw the intricate patterns painted on the ground by the feet of the person-like a magic circle-and the other hand was stained with the same scarlet color.

When he realized what it was, Lin You's pupils shrank.

is blood.

"Why don't you come in?" The man's voice sounded, and he turned around, his eyes were horribly bright, "Guests from afar."

It seems to have discovered them a long time ago.

Lin You no longer covered up, and opened the door.

"Are you Langton?" she asked.

Before the blood on the skinny man's hands was dry, he gave a sharp smile and acquiesced to her question, "--it seems that you have done a lot of investigation."

Lin You glanced at his feet again.

I didn't read it wrong just now, and there was no shadow.

"Have you seen that woman?" Langton looked in a good mood and didn't care about her gaze.

Geng Qinghe: "..."

Lin You: "...I have seen it."

It just saw her through the door panel and rushed her into the bathtub drain hole.

"We used to have a child," Langtonwu recalled, "Unknowingly, she was still born. She wanted to resurrect the stillborn baby, so after Eugene arrived, we were all excited when we saw the book he brought. Incomparable."

"Sacrifice—what a wonderful word. Just offering sacrifices to the gods can make our children come alive." A cruel look crossed his eyes, "Then we held that ceremony."

"In her eyes, the ceremony was a failure, because it was such a ‘monster’ that awakened in our children."

Following Langton's sight, Lin You finally saw what was leaking from the other door.

The slimy black tentacles were there, and huge mouths grew on the sides of the tentacles, and green mucus kept dripping from them.

... So she touched this?

Langton was like a true fanatic, conveying his beliefs babblingly.

"But I'm different," he said intoxicated. "When I saw it, I realized how superficial my purpose was before—the Supreme Mother doesn’t need such belief."

"The woman came back, but I sacrificed myself to the mother **** before she started."

Lin You: "..."

It's okay for me to sacrifice myself.

Geng Qinghe sounded dumbfounded, "...Why can he make sacrifices to anyone? He wouldn't say that he would sacrifice us?"

Langton's sudden glance made him shut his mouth in shock.

"I woke up, and I'm still standing here," Langton said. "Although I am not really alive, but this is the recognition of the mother god. Yes, I will let you die understand-this time just put You treat it as a living sacrifice, and there is it. When the first ray of sunlight shines in in the morning and when it wakes up to perform the ceremony, I will definitely be able to communicate with the mother god."

Geng Qinghe slapped himself in his heart, his crow's mouth.

"'626'," Lin You murmured something from his words, "'626' originally meant this."

It's not just her preconceived twelve hours of haunting from 6 o'clock in the evening because of the web game, but also the countdown to the survival of Langton's ceremony at 6 o'clock in the morning!

In other words, GAMEOVER will be GAMEOVER only if you really guard in the lobby.

"Before you, I asked Amanda to collect so much blood, but it's still not so bad."

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