I Heard That I’m Super Fierce

Chapter 139: .Mystery of Life Experience

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Of course she is not happy-except for the relief of pain, the five senses of "Box" are almost perfect. Cold is really cold.

"Go away."

Without someone else speaking, her boyfriend quickly said: "Anyway, it's not far away, the big deal is that I will help you block it."

Others thought that this was a show of somehow, but Lin You didn't care. She adjusted the ten-segment waist bag that was given to each player by default in the cooperation mode, and went straight to get out of the car.

No matter how much it is said, it is illusory. The rain is so heavy that a group of people can't take care of themselves on the dark mountain road. After passing the twenty-meter distance, they barely managed to squeeze under the eaves of the hotel.

This family hotel is small, with four floors in total, with bright and warm lights shining inside. If it weren't for knowing that it was haunted, it would be too tempting for a group of players who are drenched.

"Although it is called "Hotel 626"..."

Someone trembled and said, "But I don't think there is a sixth floor. Is there such an invisible room on the roof?"

After hearing this, everyone felt a chill.

"I'm afraid it has nothing to do with the sixth floor." Looking around, no one knew, Lin You said, "If I guessed correctly, the name of this copy should be from "Terror Hotel 626"."

When she said this, she instantly attracted the attention of the other seven people.

"Oh?" the 30-year-old man who made the decision earlier asked with interest, "what do you mean?"

"It's a classic web horror game. '626' doesn't refer to the room number, but the homonym of '6to6'." She explained, "Players can only log in from six in the evening to six in the morning and play a midnight Wake up guests who want to escape in the haunted hotel."

"But the game has been closed for a long time."

Lin You shrugged, "I haven't played either."

"So maybe it will be cleared until six o'clock in the morning..." the man thought thoughtfully.

It is 7:50 in the evening.

"Ah, yes, I haven't introduced myself yet." He said, "Liang Yong, he has also cleared five or six copies of customs. He is a boxer by profession."

Is this combat power?

Lin You listened with interest to other people introducing her career. When it was the turn of the boy who was sitting next to her in the car, he smiled and said, "My name is Geng Qinghe, and the third copy is a student. Everyone helps each other a lot."

Lin You suddenly noticed something-it seems that except for her, everyone has cleared the level several times.

But everyone's eyes turned to her at this moment, and she was the only one who hadn't explained.

"...I am also a student," Lin You said in silence for a few seconds, "the first time I play cooperative mode, please take care of me."

It's not that she wants to lie, she herself hasn't figured out her career. In addition, the profession of Summoner sounds a bit out of the ordinary, so let's choose the most popular one first.

Geng Qinghe couldn't help but glance at her more when he heard it was the same job.

"the first time?"

Liang Yong said in surprise: “It’s not easy to be ranked D for the first time. What did you do during the test? Why are you still a student with such a high hidden score?”

The dungeon is divided into F to S according to the difficulty level from low to high. The first newcomer test is the simplest F-level dungeon.

The general analysis on the forum now is that students are assigned to the professions of players who have not fully demonstrated their characteristics.

Ma yeah, I need to wear a help.

"It's okay," Lin You said haha, modestly, "I just passed by, maybe because I asked the NPC for help, so I cleared the level faster?"

This is true, the only difference is that she forces-ah no, please-the so-called NPC is the gap girl.

The others seemed to believe it.

Lin You simply wore a high ponytail with bangs on her forehead. A pair of peach blossom eyes were clear like a mist of water, and smiled like a crescent, looking really harmless.

"It's okay for the first time," Liang Yong said readily when he looked at such a girl, "What can I tell you, Brother Yong, I will protect you."

Lin You: "...oh, oh."

Liang Yong only thought she was shy, it happened to be another mountain breeze, and everyone who was soaked had the strength to fall down, and hurriedly said, "Are you all ready? Go in when you are ready."

No one objected, the proposal was passed unanimously, and Liang Yong took the lead in pushing open the hotel door.

"Is anyone there?" he asked, "We want to stay in a shop—"

The sound stopped abruptly when he saw the empty room.

The hotel was brightly lit up and down, but no one was seen in the lobby.

"Sure enough, it is a horror hotel," the tour guide girl claimed to be Qi Lanlan, and felt that her back was fluffy at the moment, "not even a person."

"Aren't we asking us to find a room and stay?"

Another person muttered: "Who dares to treat?"

"Anyway," Liang Yong calmed down, "Go to the front desk to see, there should be some clues."

Several people stayed in place suspiciously, and Lin You approached with them. When others searched the counter, she saw a book on the table.

She turned two pages casually and found that this was a handwritten check-in registration. The background of this copy should be in Europe and the United States, and a row of names signed by various people.

"Found the room card!"

On the other end, Qi Lanlan called out: "Exactly eight!"

Those who were standing there also gathered around, looking at the room card in her hand.

"It's strange," said the previous driver, Chen Jun, touching his chin. "Although there are eight, they are divided into four levels."

For example, two adjacent ones are 103 and 104, and the next two are 201 and 202.

Liang Yong thought for a while.

"I have to investigate the situation here. It's better to divide it into four groups based on this." He suggested, "I cover the numbers, and the people on the same floor are a group."

"I do not."

The girl holding her boyfriend's arm said awkwardly: "I want to go with my husband."

"All right, let's give you these two." Liang Yong waved his hand, "The rest of the people smoke?"

Lin You turned over her card and saw the numbers on it.

"My picture is 103," she said, "Who is 104?"


Someone answered, then he was stunned, "Eh, what a coincidence."

"It's a coincidence," Lin You said, "It's you again."

It was a coincidence that after sitting in the car, Geng Qinghe was still drawn to her group.

Their group was assigned to the left on the first floor, and Liang Yong and Chen Jun's group went to the right. The rest go to the second floor.

"Scream if you have anything," Liang Yong exhorted before leaving, "We can come and help at any time."

——I was completely regarded as a novice with little experience.

The other party was also kind, and Lin You laughed and responded, turning his head and walking towards the other side with Geng Qinghe.

"Are you also a student?" On the way, she asked actively, "How did you get this career?"

There was a trace of unnaturalness across the face of the eighteen or nine-year-old sunshine boy.

"Then what."

He looked around, made sure the others were walking away, and whispered.

"You said the two of us are destined, I tell you, don't tell anyone." Seeing Lin You nodded, Geng Qinghe continued, "My original copy was to look for an abandoned house in the wilderness. A clue to a missing friend, but as soon as I entered the door, I saw that the door was closing by myself—"

Lin You: "Then?"

Geng Qinghe: "...Then I went straight out from the door, and then I tried to open the door and found that it couldn't be opened anymore. The system reminded me that the mission failed."

Lin You: "………………"

Consequences of excessive desire to survive.

"Don't look at me that way," he whispered, "I do it from the heart."

... Isn't that just highlighting a counsel.

"I am bold!" Geng Qinghe declared.

"Okay," Lin You said without much nonsense, pointing to the door just passed behind him, "Now I'll give you a chance to prove your guts, come on?"

Geng Qinghe: "...Huh?"

"Look at this door."

She said: "Is it different from other doors?"

Following the direction she pointed, Geng Qinghe noticed that the door was indeed slightly different from the others-there was no electronic lock, and there was no house number on the house plate.

"Looking at the specifications, this is a family hotel." Lin You said, "This room is close to the lobby and next to the stairs-it is convenient for receiving guests staying in the middle of the night and for rounds up and downstairs. I suspect it may be the owner. living."

Geng Qinghe understood what she meant, "Would you like to go in and see?"

"of course."

If it is the room of the hotel owner, there are naturally more clues than ordinary rooms.

Lin You twisted the doorknob, and the door opened.

It's not locked.

The lights were on in the room, but the windows were closed tightly. Lin You frowned and slapped her hand with a long-suffering smell.

The decoration is really not like ordinary guest rooms. The double bed in the center of the room is neatly covered with soft bedding. There is also a dressing table beside the bed with many bottles and cans, and a man's suit is hung on the hanger on the other side. It seems that the owner and his wife should have lived here.

Lin You walked to the bed, stretched out her hand and opened the duvet——

Nothing at all.

She turned her head, and Geng Qinghe, who had concealed the door, was looking at her in awe.

Sure enough, he couldn't show himself, he thought he didn't have the courage to come up and turn over the bed, where the most likely place to hide unclean things.

"It's all right," Lin You said, "Go to the bookshelf to see if there are any clues."

She let go of her hand, and next started turning over the pillow. It stands to reason that the key and the like are most likely to be hidden under the pillow, but she took the two pillows away and touched them in turn to confirm that there was only cotton inside.

Lin You put the things back, ready to go to see the dressing table.

She couldn't move.

Lin You froze there, and noticed some cold touch on her ankles.

She slowly lowered her head, there were a few pale fingers.

——There is something under the bed.

As soon as this thought came to her mind, she felt like the sky was spinning. The whole person fell violently, and the back of her head and shoulders that hit the ground were dull pains. When Lin You recovered, nearly half of her body had been pulled under the bed.

"what happened???"

Hearing the movement here, Geng Qinghe immediately rushed over, quickly grabbing her arm and pulling out.

Lin You didn't bother to explain, the strength of that thing was really a bit strong, and she and Geng Qinghe together were just enough to contend with it. She gritted her teeth and kicked her other foot directly on that hand.

The hand seemed to hurt, suddenly loosened.

At this time, Geng Qinghe successfully pulled her up, "...what happened?"

"There is a hand under the bed pulling me."

Just after a fight, Linyou's breath is still a bit unstable. The back of her head and back were still aching, she held her breath.

"Come on, help me move the bed board."

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