
Wang Yiming was taken aback, unbelief and twisted the doorknob several times.

But no matter how he screwed it, all he heard was the sound of the lock teeth "clicking"—obviously, the door was locked from the inside, and he wouldn't let him open it so easily.

It's not because of this that makes the few remaining people nervous.

The passage in this secret door is deep, not to mention the loudspeaker, not even the light bulb, otherwise they would not be guilty of trying to find the way with a flashlight. Wang Yiming's hand was still on the handle, and he heard a faint voice coming from outside.

The sound of the radio broadcast was blurred by the thick concrete wall, but the words could be clearly distinguished.

"Please note."

The little girl's voice remained steady.

"The red man appeared behind Wang Yiming, please look back and confirm."

She repeated it again.

"Mr. Wang Yiming, the celebrity appeared behind you, please look back and confirm."

After the broadcast sounded, there was a dead silence in the channel.

Of course Wang Yiming, who was still holding the round doorknob, knew that he couldn't really listen to her subconsciously. He stuck his neck and didn't dare to move.

"...Really?" he asked.

They were all gathered together, but Wang Yiming stood at the front, no need for him to look back, other people could see the situation behind him.

Lin You: "Hmm..."

"Yes," she said, "but it's probably not the same as what you imagine."

Celebrity: "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Li Jing couldn't bear to look straight away, she was afraid she would laugh at the scene——

Apart from anything else, the celebrities who couldn't sing had to jump violently behind the target, trying to get the light bulb out of their mouth.

But the light bulb filled her mouth with no gap at all. No matter how she touched it, she could only touch the lamp cap. She was still stuck there for a long time.

As the instigator of this scene, Xu Yan smiled and watched like a okay person, without realizing that the celebrity was staring at him.

——Perhaps she wants to kill Wang Yiming more than Wang Yiming.

Only Tao Leshan, who didn't know what kind of friendly interaction they had with the celebrities, looked dazed.

...What's the situation? ?

The atmosphere of a good horror film took a turn for the worse, and Wang Yiming felt that he had been deceived.

But this is better than the celebrity's real hands. He quickly reacted, took two deep breaths, and kicked it with brute force at the doorknob.

"Come out!" he yelled, "the young man is hiding in there and hiding under the black hands!"

He kicked for the first time, and the door shook only with his movements. Then came the second and the third, the handle was kicked looser, and the nailed iron plate leaned to one side slantingly.

It's done!

The moment the door lock was broken violently, the wooden door of the broadcasting room opened in the eyes of everyone, but only a gap appeared and it stopped quietly.


Wang Yiming was about to push the door when he saw it, but he couldn't open it no matter how hard he tried. He touched it with his hands again, his expression visibly stiff.

"What's wrong?" Lin You asked, and she stepped forward.

When she also touched the air gap in the door, she understood what the other party was stunned.

Blocked here is an invisible wall.

Lin You remembered what Xu Yan said shortly after the start of this so-called "game of finding the body"-they found that there were transparent walls at the entrance and exit of the station that prevented them from leaving, even if it was the same reason.

This time, not from the radio, but through the crack of the door, the little girl's "chuckling" laughed like a silver bell.

"give up."

She said, "You can't get in."

There was only a small gap in the door, and I couldn't see what was going on behind the door, nor where she was.

Lin You said "Oh", "Are you sure?"

little girl:"……"

At least she originally thought so.

But even the celebrity was blocked by the light bulb, let alone seeing the endless stream of words-she stopped there without embarrassment, she just didn't take it for a long time.

"I advise you not to toss," the little girl said coldly, "It's useless, it's just a waste of time-I said from the beginning, once the time is up and the task is not completed, all members will be out."

"I have given you a chance for overtime, and I won't give it a second time." She said in a frenzy.

"--If I were you."

Lin You interrupted her leisurely, a Wang Yiming who wanted to speak even after persuading her eyes.

"You won't be so confident after being discovered in your hiding place. Okay, you don't have to worry too much. We will continue this rouch game as you wish. I just want to confirm it again. What will happen?"

This sentence made her not to worry too much about the false anger that made the little girl's face blue and white, but she grinds her molars and still suppresses the fire, "...I can let you get out of here."

The word "may" is a bit interesting.

Thinking like this in her heart, Lin You didn't show any signs on her face.

"We will help you find your body, you let us leave-it looks like this is a win-win ending?" She said briskly, "It will not be good for both parties to continue entanglement. Anyway, only the last part is left. Give me a little bit. How about a little hint? Don’t be too specific, just give an approximate range."

The little girl was silent for a long time.

"Okay, I can tell you that there is no upstairs, just below this floor."

"Isn't it in your room?" Li Jing suspiciously asked.

"Of course not," she denied, "I don't have to lie to you."

"But I didn't give it unilaterally," Miki sneered, "Miko, take it away together."

Lin You suddenly realized who she was talking about—the celebrity who was called by the name stretched out her hand to SCP-096.

She used SCP-096 to get rid of the rape, and then threatened the stairwell to learn about the radio station. The other party might have seen them uncomfortable for a long time. Then I found an excuse to take it away from her, so that nothing happened again.

Unexpectedly, it didn't move.

The celebrity already had an extraordinary strength that was inconsistent with his body shape, but SCP-096, who was dragged by her, was still squatting there as solid as a rock. After pulling it twice, it just swayed. At the order of her sister Miki, she took a step forward and wanted to pull it again--

With a "pop", 096 finally slapped the celebrity's hand with a slap that was a little impatient.

It uses actual actions to show that it wants to stay here.

Red man: "..."

little girl:"……"

This behavior caused both of them to deflate to varying degrees. The latter really didn't use it, so he had to assume that he hadn't said it at all.

"You better find it quickly, otherwise..."

She didn't say clearly what would happen after "Otherwise", so she just groaned badly. The gaped door closed quickly, and the celebrities stepped back two steps, disappearing into the darkness, giving them a way.

"I thought," Tao Leshan, who had not dared to speak until he got out of the secret door, finally squeaked, "We were really going to rush in directly just now."

Lin You smiled.

"how is this possible."

She said, "It cheated her."

Tao Leshan: "...Huh?"

"I can't find a way to get over that air wall," Lin You said, "It just made her think there was another trick."

Although I don't know where the surveillance system of this station is installed, everything they did should be seen by the little girl. Knowing that she can use ghosts and monsters, I feel a lot of fear.

Lin You also took advantage of her lack of reaction for a while because of this fear, pulling the opponent from the game formula to the same position as them to deceive clues.

If she really wanted to understand at that moment, she would know where they might break in. If there was a way, she would have broken through the air wall blocking the exit of the station and escaped.

"Somehow asked the scope."

Wang Yiming, who was almost named, was obviously unwilling to let go, but he couldn't think of a better way, "...can you believe it?"

"At least for now," Xu Yan said, "she has only concealed things, and what she said is not deceiving."

"I also think I can find it."

Lin You pondered, "She said below this floor, meaning that those platforms are also included?"

Everyone glanced at each other, so they decided on the next step.

There are less than twenty minutes before the end of overtime.

Ten platforms, divided among them are two each.

Lin You was in charge of No. 1 and No. 3 in the East District. The platforms looked the same, with different signs just because of the different routes.

She looked under the bench seat one by one, and then remembered the leg found in the vending machine. Although I thought it was unlikely that such a big doll would be stuffed in, I checked it emphatically.

After confirming that even a screw could not be missed, Lin You straightened up and wiped off his forehead.

The clothes on her waist were still printed with dark red circles, which were the marks left by the celebrities at that time. Looking down again, Lin You saw a pair of feet standing behind her.

Lin You: "..."

096 has been following quietly, even the paper bag doesn't make much noise at this moment, so quiet that she almost forgot its existence.

Thinking about it in order to follow the celebrity who slapped him away, she couldn't help but feel what kind of perseverance not to abandon or give up.

I also want to interview the rip-off girl who was caught in the picture book and dare not come out.

I don't know when it will follow.

Looking at the watch, another six minutes passed. Lin You shook her head, discarded these extraneous thoughts, and ran up the stairs in three steps in two steps.

Everyone had similar tasks. She went upstairs after finding her, and the other four people came back in just over a minute.

All are empty-handed.

"I didn't find it," Wang Yiming sighed, "it seems not on the platform."

Li Jing: "Otherwise, where else can we be? Could it be true that we lied to us?"

Tao Leshan's face is a bit strange.

"Actually... I slid on the edge of the platform just now and almost fell directly on the rails," he hesitated, "but I felt like a hand was pushing me behind my back immediately, and then I climbed up."

They all heard Linyou mention that as long as something hits the rails, it will be crushed to pieces. At this moment, it is inevitable that there will be lingering fears.

"Really," Lin You thought, "...someone helped you?"

"I feel that way anyway, well, it doesn't matter."

He paused, "The point is that I didn't find it either."

Xu Yan is the only one who has not spoken.

He propped his chin and fell into contemplation.

"If the scope is limited to this level," Xu Yan said slowly, "There should be several places that can be found."

"Exclude convenience stores and bookstores."

She and Li Jing carefully searched one of them, and they searched the other one after they came out of the secret door—Lin You said, "There are two or three shops."

Xu Yan: "Besides the store, isn't there a place that is closest to the possible activities of celebrities?"


Lin You lowered her eyes.

"Huh?" Seeing her doing this, Li Jing asked blankly, "Where is Yujie?"



Li Jing murmured: "But the elevator is so open when the door is opened, where can I hide things? Ah! Could it be that--"

She closed her voice suddenly, looking back and forth at Lin You and Xu Yan in horror, trying to get a negative answer from them.

But neither of them did that.

This is a very uncomfortable association, Lin You thought, while she was sitting in the elevator trying to escape the celebrity, the other party squatted on top of her head across a layer of iron.

"It's just a possibility," she said. "Let's go and look for it-you continue to search the store."

"Hey, Li Jing, wait."

She stopped Li Jing again, "I want to ask you something."

There are only five people left, and it is the limit to separate two people to remove the elevator car top.

When Li Jing and the others went to the beverage store and continued to search, Lin You pressed the button outside the elevator to prevent the door from closing naturally.

In the elevator car, Xu Yan stepped on the ladder brought from the tool room and carefully observed the gap at the top.

Even for this old box elevator, there is a safety window on the top of the car for emergency rescue. He recognized the square marks, put two hands on it, and pushed it up forcefully.

The car shook suddenly.

Once the safety window is opened, the elevator will automatically stop-it seems that this weird station is no exception. Lin You released the button and walked into the elevator herself.

The elevator was old and the window sashes were rusty. It took a long time before it opened to the outside with the sore noise. Xu Yan went up two more steps on the ladder, and half of his body leaned out of the car.


Lin You suddenly said, "I heard something very interesting."

Xu Yan's voice echoed in the elevator shaft, "Huh?"

"I asked Li Jing," she said, "In the comics, the protagonist also found the broadcasting station where Miki is hosting the game."

Xu Yan's movements paused.

"But just like we did at the time, whoever holds the doorknob in his hand, Miki will pinpoint the celebrity behind that person exactly—the full name is called."

"Oh? So what?"

"You know what might happen."

Lin You said.

"So I retreated at the last minute and let Wang Yiming rushed up-because he was that temper. But are you afraid of death? No, you won't be the first one if you are afraid of death. There is also a lot of risk."

"After thinking and thinking, there is only one possible purpose."

"The first time that the broadcaster reported this, my name was directly reported. You guessed that the person who opened the door of the radio station would also be quoted as the full name in the comics," she said, "——'Xu Yan' I'm afraid it's not the pseudonym you made up casually, right?"

The man standing on the top of the ladder was silent for a long time and suddenly chuckled.

"Does this game make people use their real names?"

"Of course not." Lin You raised her eyebrows. "It's just that you are very suspicious of your identity when you have already had an insider."

"Don't worry," he spread his hands with a grin, "I'm not a spy."

"It doesn't matter if you are."

She said sincerely.

"What I have is a way to clean up the undercover."

Xu Yan: "………………"

Even if he is really not a traitor, this tone makes him instinctively cool behind.

"Fortunately, I didn't feel cheated, so I quickly changed the target." He whispered.

Otherwise, his ability to rely solely on flickering would be cold.

Lin You: "What?"

"Cough, nothing." Xu Yan cleared his throat and withdrew his hand from the wire rope outside the car roof, "I think, this should prove a little bit that I am not malicious, right?"

He got down the ladder, and what he was holding in his hand pulled out of the safety window.

It was a bunny doll covered in blood that was almost half a person tall.


In the coffin where everyone gathered around, five positions were arranged according to the figure of the sunken figure.

Now only the head is left.

Wang Yiming was holding the rabbit doll that was just torn in half by him. Don't say it, this puppet looks old, but the quality is good. It was him, it took a lot of effort to pull his head off the body.

The rabbit puppet's head is bigger than his body, and his face suddenly changed when he stuffed his hands into the full cotton and fumbled.

With a calm face and a handful of long hair in his hand, he pulled the little girl's head out of the cotton little by little.

Everyone's looks are not very good-looking.

Tao Leshan stepped back subconsciously and kicked the coffin lid, holding his foot to draw air-conditioning.

The visual impact of the severed limb and head is not the same level. The little girl's eyes are closed tightly, and there are obvious signs of sawing on the neck.

"It feels like a celebrity..." Li Jing said weirdly, "It really is a sister."

... She who has fed celebrities at close range is very qualified to say this.

Wang Yiming squatted down|body, and put the head in the coffin.

The moment he put it in, the severed limbs that were originally placed in the coffin seemed to suddenly have life.

Shallow white light was reflected in the section, and they were stuck together a little bit. The next second after the fusion was completely completed, the top head slowly opened his eyes.

She rolled her eyes and scanned the crowd around her.

"Brothers and sisters," the little girl named Miki had a sweet smile on her face, "Thank you for helping me find my body."

"I'm still weird."

Tao Leshan whispered, "Aren't you at that broadcasting station?"

"What is there is my'heart', which is usually called the soul -" she said, "the body is scattered in various places."

"Nothing else."

Wang Yiming frowned and said, "Is it time to honor your promise?"

"committed to?"

The little girl frowned, then suddenly realized, "Oh, you mean that?"

"But I just said I can let you go," she bit her words slyly. "Can't you also do other things."

Seeing her suddenly turning into a quirky smile, everyone's hearts were alarmed.

"For example, I think my skirt is not as red as Miko. I want to use you—"

Before she finished her words, she suddenly felt that her shoulder was pushed abruptly.

little girl:"??!!!"

She had just gotten up from the coffin, but she was pushed straight by Lin You and fell back. She was caught off guard and saw her eyes go dark.

Wang Yiming swiftly put his hands on the handle, and together he covered the not-light coffin board, with half of his body pressed on it again, without giving the bottom a chance to open it again.

Lin You let go, turned around and shouted, "Li Jing!"

"Okay!" Li Jing understood, with a pair of hands, and cold light emerged from it.

The slender and strong thread in her bag wrapped the coffin several times from top to bottom under her control.

"Teach you a truth," Lin You sighed, "Don't rush to talk nonsense before you come out."

"Okay," she said, "say what you just said again?"

The coffin that was sealed tightly: "..."

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