[Congratulations to the player, you copied the passive skill, Thunder Force LV5*95413, Thunder Force level increased to LV26 (84112/600,000)】

【Congratulations to the player, you copied the passive skill, and your physical strength has been enhanced to LV5*97454, and your level has been increased to LV25 (737,000/1 million)】

【Congratulations to the player, you copied the passive skill, and the strength was enhanced to LV5*105,000, and the level was increased to LV25 (537,000/1 million)】

【Congratulations to the player, copy the passive skill, Tail Break Survival LV5*102,500, and level up to LV25 (787,000/1 million)]

At the same time, a series of prompt sounds were transmitted to Ling Yan's mind!

"The passive of LV5 is really powerful, one is equivalent to 16 passives of LV1 level!

It seems that a dark gold level copy can at least strengthen the passive to LV25!"

Ling Yan looked at his own attributes and calculated.

100,000 LV5 passives are equivalent to 1.6 million LV1 passives!

According to this calculation, if I do it twice more, I can upgrade all the passives to LV27!

To reach LV30, it only takes more than twenty times.

However, Ling Yan remembered that he could turn on the infinite monster mode.

Although the same wave can only be turned on for five hours, the number of monsters in the infinite monster mode is very large.

The density is several times that of the current one, and the speed of killing monsters can reach at least two to three times.

In five hours, it is estimated that more than 120 million can be killed.

In this way, I only need to go through the Hell Thunder Dragon copy 10 times in a row to upgrade my strength, physique, and the Tail Survival and Thunder Power to lv30.!

"However, it would take at least one day to go out once.

Ten times would take more than ten days. Would all the time be spent on upgrading the passive ability?"

Ling Yan was in a dilemma.

If so, by the time he went out, the geniuses of the same generation in the outside world would probably be at level 50, and even some SSS-level geniuses would probably be above level 70!

"Forget it, the difference in strength between LV25 and LV30 is not big, at most I can advance after two more games, strength is the most important.

Without strength, even if I stack the passive level to LV100 now, I still can't beat the strong at LV100!

Moreover, after the strength is enhanced, the level of the dungeon that can be brushed will be improved, and the speed of brushing the passive will also be improved!"

Thinking of this, Ling Yan directly moved his eyes back from the attribute table.

【Alert, the final BOSS of the dungeon is about to appear, please be prepared! 】

At this moment, a warning sound came into Ling Yan's mind, and Ling Yan's eyes became serious after hearing this warning sound. The final BOSS of the Hell Thunder Dragon dungeon is finally coming out!

""Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, the dark clouds above the plain where Ling Yan was located began to surge wildly.

The entire land gradually fell into darkness.

At the same time, a large amount of thunder was madly rushing through the thunderclouds.

There were more and more thunders, and the originally dark land was also illuminated by the thunder.

And this depressing scene made the surrounding air become particularly solemn.


Suddenly, a dragon roar erupted from the thunder.

The next moment, a terrifying sound wave directly hit the thundercloud, directly blasting a huge hole in the thundercloud.

Then a dark red three-headed dragon with dark red thunder flowing all over its body slowly fell from the hole.

These three huge heads, one is a dark black dark system, one is a blood-red surging elemental power Ling Yan didn't know what it was!

And the last one is a thunder system of the thunder system

【The ultimate BOSS: the three-headed hell thunder dragon! Appear! The imperial force field is activated, and no one within a 100-kilometer radius can leave the dungeon! 】

A prompt sound came directly at this time.

Hearing this prompt sound, Ling Yan finally understood why the death rate of this dark gold-level dungeon is so high, and it is impossible to leave the dungeon!

Doesn't that mean that those who come here without enough strength can only wait to die?

"It seems that we have no choice but to fight this time!"

Ling Yan also frowned, and then directly opened the attribute table of the Hell Thunder Dragon Emperor.


Wild monster: Three-headed Hell Thunder Dragon (Emperor level)

Level: LV20

Talent Passive:

【Thunder Mastery LV25】(Can control the power of thunder and explode 2500% thunder damage!)

【Dark Mastery LV25] (Can control the power of darkness and burst out 2500% dark damage!)

【Undead Control LV25】(Can control the power of the undead, burst out 2500% undead damage!)

【Strength Enhancement LV25】(Strength attribute gains 2500% blessing!)

【[Physical Enhancement LV25] (Physical attributes are increased by 2500%!)

【Speed Enhancement LV25] (Speed attribute gains 2500% blessing!)

HP: 1 billion/1 billion

Mana: 10 million/10 million

Attack power: 40,000

Speed: 3,000

Defense: 1 million

Skills: Hell Thunder Dragon Breath LV5: (Purple skill, burst out Hell Thunder Breath, burst out 750% lightning damage, and a certain degree of dragon breath damage! Cost: 50,000)

Hell Rashomon LV3: (Gold skill! Summon the Triple Hell Rashomon to resist all attacks!)

Hell God Emperor Tower LV1: (Dark gold level, summon hell secret treasure, the phantom of the Hell God Emperor Tower, suppress everything, can burst out attack power: 2000%, cost: 1 million

Explodes in the gap between deaths, can explode: 4000% attack power! Consumption: All remaining health points, only 1 point left!)

Sea of the Dead LV1: (Special dark gold level! Summon the Devouring Undead, slaughter all the ants that block the emperor!

Note: Once this skill is used, it is possible to summon the undead of the same level of the emperor-level BOSS, once used, please pay attention to escape!)


I was stunned. I was stunned!

Although I thought this emperor-level BOSS would be a bit scary, when Ling Yan saw this attribute, he couldn't hold it back!

"What on earth is this Emperor-level Dragon King? It's ok that all the members have a passive level of LV25!

But there are so many terrifying skills.

How can I kill it?"

Ling Yan was extremely annoyed at this time. Let's talk about defense first: 1 million basic defense value, and add a full LV3 gold defense skill, the defense power must be at least 12 million!

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