In the sky, the three-headed Hell Thunder Dragon looked at this scene and all three huge heads laughed coldly.

Being able to kill a super genius like Ling Yan is definitely an extremely brilliant achievement in his record.

At that time, he will directly enslave Ling Yan's soul, and he will have one more undead slave of this super genius!

Thinking of this, it laughed wildly towards the sky.

And Ling Yan calmed down after dying again and again.

He calculated that the elemental sky shield he activated before his death did delay for a period of time, and at the same time, the power of this energy tide would be weakened a lot.

After all, the power of his elemental sky shield has increased eightfold now.

Theoretically speaking, even the enhanced version of the Hell God Emperor Tower cannot break the defense.

In fact, it did not break the defense, but his energy was extremely strong as if it was endless.

It directly blew up Ling Yan's elemental sky shield.

However, no matter how strong the energy is, there is a limit!

"Since eight times the Elemental Sky Shield cannot drain your strength, then double it again!"

Ling Yan snorted coldly.

Ling Yan used the last of his magic power to activate the Elemental Sky Shield!


Instantly, a huge colorful shield burst out.

"Useless human! The Hell God Emperor Tower with all my blood has at least tens of millions of magic power!

Although your defense skill is powerful, it can't be washed away at all!"

The three-headed Hell Thunder Dragon in the sky roared angrily when he saw this scene.

For some reason, the moment Ling Yan exploded, his heart was filled with fear.

The reason was simple!

Ling Yan's strength was too strong.

Moreover, it was absolutely impossible for him to do such a thing that would consume his own energy for no reason.

"Really? I don't think so!"

Ling Yan sneered.

The next moment, a bloody light suddenly appeared in his eyes.


In an instant, endless killing power and dark power suddenly burst out from his body!

This all-destructive power began to gather madly on the left half of Ling Yan's body.

""Heavenly Demon Blood Sacrifice Technique!"

Ling Yan shouted coldly.


Instantly, his lower body exploded and turned into a blood mist.

The blood mist instantly poured into Ling Yan's body.

At this moment, Ling Yan's whole body strength began to increase madly.

Similarly, the elemental sky shield surrounding his body spread out.

In an instant, the diameter of the sky shield directly expanded from dozens of meters to hundreds of meters.

【Ding... You sacrifice your lower body to use the Heavenly Demon Blood Sacrifice Technique, and your overall strength increases by: 400%!】

A prompt tone is heard, and the���In Ling Yan's mind


As the strength surged, the power of the Hell God Tower that was madly infused around the Elemental Sky Shield began to be absorbed like a black hole.

As the tidal force gradually weakened, the Elemental Sky Shield was completely superimposed to 4000% of its power.

Feeling the terrifying power contained in the Elemental Sky Shield, Ling Yan raised his head and looked at the three-headed Hell Thunder Dragon in the sky.

"Since you gave me your strongest attack, I will give you my strongest attack too!"

Ling Yan looked at the three-headed Hell Thunder Dragon in the sky with a cold gaze.

"This is impossible!!"

The three-headed Hell Thunder Dragon roared in fear, and without hesitation it flapped its wings and fled madly.

Unfortunately, it was too late.


Ling Yan spoke calmly.

""Boom boom boom!"

In an instant, the elemental shield that had absorbed the extreme exploded.

The power of destruction instantly spread in all directions.

In just a moment, it submerged the three-headed hell thunder dragon that had already run several kilometers away.

-560 million!

An ordinary white damage shot straight up into the sky.

Basic attack! 560 million!!!

This is the basic 8 million attack, plus the 650 tail-breaking survival attack, plus the 400% blood demon blood sacrifice! In addition, the elemental sky shield is fully stacked, and the attack power is doubled. The terrifying damage is dealt.

Moreover, the most terrifying thing is that the damage effect of this move directly extends to a radius of ten kilometers.

A terrifying abyss appeared around Ling Yan.

Looking at the land within a radius of ten kilometers that was sunken by himself for more than ten meters, Ling Yan was also emotional. He is so awesome at level 20. If he upgrades to level 100, he can probably really explode, right?

Unfortunately, the price of such a powerful attack is that Ling Yan's lower body is completely gone at this time!

Fortunately, Ling Yan, who possesses the power of elements, condensed an illusory lower body with the black dark power.

In addition, the golden dragon-slaying suit equipment automatically extends and covers.

It looks almost the same as if he had not been injured.

"The emperor-level BOSS is really terrifying. I really don’t know how that damn girl managed to defeat the other party for a whole month!"

Looking at himself being beaten into this state, Ling Yan was speechless.

He had used up all his trump cards, and the only thing missing was rebirth!

Of course, he didn’t dare to gamble on rebirth!

What if the passive skill of his son of luck was not powerful enough.

He would really die!

And if he wanted to revive himself, the red resurrection card would definitely not be enough.

"It seems that this time I have to go back to the place where I got the passive rebirth skill and upgrade it to a higher level!"

Ling Yan thought about it and made a decision.

After all, this passive skill is really amazing!

With the help of the Son of Luck, it can even allow you to revive infinitely.

You can even travel through time.

It's like a cheat.

【Ding... Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the emperor-level BOSS: the three-headed hell thunder dragon! Experience points obtained: 300 trillion! Star coins obtained: 300 trillion (locked)���

【The Wheel of Fortune is activated, critical hit: 10 million times! The host gains passive:

【Dark Mastery LV25] (Can control the power of darkness and burst out 2500% dark damage!)

【Undead Mastery LV25】(Can control the power of the undead, burst out 2500% undead damage!)

【Thunder Mastery LV25] (Can control the power of thunder and increase the strength of thunder skills by 2500%!)

【Congratulations! Strength, speed, and physique, the three passive enhancement levels have been raised to LV27! 】

At this moment, the prompt sound of the will of apocalypse also rang rapidly.

Ling Yan not only gained the power of the undead, but even the levels of the two passives of thunder and darkness have been raised to LV25!

At this time, Ling Yan's elemental passives have already been raised to LV25: flame, thunder, darkness, undead, light, and life!

The three major attribute enhancements have also reached LV27!

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