Although it is also based on purple skills, its power and effect are much worse.

However, if you want to completely build a dark gold-level ice field, you probably need to study it more.

Time passed slowly under Ling Yan's research.

And Su Miaoran was not idle either. She opened her own ice field and started killing those wild monsters.

As a dark gold-level copy, these monsters are powerful, but the experience is really rich.

Su Miaoran estimated that if she went out to directly upgrade her level this time, her level would at least soar by three or four.

Of course, if she can kill an emperor-level BOSS alone, she can at least upgrade her level to LV30!

The experience of the emperor-level BOSS is really terrifying.

As for the emperor-level BOSS, it is even more unimaginable.


The hunting speed of Ling Yan's side was so terrifying that the speed of just two people could surpass that of Murong Xingyu and ten other people in another copy.

Because the phantom of the Dragon King was too strong.

If it was a one-on-one duel, Murong Xingyu, wearing a gold suit, would have a hard time killing a Dragon King.

Not to mention her other SS+ team members.

But if they were wearing gold suits, they could not beat a Dragon King at all in a one-on-one duel.

Moreover, the skills of the Dragon King were almost all large-scale.

It was even more terrifying in terms of the speed of clearing the soldiers.

Moreover, there were ten Dragon Kings.

Soon, Ling Yan and his team had arrived at the fourth wave!

As the fourth wave of soldiers were all cleared by Ling Yan, the two Dragon Kings roared and rushed out of the world.

However, what awaited them was a besiege by five Dragon Kings.

In addition, Su Miaoran was crazy in the long-range output.

In just less than a few minutes, the two Dragon Kings wailed and fell to the ground in an instant without life.


【Ding... Congratulations, you assisted in killing two Dragon Kings! Experience points gained: 20 billion! Star coins gained: 20 billion (locked!)】

【Congratulations, you have successfully obtained the material: Power Fruit*1 (Gold)]

However, at this moment, two prompt sounds came into Su Miaoran's mind.

The moment the prompt sound appeared, Su Miaoran was excited.

"Strength fruit? I actually got a strength fruit!"

Su Miaoran took the fruit out of his backpack in disbelief!

Looking at this blood-red fruit with countless mysterious runes carved on it, Su Miaoran was very happy.

Not to mention that this strength fruit can permanently increase the strength value, just considering the value, it is higher than the price of a low-level gold suit.

"By the way, Ling Yan, you should need the fruit of strength, right?……"

Su Miaoran's first thought was to give it to Ling Yan.

Although Ling Yan might not need it in the future, he still needs it now.

"No, I have already stacked up all the golden power fruits! You keep them!"

However, looking at Su Miaoran's pitiful fruit, Ling Yan sighed helplessly!

As soon as he said this, Su Miaoran opened her mouth in confusion.

"Stacked... fully stacked?"

This message made Su Miaoran a little overwhelmed

"It's full, you keep it!"

Ling Yan smiled helplessly.

Then he looked at his backstage prompt.

The two Dragon Kings contributed 1.98 trillion experience points to him.

"Before, one head could get 3 trillion, but I didn't expect that killing it with two people would directly reduce the experience points by so much!"

Ling Yan secretly smacked his lips.

If a two-person team kills it, only one-third of the experience points will be left, and it must be divided with other people according to the output ratio.

Sure enough, solo is the kingly way, and other people will only hinder Ling Yan's growth speed.

Seeing that Ling Yan didn't seem to be joking, Su Miaoran reluctantly put the fruit away.

"Ling Yan, are you really going to challenge the three-headed hell dragon?"

Su Miaoran looked at Ling Yan with some doubt.

""That's right, if you don't want to go, forget it!"

Ling Yan smiled.

Su Miaoran thought about it and realized that if she was there, she would be a burden to Ling Yan.

In addition, she would share the experience with him. She had already gained so many good things, so how could she have the nerve to continue to use the experience?

"My strength is of no help to you, so I won't go!"

Su Miaoran shook his head slowly.

"In that case, then you have to do me a favor! This is the first-level permission for this copy! Please help me send it to Tianbei Star Lord and the others!"

After Ling Yan finished speaking, he took out a bronze key and handed it to Su Miaoran.

On the key, there were several big characters"Hell Thunder Dragon" and a number below.

This was the first-level permission key.

Ling Yan also had a silver second-level permission key.

"Okay, give it to Tianbei Star Lord and his friends!"

Su Miaoran nodded solemnly, and then disappeared from the spot in an instant.

"Su Miaoran should know what to say after she gets out, so I don't need to worry about her.

In that case, let's start brushing the dungeon like crazy!"

Ling Yan smiled slightly and disappeared in an instant.


【Congratulations to the players, you have successfully passed the fourth wave, do you want to start the fifth wave! 】

However, on the other side, Murong Xingyu, who had finally hammered the two Dragon Kings to death, became furious when he heard the prompt from the background!

"That's not right. Where is my first-level authority? Why is it gone?

You dog Tianqi, did you embezzle my authority?"

Murong Xingyu was so angry that she started to curse.

"Ahem, is it possible that Ling Yan and the others have already gotten there first?"

A genius on the side couldn't help but remind Murong Xingyu who was madly pointing at the sky and cursing.

Good fellow, only this young lady dared to curse the will of Apocalypse like this.

Of course, fortunately, the will of Apocalypse did not react to the words of the ant, otherwise, if he just deleted the data, this girl would have disappeared completely.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!

There are ten of us and two of him. How could he be faster than us?"

Murong Xingyu covered her ears and didn't listen at all.

Helplessly, the others could only remain silent.

Finally, after accepting the fact that she was surpassed by Ling Yan, Murong Xingyu stood up.

But at this time, she had a proud smile on her face.

"Humph! I don't believe that he can defeat the ultimate BOSS of the Hell Thunder Dragon dungeon by himself. I will go and seek revenge on him after I get the Hell Thunder Dragon suit!"

Murong Xingyu waved his fist proudly, and then directly issued the order to enter the fifth wave.



It was almost the same as Ling Yan expected!

After Su Miaoran handed over the authority to Tianbei Star Lord, he told them that Ling Yan was going to challenge a few more dungeons to hone his combat talent.

So he would not come out for the time being.

Tianbei Star Lord and others did not doubt it after hearing it.

At the same time, they were also shocked that Ling Yan actually took Su Miaoran to win the fourth wave at a speed that surpassed Murong Xingyu.

This terrifying strength is probably far beyond Murong Xingyu.


Ling Yan spent a full 10 days in the dungeon.

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