I have seen so many of them.

Although I can use the resurrection card to revive my parents, once I die, I will not have another chance to revive.

"Alas, you know your father too, he is just like that, no matter how much you persuade him, he won't listen. The small guild they founded can't do without him!"

Mother Ling was helpless.


However, at this moment, the door of the room slowly opened, and then Ling Zhan, wearing a dusty LV30 white suit, walked in.

"Wow, you got up so soon, and you don't even need to sleep a little longer! Great, daddy, I got you two polar bear paws. Xiaoran, don't you like bear paws the most? Let your mom make some later!"

Seeing Ling Yan and Ling Mo Ran, Ling Zhan smiled slightly.

As if to ask for credit, he took out a half-man-high bear paw from the storage backpack!

This appearance made the two people's minds emerge with the image of Ling Zhan using white clothes to kill monsters in a desperate situation, and finally obtained dozens of star coins and a giant bear corpse. He was extremely happy. They couldn't help but feel moved. Although Ling Zhan was not good at speaking, he also gave everything for this family.

"Look at you, you are covered in dust again,"

Ling's mother came over complaining.

Of course, she was actually using her mind to scold Ling Zhan.

"You are so awesome! You even rolled twice in the satellite's dirt before coming back.

What? Are you trying to show how hard it is for you to be a father?"

Mother Ling scolded angrily.

"Oh my god, how did you see that, wife?"

Ling Zhan was instantly embarrassed. He deliberately rolled several times on the satellite around Longteng Star, which is the moon, before coming back, but his wife still saw it.

"Humph, I felt it when your spaceship just came back. You are really dramatic and look listless. What's the matter? So a king-level monster in the early stage of the ninth order makes you so exhausted?

Look at those two little guys who were fooled by you. They thought it was not easy for you!"

Mother Ling secretly rolled her eyes at this guy.

Ling Zhan's old face flushed, but when he saw the eyes of Ling Yan and Ling Mo Ran, he felt it was worth it.

This can enhance the image of himself as an old father.

"Dad, this is the gold suit I got. It has been upgraded to LV30. You can use it for now!

There are also some upgrade scrolls here. You can use them directly when you reach a higher level.

In addition, these are some purple skills that I dropped that you don’t need. You can practice them well.

It will be easier to fight monsters with uncles in the future."

Looking at Ling Zhan like this, Ling Yan knew that the other party would not give up the small guild that had been there for decades, so he could only take out some equipment to help his father Ling Zhan.

"Good son, then Dad will not be polite!"

Ling Zhan was so moved when he heard Ling Yan's words that he burst into tears and happily took the golden equipment. After a closer look, it turned out to be the top-level Red Flame Thunder Dragon Set.

It seemed to have been exploded in the Hell Thunder Dragon Dungeon, and the level was also upgraded to level 30!

What a filial son!

"Dad, these are some of the remaining golden fruits I have, and 1,000 storage backpack slots!

You can take them too, Xiaoyan doesn’t lack golden fruits either!"

Su Mo Ran also took out a lot of resources and stuffed them into Ling Zhan’s pockets.

"Xiaoran, Dad really loves you for real!"

Seeing his daughter like this, Ling Zhan's eyes were red.

This scene made Ling's mother frown.

My goodness, it seems that Ling Zhan's strongest talent is not fighting talent, but acting talent.

""Okay, okay, stop talking about love here! Let's eat first!"

Ling's mother interrupted them speechlessly!

"Hehe, mom is not jealous, right? You too!"

Ling Mo Ran smiled immediately when he saw the look on Ling's mother's face.

Then he took out a fruit from his backpack.

"Mom, these are cherry tomatoes. Eating them can improve your charm. They will definitely make you look many years younger!"

Ling Mo Ran handed the things to Ling's mother.

"Wow, there is such a good thing, my daughter really understands me!" Seeing that she also had a share, Ling's mother smiled happily.

She chose to use it directly.

Instantly, the system prompted that although the fruit was used, her charm had already been fixed and could not be increased.

However, Ling's mother used the disguise technique to make her current appearance slightly closer to her original appearance.

However, with just this little bit, the image of the beautiful woman who originally looked in her early forties instantly turned into a queen in her twenties.

"Wow! Was my mother so beautiful when she was young?"

Ling Yan couldn't help but exclaimed

"This charm fruit has such a good effect? "

Ling Mo Ran was a little confused.

But seeing her mother change so much, she was naturally happy.

I don't know why, but I always feel that her mother's appearance when she was young is a little familiar.

Of course, she was speechless the next moment. Her mother, of course she is familiar, isn't this nonsense?

"Okay, let's eat first and stop talking about this!"

Ling's mother glanced at Ling Zhan proudly, then asked the family to sit down and start eating.


After breakfast, Ling Yan glanced at Ling's mother who was washing dishes and Ling Zhan who was boasting about the heroic figure of the God of War on TV, and then mysteriously asked Ling Mo Ran to come to his room.


As the door of the room was locked, Ling Yan directly activated his dark gold-level domain to cover Ling Mo Ran and the entire room.

"Hiss! Eighteen elements? How is this possible?"

However, Ling Mo Ran's eyes shrank violently when she saw this scene.

She looked at Ling Yan in front of her in disbelief.

Eighteen elements, how did Ling Yan get eighteen elements?

But in an instant, she remembered that Ling Yan's talent in the previous life was the passive predator.

Could it be that Ling Yan accidentally knew the correct way to use the passive predator in this life?

Yes, it must be like this!

Otherwise, how could Ling Yan plunder so many elemental passives.

In an instant, Ling Mo Ran was very excited.

It seems that her previous guesses were all true. When she found out that Ling Yan actually had four passives, the first thought in her mind was whether Ling Yan's passive predator had successfully plundered the passive.

But at that time she was not sure.

After all, she knew clearly how pitfall Ling Yan's passive was in the previous life.

And now she is completely sure.

It seems that in this life, it will not be just her who is protecting this home.

Of course, Ling Mo Ran only knew that Ling Yan had a passive predator, but she didn't know that the passive predator could stack passives to upgrade the passive.

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