This is the Holy Dragon of Light, but because Ling Moyan hid all its attributes and appearance, even if Ling Zhan came, he would not have guessed that such a small white lizard was actually the legendary emperor-level BOSS, the Holy Dragon of Light!

He immediately saw the interrupted news broadcast!

The comments below immediately made Ling Moyan frown.

Because there was no such thing in the previous life?

"Wait, SSS+ Dragon Knight job transfer scroll?"

Suddenly, Ling Moyan's pupils shrank sharply.

Ling Yan's figure appeared in her mind.

"Could it be Xiao Yan!?"

Ling Mo Ran guessed in his heart that this job transfer scroll might have come from Ling Yan.

After all, Ling Yan had just given him a job transfer scroll of the Holy Light Dragon.

That was many times more precious than this SSS+ job transfer scroll.

Just an SSS+ job transfer scroll could be so expensive.

Then his own Holy Light Dragon job transfer scroll might be enough to buy the entire Milky Way.

"Impossible, having a Bright Holy Dragon Job Transfer Scroll is already extremely amazing.

How could there be an SSS+ Job Transfer Scroll? I am still thinking too much."

Ling Mo Ran shook his head helplessly, threw away the unrealistic fantasy in his mind, and then began to check the content of this news.



As the live broadcast screen of Channel 1 flashed, a solemn parliament hall appeared in front of everyone.

In the hall, hundreds of human race masters were almost all present.

The leader was the God of War.

All the human race masters looked at the camera with solemn and serious eyes.

The God of War stepped forward.

""Human race!!"

The God of War shouted loudly!

In an instant, all the human race people in the world trembled, and a sense of pride and pride emerged with the appearance of these two words.





The next moment, hundreds of human race warriors shouted at the same time.

The confident and terrifying sound waves swept across all the life planets at this moment.

The sound of awesomeness echoed in everyone's mind.

"Human race! Awesome!!"

"Human race!!! Awesome!!!"

"Human race!!! Awesome!!!"


At the same time, all the people on the countless life planets of the human race were excited and shouted from the bottom of their hearts.

Even Ling Mo Ran, watching this scene, seemed to recall the scene when the human race was united when the war started.

"Human race, awesome!!"

At this moment, she couldn't help but murmur these two words.



Apocalypse Mall!

Ling Yan's eyes became solemn as he watched the God of War lead hundreds of human race warriors to say this resolutely.

"Apocalypse, send this thing over!"

Ling Yan took out the job transfer scroll and spoke directly to the Apocalypse Will in the void.

【Ding...Sent successfully! 】

The next moment, the will of apocalypse directly sent a message



The Supreme Council of the Human Race!!

As the live broadcast ended, all the powerful people looked at the God of War Ling Zhan.

Everyone was curious whether the other party really traded the item to the God of War.

After all, the price difference was a full 250,000 star sources. Would anyone really be willing to pay such a horrible price?

Even if someone was willing to do so, would they really have the nerve to take the item away like this?

【Ding! You received an email, the email contains an attachment: Dark Thunder Dragon Knight Job Change Scroll (SSS+) Do you want to receive it! 】

However, at this moment, a prompt sound came into Ling Zhan's mind, and the moment he heard this prompt sound, even Ling Zhan couldn't help but be surprised.

Because this was actually sent directly by email, not a transaction.

In other words, even if I don't give the other party a penny now, the other party can't do anything to me.

""It is a great fortune for our human race to have such a person!"

Ling Zhan could not help but sigh.

If a job transfer scroll of this level could be dropped, then the opponent's strength must be extremely powerful.

After all, the Dark Thunder Dragon King is an emperor-level BOSS!

To kill it, at least many people with strengths above SS level can do it.

It is also possible that a younger genius above SSS level killed it alone.

In addition, being able to help the human race in this way is indeed a great thing for the human race. In fact, he began to doubt Ling Yan in his heart.

After all, this kid's strength is indeed capable of killing an emperor-level BOSS alone.

But then he smiled helplessly, thinking too much.

His son just appeared from the Hell Thunder Dragon copy. Although it is also a copy of the dragon race, from the information sent, there is no BOSS like the Dark Thunder Dragon King in it.

Moreover, from this year to several thousand years ago, there are a lot of SSS+ geniuses.

There are thousands of them, and many of them have not reached LV300!

He can't say who it is. As soon as he said this, all the strong men around him shrank.

"Really sold?"

"He actually sold the Star Source for 250,000 yuan cheaper. Who is this person?"

"Hahaha, it’s a good thing anyway. If those old guys from the Bratz civilization knew about this, they would probably be pissed to death!"

"Yes! What a pity, we can’t see their expressions!"


In an instant, all the masters spoke with emotion.

He might not be able to make such a precious thing cheap.

Listening to the conversation of the masters around him, Ling Zhan also smiled and did not explain too much.

Instead, he immediately transferred the 300,000 star sources of the Dark God of War and his own 250,000 star sources to Ling Yan.

【pole���: Wasn't it 300,000 yuan that we agreed on? 】

Ling Yan sent a message in confusion

【God of War: We, the human race, will never let anyone who puts the human race in their heart suffer!

In addition, if you need anything, just ask. 】

Ling Zhan also sent the message.

Ling Yan on the opposite side also saw the prefix of this message.

"God of War, so he is the God of War!"

Ling Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Whether in the last life or this life, he had never seen the God of War himself. Of course, Ling Yan saw his appearance in the news every day.

But he never thought that he would have an intersection with him so soon.

【Ji Ye: Okay! Then I won't be polite. By the way, Lord God of War, can you send me two more autographed photos? 】

Ling Yan suddenly remembered something and sent a message directly.


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