And geniuses above A-level only account for one millionth of the total population.

Geniuses above S-level are even more like one in billions. Among these people, there may not be one in a hundred who can trigger the reincarnation task.

Therefore, without a huge amount of data as a basis, it is impossible to research it!

Of course, Ling Zhan also took a look at the list of items given by the other party.

The materials in it range from LV200 to LV500. Those within LV450 are easy to say.

They are all in the inventory of the human race, but there is no way to get high-level things.

Fortunately, the Lord of the Ice Domain gave information about which wild area of the copy, or which secret realm can explode, so as long as Ling Zhan personally takes action, he can get everything together, but it will take a long time.

"Thank you, Senior. I will get the things you want as soon as possible!

But if I get them, how can I send them to you, Senior?"

Ling Zhan spoke to the void with gratitude.

"You can just leave it at Miaoran's house. But don't let the child know first!"

The Ice Territory Lord spoke slowly. Since the other party knew her identity and was the strongest of the human race, she would naturally rely on the resources of the human race to recover quickly.

In this way, she would be safer.

"Got it! If you don't have any other instructions, I'll leave and prepare things first!"

Ling Zhan also nodded.

Seeing that the Ice Domain Lord didn't say anything else, Ling Zhan also glanced at Ling's mother.

Ling's mother nodded in understanding, and then Ling Zhan waved his hand.


Instantly, a crack appeared in the space.

Ling Zhan took a step forward and disappeared in an instant.




At the same time,

Ling Yan walked out of the Apocalypse Crack in his room.

But he was startled by the two women in the room just after he came out.

"Oh my god, sister, why are you and Su Miaoran in my room?"

Ling Yan looked around and thought he had walked into the wrong room.

"What? Can't I come to your room to take a look? When you were little, I even took you to pee!"

Hearing Ling Yan's words, Ling Mo Ran spoke with disdain.


Su Miaoran, who was standing by, couldn't help laughing when she heard it.

"Wow, I am your brother after all, sister, there is no need to tear me down like this!"

Ling Yan looked embarrassed

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. Ranran has something to talk to you about, so I'll leave first!"

Seeing Ling Yan's expression, Ling Mo Ran smiled darkly, then waved his hand and left the room directly.

"Well, not bad! Your level is so much higher than mine. If we fight, I don't think I will be your opponent!"

After Ling Moyan left, Ling Yan looked at Su Miaoran and smiled.

At the same time, he reached out and touched the little ice on Su Miaoran's shoulder. This little ice looks much better than Xiaote!

""Squeak, squeak, squeak!!!"

Xiao Bing was so scared that she was shaking all over, because there was a three-headed black-red lizard on Ling Yan's shoulder.

The aura emitted by the black-red lizard made her even more frightened.

"Hiss! Three Hell Thunder Dragon cubs, how come these two siblings each have an emperor-level BOSS?"

At this time, the horrified voice of the Ice Territory Lord once again reached Su Miaoran's mind.

""Ah? Another emperor-level BOSS?"

Su Miaoran looked at the black and red three-headed lizard on Ling Yan's shoulder in disbelief.

The three heads of the three-headed lizard looked up at Su Miaoran, and especially when they saw Xiao Bing, they couldn't help licking their lips.


This action instantly frightened Xiao Bing so much that she screamed and crawled behind Su Miaoran to hide.

"This bloodline suppression is really terrifying. Even if the emperor level is only LV55, it can still scare the emperor level BOSS above LV90 like this!"

Ling Yan couldn't help but sigh.

He was naturally not shy about Su Miaoran. After all, she knew that the other party's master would definitely be able to see Xiao Te's level.

""Ah? You are an emperor-level BOSS? Could it be the legendary three-headed hell thunder dragon? Did you also use the three-headed hell thunder dragon's job transfer scroll?"

Su Miaoran pretended to be shocked and looked at Ling Yan.

"This is indeed a three-headed hell thunder dragon, but I didn't use the job transfer scroll, it just exploded a pet egg!

But I also have this job transfer scroll, it's a pity that you can't use it, otherwise I would give it to you!"

Ling Yan explained.

As he spoke, he took out a job transfer scroll and said with some regret.

If Ling Yan had some fear of Su Miaoran's master before, now he has almost no fear.

With the ability to devour and rebirth, he has prepared a lot of flesh and blood.

Coupled with the ability to survive by cutting off the tail, he can almost reach the state of immortality.

If the other party really attacks him, then at most he can tear up the teleportation scroll in his hand and leave.

When he returns again, it will be the death of the Ice Domain Lord.

Of course, based on Ling Yan's understanding of the other party in his previous life, the probability of the other party attacking him is extremely low.

And this scene, let alone Su Miaoran, even the master behind her, at this moment, widened his eyes and looked at Ling Yan as if he was looking at a monster

"You, you, you... you found the job transfer scroll for the Three-Headed Hell Thunder Dragon Knight?"

Su Miaoran stuttered as he spoke to Ling Yan.

"Well, it was just luck!!"

Ling Yan nodded calmly

"A pet egg of a three-headed Hell Thunder Dragon also appeared?"

Su Miaoran said in even greater shock.

""Well, it was just luck!"

Ling Yan smiled slightly.

At this moment, Su Miaoran was silent.

At this moment, she seemed to remember that when she gave Ling Yan a golden fruit before, she treated it as a treasure and gave it to Ling Yan carefully.

Who knew that the other party even stacked up the dark gold fruit? At this moment, she suddenly felt that she and Ling Yan were in two different worlds.

Of course, she didn't know that her master, the Ice Domain Lord, was even more shocked, because the preciousness of things like the emperor-level pet eggs was far beyond the job transfer scroll.

There are a lot of prerequisites for the use of job transfer scrolls, and the higher the level of the job transfer scroll, the more terrifying the prerequisites are.

It is also because of this that although the job transfer scroll comes with a pet egg, its value is not even one billionth of the pet egg.

The explosion rate is even more different by many times.

And now Ling Yan actually got a pet egg, not only that, but also the job transfer scroll of the Holy Dragon of Light and the job transfer scroll of the three-headed Hell Thunder Dragon.

At this moment, the Ice Domain Lord began to wonder if Ling Yan was cheating.

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