"Oh, mom, Xiaoyan is now a SSS+ genius. If he doesn't level up well, he will be eliminated by the higher-ups in the future.

Besides, Zuxing is the safest place for the human race!"

Ling Moyan persuaded Ling's mother.

""Okay, then you have to be careful! When you get to the ancestral star, you must listen carefully to the words of those strong men and never cause trouble. Remember?"

Ling's mother said to Ling Yan worriedly.

Of course, although she said so, she had already thought it through in her heart.

She knew her precious son's character and he would never provoke others casually. If someone provoked him, she would not mind giving a good warning to the forces behind the other party.

"Mom, I got it! Then I'll go first!"

Ling Yan picked up a chicken leg and walked towards the outside.

At the same time, he also began to contact Murong Tu!

Sure enough!

According to the agreement, Murong Tu had already driven a seventh-level peak spaceship to the vicinity of the Longteng galaxy where Ling Yan was.


Suddenly, a great wave swept across the entire Longteng Star.

In an instant, the atmosphere of the entire Longteng Star trembled.

At the same time, a slight vibration was emanating from the entire Longteng Star.

Ling Yan naturally felt this vibration and raised his head to look at the starry sky.

Everyone on Longteng Star also raised their heads in a hurry. Just this one glance made them all gasp in shock. They saw a terrifying spaceship with a length of hundreds of thousands of kilometers, like a smaller star, floating calmly in the starry sky.

Even though the distance of this spaceship was extremely dazzling, its huge size still obscured the entire sky.

Theoretically, the gravity of such a huge spaceship is enough to tear the earth apart.

However, the waves spreading around the spaceship directly eliminated the surrounding gravity.

Such a terrifying existence reminded them of the legendary seventh-order spaceship

, and it was a top-level seventh-order spaceship, which was more than twice as large as the seventh-order spaceship that Tarol had taken before.

Ling's mother also came to the window with Ling Mo Ran and others and looked into the sky.

"Murong Tu? I didn't expect that he has also grown to LV349!

If he can break through, he may become a new eighth-level strongman of the human race."

Mother Ling looked at the spaceship and thought in her heart.

This Murong Tu is more than 900 years old.

For ordinary people, it is already a very terrifying lifespan.

But for Guang Shen, a strong man who has a lifespan of 5,000 years and is more than 1,700 years old, Murong Tu's age can only be regarded as a junior.

Of course, Guang Shen's age, at her peak of the ninth level, is just a youth!

This is why she is known as the most likely person in the human race to break through to the next 10th-level strongman.

It's a pity that the last step is extremely difficult.

She has been stuck in this realm for more than 200 years.

But it can be predicted that as long as she doesn't die, she will definitely be able to break through in the remaining 3,000 years of life.

At that time, her lifespan will have a qualitative leap and directly reach 30,000 years, the same as the God of War.


Suddenly, a terrifying aura in the distant starry sky broke through the atmosphere at an extremely terrifying speed!

It swooped down towards Haibei City where Ling Yan was.

Then, a young man in golden armor stopped above Ling Yan's head.

The young man in golden armor looked at Ling Yan below with an arrogant look on his face.

"Are you Ling Yan?"

The young man looked at Ling Yan, who was only at LV60, and couldn't help but speak arrogantly.

"Yes, I am!"

Ling Yan glanced at the other party and instantly saw the other party's level that was not concealed at all.

"Level 80, and all the top golden equipment, I guess he is at least an SSS-level genius!"

Ling Yan's eyes flickered slightly. He didn't know the other party, so there was only one reason, that is, when he went to the Yanshen Galaxy, the other party had already entered the Federation Ultimate Academy.

After all, only ordinary geniuses can receive the top-level training there, of course, except for geniuses like Murong Xingyu whose elders are top-level masters. No matter how good the resources are, it is impossible to be as good as the training of one's own family.

"Humph, a SSS+ genius doesn't look that good at all!"

The young man sneered.

""Oh? Really? You think I'm not that great, do you think you're 20 levels higher than me?"

Ling Yan heard this, but he didn't refute but laughed directly.

As soon as he said this, the young man's face darkened instantly.

Using one's level to suppress others is extremely shameless in the circle of geniuses.

"Humph, you are so sharp-tongued. You just took advantage of the fact that you got some rewards and a dark gold suit!

If you don’t have this dark gold suit, even if we are at the same level, I will still abuse you!

How about it, do you dare to fight? If you don’t have a dark gold suit, I will suppress your level!"

The young man looked at Ling Yan and spoke coldly.

As soon as he said this, Ling Yan became curious. It seems that he has not offended the person in front of him, right?

""Zhou Yan! What are you doing?"

However, at this moment, a cold low voice came from the sky.

The next moment, a girl carrying a three-headed dragon-shaped giant talisman fell from the sky.

The aura exuded by the girl was extremely strong.

Even though her level had just reached more than 30 levels.

Ling Yan could tell the level of her suit at a glance. It was a three-headed hell thunder dragon suit.

"Murong Xingyu!? You have collected the three-headed hell dragon set so quickly?"

Ling Yan looked at Murong Xingyu who fell down and asked in confusion.

The other party also has domain skills, so he can also fly.

"Humph, not bad, I'm lucky, I got two sets of the suits I needed at once in the last time!"

Murong Xingyu raised her proud head when she heard Ling Yan's words.

In her opinion, she already had the top dark gold suit, and Ling Yan was definitely not her opponent in the same level. As long as she was given time, she would definitely catch up with Ling Yan, the SSS+ genius.

Unfortunately, she didn't know that even her suits were only available so quickly because Ling Yan increased the drop rate!

"Xingyu, I will teach this kid a lesson for you, let him know that not every peasant can be compared with us, the proud sons of heaven!":

Zhou Yan, who was standing aside, spoke up immediately when he saw Murong Xingyu.

His eyes were full of admiration when he looked at Murong Xingyu.

Ling Yan understood at this moment.

It turned out that this guy was Murong Xingyu's admirer, no wonder he wanted to attack him for no reason.

Unfortunately, as soon as he said this, Murong Xingyu's face suddenly turned cold.

"What? Do you think I can't beat Ling Yan?"

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