Seeing that it was Ling Yandingta who resurrected him, he couldn't help but curse, but he didn't hesitate, and directly entered his backpack space to use the space transfer scroll to escape.

Unfortunately, when he opened the backpack, he was stunned, and his small eyes widened.

"Where are my stuff? Where did my stuff go?"

Dingta shouted in disbelief.

He still saw it last time he was resurrected, but he didn't choose to use it after seeing that it was Ling Yan, a teenager.

After all, a teenager must have something to ask of him if he resurrected him, perhaps to let him upgrade some special equipment.

In this way, he could save a teleportation scroll.

But now not only is the scroll gone, all his equipment and items are gone.

"Are you talking about this?"

Ling Yan smiled slightly, then took out a world-breaking teleportation scroll and waved it in front of the other party.

As soon as this scene appeared, Ding Ta's eyes instantly turned red.

"You dare to explode my stuff, you are looking for death!"

Ding Ta roared and rushed towards Ling Yan, ready to kill Ling Yan.

Unfortunately, he was not much stronger than ordinary people, and he was weaker than ordinary people after all his equipment was exploded.

After all, ordinary people at level 99 have at least B+ talent.

Therefore, Ling Yan only slashed down with a sword, and Ding Ta died again in an instant.

Then Ling Yan did the same thing, resurrecting Ding Ta and killing him, killing him and resurrecting him again, after ten times.

Ling Yan stopped killing Ding Ta.

【Ding... Congratulations to the player, you have killed a LV99 (Equipment Enhancer SSS+), and gained experience points: 350 trillion! Star Coins: 35 trillion】

【Ding... Congratulations, your level has been upgraded to LV97! All attributes +7000, free attribute points +28000!】

【Enhancement Mastery LV37: You can use enhancement materials to enhance items! You can enhance dark gold level to red equipment!

Reduce the consumption of enhanced items: 37%, and can enhance the highest level of your own level + 94 level items】

""Huh, finally level 47, I killed ten times!"

Ling Yan was somewhat helpless, because the number of passive skills required to upgrade from LV35 to LV36 doubled.

Therefore, Ling Yan's upgrade speed dropped a lot.

If he wanted to upgrade to level 38, he would have to kill fifteen more times at least.

After thinking about it, it was unnecessary.

LV38 and LV37 are not so large!

Later, Lingyan was made, and found a level of LV113. The level has been locking to the LV100 level, and the passiveness of the decomposition division has been upgraded to the LV30! Lingyan has selected some three major basic attributes to reach the top genius of LV44, and then killed it twice after the summoning.

Only have the same professional grade score. Even the LV45's power attributes , even if there is only one, it is already R-genius. And pupil skills!

SSS+The ice and fire were both LV34, and the genius of pupil skills reached LV19.

He was a genius from the ancient Bratz civilization.

After Ling Yan summoned these three geniuses, he killed one of them five or six times.

Finally, he upgraded the ice control and fire control to LV37 R-.

The pupil skills were also upgraded to LV22. With the Ice and Fire Evil Emperor's Eye, it was LV25 and LV40.

The talent ratings all reached the terrifying R level.

"I didn't expect that a dark gold card would have so many benefits, but the most important thing is that it still requires the human race's resource library!

If the resource library doesn't have it, I wouldn't know so much information about geniuses, and it's nonsense to want to revive them."

Ling Yan's eyes condensed slightly.

Sure enough, although his SSS+ talent was exposed, there were many more dangers, but at the same time, there were also many more resources.

Moreover, his strength grew so fast, perhaps, by the time the so-called assassination came, Ling Yan's level would have reached several hundred!

"Apocalypse, upgrade the level of the Three-Headed Hell Thunder Dragon suit to LV100! Also, consume all fruits below LV100!"

Ling Yan then spoke directly.

【Accept the command! Start using LV70, LV80, LV90, LV100! Attribute fruit! 】

A prompt sound came instantly, and at the same time, dark golden and golden fruits appeared one after another around Ling Yan's body.

These fruits bloomed with dazzling light.

In an instant, the light poured into Ling Yan's entire body.


At this moment, Ling Yan clearly felt that his whole body strength was rapidly increasing under the cover of these lights.

At the same time, his soul value also began to make a qualitative leap.

【LV70 fruit loading completed, all attributes +48000!】

【LV80 fruit loading completed, all attributes +95000!】

【LV90 fruit loading completed, all attributes +180000!】

【LV100 fruit loaded, all attributes +360,000! 】

As all the fruits were consumed, Ling Yan also found that his all attributes had skyrocketed by 683,000!

You know, before Ling Yan, after upgrading to level 100, all attributes were evenly distributed, and all attributes only reached 217,000.

This is because of the addition of attribute fruits within LV60.

Even with the Hell Thunder Dragon suit, Ling Yan's all attributes only reached 500,000.���

Now that all the attribute fruits have been consumed, Ling Yan's total attributes have reached 1.2 million!

Of course, this upgrade is not over yet.

There is still the three-headed hell thunder dragon suit that has not been upgraded.

【Ding... Consume 32 equipment level upgrade scrolls! Your Hell Thunder Dragon suit level is upgraded to LV100! 】

As Ling Yan's three-headed Hell Thunder Dragon suit exudes a black and red light of destruction.

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