Hearing Ling Yan's words, she smiled proudly while carrying a three-headed thunder dragon axe on her back.

This axe is a LV60 three-headed hell thunder dragon axe!

Not to mention dark gold equipment, even gold equipment can still change its form.

The main weapon of the three-headed hell thunder dragon is also the same.

It's just that Ling Yan chose to hide his appearance.


At this moment, an endless force came from the sky.

In an instant, a great and terrifying force crushed everyone present.

In an instant, all these so-called geniuses were overwhelmed by this powerful force.


Finally, some low-level geniuses fell directly to the ground, and then one by one, under this terrifying pressure, they fell to the ground at a high speed. Fortunately, the power stopped after they fell to the ground. However, if they wanted to stand up, the terrifying momentum would burst out again.

They were pressed to the ground and could not get up.

Under this strong pressure, there were less than ten people who could stand in place.

Except for Ling Yan who did not feel any discomfort, the faces of others were red.

For some reason, Murong Xingyu on the side did not feel the slightest bit strange. Ling Yan felt it, and the momentum did not suppress her. Not to mention the horror of Ling Yan's own attributes and dark gold equipment, the level of LV100 also crushed everyone else.

"Tsk tsk tsk! It seems that this year's so-called geniuses are not that good!"

At this moment, a young man's joking voice came from the sky.

"what happened?"

"who is it?"

"Is someone teasing us?"


Hearing that the source of the aura was actually a young man, these arrogant geniuses looked up at the sky with some anger.

Suddenly, they saw a young man in a magic robe standing in the sky, looking down at everyone.

The dark power surging in his body made all the geniuses around him feel endless fear.

"SSS+"He has a pure dark talent, and it seems that he is quite powerful!"

Ling Yan looked at the young man in the sky and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Hiss! He seems to be Queslo, who was ranked first in the last Hidden Dragon Ranking!"

"It was him? It was said that he gave up on the R- level half a year after entering the Ultimate Academy, but half a year of leveling up had raised his level to LV150. He also had a dark gold-level dark magic scepter."

"What? I'm already level 150 and I still have dark gold equipment?"

"It's nothing, I'm the Dark God of War! It is said that the Dark God of War recently got a set of Dark Thunder Dragon King's job transfer scrolls and will soon become an SSS+ Dragon Knight.

If successful, with the strength of the Dark God of War, he will definitely be able to break through the eighth level and become a ninth level strongman!"



After hearing about Queslo's identity, many freshmen were shocked.

Some were even more excited. If they could get close to such a genius, they might be able to form a team with him in the future. With a ninth-level expert as a backer, the probability of Queslo's death is much lower than that of an ordinary SSS+ genius.

"Dear freshmen! I am the president of the second-year Elemental Club, Queslo! I am also your freshman guide this year!"

Queslo held his breath and looked at the seven or eight geniuses who were standing still without falling. His eyes revealed a trace of satisfaction.

However, when he saw that Ling Yan's expression did not change at all, Queslo's heart skipped a beat.

"This kid is not simple! My aura is not something that an ordinary LV100 SSS+ genius can ignore directly."

Soon Ling Yan's message appeared in his mind.

"Ling Yan, is he the No. 1 Hidden Dragon this year? Maybe we can win him over later!"

Thinking of this, Queslo's face returned to normal.

At this time, all the geniuses got up from the ground and looked at Queslo with resentment, admiration, and fighting spirit.

"According to the school rules! The first procedure is that I will explain the rules of the Ultimate Academy to you!"

Quislo looked down at everyone and spoke slowly!

Then he almost said all the school rules.

And there is only one central idea.

Save your life and work hard to level up.

After saying the rules, Quislo's eyes also became solemn.

"The next thing is the freshman admission challenge!!"

Quislo's voice spread throughout the square, and everyone present was stunned after hearing his words.

"A challenge? What is that?"

"How come I haven’t heard of it before!"

"Is this a new rule this year?"


At this moment, the newcomers who had some power in the family were confused.

Not only them, but also the old students who were watching the show not far away, and the college instructors who were secretly observing frowned. The instructors of the Ultimate Academy were at least super strong men above the seventh level.

There were even more than a dozen eighth-level strong men and several ninth-level strong men.

At the same time, the principal of the academy was the strongest god of war of the human race.

The so-called challenge competition, even these college instructors had never heard of it.

"The so-called freshman challenge is very simple. It is under the order of the principal. This year, the Ultimate Academy has a new process!

That is, all freshmen need to choose one from all the geniuses of all previous years and then fight with the same level and the same equipment!

If they can defeat the opponent, they will be given a lot of rewards according to the opponent's ranking on the Potential Dragon List and the age.

The challenged person, if he wins, can also get some rewards.

In other words, you can challenge anyone, even me!"

Quislo looked at all the geniuses below, with a slight smile on his face.

He was itching for the so-called reward.

As for whether he would lose? It's impossible!

As soon as he said this, all the geniuses present changed their faces slightly. It was actually an order issued by the principal.

Who is the principal? The strongest god of war of the human race.

No wonder even the instructors didn't know the order issued by the other party.

"Challenging the genius of the senior class? Is this a joke?"

"Yes, although our levels are suppressed at the same realm, even a genius who has been enrolled for one year has eaten a lot of low-level attribute fruits, and his skill levels and so on are much stronger than ours!"

"Even the most powerful Ling Yan, when facing second-year geniuses of the same level, can only beat the top 100 at best, right?"

"Alas, it looks like I’m going to be abused again!"


In an instant, all the freshmen started a heated discussion. Of course, most of them were a little anxious.

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