But even so, it is already terrifying enough.

And there are only more than 30 kinds of Dragon King's residual souls that can be summoned, but there are so many.

""Dragon Emperor Shadow, come out!!!"

Finally, with Ling Yan's low shout, in an instant, Ling Yan's whole body of magic power madly dissipated.

"hold head high!!!!"

"hold head high!!!"

"hold head high!!!"


In an instant, deafening dragon roars spread throughout the world.

With flashes of dazzling light, one after another extremely terrifying phantoms of Dragon Emperors and Dragon Kings appeared in the sky.

Because Ling Yan's level reached LV100, the levels of these Dragon Emperors and Dragon Kings also reached LV100. The size of the LV100 Dragon Emperor is as high as more than 200 meters. With its wings spread out, it is a terrifying size of 400 to 500 meters, and the size of the Dragon King is also about 100 meters.

It can be said that these behemoths have just appeared and covered most of the sky.

"hold head high!!!"

"hold head high!!"

"hold head high!!!"


Loud dragon roars erupted from all the phantoms, as if venting their anger.

These huge dragon roars instantly attracted all the ghosts wandering in the city.

"There are humans!!"

"Hehehe! Finally a human has arrived! I want to eat him first!"

"What are those, giant lizards? Their souls look delicious!"

"If I could kill them and eat them, it would definitely cause a qualitative change in my soul, and it might even reach the level of my emperor!"



In an instant, all the ghosts within a radius of dozens of kilometers turned their greedy eyes to Ling Yan in the sky, as well as the Dragon Emperors and Dragon Kings who were roaring to the sky.



"Kill them!!"


In an instant, the hatred for the souls directly made all the ghosts lose their minds. In an instant, all the ghosts soared into the sky and rushed towards all the Dragon Emperors and Ling Yan in the sky.

""Tsk tsk tsk, a mantis trying to stop a chariot! Kill them!"

Ling Yan looked at this scene, sneered, and then waved his hand.

"hold head high!!!"

"hold head high!!"

"hold head high!!!"



Instantly, all the dragon soul phantoms roared, opened their mouths and blew out a large amount of breath.

At the same time, some dragon kings used golden-level skills to crush in all directions.


In an instant, as if dozens of nuclear bombs and hundreds of missiles fell on the ground around them, earth-shaking noises spread throughout the world.

All the ghost monsters around were directly dissipated into nothingness in this crazy bombing.

And the ghosts around who heard the noise all had red eyes and turned into soul shadows and flew towards this side quickly to die.

This is the limitation of the wild monsters in the secret realm and the dungeon. They will be affected by the will of Apocalypse. They will rush up to die if they recognize those who break through the level, even if they know that they will die.

In contrast, the wild monsters on the Apocalypse Continent are different. Some of the smarter ones will run and escape when they see people.

As for Ling Yan, after taking a look, he first looked at his magic value.

Because he had just summoned With so many dragon souls, Ling Yan's magic power was directly reduced by more than half.

Thinking that there would be more monsters later, he took out a bottle of LV100 gold-level magic potion and drank it in one gulp.

Instantly, all the eliminated magic power was instantly restored!

The price of the gold magic potion is extremely terrifying, but the recovery amount is also terrifying. One sip can restore 50% of the whole body's magic power.

There are about ten sips in a bottle.

And Ling Yan prepared a full 10,000 bottles of this magic potion.

Not only for this secret realm, but also for the next Ice and Fire Demon Realm Secret Realm.

This kind of thing is extremely valuable.

Although it is not as good as gold-level equipment, ten bottles are almost the price of a piece of gold equipment. In the whole world, only Ling Yan can use it so luxuriously.

Then Ling Yan opened the attributes of one of the ghosts.


Wild monster: Dark Ghost (Normal)

Level: LV100

Talent Passive:

【Rebirth LV1] (There is a 0.01% chance of rebirth after death! The rebirth time is random!)

【Dark Power LV7] (Dark Power*700%)

【Chaos Force LV7] (Chaos Force Power * 700%)

HP: 50 million/50 million

Mana: 1 million/1 million

Attack Power: 300,000

Speed: 20,000

Defense Power: 400,000

Skills: Dark Impact LV5 (Green, releases a dark pillar, directly impacting the enemy to cause 200% spell damage!)


Looking at the opponent's attributes, Ling Yan also raised his eyebrows slightly.

A full 300,000 attack, if plus 700% enhancement, is 2.1 million attack power.

Moreover, there is a double skill enhancement!

4.2 million damage value!

How many hits can an ordinary non-professional player of the same level withstand? They will be killed in one second, right?

This is why it is impossible for non-professional players to upgrade their levels to LV100. How can such a high attack power be fought without equal defense or combat power? It is impossible to fight at all.

【Ding... Congratulations to the host, you have killed 350,000 Dark Spirit Ghosts! Experience points gained: 35 trillion! Star coins gained: 35 million!】

【The Wheel of Fortune is activated! The passive copy success rate is increased by 10 million times】

【You have successfully copied the passive skill: Rebirth LV1*840, and the level is increased to: LV10 (54/1000)

(There is a 0.2% chance of rebirth after death! The rebirth time is random!)】

【You successfully copied the passive skill: Dark Power LV7*8840!】

【You have successfully copied the passive skill: Chaos Power LV7*8840! Level increased to: LV22 (140,000/300,000)】

【Congratulations to the player, for killing 100,000 soul creatures, you will be awarded the title: Ghost Killer LV2! Increase your attack power against ghost creatures by 40%! And gain a 300-meter hatred area and a hatred value of 50! 】

At this moment, a series of prompt sounds came into Ling Yan's mind. However

, when Ling Yan heard this prompt sound, he suddenly raised his eyebrows!

"The success rate of this duplication seems to have increased a lot!

Previously, if you killed 350,000 dark monsters, you could get at most 800 to 900 dark powers!

But this time, you can get more than 8,000, which is ten times more!

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