"Oh, by the way, those low-level undead spirits couldn't hurt these ghosts before. Even the undead spirits of the three-headed thunder dragon of hell are no match for an elite monster now.

But now I have 550 million residual souls of dark spirit ghosts

, right? I wonder what the undead spirit ghosts are like!"

Ling Yan began to get curious.

Then he threw all 55 million residual souls of dark spirit ghosts into the gate of hell.

【Ding... You rushed into 554 million dark ghosts and spirits, and the level of the Sea of the Dead was raised to LV5! The power of the summoned undead increased to 20%!】

However, at this moment, a prompt sound also reached Ling Yan's mind at this time.

The LV5 Sea of Undead, a full 20% of the Undead level, now coupled with the three-headed Destruction Dragon Necklace has reached LV34 Undead Mastery.

Directly strengthen the power by 680%!

In an instant, all the undead not only recovered to their peak power, but were even 20% stronger than their peak power!


Ling Yan didn't hesitate and clasped his hands together.

""Boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, the ground within a radius of hundreds of kilometers began to tremble wildly.

After feeling this tremor, all the ghosts within this range felt a trace of fear from the depths of their souls for some reason.


Suddenly, a crack several kilometers long appeared on the ground.

The next moment, a huge gate several kilometers wide and more than ten kilometers high rose from the ground.


Suddenly, a strange wave came from the space crack in the center of the gate.





Then, countless hideous and angry roars came from these cracks. The next moment, hundreds of millions of blood-red ghosts rushed out of the cracks.

No, these can no longer be called ghosts. The moment these ghosts appeared, all the ghosts around were frightened like people seeing ghosts.

"Ghosts, ghosts! These are ghosts!!"

"Damn it, we are the ghosts and these things are ghosts!"

"Run! I don't want to die yet!"


Humans are born with a fear of ghosts.

Similarly, ghosts are full of fear of what they produce after death.

The dark ghosts who were originally clamoring to extract Ling Yan's soul and eat him alive were all frightened and wanted to escape after seeing these ghosts.

However, it was too late to escape.

In an instant, the endless sea of blood drowned these ghosts.


"Don't kill me, don't kill me! :"

"Ghost, save me, save me!!!"


Countless screams came from all directions.

These 聻, which were only slightly stronger than the dark ghosts, began to slaughter crazily like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

It seemed that these 聻 had a natural restraint on ghosts.

Seeing this scene, Ling Yan began to think. After the ghost died, it was called 聻. After the 聻 died, could the residual soul explode to make him create a more powerful undead?

Thinking of this, he shook his head. He didn't want to see that kind of ghost. Besides, he couldn't find a place where such a thing as 聻 could appear.

As more and more ghosts died.

The number of Ling Yan's 聻 was also increasing.

Soon, the number of Ling Yan's kills reached 2 billion. The number of elite-level dark ghosts reached hundreds of thousands, the number of leader-level reached more than 50,000, and the number of king-level was more than 120.

But now all these powerful ghosts have become more powerful 聻.

It can be imagined that if all the king-level BOSSes here were killed by Ling Yan, there would be thousands of them.

The secret realm is good, with so many monsters.

And this is just a dark gold level secret realm. If Ling Yan reaches the Ice and Fire Demon Realm, wouldn’t the number of monsters be even more terrifying?

Thinking of this, Ling Yan was looking forward to it.

Of course, because there are too many, even if Ling Yan now has more than 2 billion ghosts, it will probably take three or four hours to kill all the ghosts.

Fortunately, as the number of ghosts increases, this time will be shortened.

Of course, in order to continue to summon thirty to fifty Dragon Emperors and hundreds of Dragon Kings as well as the Sea of Undead, Ling Yan is also crazy about taking drugs.

Ling Yan has already drunk several bottles of magic potions in his backpack.

However, if all the blue suits that Ling Yan exploded are sold, it will be enough to buy thousands of bottles of gold-level magic potions.

It’s still a profit after all.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

However, at this moment!

The change suddenly occurred at this moment!

A series of terrifying fluctuations suddenly came from the earth.

"Why dare the evildoers to come to my Fire Cloud City and run wild!!"

"Humph, you're looking for death!!"

"Demons and monsters, destroy them all!!"



Suddenly, more than ten earth-shaking roars erupted from the earth.

The next moment, eighteen ghosts with immortal looks soared into the sky from all directions.

The aura emanating from these eighteen ghosts was extremely terrifying.

""Evil-killing Sword Formation!!!"

Suddenly, the old man in the lead took a look at the countless demons around him, and his eyes instantly burst into endless flames!

""The Sword Formation for Killing Evils, rise!!"

Suddenly, a roar burst out from the old man's mouth.

The next moment, the eighteen sword immortals raised their swords directly.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

Eighteen long swords burst out with a terrifying aura and rushed straight into the sky, instantly converging into a large formation.

At this moment, endless destructive power spread out in all directions with the formation as the center.

The fluctuations began to become stronger and stronger, gradually turning into shock waves.

Wherever it went, all the houses were instantly crushed by the shock wave.

Even the genies summoned by Ling Yan were directly crushed into nothingness by this destructive power.

Even the king-level genies and Ling Yan's dragon king phantoms were no exception. Only those dragon king phantoms could barely resist these powers.

But the weird thing was that those dark spirit ghosts were not damaged at all.

Finally, the shock wave that destroyed everything finally crushed Ling Yan.

Unfortunately, after Ling Yan felt the impact, he sneered and pushed his right hand directly into the void.

In an instant, dozens of elemental powers turned into a large handprint with a diameter of several thousand meters and slammed hard on the shock wave.

"Boom boom boom!"

Instantly, the earth-shaking sound spread throughout the entire Fire Cloud City.

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