Hinata wakes up and finds herself lying at Dazna's house.

She slowly got up, "Ah~, I slept smoothly."

When she walked out of the room, she found Kakashi and Naruto, Sasuke three people sitting there.

"Yo, what a coincidence, everyone is here." Hinata smiled slightly.

"Oh yes! Kakashi-sensei! Did the knife come over? Hinata asked expectantly.

Kakashi nodded, and he pointed, "Ah, just over there." A

rectangular rectangle covered with a white cloth was invincible, and Hinata walked over and lifted the white cloth directly.

It was the decapitation knife, the blade was extremely sharp, and Hinata gently stroked the blade with his hand.

"Kakashi-sensei, this knife suits you very well." Hinata spoke.

Kakashi looked confused, didn't you keep shouting, how can I, a tactical ninja, be suitable for carrying a big knife.

But this knife seems to be quite good, or try it.

Kakashi got up and walked over, holding the large knife in his hand, which looked just right.

Naruto shouted, "Kakashi-sensei! How handsome!

"Where, where, generally handsome." Kakashi scratched his head shyly.

"Since Hinata is awake, then we should also pack up and go back." Kakashi spoke.

Everyone packed up their things and set off on their way back to Konoha.

The only difference was that Kakashi had an extra decapitation knife.

Walking down the road, they were talking and laughing, and Naruto shouted, "Wait for us to go back!" Let's celebrate by eating ramen once!

Sasuke tilted his head, "Don't eat ramen with you guy." "

Both people hate each other.

After returning to the village, they recuperated for a while, and the original C-level mission was raised to A-level, and the villagers on the island of Hanokuni crowdfunded money.

Now Naruto can also eat and drink without worrying about starving.

Hinata got up early that day, because he said that he would go to the rendezvous today and take on a new task.

When she arrived at the meeting place, she found that only Sasuke was waiting there.

Damn, bad, this guy Kakashi, late again.

It didn't take long for Naruto to come too, and both Naruto and Sasuke snorted coldly when they saw each other, and then turned their heads away.

They waited and waited, and the flowers they waited for, and the sun went from east to south.

Three people with sleepy voices woke up, "Yo, good morning, everyone!" I saw Kakashi greeting with a smile on his face.

Then he said, "I accidentally got lost today, hahahaha." Hinata

was called a suffocation, she should have known, obviously she had dodged twice, this time it still made her wait so long.

"Okay, okay, let's go on a mission." Kakashi smiled.

For the rest of the day, they spent the whole day doing trivial tasks, weeds everywhere, picking up garbage in the river, and so on.

It wasn't until the afternoon that they disbanded, and Sasuke left the group alone.

Naruto smiled and said to Hinata, "Hinata-chan, let's go practice together." Looking

at Naruto's earnest look, Hinata suddenly felt that it was not easy to refuse.

Just then, a brown stone chest moved nearby, and both Hinata and Naruto noticed.

It's that guy Konohamaru again, Naruto stepped forward and pointed to the box and said, "Where is the kind of rock that is square and has just two small holes!" It's so obvious!

A child's voice came from the box, "It's really worthy of being the man I fancy, worthy of being my opponent!" With

a flash of light, the box burst open directly, revealing the Konoha Maru trio inside.

The three posed a pose, "Konohamaru Legion!" Come and see you.

Naruto shook his head helplessly, "Is it really Konohamaru, uh."

"Why are you still wearing goggles?"

Konoha Maru said happily, "This is to imitate the appearance of the eldest brother before."

Naruto just snorted.

"Uh-huh what! Big brother has reacted so coldly recently! Konohamaru spoke.

"Ah, so what's going on with you?" Naruto asked impatiently.

Moe Huang walked up to Naruto, "That! Big brother, are you free next?

Naruto smiled and said, "I'm going to practice next!"

"What! Didn't you say that you want to play a ninja game with us today? Konohamaru asked dissatisfied.

"This, this." Naruto scratched his head.

At this time, Konohamaru saw Hinata, who had been silent on the side.

"Big brother, big brother! Who is this woman? Konoha Maru questioned.

Naruto glanced at Hinata, "Hahahaha, her."

Before Naruto could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Konohamaru, "Big brother, I know!" This woman must be the eldest brother's woman!

"Hahahahaha, I didn't expect you to actually guess." Naruto scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly.

Hinata, who originally looked very shy, suddenly burst out on his forehead, "You guys! "

Pongpong, two sounds of hitting the wall, Naruto and Konohamaru were directly beaten all over their heads.

This is the first time Hinata has beaten Naruto, what is this guy talking about!

Moe Huang and Udon watched the two on the side and swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "Konohamaru, then you don't matter."

After beating the two of them, Hinata turned around and left, "Naruto, go train yourself."

Naruto had just gotten up before he could react, Konohama Pill spoke again, "Big brother, how is your woman like a tigress, fierce, and it hurts so much."

Hinata, who had just walked out two steps, heard his words, "Damn little ghost! A roar frightened Konohamaru and they turned and ran.

With a bang, Konohama hit a person and sat on the ground with one butt.

As soon as he raised his head, he was pulled up by the other party's collar, "It hurts, little ghost!" The

person who spoke was Kankuro, and Temari beside him spoke: "Tell you to stop, be careful and be disciplined for a while!"

Hinata's eyes looked straight at Temari, hissing, Temari is developing well, and the shoulders, including the exposed part of the chest, are black fishing nets.

Naruto shouted dissatisfied, "Hey, stop it!"

Kankuro looked at Naruto and Hinata, are these guys Konoha's shinobi.

"Before the annoying guys come, let's have fun with you."

Konohama tried to struggle down, "Let go!

"Abominable fellow!" Naruto shouted and rushed straight out.

Kankuro's fingers moved slightly, and an almost transparent silk thread directly wrapped around Naruto's shoes, sending Naruto flying.

"What happened just now." Naruto touched his dull aching ass.

Kankuro sneered very disdainfully, "What, Konoha's Shinobi is very weak."

Hinata walked up to Naruto offside and held out a finger and pointed at Kankuro.

"You! Come here! Hinata ticked his finger.

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