Just like that, a group of Naruto mingled together, and Jiraiya didn't know where to get a awning and blanket, Hinata and Jiraiya sat under the awning, quietly waiting for the final result.

After a while, there were only five or six Naruto left on the field, each of them covered in scars and looked exhausted.

After another while, finally all the shadow doppelgangers disappeared, leaving the real Naruto with a scissorhand smile and said, "Sure enough, I am the real Naruto." Then

he fell directly to the ground.

Then Jiraiya got up and walked in front of Naruto, "Okay, finally almost use up all the chakra."

"I'll demonstrate it first."

Hinata and Naruto both looked at Jiraiya with a serious face, only to see Jiraiya bite his fingers, quickly seal his hands, and then slap his hands on the floor.


After a puff of white smoke, a large toad with a scroll in its mouth appeared out of thin air.

"The lecherous fairy is so handsome!" Naruto had an envious look on his face.

"Open the scroll." Zi Lai also spoke.

The big toad's tongue curled around the scroll towards Naruto, who took the scroll with both hands.

Zi Lai also explained: "That's the contract we signed with the toad from generation to generation.

"Write the name in your own blood and fingerprint all the fingers of one hand."

Hinata also came over, so excited, can I have psychic beasts soon!

After opening the scroll, Naruto took the lead in writing his name on it as Jiraiya said, leaving a blood-red five-finger print.

It's my turn, it's my turn, Hinata came over excitedly.

At this moment, a virtual screen appeared in front of Hinata's eyes with two options on it.

[A. Sign a contract immediately and learn the psychic arts of Myoku Mountain. Reward: 0.1 Weasel Chakra. [

B. Refusal to sign a contract. Rewards: Psychic Beast: Night Cat Demon, Cold Night Ancient Lin Ninja Method Cultivation Method. (There is a very small line in the lower right corner, excluding fairy arts.)

After this option came out, Hinata was stunned, no, what the hell is going on with this system.

What kind of psychic beast is the night cat demon, a little curious about what to do.

Hinata was there and kept thinking, 0.1 weasel chakra is actually quite a lot, the cold night ancient forest sounds so awesome, or not.

At this moment, Jiraiya looked at Hinata, who was stunned, and asked, "Hinata? What's wrong? "

Ugh." Hinata came back to his senses.

I chose B, I chose BBBB, I gave it a shot to turn a bike into a motorcycle, maybe there are some new fairy methods that I have never seen before.

Well, it was decided that I could practice the ninja method taught by Jiraiya, and I could practice the cultivation method that sounded a little powerful.

Hinata scratched his head and said, "That's right, Jiraiya-sensei." "

The family side has already signed a psychic beast for me."

"So I can't sign a contract with a toad right now."

After Hinata finished speaking, he felt that there was something in his mind that he had never had before.

Hearing Hinata's words, Jiraiya didn't ask anything more, "Is this so, okay then."

"In that case, you can show Naruto again."

The psychic technique rewarded by the system is quick, and Hinata is very skilled in using psychic.

"Ninfa! Psychic!

Hinata patted the floor, and after a puff of white smoke, a small black cat appeared there.

She forced herself not to scream and was born, this this, no, this little cat is indeed very cute, but it is completely unrelated to the four words of the night cat demon, isn't it!

Now she will regret dying, she was put together by the system, why should she be curious, honestly sign a toad, is it bad to have such a powerful existence as psychic Wentai.

Naruto scratched his head suspiciously, "Ah, kitten, is this Hinata's psychic beast?" The

little black cat looked cute and a little noble, sat there and licked his paws, and then jumped on Hinata's shoulder.

The psychic beast I choose, no matter what, I must take good care of it, it doesn't matter, even if there is no psychic beast, I will definitely be able to become the strongest in the ninja world!

Jiraiya held his chin and looked at the little cat, "Ninja cat, it seems to be good, as a scouting ninja beast, it is quite compatible with the white eyes of the Hyuga clan." "

Okay, okay, Naruto, it's your turn, hurry up and try it." Jiraiya said to Naruto.

"Yo West! It's up to me! Naruto looked confident.

Needless to say, Naruto's talent is actually quite high, and he has already written it down after only reading the seal twice.

Then Naruto bit his fingers, sealed his hands, and slapped them the ground.

He looked at the white smoke with an expectant expression on his face, and soon the white smoke dispersed, and a small tadpole appeared on the ground.

Naruto froze, and Jiraiya froze, the corners of his eyes twitched, this guy really has no talent, how is it a tadpole.

Hinata couldn't hold back his laughter, "Hahahahaha! It's actually a tadpole!

Now Naruto was even more self-contained, scratching his head in embarrassment.

After Naruto tried two or three times to be tadpoles, Hinata went back to practice spiral pills.

The sun moved a little south from the east, and soon the morning passed.

"Whoosh! Not! I will, hahahahaha! Hinata, who was not far away, smiled happily.

Attracting the attention of Jiraiya and Naruto, Naruto asked curiously, "Hinata, what are you going to do?" "

Spiral pills!" Soon Hinata saw a blue chakra ball appear in Hinata's hand.

Jiraiya's eyes widened, "Masaka, I actually mastered the spiral pill so quickly." "

I don't know why, but I also feel a sense of loss in my heart, if only Hinata could sign a contract with the toad.

With Hinata's talent, he must be able to surpass himself, and cultivating the immortal model or something must be easy.

I saw Hinata smashing down against a big tree, and the spiral pill directly left an oversized pit in the big tree.

Naruto exclaimed, "That's awesome! Hinata is also too strong. Hearing

Naruto's voice, Jiraiya turned to look at him, "Naruto, haven't you channeled a frog yet?"

Naruto tried again, and a small tadpole appeared out of thin air.

Little Tadpole: Can you stop playing with me, I need water, let you come twice more and I'll die!"

Jiraiya looked at Naruto helplessly, and shouted very angrily: "If you don't be serious, I won't care about you!"

Naruto also retorted unconvinced, "It's verbose, I'm already serious!" "

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