An extremely strange tentacle poked out of the hole poked out by Chidori and slowly retracted after not touching Sasuke.

Soon, the incomparably hard ball of sand turned into scattered sand and fell to the ground, and the Iroh inside was restored to its original appearance, and a huge blood hole was on the right shoulder of Iro.

At this moment, feather fell from the sky.

Matkai stopped and said, "Kakashi, what is this?" "

Hmm! It's magic. Kakashi said lightly.

The two of them sealed their hands at the same time, "Solution!" "

More and more people on the field passed out and fell into illusion.

Haruno Sakura followed Sunset Hong's practice of illusion art smoothly, and immediately understood that he was the fastest among several Xiaoqiang to lift the illusion.

Hinata, after dissolving the illusion, looked at Naruto beside him drowsy and slapped him on the body.

Now Naruto completely sobered up, and he asked suspiciously, "Hinata, what happened, why is everyone asleep."

"It's magic, be careful." Hinata reminded.

At this time, the three generations of wind shadows who were sitting at the top with the ape flying sun casually threw out a smoke bomb, and a group of people wearing masks rushed out.

And one of Konoha's dark squad leaders spoke, "Quick! Go and protect the daimyos! "

The big snake pill disguised as the wind shadow directly grabbed the ape flying sun slash and put it on his neck with bitterness.

The four dark parts that rushed up tore off their disguises, and took a closer look at these four people as the four people of Otono.

Four people stood in the four corners of the roof, and they shouted at the same time: "Ninfa! Four Purple Flame Array! "

A purple box enchantment appeared out of thin air, trapping the camouflaged Wind Shadow and the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash inside.

The real dark part also came here, and a dark part rushed up to try to rescue the ape flying sun, but was directly ejected by the four purple sun arrays.

Sarutobi said solemnly, "I didn't expect that Sand Yin would actually betray Konoha.

"It's still too late to seek a solution to the problem through peace talks, Your Excellency."

Wind Shadow said coldly: "When I am old, I was carried away by peace, Sarutobi-sensei." On

the other side, on the outermost wall of Konoha, a large three-headed snake broke through.

The Konoha ninjas who were on duty were all vigilant, and more and more ninjas came to the east gate of Konoha to gather.

And there are also many Oto-Shinobi on this side of the exam room, with Matkai and Kakashi facing each other with their backs to each other.

Matkai spoke, "Damn, I'm worried about Naruto-sama.

Kakashi, on the other hand, said coldly, "I'll leave it to the Dark Part."

"And Naruto-sama is not someone who will be killed so easily."

Matkai said again, "But..."

Kakashi continued in a flat tone, "Besides, that person is too, Naruto-sama from our Konoha Shinobi Village. After

solving a few Otonobu, Kakashi came to Hinata and Naruto.

Kakashi spoke, "Hinata, Naruto, you two take Shikamaru to catch up with Sasuke.

"This is my ninja dog Parker, who can help keep track of it."

At this moment, the choice appeared in front of Hinata.

[A. Catch up with Sasuke, beat me Ai Luo, and beat Ichigo Moritsuru violently. ] Reward: 0.04 One tail Chakra, Qimu ancestral knife proficiency increased to intermediate level, there is a chance to be killed by Shouhe. 【

B. Go to rescue the third generation of Hokage Ape Hibiki. Reward: Hidden shadow multi-snake hand, spell seal, there is a high probability that the big snake pill will shift the target to shoot the host first. 【

C. Stay where you are and don't go anywhere, isn't it fragrant to touch the fish.】 Reward: Rolls-Royce Cullinan $5 voucher, salted fish pillow. Ah

, what the hell? Rolls-Royce 5 yuan voucher, salted fish pillow, system Are you kidding me?

The first two are a little dangerous, but I seem to have a smaller grudge with my Ai Luo, I almost killed Aunt Snake last time, and there is a Chakra reward is also very fragrant, the system I choose A.

Hinata spoke, "Okay Kakashi-sensei, Naruto, let's go now." Coming

to Shikamaru's side, Parker bit Shikamaru's leg, and Shikamaru woke up directly, "Ahhhhh "

This guy is really pretending to sleep," Shikamaru, we're going to go get Sasuke back now, or he's probably in danger." Hinata said eagerly.

In this way, the three of them and a dog set out on the road to pursue Sasuke.

Sasuke, on the other hand, was fast, constantly observing through his chakra eyes, "Hmph, don't you guys try to escape this time!" Sasuke said with a sneer.

I don't know who gave Sasuke the confidence to go after me Airo alone.

Soon, not far away, Sasuke saw Kankuro and Temari running forward with the injured Aira on their feet.

Sasuke dodged in front of the three, "Don't try to escape!" "

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