I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 105 Mr. Scamander

Snape was - replaced by a zodiac?

Send him a gift?

After opening it, it turned out to be nothing precious, just a basilisk tooth with cavities.

I always feel that there is some irony in it.

Next, there was a gift from Professor Dumbledore, a dozen pairs of socks of different colors.

Styles vary.

But they are all made by Muggles, and some are embroidered with very childish cartoon images.

Like Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Spider-Man, Superman and so on.

Owen looked very disgusted.

Let me go, what are these?

I! Owen Sanchez, the dark boss, am I going to go out wearing something like this?

I want my dark outfit!

I want my gloomy and cold temperament!

I want my evil and crazy life creed!

Wearing something like this makes my character look crazy!

With grief and anger, Owen tore open the last gift box.

That's a letter.

[The gift has been delivered, Merry Christmas. 】

have to! His grandpa is out in the field again!

After calming down.

Owen glanced at the clothes on the bed

Then - then kicked Spider-Man and kicked Donald Duck.

Wearing the sweater Molly knitted, she ran out of the dormitory in a flash!

The Christmas party will be held as usual in the afternoon.

The auditorium was decorated with grandeur.

Not only were there a dozen frost-covered Christmas trees and thick ribbons of mistletoe and holly crisscrossing the ceiling, but there was also enchanted snow, warm and dry, falling gently from the ceiling.

The professors on the rostrum were happy and happy, and there was no sense of tension when the school was in danger.

And what about Principal Dumbledore?

He is not here.

According to other little wizards, they seemed to see someone visiting him.

Someone visiting?

Owen thought of his grandfather immediately, but it was wrong to turn around and think about it!

If it was his grandfather, why didn't he deliver the Christmas gift box himself instead of sending it to someone else?

Holding the doubts in his heart, Owen waited quietly.

The auditorium continued to be a place of laughter and laughter for the professors until about ten minutes after the Christmas banquet started.

Suddenly there was a loud noise outside the courtyard.

Then Dumbledore came in holding a man's hand.

It was a very old man, carrying a brown leather suitcase, with a slightly embarrassed look on his face.

The gray hair was unnaturally curly and looked a bit unkempt.

He never wanted to raise his face, staring at the stone slab under his feet, very shy.

Wearing an old-fashioned gray suit, lined with a brown jacket, white shirt, and black tie.

The coat he wore seemed to be specially made and had many pockets.

The collar was turned up and the trousers were tucked into the boots.

He has a slightly weird, nerdy vibe to him, but in the end he looks more like an adventurer.

Okay~ Owen already knows who this gentleman is.

Oh~~~Mr. Scamander!

"Oh! This is what I want to introduce to you." Owen's eyes met Dumbledore's, and then he pulled Mr. Newt and walked over.

"Despite his young age, Owen is definitely the best I have ever seen in terms of magical talent."

Owen looked at Newt, who was nearly ninety years old.

And Newt was sizing him up.

Is this Dumbledore's favorite student?

Suddenly, our senior Newt said something like this in his heart.

"Hello." He said shyly.

Although he is nearly ninety-six years old, Senior Newt is still not good at talking to others, even if the other person is only a twelve-year-old wizard.

His eyes always looked a little dodgey when he looked at Owen.

"Hello, Senior Newt! I especially like your book "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them". I bought every edition." Owen opened his shining gray eyes and blinked in a cute manner.

In a daze, Newt suddenly felt like he had seen those eyes before.

He seemed to remember that there had been a pair of gray eyes like this staring at him.

However, that person seemed to want his life

"Thank you." Senior Newt nodded stiffly, and then suddenly stopped talking.

In the silence, the air became awkward.

Professor Dumbledore looked at him jokingly. After a while, Senior Newt suddenly woke up and said, "Oh! By the way, today is Christmas."

As he spoke, he reached out and rummaged through the pockets of his windbreaker, saying to himself, "Hobi, let go, this is not your food."

"Okay, Millie, I'll find you a new bed."

Senior Newt, who was tugging at the little cutie in his pocket, offered some kind words.

Finally, two pets that looked very much like wild cats were brought out together.

They were two small, palm-sized, cat-like animals with various spots on their fur, extremely large ears, and a tail like a lion's tail.

"Sorry, they are a bit shy." Senior Newt, holding one in one hand, smiled shyly at Owen, and then stuffed them into his pocket again.

"Cat Civet has just been born and can't live without his mother," he said.

"This is for you." Then he handed two cats' toys and a very old book covered with kitten scratches, but also very new, to Owen.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them fifty-third edition.

"Wow! New edition!" Although Owen has never opened this book.

"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" is a banned book in his home.

But as a popular book that every wizard would buy, he had seen Justin's.

The new book he bought last year was only the fifty-second edition.


After giving Owen the gift, Senior Newt suddenly became very anxious. He held the suitcase in both hands and kept looking back and forth at the many young wizards in the auditorium.

Especially the Slytherin direction.

He was forced to come with a mission.

A certain dark wizard who forced his way into his home for no reason last September and talked about some good memories from the past forcefully gave him a Christmas gift mission.

"Owen, it seems that Newt doesn't know you very well!" Professor Dumbledore looked like he was joking, standing aside and smiling.

"It's okay! I have a special skill for being remembered!"

Just kidding, the socially reckless Owen is still worried that others won’t remember him?

And he also guessed that Senior Newt should be looking for him.

Immediately, he coughed, cleared his throat, and put his hands behind his back.

There was an evil smile on his face, and he stared at Newt tightly and said, "Mr. Scamander!"

"What makes Dumbledore so fond of you?"

"Do you → think Dumbledore would mourn → you?"

Same tone, exactly the same accent.

Even the way the head shakes is almost the same.

For a moment, Newt's thoughts were brought back to the past.

The evil wizard once asked him questions in exactly the same tone as Owen.

"Ouch!" The despicable old Deng interrupted Irving's performance with a violent shudder.

He glared at Owen, then turned to Newt with a smile and said, "The kid is a bit naughty and not very obedient. Don't worry about it."


Mr. Newt seemed to have been hit hard by something.

He staggered back a few steps, then looked up at the courtyard flag on the long table in front of him.

Then he looked down at Owen, then at the courtyard flag, then at Owen.

? ? ?

I do not mind!

I do not mind?

I do not mind? ! ! !

Is the Sorting Hat a fool?

He yelled in his heart.

Why is this little wizard who looks like Grindelwald II in Hufflepuff! ! !

"You-you're the one."

"But - why - it's Hufflepuff?" Senior Newt seemed to have something stuck in his head, unable to utter a complete sentence.

"Oh! That hat is broken." Owen said with a smile.

"But I also like Hufflepuff very much. Everyone here is friendly and honest. I like it very much."

"Okay - okay." Mr. Newt still seemed unable to accept that a child with a deep connection with Grindelwald would be sorted into Hufflepuff.

As a former Hufflepuff, he was deeply proud of his house.

But now he is a little worried.

Hufflepuff - a thousand-year reputation! But there can't be a big devil

Owen looked at Senior Newt staring at him like he was looking at the plague.

The corners of my mouth are blooming with joy!

Then he was already shy, and now he couldn't say a word.

After a moment of daze, he suddenly squatted on the ground and opened his lifeblood.

The wand, waved slightly.

A gift box flew up immediately.

"Grindelwald's Christmas gift to you."

He said in a stiff tone, as if he was holding a hot potato.

Then he handed the box to Owen.

"What is it?" Owen was holding a wooden box about two feet wide. Justin beside him helped him carry it with sharp eyes, and everyone placed the box on the long table.

Open slowly.

What comes into view is an astonishing number of magic books.

Judging from the handwriting, it looks like someone's handwriting rather than a printed book.

His grandfather's dark magic research notes?

This idea came to Owen's mind instantly.

Then he turned back and glanced at Old Dengtou vaguely.

Look at people! While traveling around, I don’t forget to write my book! Look at you again!

I spend every day thinking about how to play with the little wizard!

The pattern—the pattern!

No - let grandpa be the principal!

I feel like if Grindelwald had been the principal, the first graders would have sent him to his death long ago after discovering something strange about Quirrell. How could he have caused so many troubles?

"Roar~" Just as Owen was criticizing his principal with sharp eyes, a childish cry suddenly came from the box, drawing his attention back.

That's a giant dragon with iridescent scales and jewel-like eyes - right!

Just - why do the dragon's wings have wings?

Looking at its nose, it is not turned out like a normal dragon, and there are two horns on its head.

"What is this?" Owen said, pointing to the tip of the little thing's nose.

"Australian Opal Eye." The Master of Protection of Magical Creatures beside him immediately replied instinctively.

oh! My senior Newt just can't resist magical beasts.

"It's not just the Australian Oval Eye." As he said that, he suddenly bent over and pointed at the eyes and body of the little dragon and said, "The Australian Oval Eye is considered to be one of the most beautiful fire dragons. His scales are like Pearly, and without pupils.”

In order to evenly order, we will change it to two chapters and three thousand in the future. The number of words will remain the same but the chapters will be reduced. This way, the average order will look higher.

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