I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 187 Always, as always.

No one thought that Harry Potter would be the one to defeat Voldemort in the end.

Although he already has a reputation.

However, it is still too difficult for people to really believe that a fourteen-year-old Hogwarts wizard can defeat the most powerful dark wizard in the world.

But the fact is that Harry drove away Voldemort.

At least in the eyes of the little wizard!


However, as the person involved, Harry was not happy about defeating Voldemort.

There was deep sadness on his face, and although the scar on his head no longer hurt, the scar in his heart was ruthlessly torn apart.

Blood flowed.

Also having the same expression as Harry was Sirius.

The sadness on his face was even stronger than Harry's.

And when they are immersed in the sadness of being reunited and then separated from the most important person in their lives, the battle is not over yet.

There are still groups of Death Eaters behind the broken bridge.

Professor Dumbledore and Grindelwald looked at each other, each seeing what the other meant in the other's eyes.

Then the two of them walked out of the courtyard together and began to eliminate those idiots who dared to attack Hogwarts.

In this battle, three professors also joined in.

With the existence of Grindelwald, Wenda finally stopped paddling.

She began to draw her wand.

He killed several Death Eaters with an almost crushing attitude.

Such strength made Dumbledore's eyelids jump.

He had some estimate of Wenda's true strength in his heart, but in the end, she far exceeded his guess.

It seems that most of the information dug out from the head of his federation vice-president is true.

They are indeed training Wenda to become the third generation Dark Lord.

At least now it seems that she has the strength.

If she could recover the scattered followers of Grindelwald, it wouldn't be that difficult to form a force to fight against the Federation.

And facing Wenda who was like a sharp blade.

Grindelwald didn't react at all. Even though this woman had more or less threatened his status, he still didn't have any ugly expression.

"What happened?"

"Where's the Dark Lord!"

"Look, that - that seems to be Grindelwald!"

The dazed Death Eaters finally regained consciousness.

Because they were too far away from the entrance hall, most of them did not see what happened inside.

They could only judge from the distant voice of Voldemort whether their master had won.

But now - since Dumbledore has time to come and destroy them.

That proves——

"The Dark Lord was defeated?"

"Shut up!" Hearing the sound, Bella, dressed in black robe, reprimanded loudly: "Master, he will not fail! No!"

She seemed to be convincing herself.

He kept mumbling to himself: "No, no!"

"But he has already failed once." Someone else said embarrassingly.

"Losed by that Harry Potter."

"That child must have Dumbledore's protection spell on him, or some other powerful spell that even the Dark Lord doesn't know about."

"But - what should we do? Dumbledore is here!"

The Death Eaters all had dry throats.

It is difficult for them to feel fear in their hearts. His eyes were fixed on the figure that was getting closer and closer.

Facing Dumbledore, who was menacing and full of anger, all the Death Eaters knew that they were probably going to need pills.

If they don't escape, mistletoe will grow on their graves today next year.

After that, the remaining Death Eaters all looked at each other and had their own thoughts in mind.

Then, except for the die-hard Voldemort loyalists like Bella who are still struggling.

The remaining Death Eaters began to flee frantically down the mountain.



Everyone was screaming in their hearts - as long as they could stay away from Hogwarts Castle and escape to the forest, they could survive.

Their strong desire to survive allows them to squeeze out the last potential in their bodies.

Never underestimate anyone trying to survive.

In just a few seconds, several streaks of black smoke rose into the sky from the ground.

Those were the Death Eaters who wanted to disapparate.

"All petrified!"

"Shattered to pieces!"


The professors and Grindelwald each threw out their wands.

Some of the Death Eaters in the sky were unlucky enough to be shot down, and some even more unlucky enough to be killed directly.

But some managed to escape.

As for Dumbledore.

He didn't care about those clowns.

Instead, he walked directly in the direction of Hogsmeade.

————That’s where the Death Eaters and another group of rebels first captured.

Just like when the goblins rebelled hundreds of years ago and tried to attack Hogwarts, they also chose Hogsmeade Village as their forward base.

hours ago.

Several professors from Hogwarts have already arrived at Hogsmeade Village to assist the local wizards and Aurors in the defense.


Everyone saw the magical flash rising into the sky and the green mist representing death.

Dumbledore couldn't guarantee whether there were still people there who were still resisting.

After all, even the Minister of Magic is dead.


After the crisis is resolved.

All the little wizards in the auditorium came out in droves.

They shouted loudly!

Especially the Gryffindor wizards.

George and Fred lifted Harry straight up.

Throw it high, catch it, and throw it again.

The excitement was even greater than if they had won the Quidditch Cup.

"Harry! Harry! Harry!"

The little wizards shouted.

Several senior girls in the front row couldn't help but stretch out their hands and touch Harry's body. They seemed to want to get a taste of the hero who defeated Voldemort.

Harry, who was still a little sad at first, felt sad after being touched blindly.

His face immediately turned red.

He hesitated, begging Gemini to let him go.

And this 'cute' scene naturally made the girls even more 'unscrupulous'.

The savior of the third grade, her face is tender and watery

No wonder the young ladies can’t control themselves.

Everyone's eyes were shining, wishing they could eat Harry dry.

Until—"Get out of here!!!"

Ginny yelled with a cold face.

Then Hermione, Ron, and Neville squeezed in.

Keep all those buzzing bees out of their circle.

"Owen~~~" Hannah was the first to rush to Owen.

Contrast that with the line that greeted Harry.

There were far fewer people to greet him.

Except for the Hufflepuff trio.

Only Luna followed.

"Where did you run?" She stood upright in front of Owen, panting, holding her waist with her hands, not knowing she was angry with him. The two steps just now made her tired.

"Me?" Owen turned around casually and glanced at Harry with envy. This boy is so lucky!

Then he said very casually: "Turned around in the Forbidden Forest!"

"Forbidden Forest!" Hannah's eyes widened, "At this time?"

"You managed to come out alive." At this moment, Justin said. He raised his hand and pointed in the direction of the Forbidden Forest. There, the firelight dispelled the darkness. Even now, you can still see a touch of orange light. In the sky, "Look at that!"

"Yeah! Just look at it!"

"The Forbidden Forest is definitely more dangerous than here." He said.

"The red light over there dyed the sky red. I don't know which powerful wizard cast a masterpiece." Justin said with some envy.

Even by visual inspection, they knew that the fire was at least several miles away from them. What kind of spell could cause such a huge movement?

You can use the magic spell as a paintbrush to fill the black base with a touch of bright red!

"Haha - that is definitely a handsome, graceful, invincible, and compassionate wizard. I know that's me, haha!" Owen boasted, but unfortunately he was greeted with two pairs of white eyes.

Neither Hannah nor Justin believed what he said.

"By the way, have you met Minister of Magic Fudge? Connery Fudge." After laughing, Owen quickly asked about business.

After all, it was almost midnight.

Fudge can't even handle that little thing!

"It's the magic high-level person you attacked before~~~"

"Fudge is dead!" At this time, Ron, Hermione and the others finally got rid of the fanatical Gryffindors. They were blocked by the Gemini and Percy, and Harry finally squeezed out of the crowd.

"Yes, Fudge is definitely dead." Ron nodded in agreement, "The mysterious man pretended to be Barty Crouch, and he personally said that Fudge was killed by Death Eaters."

"What?" Owen looked sideways, looking at him in disbelief, "Fudge is dead?"


However, the closed loop of time

How could he die?

If he died, who would give him the time-turner?

If he doesn't get the time-turner, then there's something wrong with the logic of time.

Playing with time is no joke. Just like the poor witch in history, he is likely to be swallowed directly by time, and his whole person will disappear, including those who are familiar with him, everything, traces of his existence, and other people's memories. , and even the fate of many people will undergo unpredictable changes!

In short, it would be a huge disaster!

"Merlin's beard!"

Owen exclaimed.

Well, this time he was a little scared.

He, Owen Sanchez, was never afraid of death, but he was unwilling to disappear meaninglessly.

If all traces of him are erased by time, what's the point of traveling through time?

Doesn’t this mean Ye Bai is here?

"Where did he die? Where is his body?"

After all, it was Voldemort's one-sided statement, and Owen still felt a little lucky.

"I don't know." Hermione shook her head.

Then he raised his arm and pointed at a pink toad in the rubble in the distance.

"But you can ask her, if she's not dead!"

"She?" Owen looked in the direction of Hermione's finger, and immediately spotted Umbridge.

He hurried over.

He waved his wand and removed all the rubble from her body.

From the outside, the pink toad did not appear to be seriously injured.

The only visible injury was a scratch on his forehead.

"Hey! Don't sleep, wake up!" Faced with this pink toad, no one will have a good impression of her as long as they have read Harry Potter. Even those who write dark fan novels, the protagonist is standing next to Dumbledore. In the story of Lido's opposite, nothing will end well for this woman.

In this world, Umri is a strange person.

Because she did it, everyone hated her, whether they were black or white, black or white.

How can I say that I can achieve this level?

It also requires a little talent!

Of course, as Owen, who is pure, natural, and colorful, he doesn't have a good impression of Umbridge either.

So, he directly grabbed her collar with a look of disgust, and slapped her a few times with his other hand.

The sound of "papa~" spread far away.

"Owen~" Hermione was startled.

She quickly grabbed Owen's hand and stopped him from continuing to give the woman his favorite big mouth.

"You're crazy. No matter what, she is still a high-ranking member of the Ministry of Magic."

"You will be arrested if you do this to her."

"Haha~ Young man." Owen glanced back at Hermione, and then said lightly, "You are still too young."

He continued in an old-fashioned tone: "You will envy me in two years."

"I'm jealous that I'm the one slapping her tonight, not you!"

"Huh? Why should I envy you?"

Hermione was confused.

But before she could ask carefully.

A whimpering moan was heard.

"Who are you?" Umbridge woke up slowly, her eyes opened in confusion, her dusty face was full of confusion and numbness.

At first glance, it is like being in an out-of-body experience.

Owen has seen a lot like this.

Every time I read Professor Binns' History of Magic, most of the little wizards have this expression.

Including Owen himself.

"My dear father!" Owen said mercilessly, and then waved his wand, "The clear spring flows."

A water ball appeared out of thin air at the tip of his wand.

Then with a flick, he blew the water ball directly into Umbridge's face.

In the middle of winter, it’s more than 20 degrees below zero.

Snowy night.

Umbridge, who was doused with cold water, suddenly woke up.

She was trembling, her eyes gradually turning from confusion to resentment. Before she could speak her angry words, Owen raised his wand to her face and said viciously: "Too many people have died tonight."

"I don't think the Ministry of Magic would say anything even if there was one more."

"What - what - do you - want to do!" Umbridge shuddered, her mouth was trembling, and her tongue could not be straightened, which caused her words to be broken and unclear.

Her resentful eyes flashed with intense fear.

She remembered the man whose name she couldn't even pronounce just now.

That terrifying, murderous monster was right next to her.

She actually went to Hogwarts with Voldemort!

"Is Fudge still alive?" Owen asked first.

"Fudge? He - he died. I saw it with my own eyes. He was hit by a killing curse. It was - a Death Eater in black robes did it. I saw the Dark Mark on his exposed arm. , but I didn’t see his face!”

"Stop! I'm not interested at all in who killed Fudge. After all, this is one of the few good things that Death Eater did." Owen waved his hand and continued to ask: "Where is his body? Did he come from a mysterious place? What was taken from the Department of Affairs!"

"This" Umbridge hesitated.

After all, Owen's problem is considered a Ministry of Magic secret.

She shouldn't be telling a young wizard these things.


After seeing Owen's demonic gray eyes, she said decisively and intermittently: "Maybe - maybe Kingsley took that thing away. In the panic, I - saw Kingsley Did Rai find anything on Fudge's body?"

"Where's the Kingsley guy?"

"Still in Hogsmeade."

"Very good!" After saying that, Owen looked at her with a smile.

Immediately, he threw a stun spell and knocked out this disgusting and disgusting woman.

Then, amidst the screams of all the little wizards, he ran towards Hogsmeade alone.

"Owen!!!" Hermione and the others shouted his name.

After all, Hogsmeade is not safe over there.

Standing outside the courtyard, you can still see the flickering magic light of fierce fighting in the distance!

Some of the green lights are not so friendly.

Unfortunately, this did not give Irving any substantial pause.

Even faster.

At the foot of the mountain, the professors had little energy to look after the little wizards.

And Dumbledore had already disappeared halfway up the mountain.

As for Owen's dear grandfather.

After repelling several Death Eaters, he came to Wenda.

Looking at the tall and majestic figure with hair full of silver hair and eyes full of exhaustion and tiredness, Wenda's face revealed an indelible concern.

"You need a break, you don't need to save the world alone," she said.

"There are too many incompetent people. Apart from me, only Albus in this world has the strength to face that thing, but he shouldn't get involved. He still has his own affairs." Grindelwald took a deep breath and said calmly said.

Although his face was full of fatigue, his tone was still arrogant

So proud, so powerful, so confident!

Even in old age.

He is still roaring towards the sunset!

"I don't have the ability-"

"No, you have done well enough." Grindelwald interrupted her and continued: "Even far beyond my expectations, the children you found are very talented, and they will become the backbone of this world. ."

"But that's just the backbone! I hope there are some of them who can really help you."

"You have discovered one, haven't you?" Grindelwald suddenly whispered.

He and Wenda were getting further and further away from Hogwarts.

Under the careful surveillance of Professor McGonagall, they gradually moved away, heading towards the direction of the Shrieking Shack.

"That's a monster. Only I know his nature." Wenda continued to reiterate her point of view.

Her cold face was covered with frost, and her eyes were full of determination.

The red lips opened slightly and continued: "His soul. You know that alchemy cannot create a soul. How did he appear? Don't you understand?"

"I know~"

There were constant crunching sounds on the snow.

This is far from Hogwarts.

All around was forest and darkness.

The only visible light was the aftermath of the battle projected from Hogsmeade in the distance.

The heavy snow is like unicorn hair all over the sky.

The pieces fell, making this dirty earth pure again.

"I have observed him for so many years. If you can't see this, then what else is worthy of your following?" A cold voice said from Grindelwald's mouth.

"However, our vision at that time was too narrow and we could not see the future clearly. It is different now."

"Now?" Wenda's eyes flashed with light, "Have you seen the future?"

As we all know, in addition to his outstanding magical talents, Grindelwald was also a great prophet.

He predicted World War II for the Muggles and exploited them.

This is also one of the important reasons why Nurmengard's power can quickly sweep across Europe.

They were aided by a cross-current of German steel.

Nurmengard has always been able to stay ahead of the Federation in everything, and it has been able to continue to grow despite the joint siege of Aurors from several countries. It relies on Grindelwald's prophetic ability.

Now, did he see anything else?

"No~" Rarely, a trace of confusion flashed across Grindelwald's expression.

This is a reflection of his lack of confidence.

As powerful as he was, he never panicked even when he was fighting Dumbledore at his peak.

Even though he might have guessed that he would lose in the end, he still had absolute confidence during the duel.

In addition to confidence in one's own strength.

What's more, he knew that neither Dumbledore nor he would kill the other.

Their love never goes away.

"Just my gut feeling." He paused.

"A belief."


"Believe me, stop attacking him, and that child will become the key." Grindelwald said leisurely, with the absolute confidence of a strong man engraved on his face covered with traces of time.

Rarely, there was a hint of tenderness in his strange-colored eyes.

He has known Wenda for nearly seventy years.

The relationship between them has long surpassed the vulgar love and friendship in the world, which are castles without foundations built with cheap materials.

For seventy years, they supported each other, relied on each other, and went through the lows and highs of each other.

If you have to evaluate his relationship with her.

Then Grindelwald, this man who was so proud that he looked down upon all the wizards in the wizarding world (except Dumbledore).

Would like to call her family.

Yes, family.

Not sister, not any kind of family affection.

But the simplest and purest thing - family.

"So, are you still willing to believe me?" The corners of his mouth raised slightly.

His hands dropped to his waist.

His posture was as tall and straight as when they first met.

Suddenly, Wenda smiled.

Like a French rose in full bloom.

Warm and full of love.

She stood in front of the man and responded to his gaze with the same firm tone.

"Always~" (as always)


On the other side, Irving was non-stop.

He had never run so madly.

He didn't want to be swallowed up by time.

Finally, when he almost spit out his heart.

Finally arrived in front of Hogsmeade village.

"Ah~~Huhu! Vada~~Huhu!!"

“Nima—wait for a moment~wait a moment~”

Owen was bent over, his legs were half squatting, his hands were on his thighs, and he was breathing heavily.

Although a roadblock suddenly popped up in front of me.

But he didn't even have the strength to open his mouth and recite the incantation.

"Huh? The delicious little kid from Hogwarts?"

The speaker was a ragged, fierce-looking man.

The man has slender limbs, gray hair and a messy beard.

His beard was tangled with hair at his temples.

A tattered black robe clung uncomfortably tightly to his body, and his dry, dull, dirty fingers had long, sharp yellow nails.

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