I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 198 Soul! May you rest in peace. Why are you still pretending to be a corpse?

Chapter 198 Soul! May you rest in peace - Hey, why are you still pretending to be a corpse?

"Calling God——"

Owen on the back of the silver dragon rides on the wind and snow, waving his magic wand.


The next second.

The cry of the phoenix came proudly from somewhere on his body.

His wand twitched rapidly, then blew out a cloud of silvery smoke.

Then, the tip of the wand became brighter and brighter, and a phoenix with divine fire burning all over its body flew out with its wings held high.

This time, its cry was so crisp and warm.

It was as if the shackles I had carried before had completely dissipated!

After waiting for the phoenix to fly out completely, Owen suddenly pointed the wand at himself.

The tip of the staff is pressed against the temple.

A slow trace of silver-white memory, like it was made up of countless threads, was pulled out by him. He raised his wand slightly.

Memories are blown away by the wind and snow.

The dexterous Phoenix caught it.

The next second.

Owen's gray eyes flashed with silver rhythm.

His sight seemed to be connected to Phoenix.

"That's it~" Owen sighed softly.

Through the filter of the patron saint.

He finally saw clearly the true face of those alien monsters that looked like they had grown hair.

"No wonder each monster's head is a variety of animal heads. It turns out-"

It turns out that those were the patron saints of wizards!

The animal's head, like a cocoon, protects the wizard's last consciousness and soul.

This is both a shackle and the center of manipulation.

The unknown alien god controls these dead people by bewitching the consciousness in the cocoon.

This is an extremely efficient control.

Far more powerful than the Imperius Curse.

Within that cocoon, the whispers of the Outer Gods may be repeated all the time.

After understanding all this.

Owen immediately knew what he should do at this time.

As long as he can tear open the cocoon, these dead beings will naturally get rid of the control of the outer gods.

He didn't know what would happen next, but there was absolutely no problem in doing so.

The next second, the sacred phoenix flew over the heads of the dead.

Owen stood on top of the dragon, watching everything below indifferently.

The divine fire on the wings fell like stars on the head of the terrifying monster.

But not burning.

But agitate.

Every bit of starlight was filled with his happiest emotions.

These will be the catalysts.

It is to awaken the consciousness in the cocoon and give them weapons so that they can attack the monster's body from the inside.


A strange, crackling sound like something sounded.

The glimmer of wings fell on a dead creature with a lion's head.

Then, in the eyes of many horsemen on the high wall, they were extremely shocked.

The dead man suddenly froze.

Then he continued to rush forward mechanically for a few steps.

Then it stopped.

It looked around blankly.

Then a heartbreaking roar came from his mouth.


Holding the head.

As if to stop his head from exploding.

And its head is really cracking constantly.

Little by little, from scratch. Cracks quickly covered the entire animal's head.

Then there was a "bang".

Brain explodes.

A mist with silvery brilliance spread out from it.

Owen squinted his eyes and looked carefully as never before.

The mist was quite thin, as if it could be blown away by a breath at any time.

It takes on the appearance of an embryo.

Small, like a bud!

"what is that?"

"How could there be such a thing in the monster's head?"

"Look, it seems to have grown up."

The centaurs shouted.

Because they saw that with the blessing of Phoenix's strong emotions, the divine fire watered those embryos to grow rapidly.

Soon, a naked man with a weathered face who looked to be in his fifties was born out of nothingness.

He looked at the figure on the silver back in the sky.

His eyes were full of gratitude.

"Thank you~" he said.

Then the whole body emitted a bright silver light.

Vaguely, Owen seemed to see a door and a curtain.

The free soul passes through the veil and sets off towards the next journey, the greater adventure.

And the body he left behind in this world was like a withered tree.

Under the last silver light, it collapsed.

This is not the end.

The collapsed headless body suddenly shattered, like broken glass, and then the souls of countless creatures escaped from the prison.

Heading into the distance.

"Really?" Owen said in a deep voice.

"The body of the dead is just a box. They cannot 'digest' the devoured souls. They must find an altar before they can dedicate the devoured souls to unknown external gods."

His eyes were clear.

Look at the petal-shaped soul, like a fallen flower, being carried by the wind and floating into the distance.

Legend: In the Far Eastern countries, there is a magical plant called the Blooming Spirit Tree.

When the spirit flower blooms, it connects to the spiritual world of a soul.

Drink the flower dew, open your heart, and you can start the journey of spiritual enlightenment.

The world in flowers explains the projection fantasy of this world.

After crossing the Yin-Yang Gate shrouded in a white mist, you can reach the world of the dead through spiritual projection.

Owen looked at the petals filling the sky.

All this time, he thought this was just one of the myths of the Ming Dynasty in the Far East. But today, when he saw these petals, he realized that in the magical world, myth may be an objective description of history.

Just like the gods that Muggles talk about, they are actually just a group of daring wizards.

In that era when wizards and Muggles lived together.

It is not surprising that personal power is spread through myths and stories.

————Take a deep breath of cold air.

Owen resisted the urge in his mind to drink the nectar of a blooming flower and see the great mother again.

not the right time yet.

he knows.

Maybe there will be opportunities in the future.

All around, petals are floating all over the sky. Through the transparent stamens, you can see the souls in many flowers.

Most of them are not human, such as Acromantula, Centaur, or other magical animals.

Looking at it, it looks like a sea of ​​flowers under the high wall.

Owen doesn't think they can all be resurrected.

Because the body that holds the soul has been destroyed.

This kind of ordinary undead will first suck out the flesh and blood of the victim while devouring the soul.

The soul can be returned, but the flesh and blood cannot.

The body is dead and the heart has stopped. How to resurrect?

What a charlatan!

——On the contrary, that one looks like an advanced version of the Deadman.

In its blood mist state, it seems to only absorb the souls of its victims.

"Huh? Want to run?"

Sure enough, unlike ordinary dead people, the Blood Ancestor retains a lot of human consciousness, mainly the consciousness of responding to crises.

Whether it was the previous encounters or this time.

When he senses a crisis or injury that threatens him, he will immediately flee to protect himself.

Likewise, this time he didn't hesitate, not even the slightest bit slow.

Before the Phoenix could get close to him, it turned into blood mist and rushed into the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

Unfortunately, blood mist is still blood mist after all.

It doesn't have wings!

Owen, who has integrated his consciousness into the patron saint, can control the phoenix at an ultra-long distance.

"Qiang Qiang~~~"

The loud cry of the phoenix breaks through the darkness and chases away.

Wherever they go, the dead below seem to be reborn from their cocoons. The petals and stamens of the flowers reflect the light of the patron saint, and they continue to spread across the earth.

It almost covered the entire centaur city.

Hagrid, Luna and the centaurs who came in a hurry had to narrow their eyes.

In shock, through the tiny cracks of the nails, I stared in amazement at the bodies that suddenly bloomed with flowers.

"It's incredible!"

"Is that the flower of the soul?"

"I have never seen such a magical plant before." Hagrid chose his words carefully.

He couldn't tell whether the petals were real.

Because, all the petals, when approaching a living person, suddenly bounced away like the opposition of magnetic poles.

It's as if your soul kicked out the outsider trying to take over your body.

Although the kick was extremely small.

So small that they had to squint their eyes for fear that petals would actually get into their eyes.

"Look at that~" a centaur screamed.

Everyone immediately looked around.

On the earth, when the light lit up, the entire body of the dead man seemed to turn into a soul tree.

The spreading roots and upward branches of the big tree are other souls imprisoned in the box, turning into petals and scattering.

The dead body resembles the main body of a tree. The fruit it bears is the patron saint of birth itself.

"The soul has returned to the tree?"

Owen looked at this scene with a strong sense of déjà vu, giving him a terrifying feeling that the supreme will was spying on the world.

"Illusion!" he said.

Then he calmed down and continued to control the Phoenix to pursue the Blood Ancestor.

Everyone booed and silently looked at Owen's back as he gradually moved away.

At this moment, the young child showed leadership qualities.

Everyone looked up. A silent expectation hung on him.

On the other side, Owen was more relaxed than others imagined.

The process of hunting down the Blood Ancestor was smoother than he imagined.

The phoenix's spiritual fire fell on him.

It's like a drop of water falling into a frying pan.

Legend: Death will be baptized by spiritual fire, which is a magic that can only be cast by characters who serve death.

A message suddenly popped up in Owen's head. Perhaps the blessing left by the centaur sage Chiron also included part of the knowledge from ancient times.

He wasn't that surprised.

Because at this moment, his head was indeed filled with a lot of magical knowledge that he had never heard of before, or even imagined.

It can only be said that in those ancient times when there were no taboos, the wizards back then could be described as whispering evil ghosts compared to now.

Judging from Voldemort's level of cruelty, he was only at the level of an ordinary ancient dark wizard.

He can even be called kind.

Because no matter how cruel Voldemort was, he always adhered to his pride as a human being and as a wizard with noble blood.

Those dark wizards in ancient times had no humanity at all.

Those evil experiments that would come up in front of you even if you say them out loud were just bad research at that time.


Owen let out some of his regrets.

Then he calmed down and began to attack the Blood Ancestor.

——The spiritual fire kept burning his body, and his blood kept boiling and evaporating.

Soon, many holes appeared in his body.

It looks quite scary.

But it's not over yet.

The same cracks also appeared on his body.

Like a broken porcelain doll, a ball of silver mist came out as the blood circulated.

Then it kept tumbling, and finally seemed to be vomited out.

His soul, his original soul, was nakedly displayed before Owen's eyes.

It was a man with a rather handsome face who looked very young. Has quite handsome appearance.

The wavy long hair shawl makes his temperament somewhat similar to Sirius, but more evil.

I have to say, he is a very charming young man.

Except for those hateful eyes.

Yes, as the culprit who killed him, Owen rolled his eyes and stood on the back of the silver dragon to look at him.

"What are you looking at! Are you still trying to fake the corpse?"

"People will die when they are killed. When you kill others, you must be prepared to be killed. Why are you staring at me now?"

He said unceremoniously.

"I can only say that you are too incompetent, and you were killed in a sneak attack."

"From another perspective, now that I have helped you free yourself from the control of the outer gods, you should thank me."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the figure made of silver mist, opened his mouth angrily, and said a word that started with 'F', which he automatically blocked.

Then came the word starting with ‘S’, and the scolding became more intense.

Until, suddenly, a blue door suddenly appeared on the ground.

Then many people walked out of the dazzling white light.

This farce has finally come to an end.

"This research is very interesting." Then a boy wearing slim-fitting white and gray clothes and walking with a cane came out.

He has gray hair and brown eyes full of joy.

Owen knew that look of joy when he discovered a new research topic.

"This discovery is game-changing. We can seek collaboration."

He said to another older red-haired woman behind him.

Then he seemed to notice something.

Looking at Owen who fell from the sky, holding the wand in his hand, frowning and looking at them cautiously.

The boy looked at him with a smile.

Then nodded.

He took out an unfamiliar instrument from his pocket.

Owen saw it really, it was like a magic device that was cylindrical like a Rubik's Cube and made up of countless cubes.

His fingers touched the cubes lightly, tapping them regularly.

Then, the magic device suddenly burst out with an extremely dazzling blue light. In Owen's shocked eyes, the soul of the blood ancestor who was about to enter the curtain seemed to be inspired by something.

It was directly absorbed by the Rubik's Cube.

Its color changed from blue to deep purple.

Finally it fell into the hands of the boy.

"Amazing. This is the first time I have seen a magical alchemy magic creation, a device that can carry souls." Owen became interested.

Be prepared to step forward and call a friend.

Don't care whether the other party is good or bad, just go up there and make yourself familiar!

As long as we get on the line, with his sharp tongue, are we still worried that he won't be able to get it done?

Able to create such level of alchemical magic creations.

Not to mention that ordinary wizards can't do it.

Even if you give Dumbledore time, he still has to think about it.

Anyway, in Owen's view of cognition, Nick is probably the only one who can easily make such other devices!

This is a talent! ! !

Owen's eyes glowed green, "Hello."

He held out his hand.

And the other party didn't refuse, and just held hands with him.

"Owen~Owen, please call me Owen Undine!"

"Victor, Victor Nome." The boy looked a little reserved. Seems a little shy.

In short, the tone was very monotonous and the introduction was perfunctory.

He didn't want to have too many interactions with Irving.

Just want to get out of here.

Because after exchanging names, he turned around and wanted to leave.

"Victor?" Owen was stunned.

Immediately, he exerted force on his arm and pulled the guy back.

The name Victor is not rare, there are many people who call it.

However, under the background of the wonderful magic device just now, Owen almost immediately thought of a person.

"Don't you have a friend named Jess?" Owen turned into a curious baby and kept asking him new questions, "You look like a group, which organization are you from?"

"I've never heard of an organization in the magical world that can cultivate such outstanding talents!"

"Your accent sounds like German? Or Austrian? Are you a student at Durmstrang Academy of Magic?"

"You look so young! Are you twenty years old? For such a young alchemy genius, I haven't seen your name in various academic journals."

He babbled, like a bomber, throwing the question to the boy whose face was already a bit troubled.

“Interested in joining our organization?”

"Have you ever heard of Saints? The largest genius training base in Europe. Specializing in delivering geniuses to the European magical world."

"There are many geniuses like you among the saints. If you join, in addition to getting personal guidance from Mr. Grindelwald, the legendary great wizard who can fight Dumbledore, the gathering of geniuses will also allow you to create more A lot of inspiration. For those of you who engage in magic and alchemy, the most important thing is inspiration. A great direction is far more useful than working hard, isn’t it?"

"Hi! I see you are still a little hesitant, my friend. Now hurry up and get a chance to take a photo with Mr. Grindelwald. Aren't you excited?"

At this moment, Owen transformed into the world's top marketing genius. He used his pervasive words to constantly win over the young man with a genius in front of him.

And his chattering figure also fell in the eyes of other saints who walked out of the door.

Kent and Winston looked embarrassed.

Garona was holding back her laughter. She put her hand against her mouth for fear that she would laugh out loud.

Mr. Malfoy, who followed, looked puzzled.

Aren’t these two parties saints?

how? Don't they know each other?

But only the woman with waterfall-like fiery red hair and eyes shining like the stars showed a completely different expression from others.

Her azure eyes reflected a figure, that was a woman with the same silver hair as her, or maybe it was because of her that she had waterfall-like long hair.

The man's voice still echoed in her ears.

"Hi! I see you are still a little hesitant, little girl. You know? Geniuses always live in groups, because that way more inspiration will burst out. How about it? Do you want to join us?"

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