I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 202 St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies

Shopping with a girl is definitely a pain in the ass.

Owen didn't know about the others, but he was really uncomfortable.

It was also strange. He had walked back and forth in the Forbidden Forest all night before, and it was still a mountain road, or there was no road at all. I didn't feel tired either.

But as soon as he stepped into the mall, he felt pain in his back and hands and cramps within a few steps.

My eyes were green and I just wanted to find a seat to sit down.

What made him even more uncomfortable was that among the four of them, everyone except him seemed to be in high spirits.

Hermione didn't need to say more.

She looked back and forth in several men's clothing stores. Also, Professor Lupine's robe was in tatters, and anyone would think that he needed a new one.

As for Harry

He was more excited than Hermione, after all, the Dursleys wouldn't take him to the mall.

The dazzling array of products around him had a fatal attraction for him.

It's not that he wants to buy it, but he's just curious. Those colorful ones are very eye-catching. At least in terms of advertising, Muggles can beat wizards by a dozen.

Ron's situation looked similar to Harry's.

As for Sirius - what a coincidence, there is a motorcycle show being held on the first floor of this mall.

To be precise, it is not an ordinary road motorcycle, but a track sports car show.

Maybe they are going to hold the Tour de France~

"Why has it only been half an hour? I feel like at least half a day has passed."

After walking out of the mall.

Owen couldn't help but complain.

Hermione was carrying many bags, in addition to the things she had bought for Professor Lupin. And some girly stuff.

Owen estimated that those were bought by Lavender.

Although the relationship between the two of them is not very good, they are always in the same dormitory.

"You should also replace the time turner, so that it won't feel slow." Hermione glared at him and then reminded him.

"That is an extremely dangerous magic item and you should not keep it."

"Whatever goes into my pocket is mine. Besides, who took it out and gave it to me? It was Fudge, let him ask for it~~~" Owen brushed the broken hair in front of his eyes and raised his head, looking proud. appearance.

"You~~" Hermione frowned, "Professor Dumbledore just forgot to ask you for it during this time, wait~~~"

She was about to speak.

But Owen was very fast. He suddenly held Hermione's ear and whispered a few words softly.

"Ahem~~~" She suddenly seemed to be choked by something, "How could someone as smart as Professor Dumbledore forget such an important thing? He - he should have acquiesced."

Then she whispered softly: "I want one, three, six!"

"Of course, Dumbledore is the greatest wizard, and his wisdom is unfathomable."

"No way, four hours a day!" Owen whispered in response.

"But, after all, he is old. I think it would be better for me to remind the professor and confirm this matter!" Hermione said, "At least for a day."

"He's been very busy recently. Something happened at the Federation. You won't be able to see him." Owen said, "Don't push yourself too hard, Miss Granger, five hours."

"Then I will write to Professor McGonagall. She will definitely take care of it."

"day and a half!"

"???" Owen turned his head and gave her a high look. Did the bargaining include a temporary price increase?

You are unruly!

"I bet you a galleon that you won't have time to write."

"Oh~ I don't believe it." Hermione looked at him with a half-smile, "Maybe I've finished writing it?"

"Huh? When?"

"A few days ago!" She glared at Owen triumphantly, as if she had predicted all this.

"Awesome!" The corner of Owen's mouth twitched slightly. After the constant pressure from him, a pressure boy, Miss Hermione grew up very fast. Such dark thoughts were not revealed until she was in the fifth or sixth grade in the original book at least.

Now in third grade

"One day, I reached my limit," he muttered quietly.

"Deal!" she said.

"Haha - cunning Granger."

"To each other."

Walked a few more blocks.

On the way, under the confused eyes of Harry and others, Owen and Hermione had finished arguing with each other about the time turner.

Overall, a good result.

After all, it would be useless if he kept it here. He would not die suddenly like Hermione in class.

It's okay to give her a day.

At the street corner, they bought some more fruit.

And when they move forward again.

Suddenly there were fewer people around.

The feeling was quite abrupt. It was as if they had passed through a curtain.

The surrounding houses have also undergone tremendous changes.

From flashing neon lights, it turned into a runaway abandoned building.

"Where is St. Mungo's Hospital?" Harry looked around curiously, "Why don't we just Apparate in?"

"When the hospital was first established, people did this. However, as the number of patients gradually increased, the Ministry of Magic banned apparation in the hospital, which could easily cause accidents." Sirius explained, "As for the location, we are now Stand right in front of the hospital."


Harry looked around curiously.

From the distance, it looks like an old-fashioned red brick department store.

There is a "Closed for Renovation" sign on the door. Other than that, he didn't find any traces of 'magic'.

They moved on.

In front of the department store, I stopped near a particularly ugly doll in the guard booth.

Finally, Harry noticed something strange.

That doll - it looks so magical.

Sirius leaned closer to the display window and looked up at the ugly dummy, his breath blurring the glass.

"Hello, we've come to visit Lupin. Remus John Lupin."

After hearing the sound, the puppet nodded slightly and moved its connected fingers.

The next second, they seemed to have passed through a layer of cold water, and immediately entered a warm and dry room.

With no trace of the ugly doll and the place it stood on, they entered St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies.

The next second, the surrounding environment returned to sight.

The young wizards found themselves in a crowded waiting room.

Rows of wizards and witches sat on rickety wooden chairs. Some looked normal, but seemed not to be in good spirits. Others looked very obvious, with terrible deformities on their bodies, with elephant trunks or An extra hand grew out of his chest.

Wizarding hospitals seemed no different than Muggle hospitals.

The bustle was filled with screams and strange sounds, noisy and boring.

In other words, the wizard's hospital was originally built based on the Muggle hospital.

Various departments, systems, etc. are simply copied intact.

Owen and Harry looked around curiously.

Harry lived in a Muggle family and had never seen this before.

Owen hasn't seen it either. Normally, he usually sends others in, but he has never come in.

The hall was clearly divided into two parts. On one side were the poor wizards who had been injured and injured by various transformation techniques. Take the witch with a red face and an inflated head like a balloon as an example. She kept waving her fan because her Steam and whistles kept coming out of the ears, and there was a sloppy wizard in the right corner. One of his arms was integrated with the clock, and every time he moved, it would make a "dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang" sound.

Sitting in the corner, he could only hold his arm tightly to prevent her from making any sound.

On the other side, on the right side of the hall, it was deathly quiet.

There were all kinds of wizards sitting on the rows of seats.

They look normal, with all the parts on them.

But the expression on his face was sadder than the one on the other side.

"They." Hermione opened her mouth. As smart as she was, she understood everything in an instant.

"They are all relatives and friends of the wizard who was injured in the Battle of Hogsmeade." Sirius said leisurely.

Hearing the sound, the little wizards nodded slightly.

In the silent loneliness, some kind of subtle murmur came.

"Merlin bless you!"

"Merlin! Please save him!"

"Merlin, please keep him safe."

"The walls of the hospital have seen the most tears and the most devout prayers." Owen said suddenly.

Everyone was a little silent.

The haze of war showed its bloody scene without hesitation at this moment.

As he spoke, a witch in green robes suddenly squeezed in from the nearby corridor. The emblem embroidered on her chest was a cross composed of a wand and bones. Holding a piece of parchment in hand.

"Look at those people, are they doctors?" Harry asked softly.

"That's what Muggle hospitals say, they're called healers here." Hermione replied, "You need to get very good results in the Advanced Wizarding Level Examination to become this profession. As far as I know, you need to get at least a Certificates in Potions, Herbology, Transfiguration, Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Oh, Potions class, I guess I'm out of luck, Snape won't let me pass!" Harry said, "But you're definitely fine, Hermione!"

"Me? I don't want to be a healer. It's a big responsibility. I'm rough and not suitable. Most of the wizards who became healers came from Hufflepuff House." Hermione raised her head and glanced at Owen.

"You are a stereotype!" Owen resisted, "But you are indeed not suitable to be a therapist. You should be the Minister of Magic."

While they were chatting, the witch had walked up to an old woman.

She whispered something and handed her the parchment in her hand.

Then a sad wailing sound came from the entire hall~

The equally silent wizards around him trembled.

They stared at the dim corridor like they were looking at devils.

Many people have shed tears following the wailing sound.

The sound made Owen feel irritated, and Hermione's eyes turned red.

Apparently, Merlin showed no mercy and took away the child of an innocent mother.

Everyone withdrew their gaze and no longer looked at the heart-wrenching scene.

Then he looked at the indicator table and read the words on it: Object Accident Department, first floor; Biological Hazards Department, second floor; Strange Bacteria and Infections Department, third floor; Pharmaceutical and Plant Poisoning Department, fourth floor; Curse and Injury Department, fifth floor. ;Tea room and shop, sixth floor.

"Go to the fifth floor. The injured and injured from the Hogsmeade battle are all on the fifth floor."

"They created a separate area."

Sirius led the group through a set of double doors and down a narrow corridor.

The walls on both sides of the corridor are covered with portraits of famous therapists, and crystal bubbles containing candles float from the ceiling, looking like giant soap bubbles.

"Oh! It's you! Owen."

One of the portraits said unexpectedly.

It was a man with long curly silver hair and a friendly look.

The portrait frame is marked, Delise Derwent, Healer of St. Mungo's (1722-1741), Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (1741-1768).

As the most famous principal, she has a high reputation in history, and her portraits can be seen on many important occasions.

Devonte is a very affable person. When he meets her in the school corridor, he will always say hello to the students and help the new students with directions.

Her portrait naturally appears in the principal's office, and as a frequent visitor in the office, she is known to almost all portraits of the principal.

"I wouldn't want to come to the hospital if I could. Principal Devonte."

"Yes, no one likes to run to the hospital." She sighed. "The trauma left by the war is greater than we imagined, not only physical, but also mental."

"You are right." Owen nodded.

After a few people nodded towards the respected old principal, they climbed up the stairs and walked into the Curse Injury Department.

As soon as he entered the floor, Ron walked into the arms of a wizard in green robes.

"Oh! Sorry!" the wizard said hurriedly, then passed through them and disappeared to the corner of the stairs.

"A lot of people." Hermione poked her head out and scanned the crowded corridor.

There were doctors on both sides wearing green, but most of them were ordinary people from ordinary wizards' families.

Their relatives or friends may be in a certain ward.

Everyone continued to follow Sirius, and after walking a few steps, Owen heard the familiar voice of Mrs. Weasley.

She seemed to be complaining about something.

The next second everyone walked into the ward.

"Oh! Oh my god, you're here."

Mrs. Weasley placed the pumpkin porridge in her hand on the table next to the hospital bed.

Then he actually gave each of their little wizards a hug.

"It's so nice to see you," she said.

"These days, there are so many crying people in front of my door - I'm afraid." Mrs. Weasley looked at Harry feelingly.

Harry had once again groomed Voldemort with news that Ron had written to tell her.

In the heart of this traditional witch, this is the legendary savior who has saved them again.

"Okay, Molly." Sirius greeted her with a smile.

It was obvious that they had known each other before and were very familiar with each other.

This does make Owen a little bit better, because Mr. Weasley is not a founding member of the Order of the Phoenix.

He only joined the Order of the Phoenix during the Second Wizarding War.

And there's a lot of age difference between him and Sirius. We probably didn't meet each other in school.

"Isn't everything okay?" he said.

Then he turned his attention to Professor Lupine on the bed.

In fact, Owen noticed Professor Lupine on the bed as soon as he entered the door.

His eyes moved rapidly, and the muscles in his cheeks could twist normally, but his lower body could not move, or he was unconscious.

Because he noticed a few drops of pumpkin porridge on Professor Lupine's poor left hand, and the skin was burned with red spots, but he didn't react at all.

He walked forward and wiped away the few stains with the towel hanging by the bed, "What does that feel like?"

"Die?" Professor Luping looked at him gently, "It's like falling into a dream and walking through a door in a daze."

"Thank you for saving me." Owen looked at his face sincerely, "If I could have been more cautious at that time."

"There are no ifs, Owen." Lupine said, "Everyone makes mistakes, not to mention you are only fourteen years old. The key is whether we can learn from our mistakes and not fall on the same mistake twice."

The professor turned his head hard, which was the maximum he could do, and looked at him with shining eyes, "I just did something that every professor would do. I believe that every Hogwarts teacher would do it." All the professors do that.”

"Even Snape."

"That slug?" Professor Lupine's words caused Sirius to sneer. "I guess he will stay far away, for fear that the monster will scrape a drop of oil from his head."

On the other side, Ron nodded empathetically, asking him to believe that Snape would protect him desperately. It would be better to let him believe that Muggles could land on the moon!

"Yes, Snape would never do that in the castle."

"Ronald!" Suddenly a Hedong lion roared, making Ron tremble all over. "How dare you slander your professor like this, you uneducated child."

Mrs. Weasley was furious.

She glared at Ron and yelled.

At this time, she looked like an iron tower, taller than Sirius, and her majestic momentum made everyone in the ward tremble.

"Okay Molly." Professor Lupine stopped him.

"Although Severus always seems to be sarcastic, I know him and he will stand up, just like everyone else."

"Besides, this injury is not necessarily a bad thing." He said.

Suddenly he blinked at Sirius.

His eyes glanced at the clock hanging on the wall.

In an instant, Sirius understood what Lupine meant.

Owen looked at the two of them and quickly began to make calculations in his heart.

His astronomy is not bad, and he can easily calculate that the full moon in January this year should be around January 27.

And now there are still 19 days until that day.

Nineteen days, maybe Professor Lupine's health will get better by then, and his identity as a werewolf will not be exposed.

Everyone continued to chat.

"Merry Christmas Professor."

Then everyone placed the prepared Christmas gifts on the table by Professor Lupine's window.

"Happy New Year." Professor Lupine responded with a smile.

Harry gave him a hat.

Ron gave the professor a cloak.

As for Hermione - she couldn't help it because she borrowed Owen's money. The clothes in that mall were all high-end goods. I didn't know whether they were good or not, but the ones she bought were from the same brand.

With only 347 pounds left in her body, she could only afford half a sleeve.

She had no choice but to borrow money from Owen.

Two thousand pounds in suits.

It’s really expensive!

As for Owen, he pulled out a small package filled with bottles and cans.

Professor Lupine will know what those are when he opens them.

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