I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 236 Iron Curtain

Outside the stands, in the huge pyramid-shaped steel jungle.

On that viewing platform.

Suddenly, a group of people came into the little wizard's sight.

Behind Barty Crouch, the Malfoy family walked in.

Lucius smiled, changed from the previous arrogant attitude of the Malfoy family, and shook hands with every 'big shot' present.

Except for Sirius, who didn't give him any face, everyone else, including Dumbledore, smiled back.

Then more and more pure-blood family representatives appeared in the box.

The French Lestrange family, the Burke family, the Bursted family, the Parkinson family, and the Yaxley family.

Many ancient families that some people thought were extinct have appeared.

Miss Granger's face darkened.

She looked at those people indifferently.

He pursed his lips and sneered.

Outside, most of the murderous executioners come from these families, those Death Eaters - they may not have killed a few people together with their crazy brethren.

But they have also eaten 'human' flesh.

Maybe he even dipped potatoes in blood and licked them.

And about the most conspicuous family among that group of people - the Lestrange.

Miss Granger was quite impressed.

Eyes burning.

"As for Lestrange, I just thought it was the Riddle family's dog. As soon as the master raised his hand, the dog barked.

This is indeed not the case at first glance—" Owen's voice sounded behind her like a ghost.

He and Granger looked at the tall viewing platform together.

The newcomers are naturally not qualified to sit side by side with the principals and ministers of magic from major magic schools.

They were all kind-hearted and sat in the back row wearing human skins.

Smiling--like an iron curtain falling.

Every time a pureblood family sits down, the Iron Curtain rises.

When all the pure-blood families were seated, the Iron Curtain was already taller and larger than the stadium that could accommodate 100,000 people.

It was made of mortal blood and skulls.

A daunting horror permeated the air. It's so depressing that you can't breathe.

"I can't tell why the Del's dogs here suddenly turned into people? Or have they always been people and just like to keep dogs.

Can you tell the difference? "

Owen said jokingly.

His voice was louder than the shouts of a hundred thousand spectators.

It reached Miss Granger's ears clearly.

She understood another meaning in Owen's words.

She couldn't see clearly whether it was the power that protected them, or whether they benevolently gave it to them.

Silence - after a long time, she finally couldn't help but couldn't see through it, and asked the question in a whisper.

"Why?" She looked heavy, as if strong winds and waves were surging in her heart, "Why can they act as if all this never happened."

"Obviously so many people died——"

"The answer is simple." Owen looked at her, "Just look through your textbook and read "History of Magic"."

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked, looking at him with a frown.

"Have you ever heard of Genesis?" His words changed, leading Miss Granger's thoughts to other places.

"This magnificent and shocking masterpiece covers the top of the Sistine Chapel, including "Dividing Light and Darkness", "Creation of the Sun, Moon and Grass", "Sacrifice of Noah" and "The Great Flood".

There has been a fence in the Sistine since ancient times. During worship or festivals, on one side the clergy and nobles announced the apocalypse, and on the other side the civilians listened, prayed, and accepted the free indulgences given to them by God.

The former looked up at the Sistine. All he could see in his field of vision were the miracles created by God. He stood on the other side of the fence and looked up at the dome——

Human suffering is everywhere. "

"As in - Bathilda Bagshot's A History of Magic.

Stand on the fence and look up at the dome.

————The suffering of wizards is everywhere! "

"Huh-" A heavy gasp came from Blake's private room.

Miss Granger looked a little pale.

She was suffocating.

He raised his head and looked around at the luxurious decorations all around him.

She couldn't help but close her eyes.

Then he stood up, walked to the stands, grabbed the fence with both hands, and looked up.

The summer evening breeze was not chilly at all.

She even felt warm.

Look up at the dome.

Can't see - "God Divides Light and Darkness"

Invisible - "Creating the Sun, Moon, Grass and Trees"

Can't see - "Noah's Sacrifice"

Invisible - "Flood"

All that can be seen is the cloudless summer, and the eternally shining stars in the black cloth-like sky!

For a moment.

Some kind of seed fell into her heart.

Immediately afterwards, the seeds began to grow wildly at a daunting speed. In an instant, those jokes that had been exchanged between words became established history!

"What's wrong with her?" Ron turned to Harry and muttered.

"I don't know -" Harry said silently. He felt as if his heart was blocked by something, which made him a little uncomfortable. But ultimately, he didn't know what it was.

"Shh! Don't talk!" Owen said kindly: "The great Minister Granger is thinking about the future layout of the magical world!"

"Tonight is the night of fate."

"Only she will confront the Lord directly!"

"What?" Ron touched his head, still full of doubts.

"I said," Owen smiled slightly: "The game is about to begin!"


He just finished speaking.

A voice, like thunder, resounded throughout the packed stadium.

His voice echoed above them and carried loudly to every corner of the stands.

"Ladies and gentlemen... welcome you! Welcome to watch the 422nd Quidditch World Cup!"

The audience burst into cheers and applause.

Perhaps it was an illusion, but the stadium seemed to be shaken.

At a glance from the stands, thousands of flags were waving at the same time, accompanied by the dirty and chaotic national anthem. (Complaining about wizards singing the national anthem for Mao again?)

The scene was really lively.

On the blackboard across from them, the last line advertising (Bibi's All-Flavour Beans - every bite is an adventure!) has been erased and now reads: Bulgaria: 0, Ireland: 0.

"Okay, without further ado, please allow me to introduce... the mascot of the Bulgarian national team!"

On the right side of the stadium stands was a neat bright red square formation, and loud cheers erupted at this moment.

In the box, Mr. Weasley looked at Owen with a heavy expression, and then turned his eyes to Hermione.

The other two children might not be able to hear it, but he - even though he didn't quite understand some of the profound words, after all, he didn't know much about Muggle history, and he didn't even know what the Sistine Chapel was.

But from those words, he heard some dangerous signals.

"Huh-" Mr. Weasley breathed out, these children were still young.

Maybe you have a thousand or ten thousand ideas, but you will forget them all when you wake up tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning, maybe - maybe they'll be back to how they were just messing around.

"Wonder what they brought." Mr. Weasley changed his mood and leaned out of his seat.

"Huh? It's actually a Veela!"


At this time, one hundred Veela had already slid onto the arena.

Why did their skin glow as brightly and softly as the moon, and their hair was flying behind their heads even without the wind... At this moment, the music started.

In an instant, the minds of all the wizards went blank, and they were left with only one feeling, that of joy.

Nothing in the world mattered, as long as they could keep looking at the Veela, because if they stopped dancing, something terrible would happen...

As the Veela's dance became faster and faster, some crazy and shapeless thoughts began to swirl in the dizzy minds of the audience.

"They are so beautiful!" Harry praised.

Of course he knew what a Veela was.

Hermione told them.

That Beauxbatons Fleur has Veela blood.

It has to be said that Veela are indeed quite beautiful, with pairs of big dreamy green eyes filled with a kind of wildness that comes from nature.

The soft and full red lips open and close like an invitation, and the exquisite facial features are like the exquisite carvings of God. On their beautiful, white, delicate and exotic faces, they are full of beauty.

Their faces are not as sharp and angular as those of Westerners, nor are they as soft and majestic as those of Easterners. The beauty of Veela is due to the difference between the two, which makes no matter where you are on the earth, no matter what kind of race you stand here, you will be amazed by the beauty of Veela.

Moreover, they also have figures comparable to those of devils.

With round and slender jade legs, thin and smooth calves, soft jade arms like snow lotus roots, and delicate, smooth, tender and smooth ice muscles and jade bones, a beauty of this level cannot be said to be a man.

Women like it too!

"It's quite beautiful." Owen sat lazily on the chair. At some point, a small table appeared in front of him.

Melon seeds and peanut mineral water are already on display.

Then he stingily took out a galleung and hired Dobby for one night.

Let him go to London now to buy some snacks.

'boom! ’ With a sound, Dobby twisted space and left the box.

Although he was free, Dobby loved his job, so Owen could rehire him anytime, anywhere.

"But what makes me curious is, Harry, why are you so calm?" After he dealt with Dobby, he looked up at Harry and asked.

"Calm down?" Harry asked doubtfully, his eyebrows knitted together. "What's the meaning?"

"Look at Ron!" Owen lazily stretched out a finger.

Harry turned his head and looked at his good brother.

At this time, Ron was leaning on the fence with his hands in disgrace, his head blazingly looking at the dancing Veela below, and his body making a diving gesture from the springboard.

If Hermione hadn't raised her hand and slapped him on the back of the head, then kicked him on the calf.

The pain briefly brought him back to his senses, and Harry was absolutely convinced that Ron would jump off the stands.

Then Harry turned his attention elsewhere.

The Weasley twins looked better than their younger brother. Although they were also stunned, they did not leave their seats.

Harry noticed that the two of them were wearing a pair of pink sunglasses with lenses that looked like they were polished with colorful gemstones.

Very weird.

It doesn't look like it belongs to either of them at all.

That's kind of like--

"The idea provided by Luna." Owen answered for him, "Veela's charm is a kind of spiritual magic. They can cast spells on wizards through their eyes, and this is a talent that cannot be controlled independently. "

"Mr. Xenophilius (Luna's father) seems to have extensive experience in preventing Veela from invading the brain. He invented a kind of glasses that can effectively resist their magic."

Owen looked at Gemini: "But unfortunately, their mass-produced version doesn't seem to be effective enough!"

"As for you?" He turned to look at Harry again.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

It seems that the soul belonging to Voldemort that exists in Harry's body has undergone some kind of change.

Maybe that guy Tom has accumulated some weird power.

It strengthened Harry mentally in some way.

But the other party bound him more tightly to Harry's own soul.

This could be guessed from Harry's reaction when he destroyed Salazar's locket at the Black ancestral home.

I don't know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, but no matter what, Harry has no right to choose. He can only take one step at a time.

"I don't feel any mental magic." Harry scratched his head, not understanding why Ron and the Gemini reacted so loudly.

Although those Veela are indeed beautiful.

But beauty cannot be used as food, so he would rather learn one more magic spell.

"What about you? You look quite normal."

Suddenly, one hand grabbed one of her sons back from the fence. Hermione turned around and made a loud smacking sound, then leaned against the fence, folded her hands on her chest, and looked at Owen with a smile.

"Occlumency, dear, Occlumency!" Owen grabbed a handful of peanuts and stuffed them into his mouth, saying vaguely: "In our business, the secrets in your head are the most valuable, and anything can be hacked. Look at it, it’s just the little inventory in my head that doesn’t work.

There are dozens of gigabytes of seeds. Ahem—I mean, it’s not good to know too much. "

"Occlumency?" Hermione asked suspiciously. She had heard of that magic.

The learning difficulty is quite high.

"Of course, this is mainly because of the group of succubi - um - not - Veela, yes - Veela, the dance is too conservative, and the clothes are - tsk tsk - although the tulle is very hazy and very beautiful. - But believe me, this is not the right place.

The hazy artistic conception prevented them from leaking anything.

At least there should be some exposure in this kind of scene!

leg? arm? Back or something!

Besides, the clothing should be--ahem--black stockings--you know, sorry--I forgot, you may really not understand, it's just a waste of--this figure.

Blue people like black.

Or a white silk suspender skirt or something?

And there is something wrong with the dance. In a stadium with 100,000 people, you should never do this kind of weak dance, you should do a hot dance!

Hmmmm - that kind of exciting dance is suitable for this kind of occasion!

At that time - I guess it's time for me to practice Occlumency again. "He said sincerely.

His eyes were filled with sincerity.

He pointed out the product's shortcomings and asked for updates. For actions like this that focus on market pain points and expand corporate markets, newbies will raise their thumbs in the air, while experienced veterans will already take out their panoramic telescopes and focus on product hot spots.

"Haha -" Hermione said with a smile, "What an amazing wish."

"Sometimes I really wonder if you are schizophrenic and have a double-triple personality."

She looked at Owen calmly.

Sometimes this guy is so cruel and terrifying that it's like strangling you by the neck and making you unable to breathe.

Sometimes, he seems to be a wise man, and he can say many profound words casually, and his words are all about protecting the weak.

Sometimes, he is glib and talks nonsense, telling neither the truth nor a lie. He deliberately teases your emotions and makes you half-dead.

She had never seen such a complex wizard.

That guy is unique, there is no one like him in the past, present or future.

Unique charm.

That's why she

Thinking about it in her heart, Miss Granger suddenly blushed.

She immediately turned around, leaving only her back to everyone.


Not even angry?

Owen was a little confused, then he stuffed the beef patty on the side into his mouth and chewed it.


The off-field music ends slowly.

The gym was filled with angry roars as people didn't want the Veela to leave.

Many people had their souls taken away.

Generally speaking, this magical animal originates from a country near Bulgaria and can be combined with wizards.

This is also one of the important supporting evidences for the theory of human-magical-animal hybridization and the origin of wizards.

Wizards believe that they live in forests, lakes, mountains, and clouds.

As an elf, Veela possesses a powerful talent for transformation.

They can transform into swans, horses, eagles, snakes or wolves, but their human form is still the most tempting.

Some of them have long hair, some have curly hair, some have blonde hair, and some have platinum silver hair.

In human form, they are beautiful young women, dancing in gossamer under the moonlight on midsummer nights.

Men and women who are infatuated with them will forget everything in the world and will not eat, drink or sleep.

Although women will not be affected by Veela's magic - but - sisters - these damn little goblins have grown up like this, so why are they divided into genders?

Take the lead in the charge!

They are usually very friendly to humans, and they treat diseases and make predictions for humans.

If you see a human male you are satisfied with, you can also marry him and live happily together.

But Veela have great tempers and they will not tolerate being deceived.

Especially those who do not keep their promises, they will punish them severely.

Despite this, there are still many wizards and witches who hope to marry a Veela or have a Veela.

"Now," Ludo Bagman's voice rang like a bell, "please raise your wand in the air... and welcome the mascot of the Irish national team!"

Then - just a sound.

A huge green and gold thing flew into the stadium, like a great comet.

It flew around the stadium before splitting into two smaller comets, each hurtling toward a set of goal posts.

An arched rainbow suddenly appeared across the entire field, connecting the two big shining balls.

The crowd erupted in exclamations of "ouch, ouch" as if they were watching a fireworks display.

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