I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 256 Captain Jack, I love you! ! !

It looks very strange, the hull and sails are black.

There is a huge metal sculpture on the side of the ship.

It was a woman, or a witch, and Owen had reason to believe that it was Harfan Mount, the founder of Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

A great Bulgarian witch.

Its portholes glowed with a dim, misty light that looked like ghostly eyes.

There are a total of 32 such glimmers.

With a splashing sound, the big boat emerged completely, bumping on the undulating water, and began to sail towards the lake shore.

A moment later, they heard a splash, an iron anchor was thrown into the shallow water, and then the metal witch statue on the bow suddenly turned slowly and 'submerged' into the hull of the ship.

As for the hull, planks of wood were inserted into the ship one by one, and then intertwined with each other to build a long wooden staircase that stretched to the shore.

From afar, Owen seemed to see a wizard standing on the mast of the ship, holding his hands behind his back.

The man in a black windbreaker looked at them.

A strong wind blew from the Scottish Highlands, lifting his trench coat.

The aura of yearning for freedom that was about to spread out made everyone who saw him fall deeply in love with him.

"Who is that?" Everyone asked this question.

From a distance, Harry and the others felt that the figure looked familiar, and they should have seen it there.

Not only him, but Ron and Hermione next to him also felt similar.

This feeling even extended to Hufflepuff, and Hannah and Justin felt familiar.

In front of the entrance hall, next to Dumbledore, Owen looked at the mast with burning eyes.

He had an envious smile on his face. When can we develop this charming temperament?

"This ship should have a name!"

He whispered to Dumbledore, "A simple yet powerful name."

"A name that can make the world surrender!"

"Oh? What should it be called?" Dumbledore asked with a smile.

"Black Pearl!" Owen said firmly, "Gentlemen."

"Ladies! You will always remember this day because you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow!"

"Wow even!!!"

He let out a long howl.

If he had rum in hand, he would definitely drink from the great Captain Jack Sparrow!

"Wow even!

We set sail, we set sail, we overcome obstacles, we ride the wind and waves.

My heart is free from worries, and the compass in my hand always points to freedom. "

Owen continued to talk nonsense that was difficult for ordinary people to understand.

At this time, Durmstrang's students were already slowly walking down the wooden stairs.

From a distance, regardless of whether they were male or female, the Durmstrang students looked similar to Crabbe and Goyle.

When they came closer and walked along the lawn into the light cast by the foyer, everyone realized that the reason why they looked so big was because they were all wearing a kind of fur cloak with shaggy and tangled fur.

The leader of the group, when he walked into the light from the main entrance of the castle, the little wizard saw that he was tall and thin like Dumbledore, with short white hair and a bow tie turned up, walking leisurely.

The man walked up to Dumbledore and looked at him with a pair of heterochromatic eyes.

"You came!"

I don’t know who of the two said this first.

"I have been advised to rest for a while." Grindelwald looked at Dumbledore.

The old principal understood and looked sideways at Owen, who was staring at him with a fiery face, with a smile on his face, "That kid cares about you. Far more than I thought."

"I'm surprised too," Grindelwald said.

"I will respond to him and tell everyone that it is worth it." His tone was calm, but it was indescribably domineering.

"Do you know about the heir?" the old principal whispered.

Most of the little wizards around him were attracted by Krum.

When the boy walked by, everyone noticed the striking hooked nose and two thick, black eyebrows.

He still looked as gloomy and sickly as before, and his condition was indeed not very good.

When he looked up at the figure in leather clothes in the distance, the complexity in his eyes almost overflowed.

Owen knows why.

There is a blood feud between Krum and Grindelwald.

His grandfather died at the hands of his grandfather decades ago.

"I know." Grindelwald nodded slightly, his eyes also falling on Owen, "But he is too immature. Before he fully grows up, the wind and rain of the outside world should not fall on his shoulders."

"At least I'm alive!" he said.

His eyes suddenly became sharp.

"But -" Dumbledore frowned, "about the child's body."

"I know, I will find a way." Grindelwald interrupted. "I won't let that happen!"

The conversation between the two big men continues.

In the garden, the whispers of the little wizards became louder and louder.

"It's Krum, Viktor Krum, he came to Hogwarts!" Ron continued to sigh.

"For God's sake, Ron, he's just a Quidditch player," Hermione said unhappily.

"Just a Quidditch player?!" Ron looked at her blankly, as if he couldn't believe his ears, "Hermione, he is one of the best seekers in the world, you may have forgotten Who caught the Golden Snitch in the competition?"

"Then have you forgotten who won in the end!" Hermione replied.

Miss Granger remained calm.

It's a pity that there are only a few people like her who remain calm.

That was a talented star. At this moment, many people were pushing forward. Lee Jordan was jumping up and down on tiptoes, trying to see Krum's back more clearly.

Several sixth-grade girls were rummaging around in their pockets like crazy as they walked.

"Oh, I can't believe I don't have a quill with me!"

"Do you think he would sign my hat with lipstick?"

"It's so ridiculous!" Hermione said with a frown.

Especially with what has happened lately.

While she was struggling with the trials of the ancient wizard, other young wizards were busy chasing stars.

This huge feeling of separation made her feel uncomfortable all over.

"I'd like to get his signed photo if possible," Ron said. "Does any of you have a quill?"

"No, they're all in my bag upstairs." Harry said.

"That's such a pity!" Ron stared at the sturdy man with burning eyes. There was still time, they would probably stay at Hogwarts for a few months, and he would always have a chance.

Ron was still looking forward to it, but the two legendary wizards in front of the door were talking more and more dangerously. More and more profound.

"Over there in Brussels." Dumbledore suddenly changed his tone and started talking about something else.

Brussels, the headquarters of the European Union is located in Brussels, the capital of Belgium.

And very coincidentally, the headquarters of the International Federation of Wizards is also located in Brussels.

"The chess pieces left by Swann Rozier have been cleared. The list of people I obtained from you, coupled with Queenie's help, the clearing speed is faster than I expected."

Grindelwald said coldly.

Dumbledore on the other hand subconsciously cast a scrutinizing gaze.

"Okay! I just cleared out the Federation, I didn't kill them." Grindelwald smiled contemptuously, and then explained: "By doing this, maybe it will cause us unknown trouble."

"Europe needs them." Dumbledore said firmly. "The Deadborn are all over Europe. For several months, the Ministry of Magic of various countries has been busy encircling and suppressing those creatures. The human losses caused are huge."

"We can no longer afford war in any situation."

"This has nothing to do with me, Albus." Grindelwald interrupted, "As long as they don't mess with me."

The old principal was silent.

On the side, Owen was eating melon fiercely.

He groped around on his body, and then dug out a gift box from the deepest part of his pocket. After opening it, there was an exquisite quill inside.

In addition, there is a small postcard in the gift box, - too much freedom, everything is messed up - Granger.

This is a British proverb.

Owen closed the gift box again with a 'pop' sound, hmph - out of sight, out of mind.

Then he held the quill and stood in front of the great and handsome Mr. Gellert again, "Oh! Merciful Captain, sign your name for your fans!"

"Just write: Captain Jack Sparrow wishes you forever to sail the great lanes of freedom."

He stared at a pair of watery gray eyes and handed the quill and parchment to the still handsome Mr. Grindelwald at the same time.

Captain Jack lowered his head and took the note from Owen's hand.

"How to fill the remaining power vacuum?" the old principal continued to ask.

"Hmph! Dumbledore - don't push yourself too far." Grindelwald's eyes were vicious.

The so-called power vacuum was naturally filled by the saints.

It’s different than it was sixty years ago.

This time he no longer pursues standing in front of the stage. Instead, choose a step-by-step overhead union.

After Swann Rozier's death, the pure-blood forces she left behind have been severely dealt a blow.

The Saints also sneaked in with the personnel changes.

It's impossible for Dumbledore not to know these things. He is the president. How could he not be aware of such a huge number of personnel changes in the Federation?

He would ask this just because he wanted him to spit out some seats and give them to those stupid, useless guys.

"Swish, swish, swish", Captain Jack wrote a paragraph on the parchment with flying colors: freedom is too much, everything is messed up - Gellert Grindelwald.

Then he handed the parchment back to Owen.

And Owen?

He opened the parchment with an excited look, and then his face dropped in less than a second.

Lose—Grandpa! You are so naughty, does your husband know?

He pouted, with black lines all over his face, and looked up at Grindelwald, his displeasure almost etched on his face.

snort! From today on, Old Deng will become your grandpa. You - just be your grandma honestly!


Hear Grindelwald's oath.

It was very rare for the old principal to not be with this friend who had been in love with him for decades.

Man's energy is limited, and for the rest of his life, his most important enemy is Voldemort.

As for the rest—those conspiracies—those darkness—those transformations.

He was powerless to stop it.

Just leave these to future generations!

He sighed.

Then he looked to the side, looking at Owen with his mouth pouted and his face full of displeasure.

Suddenly, the old principal felt that his burden was heavier again.


Another five or six minutes of waiting.

The distant sky.

Suddenly a little light penetrated the dark clouds.


Someone among the little wizards reacted.

They realize that this is the last school - Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The light in the sky no longer flickers.

Instead, it became a long-lasting light like a searchlight.

With a roar, the clouds were torn apart.

"Oh! Merlin's beard!"

The little wizards exclaimed in exclamation, for no other reason than that the steel spaceship in the sky was too majestic.

"It's like half a wrench"

An unknown little wizard among the crowd shouted.

Pointing out the majestic appearance of this spaceship.

To be precise, the hull is shaped like a saucer cut in the middle. The metal of the hull appears unusually thick.

There is a cylindrical structure on the bow of the ship. I don't know what it is used for.

At this time, the sky was thin with clouds, and the misty light seemed to be lines all over the steel ship.

In this magical world, a spaceship with such a sense of technology suddenly appears, which is really bluffing.

Owen almost thought the Trisolarans were calling.

Just when he was about to confront the Lord directly.

In the center of the disc-like hull, a conical terrace slowly rose up, shaped like a torch.

The flames burned fiercely.

The remaining firelight left the school emblem of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in mid-air.

It's so spectacular that it leaves people speechless.

Then - the spacecraft landed slowly in the air, and with roars, it stopped in the canyon of Castle Mountain.

The sound was exactly that of metal hitting stone.

Then the torch-like terrace slowly continued to rise. It extends like an elevator to the flat land of the mountain.

The lighthouse shines brightly, illuminating the Hogwarts Castle on the east side.

"What are they doing!" Harry covered his eyes.

He couldn't open his eyes under the bright light.

"I don't know, but I can feel that they are showing off!" Hermione waved her wand, and the brightness around her instantly dropped a bit.

"But I have to say, that spaceship is really cool, just like -" Harry stopped, but as he finished speaking, he forgot what the thing was called: "It's that - the spaceship in Star Wars, it What's your name? Hermione?"

"Millennium Falcon!" Hermione immediately answered.

"That's right, the Millennium Falcon!" Harry said excitedly: "Dudley has a ten-foot model that was his tenth birthday gift. They went out to eat that day, and I watched "Star Wars Episode IV" at home. "A New Hope" videotape." (ps: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope was released in: 1977.)

At that time, he had dreamed of getting a model of the Millennium Falcon, but Harry knew that Aunt Petunia would never buy it for him.

Not even a poster is possible.

"Star Wars? What is that?" Ron asked stupidly from the side.

"A movie!" Harry turned to him and explained.

But Ron was still confused, and Harry had to spend some time explaining to him how Muggles made the picture appear on the curtain.

After talking for a long time, his mouth was dry, but Ron's eyes couldn't focus. Explaining to him was completely nonsense.

Then Harry could only vaguely say that it was a kind of magic called technology mastered by Muggles.

"Haha——" Just when the two of them were talking passionately.

A dissatisfied nasal sound came from the side.

"Didn't you two notice the name of that ship?" she said.

"Name?" Harry was startled, and then he remembered that there were huge dark blue flowing English letters on the huge ship.

"What's the name of the Mayflower? What do you mean?" Hermione said angrily, "And they made the lighthouse so bright that half of Hogwarts was illuminated. What did they want to do?"

"What do you want to do?" Harry asked blankly.

"Idiot! Don't you read any history?"

Hermione stared at the two guys who had forgotten their ancestors, and said with a burning tone: "In 1620, a sailboat named the Mayflower set off from England to the United States. This was the beginning of American history, and that man The founder of Ilvermorny was on that ship.

Now they are back in a ship with the same name, and they have made it so grand. It seems that the Millennium Falcon was temporarily built for this competition, and the movie was not released until 1977.

And that lighthouse - they are the lighthouse, so what are we? Aboriginal? "

All around - the little wizards were filled with exclamations of exclamation.

Especially when the metal lighthouse opened its door and the wizards of Ilvermorny came out one after another, there were even more exclamations around her.

This made Hermione's face darken.

She felt like a native of North America standing on the coast and sighing at the sailing ship from Europe. She had no idea that the people on the sailing ship were actually devils.


Hermione's explanation was very simple and easy to understand.

Harry and Ron's expressions changed several times, becoming unnatural. They finally understood that this grand opening was a humiliation to them and Hogwarts.

And the little wizards around him were still sighing stupidly!

"Hey! I think your idea is wrong!" At this time, George and Fred came over.

They smiled happily, with a dangerous glint in their eyes, "What if they come to recognize Dad?" George said.

"Didn't Owen say that their school is a replica of Hogwarts?"

"That's right, George." Fred said in the same dangerous tone: "In six months, after they leave Hogwarts, they will know who is the best magic school in the world! "

The little wizards' noise did not reach Dumbledore's ears.

Maybe he heard it, but he didn't care.

On the side, Grindelwald had already entered the castle with Durmstrang's little wizard.

The person responsible for receiving him is our dear Professor Snape.

"Dumbledore!" The leader of Ilvermorny was wearing a red coat, a brown bow tie, and a gold Goldie's Knot-shaped brooch hanging on his chest.

She didn't look much younger than Dumbledore.

The hair is slightly curly and mostly white.

There was a little apology in the black eyes.

"Welcome, Lally." Dumbledore held hands with her, "Your appearance is really impressive."

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