I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 308 Outside the Kitchen

After walking out of the kitchen, the professors left in a hurry.

They had too many things to deal with and no time to preach to these little wizards.

Miss Granger glanced at Owen, and after the other man showed a heavy expression, she turned around and began to check whether each elf was injured.

What is sad is that the oldest elf named Tucker died in the evil magic flames of the goblins.

Only him.

The elves were silent, and many cried loudly.

He didn't even leave a body behind. The last scene he left to future generations was of him desperately rushing towards the goblin to prevent him from opening the door to the secret room.

"Tucker is a real elf." Dobby commented.

And when he said this, it was rare that he did not use the slave-like title of 'house elf'.

He said that Tucker did not die for his master, he died for his friends and for a belief.

When he pounces on the goblin, he is no longer a slave, but a free elf.

Miss Granger's heart was heavy, as if something was weighing her down. When she heard the news of the elf's death, Hermione's mind began to keep thinking about the woman in the Chamber of Secrets.

She was afraid.

She couldn't think like that, she knew.

Everyone's situation is different.

Keren's thoughts are sometimes not under his control. The more you don't think about it, the more your thoughts will go there.

She could only force herself to find something to do to divert her attention.

Just like every time in Potions class, whenever Snape taunted her, Hermione would force herself to memorize the steps of brewing potions silently.

She had read the book "Powerful Potion" countless times, and she knew the steps for brewing those potions by heart.

This seems to have become a habit.

Only in this way can she face it calmly when facing Snape or other things that disgust her.

Hermione faced the elves and said that she would hold a simple memorial service for Tucker.

To commemorate his heroic deeds.

The reaction of the elves was not as exciting as she expected. Except for Dobby who clearly expressed his approval, the other elves were a little panicked.

No wizard has ever held a memorial service for a house-elf.

It makes them afraid, fearful of the unknown.

But Hermione's attitude is very strong, she will hold this memorial service.

Even if she is the only one participating then.

After settling the elves, Owen and Hermione left the kitchen.

It's cruel to say - the elf who had just experienced the kidnapping had to start preparing dinner for the little wizards before he could take a breath.

This made Miss Granger angry. Although the elves were happy to serve the little wizard, it seemed a little too unhuman.

In her words: "You won't die if you skip one meal."

Besides, it's not like there's no food to eat - just no hot food.

Yesterday's leftovers can be reheated to make up for a meal - of course the little wizard has to do it himself

Anyway, Miss Granger came out of the kitchen not too happy.

Harry and Ron had left here long ago and were busy looking after Ginny.

On the way to the History of Magic class, he and Hermione were alone.

Suddenly, while passing by an unused house that Snape used to store sundries, he pulled Miss Granger and pushed the door open.

Hermione, who was telling Owen that she wanted to give the elves one day off a week, didn't react for a moment.

"What's wrong?" Hermione's eyes flashed with confusion, and the irritable thoughts in her head suddenly stopped.

————What should I do after adding the powder of Motla rat tentacles?

She looked around.

It was dirty here, and the air was filled with a faint smell of rotten food. It looked like a broom closet, but it was filled with oak barrels. I didn't know what was in it, so I guess it was definitely not good stuff.

Snape kept all the precious potions in his office. Don't ask her how she knew it - Hermione could only say, the second-year compound potion, the potion with Owen's hair in it.

It tastes like unsweetened black tea, bitter and with a strange aroma.

Looking back now - even the bitterness seems to be far away.

Only the aroma is left on the taste buds.

————The next second, Owen pushed her to the wall, and his lips immediately followed, covering hers.


The girl let out a whimper.

Suddenly a blazing flame burned.

Hermione was pressed between his body and the wall, her eyes widening in surprise. Her fingers involuntarily grasped the boy's robe. In shock, her eyes fluttered shut, and then she kissed back.

The girl's response seemed to inspire something.

The boy reached out and held her chin, placed it under her ear, ran his curved fingers through her hair, helped her lean back, and kissed her deeper.

Finally, when the lungs seemed to be suffocating, they separated.

He pressed his forehead against hers and his breathing became rapid.

"Miss Granger." He stroked the girl's cheek, "This is your punishment."


An inaudible murmur came from Hermione's reddish lips. She didn't dare to look into Owen's eyes, but they were so close, with their foreheads touching their foreheads, that she couldn't divert her gaze at all.

She could only look at the boy, only him.

oh! What a beautiful pair of eyes.

For some reason, Hermione suddenly felt this way when she saw Owen's gray eyes with more and more green spots.

Then she was revenged by her shy heart.

A blush spread from his cheeks to his neck, and his whole body seemed to be burned.

This made her thoughts become difficult to move, as slow as an old train, and it was accompanied by a "crack, creak, creak" sound, but such a train contained her truest thoughts.

If this is punishment, can it be longer?

"What are you thinking about?" Owen held her waist with one hand and stroked her hair with the other.

The girl's body trembled slightly, his cynical expression reflected in her eyes.

"You didn't think anything of it?" Hermione said dryly, as if the kiss just took away all the moisture from her.

"Thinking about nothing?" Owen raised his eyebrows frivolously, "When Miss Granger kissed me, didn't she think about anything? Was her head empty?"

"I thought she would at least be thinking about me. It seems like I'm just being sentimental."

"." The girl was speechless. She gritted her teeth. Faced with the boy's sweet talk, she had no room to resist. Granger's talent was all about magic. In terms of mouth evasion, she couldn't even fight. Lidu couldn't say it, let alone face the famous chatterbox of Hogwarts.

"I" she looked into Owen's eyes, and then showed a broken expression, "like this-" She suddenly stretched out her arms and hugged the boy's neck.

"I want this," the girl admitted to him, blushing.

"Being with you, I have always wanted to be with you like this."

The words just came out.

Even Miss Granger herself was shocked, oh God - she had never known she was so bold.

But she had the courage to support her and let her and Owen look at each other, even though steam was rising from the top of her head because of her shyness.

"Oh~~~" the boy drawled, "How brave!"

Then came the kiss, a long kiss filled with desire.

Kiss until you suffocate.

From the kiss, he was covered in Miss Granger's scent.

After a long time, they separated, breathing heavily and clinging to each other.

Miss Granger's face turned red and she snuggled into the boy's arms.

It was obviously just a kiss, but she felt as if all the strength in her body had been taken away.

It was difficult to even stand.

"Can you promise me something?" The boy lovingly brushed the hair from her forehead.


Before Owen could say anything, the girl answered affirmatively.

Her head was dizzy and she had lost the ability to think normally. Thinking of this, she would never refuse no matter what she did.

Feeling Hermione's body temperature, Owen hugged her and said calmly but cruelly, "If you encounter danger again in the future."

"If I tell you to hide, you hide. If I tell you to run, you run. If I tell you to leave me alone, it's just you. You must do the same."

"I -" Hermione propped her head up in his arms and looked at him lovingly.

"Promise me." The boy looked at her.


In the afternoon, after attending a boring history of magic class.

When Owen and Hermione appeared in the Great Hall again, the sky was beginning to darken.

The reason why it was half-length was because Owen took Hermione to the school nurse room after coming out of the kitchen.

Although Hermione said that she was fine.

But it wasn't her who had the final say whether something happened or not. Madam Pomfrey would have to take a look to find out.

It looked like the stab wound on her arm had healed. Not even a scar was left. And she didn't have the slightest negative state, but everything was just to be on the safe side.

What if it's poisonous?

What if there is a curse?

What if there were any wounds but she didn't notice them?

What if Miss Granger did die - he didn't want to spend the rest of his life with dozens of pretty girls.

Sitting on the bed in the school medical room, Owen and Hermione were side by side, with a patch of red hair in front of their eyes.

Gemini, Ginny.

Ron was bruised and swollen.

There was also Percy who arrived at Hogwarts who didn't know when.

They were guarding Ginny's window, and the four brothers were guarding her sister. Owen looked slightly envious.

Also watching were Harry.

There was also a glimmer of envy in his green eyes.

In an instant, Owen decided that it would be better to have more than two children!

The wait for the test results was long, and after Madam Pomfrey had checked Ginny, it was Hermione's turn.

Then, after more than ten minutes of interrogation of the package, detection of spells, and some small physical tests, Madam Pomfrey finally confirmed that Hermione was indeed ill.

And it's a very serious disease.

She had no physical injuries and was not poisoned, but she suffered from mild anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder, as well as moderate insomnia.

In short, the spirit is riddled with holes. Madam Pomfrey said that these are mostly caused by staying up late, because sleep is a good medicine for treating mental illnesses. If your life is very stressful, enough sleep can greatly alleviate the symptoms. Yes, it's a pity - Miss Granger probably never learned to take breaks on time.

Starting in second grade, ever since she learned how to make her own pick-me-up, staying up late became a daily routine, especially during those months in the Room of Requirement in third grade—she stayed up until she fainted and grew gray hair.

Even so, Hermione still went her own way. After more than a month of relief, she began to go to bed at one or two o'clock and get up at five or six o'clock.

Owen wanted to bring Hermione to his bed before, not just for Thurse's sake, but also for her health.

Madam Pomfrey gave Hermione a dose of blood replenishing potion, and then looked at Owen with serious eyes.

"You should at least be a little concerned about her body."

She said in a critical tone that Owen couldn't lift his head.

"Wizards have different bodies than Muggles."

"Magic is the power of emotions," she said.

Owen fully agrees with this. Most magic spells require corresponding emotions to cast spells. It is not wrong to say that magic is the power of emotions.

"If something goes wrong with a wizard mentally, there's going to be a huge change in terms of spells. Bad change."

Madam Pomfrey did not put her words so directly.

But Owen could tell that wizards' mental problems could easily lead them to fall into the embrace of black magic.

Dark wizards like Bella, Barty Cratchit Jr.

It's not because they use black magic that they become brutal.

It is because of their cruelty that they can use black magic.

Those so-called born bad types are almost all caused by childhood misfortune. Just as some people's childhood gave them the positive power of the Patronus Curse, some people's childhood released the green light of the Killing Curse.

"I understand, Professor." Owen nodded solemnly, holding Miss Granger's hand tighter.

As for Hermione - she didn't speak the whole time. In fact, she thought Madam Pomfrey was just saying some alarmist things.

This is what doctors usually say. Like her dad, she guessed, he warned all his patients to eat less sugar.

Even if the other person never eats sweets.

This may be a doctor's habit.

However, the tight feeling from her palm made her feel sincerely happy. As for other things, she had long since forgotten about it.

Madam Pomfrey left, pushing her medical cart.

As a therapist, she did her job, but whether these rebellious children would comply was beyond her control.

When Owen and Hermione were about to leave, Ginny suddenly woke up.

She barely opened her eyes, as if she was waking up from a long sleep.

Seeing his sister wake up, all the Weasleys who were watching had sore noses, and Ron broke down and burst into tears.

From confusion to clarity.

Ginny slowly remembered the previous encounter.

Her brown eyes gradually became moist, and she began to shed tears as if she was being held by Ron.

And this time it suddenly became out of control.

She fell into George's arms, her breath broken by sobs, and Percy was afraid she would faint again from crying.

So Madam Pomfrey was called.

After downing a bottle of tranquilizer, Ginny calmed down.

And then—and then she looked like nothing was wrong.

Apart from her cheeks looking a little haggard, she even looks in better condition than Miss Granger.

Um - Owen glanced at her, and then felt that he really didn't take enough care of Miss Granger.

He should take measures.

On the way to the Charms classroom, Owen's mind began to become active.

He was in a daze for the entire class.

When the class ended, they followed the crowd to the auditorium.

The snow that lasted all day and night stopped.

But the clouds haven't cleared yet.

Most of the bustling little wizards were talking about the second game.

This made the two of them suddenly feel as if they were in another world, as if two worlds collided together. After leaving for just a few hours, they actually felt slightly uncomfortable when they came back.

After finding a place to sit down.

Owen then looked towards the podium.

No way, it's too conspicuous.

At some point, there were five more torches behind the rostrum.

Above the torch fluttered the school flags of the four major magic schools.

After asking the little wizards around, they learned that Dumbledore had placed it there. They heard that it was prepared for warriors. When the torch representing the warriors burned, it meant that he had passed the second test.

The break-through time is the next week.

No wonder the enthusiasm of the little wizards in the auditorium was so high. They laughed and speculated who would be the first to pass the level.

In fact, this is easy to judge.

Because the school song of Ilvermorny was always wafting in the auditorium.

They celebrated happily as if their school had won the Final Four Cup.

And other colleges are not showing weakness, especially Hogwarts.

They have two warriors.

And one of them is still capable of competing for the championship. (Poor Cedric)

How could the despicable Ilvermorny thief be their match for Miss Granger?

Soon the Hogwarts school song filled the auditorium.

It's embarrassing to be honest.

Owen has covered his face.

When the school song of Hogwarts meets that of Ilvermorny.

Their only advantage is that they have more people and louder voices. Other than that, you can't find anything that can compare to each other.

The witches of Ilvermorny sang their school song affectionately with their melodious and clear voices.

His face shone with confidence.

On the other hand, here at Hogwarts - Oh my God! All of them were blushing, singing at the top of their voices, using random tunes, or reading out the lyrics directly.

The four words of incompetence and rage are simply displayed to the fullest.

Especially Gryffindor.

Owen was so angry at these guys that he laughed.

Damn it - can we still be at the sand sculpture spot?

Then Owen gave the answer: Yes!

"Everyone at Hogwarts, shut up!"

he shouted.

Then he squinted his eyes and looked at the Ilvermorny over there. They looked as if they had won, and with provocative eyes, they sang more and more energetically.

"Everyone, enjoy the music!"

As he spoke, he set an example, sat upright, and then looked towards Ilvermorny with a smile.

From time to time, he would stretch out his hand and raise his palm.

"Okay! Great singing!"

Seeing this, the Gryffindors beside him immediately understood it, like a righteous wind blowing from here, and soon the young wizards in other houses also understood its profound meaning.

Everyone sits upright.

Eye corners down, lips up, like this.

Looking at the clown who was playing music for them with a 'smile' on his face.

Soon this expression spread like a virus, and everyone in Hogwarts learned it without any teacher. In the blink of an eye, everyone had this expression.

After three minutes, fifty-seven seconds and twenty-eight seconds, the little wizards of Ilvermorny finally came to a stop.

One by one, they stared at the young wizards at Hogwarts with annoyance. But there is no way.

After all, they neither scolded you nor hit you.

When you sing a song, you clap in harmony.

It's this expression that really deserves a beating.


After downing a glass of juice, Miss Granger elbowed him.

"What's wrong?" Owen's face looked a little unnatural, and it was very hard to maintain that expression!

Then he saw the reclusive Minister of Magic, Barty Cratchit, who had not appeared in the public eye for more than a month.

He looked exactly the same as he did more than two months ago, with no change in appearance. He was wearing a gray robe and a round hat.

His face was livid and his steps were steady, not at all like the rumors that he was seriously ill and about to die soon.

"I came here probably because of Ludo Bagman. No wonder Percy is here." Owen said disdainfully.

As the saying goes, Ludo Bagman is a bad gambler. Even if he has never had a violent incident before, how can such a person serve as a high-ranking official in the Ministry of Magic?

Aren't you giving away your weakness to the enemy?

"This is a warning." Owen looked at Hermione and warned.

"You cannot have such people in your future leadership team."

"Oh!" Hermione blinked, already accepting the fact that Owen always thought he would run for Minister of Magic.

Before, she thought he was joking or even laughing at her.

After all, how could a person of her blood be the Minister of Magic?

But now - she felt from the bottom of her heart that he was the Minister of Magic! I just want to sit down.

"Oh! By the way." Owen suddenly looked at her, "As for the competition, I suggest you go and clear it tonight."

He said mysteriously, "The professors will definitely be very busy today. Let me tell you a shortcut - there is a sewer over the Black Lake."

"No - I want to pass the level by myself." Hermione suddenly turned her head and said stubbornly.

"Getting help is also a part of strength! Some people want to get help but no one helps them. It's better to get more help than to get help! This further proves that our Miss Granger is more popular!"

Hermione, who was blushing at Owen's sweet words, still refused to lower her head. She said, "If I can, I will pass the level easily. If I can't, I will work harder to practice the spells. Owen -" She He looked at the boy seriously and said, "This time, I really want to win the championship on my own."

After so many things happened, Hermione's competitive spirit was completely stimulated. The more difficult the situation, the more courage she had to show.

Especially when facing the girl named Keyatelle Stewart.

Hermione forced herself to face it head-on and defeat her completely. This isn't just about giving Hogwarts credit.

Also for herself.

Although she didn't know which girl would still participate in the competition.

Or, be imprisoned directly in Azkaban.

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