I, Hogwarts Second Week

Original Story (Part 1) Towards the Galaxy

This chapter has been blocked

I reposted it. So the original story and the extra story are placed behind the extra story.


On the first day of 1997, the sun slowly rose between the ancient spires of Hogwarts Castle. The golden sunlight penetrated the mist and gently sprinkled every corner of the Great Hall, covering the dilapidated hall with a layer of life and hope.

In the hall, the candlelight and the morning light intertwined, reflecting the complex and profound faces. Everyone's heart was filled with unspeakable emotions - mourning the warriors who sacrificed for justice, celebrating the dawn of victory that finally penetrated the darkness; sad for the past suffering and loss, and happy that the dawn of peace will soon shine on the earth.

In the crowd, whether it was teachers or students, or even the Federation that came from afar, they all turned their eyes to Harry and Hermione.

For many, many years afterwards, this war and its ending, and even the names of every participant, became legends themselves, and were passed down by countless people. As the focus of everything, at this moment, countless people were crowding towards him, Harry, and the others. Everyone wanted to shake hands with him and talk to him, and wanted to know the whole story.

But it was obvious that the two did not seem to have any intention of sharing.

After saying hello to their friends, they disappeared.

In the morning, news came from all directions: people who were cast the Imperius Curse across the country gradually returned to normal, and those Death Eaters who did not accept the magic of the corrupted girl survived by chance. Some of them escaped and some were caught. At the same time, innocent prisoners in Azkaban were released, and Kingsley Shacklebolt was appointed as the interim Minister of Magic.

Kingsley met with the Prime Minister urgently.

They reached many things, all of which were mutually beneficial cooperation.

A few days later, Mr. Harker and the heads of European countries would be extremely glad that they did not choose to kill all the wizards.

Because soon some Muggles discovered that they seemed to have superpowers

The expansion of Hogwarts was put on the agenda.

The Ministry of Education urgently issued a series of rules and regulations.

A large number of wizards were invited to teach in community schools, which of course would cause a brief chaos.

With magic power suddenly available, the dark side of some people's hearts could no longer be stopped from showing.

Naturally, there were more illegal things.

This was the time for the Weasley twins to show off.

Learning magic is a long process, but magic equipment can quickly solve problems.

At this time, the global demand for some basic magic equipment reached a certain peak.

The twins had to expand their alchemy workshop and recruited hundreds of elves to help them produce.

In the foreseeable future, their wealth would inevitably surpass the entire planet.

In 2000.

Humanity entered the new century.

The short period of pain experienced by magic integration into the world ended completely.

The world ushered in unprecedented huge development.

Magic technology is changing with each passing day.

All kinds of new and strange things are born almost every day.

Theoretical physics has also made unprecedented progress.

After introducing the variable of magic into modern physics, the problem of macroscopic and quantum, and the inability to integrate the four fundamental forces that have troubled scientists has been completely solved.

In 2005, the grand unified equation was formally proposed in the magazine Science.

Humanity has officially entered the cosmic age.

In 2006, Kingsley Shacklebolt, the British Minister of Magic, officially stepped down.

This was also the last minister in this position.

In the same year, the International Confederation of Wizards announced that it would become the European Department of Magical Union, with war hero Hermione Granger as the first minister.

Subsequently, each continent also became the Department of Magical Union.

The world officially moved towards unity.

In 2007, the British Prime Minister stepped down, and Mr. Jim Harker, who was hailed as the greatest Prime Minister after Churchill, completed his historical responsibility.

Before leaving office, he proposed to the House of Commons and the Queen that Ms. Hermione Granger, then the Minister of the European Department of Magical Union, would take over as Prime Minister.

This was an unprecedented signal and an extremely bold decision.

Some people opposed it, and some people agreed.

But anyone who is a little smart can see that the magic world must be integrated with the secular world. One region cannot have two administrative systems. The Ministry of Magic must be dismantled, and the British have a lot of experience in choosing the same person to serve as the supreme leader of the magic world and the supreme leader of the Muggle country at the same time.

After all, the United Kingdom was put together in this way.

In 2008, humans officially returned to the moon.

The new spacecraft combines science and magic, or in other words, magic has become a kind of science and technology and is officially used in aerospace.

The first lunar city rose from the ground.

Then, humans set foot on Mars.

In the next ten years.

Human footprints spread throughout the solar system.

This glorious age, known as the golden age, will not end until 2024.

This year, scientists finally developed the first generation of curvature spacecraft that can be used for space travel through a large number of space magic studies.

Humans officially entered the era of the great universe.

——Moving towards the Milky Way! It became the slogan of this century.

In 2030, with the accumulation of almost astronomical amounts of material wealth, the world finally entered an era of win-win cooperation, and the coalition government formally abolished all old regimes.

A powerful human civilization that far surpasses any era in history, shining like a star.

From this galaxy to Centaurus's Alpha Centauri and Centauri.

From Centaurus to Hydra, Crux, Circinus, Lupus, and Vela.

A large number of star observatories have been established.

The higher dimension has shown its magic to mankind. The science that has made great strides in space has almost achieved all the fantasies that magic can create, and even more majestic.


"Hey - do you know where we are going?"

Nova Aerospace Port.

Sanchez deep space ship.

In the cabin.

A talking hat is singing enthusiastically.

—— Your extraordinary journey is about to begin, but remember that safety is always the premise of exploring the unknown.

—— The Hogwarts Sorting Hat will tell you everything you need to know.

—— If you are too small, these benches are not safe.

—— You must be bigger than the goblin, 48 inches tall.

——Take away those things now, they may be poked, scratched or dropped.

——Put all jewelry, mobile phones, change away.

——To keep your treasures safe, you can use smart storage boxes.

——Now there is a warning, if flying makes you uncomfortable, please do not take it.

——If you are injured or your back and neck are swollen, it is best to leave!

——You come from far or near, and the waiting time is a bit long.

——But playing and casting spells in the spacecraft is a big mistake.

——Now thank you for listening, my safety tips have been said.

——Now, welcome aboard this train heading to the Milky Way. When the sound of "dong dong" echoes in my ears, it is the magnificent scene of us passing through the bright nebula, and the stars seem to gently touch the protective shield in the welcome salute.

——If you are ready, let's set off together!

——We will head towards the stars, towards the center of the Milky Way.

——There, those who have parted will reunite, and the silent stars will respond to the rhythm. Welcome, my dear friends, to deep space.

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