I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 68 Harry’s little encounter

Although the twisted melon is not sweet, it quenches your thirst!

The next few days.

Owen and Ron almost spent all the money accumulated by the Malfoy family over the past century.

If he wasn't afraid of being exposed, he would even dare to take Malfoy to borrow money from usury.

Mainly because Draco was still too young.

Sesame Credit is limited!

If it were Lucius, Ron said, it would be spot on! Just buy fourteen flying broomsticks and bring money to join the team!


Seven are in use.

The other seven looked at it, but for no reason, hey! It's such a luxury.

Owen was a little moved when he said that.

It wasn't that he was interested in Quidditch.


He thought the Malfoy manor was very nice.

I'm used to living there for a week

As for Draco!

How many times have I told you, he is not a bad person!

It's just a psychological suggestion of the Soul-stealing Curse to go out, and the Oblivion Curse is used again to clear the data before returning home.

This can be regarded as allowing him to experience the traditional skills of the black magic professor in the second semester in advance.


Mr. Auber Bennie moved quickly.

They said it would take three days, but it really took three days to clean their house.

For two weeks, Owen has been cooped up at home, playing with his cats, studying recipes and ancient magic.

This has been his habit all along.

In the morning, Owen woke up and started writing to Hannah.

The promised eight letters a day! Just eight a day!

Be honest and keep your promises!

——To Hannah Abbott.

--Did you eat breakfast? (First one!)

——Have you had lunch? (Second letter!)

--Have you had dinner?

——Have you had midnight snack?

--Are you asleep?

--Good night!

--Hi! I knew you weren't sleeping!

——Get up and have fun! (PM: 02:30)

In the first few days, Hannah answered every letter to him, and the two of them seemed to be chatting in real time.

But a week later, there was no news from there. (funny)


Women, keep your promises! asshole!


Today, after sending the second letter.

He was busy cooking in the living room when he was suddenly disturbed by a rapid ringing.



Speaking of which, Owen almost forgot that he still had a phone in his house.

Putting down the bowls and chopsticks, he walked over and raised his hands to pick them up.

"Like a pull?"

He yelled at the phone, really, he was just eating! What call to make.

If it's a sales call or something like that, believe it or not, I'll follow the phone line and fuck you!

"Hello! Is this Owen?" Harry's urgent voice came from the other end of the phone.

"A strange creature suddenly appeared in my house."

"If you have time."

On the other side, Harry from No. 4 Privet Drive was staring at his round, almond-shaped eyes, carefully looking at everything in the room.

Last night, he was suddenly awakened by Hedwig's cry.

After opening his eyes, he vaguely saw a mysterious creature by his window, but in just a blink of an eye, the short creature that looked like Gollum disappeared on the spot.

He thought he had seen it wrong.

It wasn't until he woke up in the morning that he realized he had lost something.

It was a package from Ron. He just received it last night. It was a huge box. There were all kinds of things in the box, including clothes, food, and various magic props.

There's even a complete set of Quidditch gear. As well as maintenance kits for various broomsticks.

There was a letter from Ron, which said that they had robbed Malfoy.

There are too many things for the owl to deliver.

Owen suggested that they take Muggle express.

It was obviously sent from London to London, but this unfortunate courier took a full two weeks.

There were so many things in the box last night that he didn't have time to look carefully. It was getting late at that time, and Harry originally planned to get up in the morning to talk about it.

As a result, I woke up.



Where is my big suitcase?


Damn it, any thief stole it from him.

Harry was so angry that he dialed Owen's phone number without even thinking about calling Hermione.


Evil people will be punished by evil people!

That's what he thought.

"Oh! Whoosh!"

Owen on the other end of the phone instantly knew who the thief was.

Isn't it the Malfoy elf, Dobby!

However, it seems to have appeared a little early!

This is just the beginning of summer vacation, only mid-July.

And it’s strange to say.

Some time ago, Draco ran out every day and did not attract Lucius's attention.

Owen also wants to go fishing.

I just dropped it for a week, but in the end I didn’t even catch anything.

This—what is Lucius busy with recently?

Could it be——

"I'll be there soon, wait for me to take the No. 2 bus." Irving rarely opened his mouth to mention the money.

It's not that his character is about to collapse, but that he has made a fortune recently and has become a little distracted, and he doesn't like the three melons and two dates in Harry Potter's hands.

After hanging up the phone, he first used the canned fish to lure Shilok, who was struggling with his pillow on the sofa, grabbed the palm-sized creature, stuffed it into his arms, and then walked out of the house.

He has an idea.

In the original book, Lucius thought that Voldemort was dead. In the second year, the Ministry of Magic was going to formulate a new "Muggle Protection Act" - a law that Ron's father, Arthur, participated in formulating.

He was afraid that some dark magic items of unknown origin at home would cause him trouble.

Coupled with her hatred for Arthur, she deliberately stuffed Tom's notebook into Ginny's bookcase.

But now.

Malfoy saw with his own eyes that Voldemort was still alive.

After learning the truth, will Lucius ever think about getting rid of the Horcrux again?

Will the secret room still be opened?

Is there a big question mark on all of this?


After a bumpy journey for more than an hour, Owen finally arrived at Privet Drive.

As soon as he got off the bus, he saw Harry pacing back and forth anxiously on the platform, waiting for him.

It looked like Jerry was waiting for his cousin.

"Hi! Owen!" The moment he saw Owen, the sadness on Harry's face became even more sad.

He ran all the way over.

"I have something to tell you."

He was full of anger in the morning, so he didn't think much about it.

After the phone call, he felt a little regretful, he should have contacted Hermione!

Because he seriously doubted that if Owen heard that his aunt and uncle had a bad mouth about him, this guy would give them a big mouthful to chew on.

"Don't worry, I'm professional."

Although Harry wanted to continue explaining, Owen did not wait for him to continue speaking.

Instead, he walked towards his aunt's house very naturally, as if he had been there before!

"Huh?" Harry's eyes showed confusion, but he didn't think much and chased after him anxiously.

There are no buses on Privet Drive in the suburbs.

Owen and Harry still had to walk some distance.

After walking a few streets.

From a distance, the two of them saw Penny who was tidying up the flower beds in the yard.

knock! When did the Computer Fundamentals Exam become so difficult? There are so many questions and it’s difficult. I haven’t even finished it yet and now I feel like I’m a Muggle who can only turn on and off the computer!

ah! ! ! ! ! !

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