I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 93 Plan in progress

"Okay, shut up, everyone." Professor McGonagall's stern gaze swept across all the little wizards present.

Especially Owen, and the restless troublemakers in her own academy.

"He is not dead, he was just petrified." The professor said seriously.


Professor McGonagall's words made everyone's tense hearts relax a little.

At this time, among the crowd, an old man with a white beard squeezed over.

Take Lockhart with you.

"Oh my God! This is..." Lockhart's eyes widened in horror, and then his face changed continuously within a few minutes.

He looked around and said in a nostalgic tone: "Oh, I'm sorry."

"The loss of a young life is always heartbreaking."

"It's a pity that we were not there. If I were-"

"You are the one hanging up here!" Owen took over the conversation and forced his way in.

"Albus—" Professor McGonagall was unable to quarrel with Owen or Lockhart at this time. The new red letters on the wall stung her eyes.

This suddenly reminded her that the secret room had been opened many years ago. (In the old version, Professor McGonagall was not yet born at that time, but Aunt Luo is obviously reading books again, so the setting of Fantastic Beasts is used here.)

A student died that year and Hogwarts almost closed.

Now, the secret room has been opened again - it's hard to imagine what will happen next.

"I know, Minerva." Professor Dumbledore also looked a little grim, "Maybe we should talk in the office, right at your place."

"Severus, send that child to Madam Poppy, she will do something about it."

After that, he turned around and left, maintaining a cold and mysterious aura from beginning to end.

All the young wizards had confusion written on their faces.

Finally, driven by several professors, they scattered and left.

In the next few days, Hogwarts seemed to be calm again.

The petrified little wizard was also rescued.

However, he himself had no memory of how he was attacked.

Professor Dumbledore said that someone should have deleted part of his memory.

Part of the memory was deleted! ! !

Sounds even more evil!

When these words are spoken by the principal, the danger signal they send out is absolutely top-notch.

Everyone became cautious, as if there was really a crazy evil wizard hiding in this castle they were so familiar with.

Ahem - oh - sorry, this really exists.

In a week, Halloween is approaching.

Hermione and her two followers searched the library to no avail.

Taking heavy steps, he headed to Hagrid's hut.

The castle was so depressing these days and they needed to relax.

From a distance, they saw three people who seemed to be plotting something loudly in front of the hut.

As they approached, the figures of the three people gradually became clearer.

They are Snape, Professor Dumbledore and Hagrid.

"Fifty years ago, the secret room was opened."

Snape stood in the empty mountains and said in a sharp voice. His tone was still the same, full of ridicule.

But at this time, Harry and the others were very lucky.

Several people hid behind the huge pumpkin next to the hut, stuck their heads out, and watched quietly.

If Snape was the whispery kind, they might not hear anything.

——After all, the autumn wind in October is a bit noisy.

"I didn't do it. I have never opened any Slytherin Chamber of Secrets!" Hagrid shouted angrily.

"I am a Gryffindor student!!!"

But while he was angry, he also felt a little scared.

Because he knew who opened the secret room last time.

This was something he only found out later after the man disclosed his bloodline. He had opened the secret room back then.

"A student died back then, but what about now?" Snape said in his standard sarcastic tone: "Since Owen Sanchez entered the school, has the school been stable for one day in the past two years? I think Your Headmaster is almost done, Dumbledore."

"We all know who that person was back then and last year, Severus." Dumbledore paused and slowly talked about the past: "Back then, I suspected that he had opened the Chamber of Secrets, but I had no evidence. "

"Because you were busy falling in love and killing Grindelwald?" Snape sneered, "Maybe you don't know how many bad things your precious student Owen said about you behind your back."

"Bad words?" The old principal was stunned, "What bad words?"

"Is that a bad word?"

He sighed: "At that time, I did put all my energy on Garrett. I didn't do enough for Tom."

"Okay, no one wants to know your love history." Snape flicked his black robe and quickly scanned the large pumpkin patch in front of him with his eagle-like eyes. "The question is what should we do!"

"The news cannot be suppressed. People from the Ministry of Magic will come to Hogwarts to investigate soon."

"When the time comes Hagrid-hehe."

"They won't tell you the evidence."

Snape's cold face showed a strong look of ridicule: "A Gryffindor will be the heir of Slytherin. This is really the funniest joke I have ever heard."

"Okay, now all we can do is face it calmly and inform the seniors of each college that young wizards are prohibited from acting alone in the near future!" Dumbledore said helplessly, as if he had run out of ideas.

For a moment, he seemed to have aged several years.

After saying goodbye to Hagrid, the two turned around and walked towards the castle.

Before leaving, Snape specifically looked back at the pumpkin patch.

Ron's ass is still hanging out!

"It's hard to imagine that such a stupid plan would be thought up by the greatest wizard, Dumbledore." He said contemptuously, expressing deep disdain for participating in this stupid game.

"But in fact, I think this plan is the most appropriate." Professor Dumbledore had already taken off his serious disguise, and a smile appeared on his face again.

"It's not dangerous, and it can train the little wizards. It's just that the kid Owen will have to work hard for a while."

"Him?" Snape sneered, "He's eager to do this just to cause trouble openly."

"Maybe, but the current crisis is still too small. A petrification spell plus a floating spell, plus some disembodiment spells cannot suppress those naughty children."

"We need more intensity."

"The current crisis is not enough to make them completely nervous."

"What do you want to do?" Snape turned to ask.

"Wouldn't an official from the Ministry of Magic come to the school tomorrow to investigate?" Dumbledore looked at the mountains, and the cold wind blew the branches. The greenery has faded.

Even the Whomping Willow, who escaped disaster this year, took off his green robe.

Winter is about to enter.

Tonight is another day of overtime work, probably until 11 o'clock. But don’t panic if you save the manuscript. The main problem is the connection between my first and third chapters, that is, there is a problem with the second one. I was lazy in the afternoon and when I was revising the article, I felt that the idea in the second one was not strong enough, so I thought of a new idea. I just took a look at it and found that this new idea is too much and does not match the tone of the whole book. It gives me a headache, wait until I change it back. I will post all of Chapter 2 with and without changes later.

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