I Honor

Chapter 1016

Thirteen Ananda’s Pure Land

Duan Rui’s mind is almost completely blank, and the never-before-seen and unimaginable encounters made this Baique Tianmo, who has been able to stop children crying at night in recent years, with a familiar and strange sense of weakness, just like facing “Crazy Sword” when he was young. “Su Meng couldn’t beat him no matter what, and couldn’t get rid of it no matter what, he didn’t escape until the magician shot.

Just now, there were Shao Changge, the Brocade Loose Man, and Ying Ning, the descendant of Huanxi Bodhisattva. It was a vast green sea where cattle and sheep were seen under the wind and grass. Now there are gray robed monks, sick and weak sons and fairies holding swords. It is a great river flowing eastward. It is an iron chain across the water, the world is different, and in an instant, he has changed the world.

On the grassland, Shao Changge and Ying Ning stood blankly, their eyes wide open, looking at the place where Duan Rui disappeared, their mouths opened little by little, but no sound came out.

what just happened

A hand suddenly appeared in the void and snatched away the Baique Heavenly Demon. During the floating, the breath was slightly exposed, and the scene on the opposite side was faintly visible, making people inexplicably familiar

After a few breaths, Shao Changge’s pupils suddenly shrank, and he shouted:

“Crazy Knife”

“Crazy Blade” Su Meng

I will never admit to this familiar aura. Although I have never seen Kuang Dao before, my young lady has kept an enlightened Thunder Dao, which is called “Evil Tribulation”, and she often plays with it. The original owner was Su Meng, the breath remained on the knife and never faded, I felt it from time to time

And Ying Ning almost murmured: “Jiangdong.”

Then I feel that the scenery is definitely Jiangdong. I was born in Jiangdong, and I experienced it in Jiangdong after enlightenment. It is impossible to admit my mistake

The two spoke almost at the same time, then looked at each other subconsciously, combined each other’s words, and came to a frightening conclusion:

Crazy Saber was far away from Jiangdong, and he shot from the air and directly captured the “Hundred Queue Demon” Duan Rui

In today’s world, apart from the ubiquitous Su Wuming. who can do it

Is this a ubiquitous legendary feature, or is there something special about it?

What is the state of “Crazy Sword”?

The two were frightened and fled in a hurry, flying to the place where Changshengtian returned, like fledgling young heroes. After setbacks. Seek the blessing of the teacher.

After blanking, Duan Rui had countless thoughts in his mind, and soon he recognized the “counting all the people” Prince Wang and the “Supreme Sword” Jiang Zhiwei. Immediately afterwards, he found that the gray-robed monk in front of him looked very familiar, as if he had once Where have I seen it.

Regardless of the deeply buried temperament and haggard and tired appearance, this is a rather outstanding face. Thick black but not messy sword eyebrows. Seems to catch the eye

Suddenly, a cognition stood out in Duan Rui’s mind:

“Crazy Blade” Su Meng

Across the world for more than ten years, the “mad knife” Su Meng, who has been in a desperate situation without reducing his arrogance, is the constant shadow in his heart.

“This is Jiangdong. He captured me across half the Great Jin Dynasty, the entire Northern Zhou Dynasty, and half the grassland.” The previous cognition and current understanding made Duan Rui’s body tremble uncontrollably, and his legs seemed to be shaking. I can hardly support myself.

The tyrannical and brutal air flashed past, and was immediately crushed by extreme fear. Duan Rui was not restrained, but he didn’t dare to resist and escape.

Wang Siyuan leaned back slightly. He raised his head and murmured to himself, like a sigh:

“The cause of all effects”

Yuanshi Tianzun

Jiang Zhiwei’s eyes lit up, full of interest.

“In the past, I was soft-hearted. I pity you. You have two souls and can’t control yourself. You made all kinds of mistakes, and there is still room for turning around. You haven’t done anything wrong.” Meng Qi looked at Duan Rui, and said slowly, “In the past ten years I don’t know how many people died in vain because of this, a thought of benevolence satisfies myself, but makes others suffer, it is my fault, and now is the time for atonement.”

Heck, Duan Rui’s heartbeat quickened twice, and his whole body gradually became cold. The approach of death made him extremely terrified. What flashed through his mind were mutilated corpses, all of which were the dead souls of his subordinates. Today, Are you going to follow in their footsteps?Plop, Duan Rui suddenly prostrated, and mourned: “Senior, please spare me, no, Master, please spare me, Yuan Jing is weak, and the child is young, they can’t lose me, you, you can abolish my martial arts, don’t, don’t kill me, Let me spare my life to take care of them.”

Meng Qi looked at him with indifferent eyes, as if he was a real monk doing Kuzen: “When you killed innocent people, did you ever soften your heart because of their begging for mercy?”

With a bang, the fear in Duan Rui’s heart exploded, black air burst out from the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and all orifices, his body was suddenly torn apart, the empty space was filled with stumped limbs and broken arms, bloody and filthy.

He resorted to secret methods, trying to escape.

A sword light lit up, and quickly decomposed into countless filaments, forming a net, covering the black air, severed limbs, etc., and shrinking into a ball of light.

The blood squirmed in the light sphere, and Duan Rui reappeared.

Seeing that Meng Qi didn’t make a move, Jiang Zhiwei looked thoughtfully at the unhealed wound on his chest, drew his sword out of its sheath, and restrained Duan Rui lightly.

At this moment, Wang Siyuan coughed twice, and said with a slight smile, “You actually still have a chance.”

Well, Duan Rui was in despair, desperately grasping at the last straw.

“As long as you help us open the stone gate in the back mountain of Shaolin, your martial arts will be abolished, your foundation will be destroyed, and you will be suppressed under the relic pagoda in the back mountain of Shaolin. You will be able to see your wife and children once a year.” Wang Siyuan said the harsh conditions, but With the previous death as a comparison, Duan Rui accepted it without hesitation.

Meng Qi didn’t say anything, nor did he agree with Wang Siyuan’s words.

Wang Siyuan said via voice transmission: “The magic power he practiced was formed by reversing the Yi Jin Jing. It is very weird and has deep-rooted malice. If he has no skill to suppress it and can’t vent it, he will go crazy to death within seven days.”

This is the conclusion drawn from the failed death row prisoners.

Jiang Zhiwei shook her head and laughed: “The magic stick is the magic stick, and you can deceive people into the game without telling lies.”

When the light faded away, they went straight to Shaolin.

This time, Wang Siyuan did not try to hide Shaolin, but came to Shaolin openly.

In the Daxiong Palace, eminent monks gathered.

“Master” Meng Qi bowed to Xuan Bei, didn’t say much, just called Master, the lingering sound lingered, as if choked up.

Xuan Bei was wearing a yellow monk robe and a red cassock, looking at Meng Qi with a kind expression and a lot of emotion, he sighed and said, “It’s said that my nephew looks like my uncle, it’s just as it should be.”

He stood out of the line, turned around and saluted Wusi who was holding a nine-ring tin rod: “Namo Amitabha, abbot, I will leave the matter of the Ananda Pure Land in the back mountain to this old man.”

Wusi had no objection, just chanted the Buddha’s name in a low voice.

There was no need to hide and hide, the few of them arrived at Shimen soon.

The glazed light on the door turns, and the meaning of Zen is eternal. The eight words “love, kindness, benevolence, don’t enter this door” are as pure as bodhi and as strong as diamond.

“Open the door.” Wang Siyuan told Duan Rui.

Jiang Zhiwei lightly flicked the hilt of the sword, and wisps of sword light burst out from Duan Rui’s body, allowing him to recover his skills.

Duan Rui’s eyes became pitch black, his breath was evil and filthy, his expression was distorted and ferocious, his right hand stretched out, turned into a pitch-black claw, and slapped fiercely on the stone gate.

When the black air poured in silently, Wang Siyuan’s right hand suddenly appeared black and white, condensed into an unreal Luoshu, and pushed forward.

The Buddha seal above the stone gate has not changed, and the colored glaze remains the same, but it opens slowly and strangely, as if there is a distant response.

Behind the door is the same as what Meng Qi saw in the fragments of Zhouguang. There is no sun, no moon, no interest, no wind, no clouds, no mountains, only the pitch-black earth, dark red blood everywhere, and densely packed broken arms and limbs.

Xuan Bei recited the Buddha’s name in a low voice, and the image of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva appeared behind him, using the sutra of saving souls to eliminate all kinds of obsessions and demons.

Wang Siyuan restrained Duan Rui again, worried that there was still room for his magic skills in Ananda’s Pure Land.

With the strength of the current realm, they arrived at the foot of Mount Sumeru, which is divided into seven layers, without incident. At a glance, the formations such as “Broken Purity”, “Falling Red Dust”, and “Stained with Karma” were destroyed. The exhaustion was not caused by Han Guang, but by Meng Qi and Wang Siyuan.

It is impossible to fly here, even if the formation does not exist, Meng Qi and others have to walk along the mountain road, Xuan Bei stood side by side with him, and suddenly said: “When I was a teacher and caused the Tang family to be wiped out, I felt guilty and blamed myself, and I regretted it.” Seeing injustice, he draws his sword to help, but hates himself for not doing well enough and not being secretive. If the enemy is not still in the world, he may really lose all thoughts and die like a lake of death. Fortunately, the old man is still alive, full of hatred and painful support Going on as a teacher, although I know this is not in line with Buddhism, I dare not forget it.”

“It is also because of this that you killed the crying old man, let the teacher’s hatred be repaid, and no longer be troubled by it day and night, and finally realized it. Today, the teacher has only one wish left, which is to master the mystery of life and death one day, The family members were resurrected, and they lived a life of peace and joy.”

He said these words not to express himself, but to tell Meng Qi that if he persists, he will come out. If he can’t support it, then find a goal to support him, such as hatred

Meng Qi turned his head to look at his master, his eyes seemed to flash with fire, he calmed down immediately, and said in a low voice, “Disciple understands.”

At this time, several people passed through the destroyed first six layers of formations, and saw the seventh layer and the peak of the mountain.

There are deep pits and cracks everywhere, full of signs of destruction, as if in the distant eraAfter a great battle, if the pure land was not destroyed and the mountain peaks did not collapse, it would have ceased to exist long ago.

Naturally, there was no trace of formations on the seventh floor.

Meng Qi, Xuan Bei, Jiang Zhiwei and Wang Siyuan walked forward slowly, cautiously. Suddenly, there was a sigh in the scene of destruction:

“The heart is not calm, the feelings are not fair, and then the world of mortals reincarnates, and if you break the precepts and accept the precepts, how can you see the Tathagata?”

The voice is sad, faint and eternal. To be continued.


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