I Honor

Chapter 1026

: Victory Without Competing (Second and Third Changes)

Around the golden cudgel, green lotuses blossomed and fell endlessly, and thunderbolts flashed and disappeared, leaving ever-changing cloudy and sunny faces on Mofo’s face.

His right palm rested on the center of Meng Qi’s eyebrows, and there was a rippling in those dark and deep eyes, which were full of strangeness. He was dressed in a dark golden cassock, and there seemed to be something unraveling in his normally breathing body, giving people a feeling. A feeling that was so violent that it was not inferior to the golden cudgel nearby.

“How did you guess that?” Mofo paused, his voice still indifferent and meaningful.

Meng Qi’s eyes seemed to hide dusty years, looked at the Demon Buddha, and sighed: “I barely guessed when Ananda Pure Land knew the truth about Jiangdong Wang’s passing the Demon Buddha’s catastrophe.””The Overlord is obviously the fish of Thor. Among so many legendary powers hidden in the world, why is Ananda the main force to kill the Overlord, so that he was seen through by the number saints and came to the door. You and Thor are so good that you are willing to take advantage of each other. And the Overlord has also gone deep into the Pure Land of Ananda, seems to be looking for something, and the brand of the Overlord still prevents me from realizing that the gods will be destroyed. I have always wondered about this, and then I finally figured it out. Clear and simple.”

“Thunder God is limited by the innate divine body, and it is difficult to make a breakthrough, so he imitated Emperor Qing and cut off the Buddhist body Ananda, and then used the reincarnation method to find the way to the other side, but he was obsessed and couldn’t break free from the sea of ​​suffering. Gradually sinking, the imprint is getting weaker and weaker.”

“As a last resort, you thought about the Thunder God himself again, and planned to raise a fish that belonged to the Thunder God, and then fuse the Thunder God fish with the body of Ananda, and the body of the God of Thunder and the body of Buddhism, so as to pass the pass. , He lost control, and then you secretly arranged to contact other powerful people. Use the medieval saints as soldiers to surround and kill the Overlord, lest he continue to grow and eat himself back.”

“After this failure, you finally give up. Follow the obsession and sink. If you can’t live along the way, then you will become a demon against the current.”

Ananda, the Demon Buddha, or the Lord of the Six Realms of Reincarnation, has suppressed the ripples in his eyes, quietly listened to Meng Qi’s analysis, and finally smiled very faintly: “The derivation is not bad, it is almost inseparable. But. For him, it was too late to know, and now, at most, he can satisfy his curiosity.”

His right hand pressed the center of Meng Qi’s eyebrows, his body became illusory again, and he wanted to plunge into Meng Qi’s primordial spirit, trying to fuse the two.

Meng Qi did not and could not resist, and watched this scene helplessly. With a self-deprecating smile, he said:

“It involves the other side, and the number of saints has not proved the legend. It is impossible to deduce that the key to the catastrophe is the magic Buddha, a power that has not yet appeared. At most, there is a catastrophe, which is related to Ananda, so , At that time, his complete words should be, I don’t know whether to call you Venerable Ananda or the Nine Heavens Thunder God, what he calculated and verified is not only related to you, but also that Ananda is the God of Thunder.”

“Besides, the Thunder God was born from the ancient Thunder Pool, so it is often called the Ancient Thunder God. It has existed since the beginning of ancient times. I have known the Demon Saint for many years. I have a similar identity and strength. It is strange that she likes Ananda, but she has a relationship with the Thunder God. There’s nothing surprising about a relationship.”

No wonder, the descendants of the demon sage would say that it is impossible for the demon sage to fall in love with Ananda. This is to remind himself that Ananda has other identities before this identity

The strength of Meng Qi’s body seemed to be emptied, his senses gradually faded, his vision became blurred, and any sound he heard was as if he was in the sky.

At this time, he vaguely saw a huge golden monkey phantom behind the golden cudgel supporting the sky. It was wearing a purple gold crown with phoenix wings on its head, and wearing a golden chain mail. There, standing upright, refusing to kneel down, two tears of blood flowed out of his eyes, while the sound of violent drinking echoed, there was a faint whisper, which seemed to be the prelude to the sentence of violent drinking:


The tone is complicated, I don’t know whether it is sadness or hatred.

Meng Qi completely lost his senses, and he could no longer see the outside world. His soul stood on the sea of ​​mind, with the boundless sea and golden scales of light beneath his feet.

Standing on the mountain peak in the center of the sea of ​​mind, he overlooks all directions, and is the master of this sea. At this moment, there is a figure in front of him, which looks exactly like himself. Nine Heavens Thunder God

All these prominent titles describe him. He is wearing a dark golden cassock, his eyes are indifferent, and his temperament is pure, but he is presented with a phantom that seems to be nothing. This is a black body that fills the entire sea of ​​soul , nine heads and twenty-six faces, with different expressions, such as anger, hatred, or cruelty, showing different negative emotions.

This body is on a black lotus, with twenty-four arms, holding bones, rosaries, human skin wooden fish, black flames, terrifying chaos, etc. The whole has no proportions, is asymmetrical, and is extremely chaotic and crazy. The manifestation of great terror, great destruction, great perdition, and great madness in the world.

The most obvious sign of phantom is the red and black reversed swastika on the forehead, which is the reverse Buddha demon body transformed by Ananda

The real anti-Buddha demon body is still under the seal and suppression of Wuzhishan and Bodhi branches.

There are ups and downs in the ocean of the mind, the waves are blooming, and the golden light leaps in and out. Meng Qi stands on the mountain peak, and looks at the demon Buddha Ananda. There is no resistance in his eyes, so he can only sigh:

“It’s no wonder that the remaining energy of Thunder Spear, the Nine Heavens God, will recognize me, the descendant of Ananda, and help me become the descendant of Thunder God again.”

“No wonder the demon lord sighed softly when he saw me: You came late, his inheritance was obtained in advance by Senior Brother Qi, and he didn’t owe me anything. Why would he feel sorry for your late arrival? Now I understand , This is his agreement with Thor, this sentence is not only for me, but also for Thor.”

Meng Qi looked into Ananda’s eyes, exhaled and said, “You are late.”

Demon Buddha Ananda, also known as Nine Heavens Thunder God, shook his head and said with a smile, “It’s really late.”

Meng Qi looked at him for a few breaths, and suddenly sighed softly: “No wonder the Demon Lord has been killed by the Heavenly Emperor, and Thunder God wants to make up for it by nailing the Demon Lord in the devil’s tomb with the Thunder Spear of the God of Nine Heavens.”

“Back then when the demon lord came to heaven, you were probably one of the important people.””Heaven has fallen, and Thunder God remains. I am afraid that you have played a bad role. The shock and disbelief of Marshal Canopy when he died should be because he did not expect to know his old colleague and real boss for thousands of years. The most unlikely The Thunder God who betrayed Heaven will suddenly kill himself, and you also killed Gao Cuilan in the carriage. When you can’t destroy the body of Marshal Canopy for a while, use this to mislead the murderer as Gao Cuilan and lead to other conspiracy.”

Mofo Ananda listened to every sentence, noncommittal, and not in a hurry for his opponent. It seems to be reminiscing about the original “scenery” past.

“It’s no wonder that Zhenwu’s evil thoughts will know you. I didn’t expect you to have taken a crucial step and landed on the other side.” Meng Qi talked a lot, as if he was enjoying his last life.

“Zhenwu’s whereabouts are unknown, and his disappearance makes me worry.” Mofo Ananda admitted frankly.

Meng Qi looked around, as if looking at the Lingshan outside: “In the battle of Lingshan in the past, all the Buddhas passed away, and Bodhisattvas and Arhats turned into zombies. Only the Yaosheng escaped from the demon army. I’m afraid it was also your handwriting.”

He recalled the situation at the top of the peak he saw just now, and boldly guessed: “The Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats of Lingshan formed a grand formation of ten thousand Buddhas to fight against demon saints and great saints, and even many Buddhas came from other pure lands, but At the critical moment, you, the core of the formation, betrayed Lingshan, but you did not help the demon saint that was agreed in advance. After attacking and killing the other core Kasyapa, you changed the formation, turning life into death. Turning Buddhism into magic, Let Lingshan and even the entire Saha Pure Land become the Nine Nether Hells, and let thousands of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas fall into endless darkness together, so as to pull the demon saints and great saints to die together.”

“It’s a pity, it’s a pity” Ananda the Demon Buddha didn’t deny it, it seemed that he was pity that he didn’t do his best. As for the specific situation, he didn’t mention it.

“Where is the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, he also fell in Lingshan?” Meng Qi asked.

Demon Buddha Ananda laughed: “Houzi and Yang Jian are the most hopeful people of this generation to reach the other shore. After the Heavenly Emperor was seriously injured by the Demon Lord, he couldn’t take it down. How could it be so easy to kill? Back then, the Ten Thousand Buddhas When it fell, it had hoped to escape from the Lingshan Mountain with the help of the Demon Saint, but it forced it to stay. It forcibly pierced the Lingshan Mountain with a golden cudgel, creating a pure land at the bottom of the Lingshan Mountain, and sealed the remnants of the Great Saint and Demon God in it. Flee from death and filth.”

“As for whether it died or not, I don’t know. When the ten thousand Buddhas fall together, I dare not stay in Lingshan.”

Meng Qi thought for a while, and seemed to have nothing to ask. He just frowned, and said in confusion: “You have a foot in the fall of the heavens. The Lingshan and the Yaozu are both defeated. Thanks to you, you join them and destroy them. What is the purpose?”

A good heir to the pure land of Saha, the number two figure in the heavenly court, and the husband of the demon sage, if he doesn’t do it, he has to destroy himself, what is he thinking?

Mofo Ananda stretched out his hand and touched his chin, drawing a faint smile:

“You’ll never understand.”

He took a step forward, and the phantom of the Buddha-defying demon body swayed behind him. Meng Qidun felt that his soul was completely restrained, and he could no longer move.

“The time has come, don’t talk nonsense anymore, you will understand the real reason when we merge.” Demon Buddha Ananda walked towards Meng Qi step by step with indifferent eyes.

When the two sides were about to contact each other, Ananda suddenly smiled and said, “Originally I promised to help Gu Xiaosang turn away from the client and get rid of Wu Sheng’s old mother, so as to contain the Golden Emperor, but she didn’t want to lure you into the bait, so she chose to refuse, and finally ended up dead. ending.”

“Unfortunately, in the end, you still couldn’t escape, hehe, you’ve let her hard work go in vain.”

The tone is half sighing and half laughing at the ants’ overreach.

Meng Qi was stunned when he heard that, and there were tears in his eyes. It turned out that there was such a story behind it. What happened to Xiao Sang and what decisions did she make when I couldn’t see it.

He closed his eyes, put his right hand on his chest, and whispered to Mofo Andan who stretched out his right hand:

“If you want it, take it”

As soon as the magic Buddha Ananda smiled, he saw Meng Qi opened his eyes, and there was a light flashing in the dead silence. Before he finished speaking, he fell backwards, falling from the top of the mountain to the sea of ​​mind.


The waves were choppy and the sea was windy. Meng Qi looked at the magic Buddha Ananda, pressed his chest with his right hand, and fell straight down.

Meng Qi took Gong Ziyu and Kong Zhao up to a mountain peak, and below was a roaring river.

After watching for a while, Meng Qi turned to Kong Zhao and said, “What do you think?”

Kong Zhao stared at the river below, and said with emotion: “The dead are like husbands.”

As soon as the words fell, he saw the teacher who had always been silent and never pointed out took a step forward. His vicissitudes of life fluttered his clothes in the wind, his mouth opened, and he made a low and reverberating voice:

“Supreme goodness is like water. Water is good for all things without fighting for it”

Teacher, the teacher opened his mouth to point out Kong Zhao, who was surprised, happy and a little stunned.

Then, he found that the teacher turned his head, countless lights flashed in his eyes, his body seemed to grow taller, black and white, dark yellow and purple light spots fell down. The voice was grand and solemn:

“The way of heaven is to win without fighting”

Seeing Meng Qi fall, Mofo Ananda’s eyes froze, and a phantom stepped out behind him, trying to catch him.

where does he get the strength

Take a few steps. He and Xu Ying rushed to the edge of the mountain. The sea of ​​mind below undulates gently, the golden light is looming, and Meng Qi is nowhere to be seen

he disappeared

AnandaThe Ni Wanzi Buddha stands out in his eyes, and he looks everywhere in the sea of ​​mind, and finally sees a few connections that seem to have nothing.

He froze for a moment, then suddenly roared angrily:

“Yuan Shi”

“The way of heaven is to win without fighting”

Among the loud voices. Dark yellow dots. The black and white clouds, the purple air supported Meng Qi to fly into the sky, rushed out of the stellar air layer, and came to the boundless starry sky.

Below is an invisible broken continent, and above, there are many planets and brilliant suns.

Meng Qi raised his head, without a knife or sword on his body, his eyes followed all kinds of connections, piercing through the void. Face to face with the magic Buddha Ananda on the peak of Lingshan.


The air mechanisms transmitted through the causal connection stimulated each other across the space, and lightning flashes suddenly appeared in the quiet and empty dark starry sky. It was like countless silver snakes dancing wildly, eclipsing the light of the sun.

Looking at the cold and cruel eyes of Ananda, the magic Buddha, two figures suddenly appeared in Meng Qi’s mind.

A gray-haired man with a clear appearance, kind eyes, broad-minded, kind to the younger generation, gentle, indifferent and peaceful, humble and upright.

A white dress is dusty, her temperament is ethereal, her emotions are unpredictable, and she is far and near. When she is wronged, it may not be true, and when she smiles and flirts, it may not be false. She always hides her purpose so that people can’t guess her. Gu Xiaosang’s thoughts are unpredictable, she is a veritable witch, she seems cold and selfish, but she always hides a bit of tenderness.

When faced with the task given by Liu Dao that went against his heart, Chong and his seniors finally chose to blew themselves up.

After several struggles and failures, Gu Xiaosang still gave up Liu Dao’s “good intentions”, still refused to yield to Wu Sheng’s old mother, and fell into her arms

One is good and the other is evil, but the choices lead to the same goal. In life, there are always some things that are more important than death and need to be persisted.

Meng Qi who is optimistic; Meng Qi who likes to appear before others; Meng Qi who loves to read novels and comics; Meng Qi who has made many friends in school and work; Meng Qi who insists on practicing in front of the Shaolin Temple; Meng Qi, who takes care of each other with all his heart and lives and dies together.

Meng Qi, who has a warm heart, will draw his sword to help when the road is injustice; Meng Qi, who is heartbroken because of the death of Zhang Yuanshan and other close friends, is almost a demon; Meng Qi is bold, rich in theory, and passive in practice; the more dangerous the more calm Meng Qi; Meng Qi who is lazy and comfortable; Meng Qi who likes to joke and tease others; Meng Qi who has gone through hardships and gradually matures but does not change his heart; Meng Qi who is entangled with Gu Xiaosang and is always passive ; Sitting upright in the ruined temple, looking at the lotus, Meng Qi felt so guilty that he couldn’t help himself

This is me, my unique self, the self that cannot be replaced by others, not some magic Buddha, not some lord of the six realms of reincarnation, not Ananda and Thor, and not something that can be compensated by the glory and realm of great people

The reason why I am me is because of these, without “self”, what is the meaning of life

Facing difficulties, facing life, and facing death, we may have gradually given up on ourselves, become flattering, obsequious, obnoxious, obsequious, ruthless, and hurt parents, relatives, partners and children , When you are about to die, look back and see, is this yourself, will it hurt your heart?

“Self” is a more important persistence than life

Senior Chong and seniors understood this, so they chose to show their aspirations through death and not lose their hearts. Xiao Sang also understood this point, struggling alone, not against the heart, Zhiwei, Yushu, Senior Brother Qi and Zhao Heng also understood this point, So some shed tears, and some chose to sink into Jiuyou

Faced with this today, my choice is self-evident

If life is meaningless, what fear is death

Not even afraid of death, what else is there to be afraid of

Meng Qi’s eyes were extremely firm and hateful, as if there were flames twining around his body, a terrifying volcano was about to erupt.

Standing in the starry sky, he looked at Ananda, the demon Buddha, and saw that there was a small mysterious seal in his palm. The seal was divided into six sides. On the left, there are all the demon clan beings, and on the right, the demon elegy, so he stretched out his right hand to the side, fluttering his long hair, and shouted in a low voice:

“The knife comes”


In the Su Nu fairy world, the pitch-black long knife enshrined in the hall suddenly exploded with infinite purple thunder, broke through the void, and disappeared without a trace.

“The knife comes”

As soon as the words fell, the starry sky was full of thunder flashes, covering the stars and turning into the sea. Meng Qi had an extra long knife made of purple thunder in his hand, which was heavy, brutal and extremely domineering.

Overlord’s sword

One of the Ten Great Soldiers

When Gu Xiaosang died, his feelings of guilt and grief were connected with the brand of Jue Dao, and he became its master.

Ten years of suffering, ten years of guilt, ten years of grief, ten years of disappointment and pain of not seeing the flowers bloom, ten years of torment that life is worse than death, all accumulated in my heart, tempering the invincible sword will in Bawang Jue Dao .

Meng Qi raised the heavy knife in his hand, and he forgot about Ananda the Demon Buddha in his eyes. He only saw the small boat on the river, the elf in white dress standing on the prow, and the player playing the jade flute, as if calling for her husband;

All I saw was the side of the Yudai Bridge, in the dimly lit place, the eyes of a girl in a white-haired cloak were flowing, pretty and radiant;

I only saw the boats passing by on the Jiangdong River, and the corners of her eyes and mouth were full of orchids in the empty valley.The smile made the little girl beside her call “Daddy” crisply;

I only saw Lihua Island, Shangshui Dongfu, the style of a light kiss, and the playful “we are the same person”;

I only see the Luoshan faded away, and the fruit of this life is shared with myself;

All I could see was the sparkling lake, the girl in the white dress had flushed cheeks, and was full of laughter, talking about the afterlife;

I saw bleeding from the corner of her mouth, her face was pale, her smile was sad, and she said with difficulty: “I struggled, and I lost”;

I only see the ruined temple pond, the lotus is in full bloom, year after year, the flowers have bloomed, where are you

All emotions such as anger, grief, hatred, unwillingness, despair, and depression erupted. Ten years of pain, ten years of torment, and ten years of loss turned into sword intent, making Bawang Jue Dao shine with a brilliance that surpassed the sun.

Looking at the magic Buddha Ananda from a distance, and looking at the cold, indifferent and lofty eyes, watching him turn the mysterious reincarnation seal, Meng Qiyuan’s divine law burst into flames, emitting infinite light, and took a “step” forward to join the physical body.

This knife has been waiting for you for ten years

I advance by retreating, and win by not fighting. Let your distraction be “trapped” in the body of “I”, temporarily unable to control Manjushri Bodhisattva and other corpses, as long as you kill your distraction, they will be safe.

The pain and struggle of being cornered by you, the grief and indignation of killing your lover by mistake, and the grief and indignation of friends who can only choose one of them, the helplessness and despair of having your fate at the hands of others, here is a clean break.

All kinds of things in the past, heavy shackles, countless difficulties, involuntary, now disappear

The long knife swung out suddenly and disappeared suddenly. The planets in the starry sky rotated strangely, blocking the front of the big sun and the nearby stars. It was like a dog swallowing the sun. The sound of drinking echoes:

“In my life, don’t ask about the past” is to be continued.

s: two shifts in one, three shifts will be delivered, asking for a monthly pass


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