I Honor

Chapter 1044

Thirteen: Ice and Snow Palace

At the core of the extreme north, there is eternal ice and snow deposits. At a glance, it is white without variegation, cold and almost dead silent, and the pervasive white freezing fog can greatly weaken the spiritual induction, making this place full of unknowns. There are too many unknowns. There are also hidden dangers in the places to explore. ,

And behind a crystal-clear ice peak, there is a piece of Pinghu, which is as blue as a jewel. In a place where the air flow is close to freezing, the lake inside is still liquid, a strangely heavy blue liquid, slowly rippling as the blizzard blows past. Ripples are as beautiful as a dream.

But if anyone thinks that the unfrozen lake water will not be too cold, if he reaches out to touch it, he will probably freeze from his fingertips, spread to the soles of his feet, extend into his internal organs, become real ice cubes, and then melt into countless ice cubes in the wind scum.

Right above the lake, there is always a blizzard whistling and whirling, the ice inside is like a blade, and there are icebergs like a millstone.

After finding the correct location according to the lake, go straight into the blizzard, go straight up, without any stop and look back, you will come to a place wrapped in hazy mist, everything you see is distorted and uncertain, flashing and illusory , and where the core of the mist lies, there is a strange palace floating, a palace made purely of all kinds of ice and snow. There are many strange places inside, full of adventures, but no one has really penetrated into it, and can only wander in the outer palace. , was called “Ice and Snow Fairy Palace” by the extreme northern sect.

Chen Zhao was wearing a fur cap and a silver ice-scale robe. He was in a house with eight ice mirrors inlaid on four sides. The old man’s skin was as cold as ice, and his breath was as tyrannical as he was between brothers.

He traveled southward, encountered Meng Qi, and returned home after being defeated. For the past ten years, he has been painstakingly polishing himself. Exploring the Ice and Snow Immortal Palace several times has yielded something, and finally passed the third ladder and became a grand master. Now that I come again, I want to try to go deep into the Immortal Palace, and I still encountered layers of forbidden methods. There are many, but in the end it still stops here, no matter how difficult it is to move forward.

“Brother, let’s go back. We have gained enough this time.” Liu Zejun was still palpitating about the danger just now.

The old man with an unkind attitude looked like he was carved out of ice and snow, and said with a sneer, “Boy Chen, don’t think that just half a step into the promotion is enough.You can do whatever you want, some of us old guys have been immersed in this realm for decades, and we have tried many times to join forces, but we have never been able to go deeper, just relying on yourself, hey, wishful thinking”

The two happened to meet while exploring. He was driven here by the same monster made of ice and snow and the forbidden law that was triggered.

Chen Zhao’s eyes always seemed to be squinted, and he said with a hey: “You are not only old, but also your heart is old, and you have lost your vigor. You have lost the courage to explore the unknown and face challenges directly. save in.”

While speaking, his eyes wandered over the mirror made of eight sides of ice. It presents the scenes of different places in the Ice and Snow Palace, and there are places where ice slag turns into fog, which is difficult to see through. There is ice as a brick, which can be used as a guide to one’s own way, and there is also a dark and long road of despair, but there are a few faint blue lights nearby. This is the main road into the core of the Ice and Snow Palace. , has a terrifying forbidden method that can wipe out Chen Zhao and others. Every time it is explored, the corresponding position will light up the ice lamp. Now the ice lamp is only nearby, so it can be seen that no one has ever passed through it.

As soon as the words fell, Chen Zhao suddenly gasped, “It’s it again.”

Liu Zejun and the old man who looked like an ice sculpture looked over together, and saw an ancient bronze coffin at the end of the main road, mottled with patina, time-honored, seemingly substantial, but with an elusive feeling.

The ancient bronze coffin paused for a few breaths before disappearing.

It was it Liu Zejun and Chen Zhao looked at each other with doubts in their eyes.

This is very similar to the ancient bronze coffin seen in the southern Demon Market. I don’t know what the relationship between Ice and Snow Immortal Palace is there.

“Hmph, what a fuss.” The old man who looked like an ice sculpture said disdainfully. This ancient bronze coffin is hidden in the core of the fairy palace. Why do you have to look surprised

Before the eyes of the three of them left, a figure suddenly appeared near the dark and long road of despair. He was wearing a blue shirt and carrying a long sword. He had a handsome profile and an empty aura, which seemed to fill everything in his sight.

“He is…” The ice sculpture-like old man looked at Chen Zhao and Liu Zejun, and found that they didn’t know this man either.

And the strange aura of the deep and empty, the weird feeling everywhere, let them subconsciously feel that the other party is very strong, strong beyond imagination

Chen Zhao whispered: “Could it be the Fagao man from the south, the god of the land?”

While talking, they saw the man in the green shirt take a step forward and set foot on the long dark road.

In an instant, all the blue ice lanterns along the long road lit up, in no particular order, lighting up the darkness like a dream, and the figure of the man in the green shirt seemed to exist in every place along the long road, including the end, and then he entered The core, disappeared in the prying eyes of the Frozen Mirror, and disappeared in the eyes of Chen Zhao and others.

“This…” Chen Zhao, Liu Zejun, and the old man who looked like an ice sculpture looked at this scene in disbelief with their mouths half-opened, trapped the extreme northern sect family for countless generations. , did not play any role, as if it never existed, maybe it would be better to put a few lumps of ice and snow there

They believe in the danger and terror of the Black Road of Despair, and they will not doubt it. Therefore, there is only one conclusion, the man in the blue shirt is indeed stronger than what he and others imagined, and he is far superior to the human immortal body recorded in ancient books.

This, this is the dharma body in the south

In horror, their vision blurred, and they saw four figures flying towards the entrance of the Black Road of Despair.

A figure in a toga with long sleeves, hair tied in a hairpin, hands drooping, facial features have a strange charm like a god and a demon, with a leisurely temperament and a faint feeling of time passing by.

A person with a bronze complexion, a tall body, surrounded by countless light spots, sacred and noble, holding a huge ax in his hand, with nine Dao patterns on it, making people tremble uncontrollably when they see it.

One person’s body is transparent, hidden in the void, if he himself hadn’t squirmed a few times, Chen Zhao and the ice sculpture old man believed that they would not have found it at all.

There is another person wearing a red robe, his face is pale but not weak, his eyes seem to hide a sea of ​​blood, he is extremely ferocious

“Another Dharma-Great Man.” The first two gave Chen Zhao and others no less feeling than the green-clothed man just now, and the latter two were also quite terrifying, slightly surpassing the Dharma Body records that Chen Zhao and others got from ancient books.

The four dharma bodies passed through the dark road of despair one after another. Chen Zhao felt that something big was about to happen. The old man who looked like an ice sculpture and Liu Zejun couldn’t help but take a few steps back.

At this moment, the leisurely and contented man in the wide robe and big sleeves suddenly turned his head and looked at an inexplicable height, as if he saw Chen Zhao and the others through the fairy mirror of ice and snow.

His eyes were abnormally indifferent, as if looking down on the gods and demons in the world, with a deep look like a dead end, and a vicissitudes like time.

“He found us.” The acupoints all over Chen Zhao’s body were stimulated, and the room was suddenly filled with heat, as if a great sun was rising.

However, the man with the wooden hairpin just smiled and turned his head, and the four of them entered the core of the Frozen Immortal Palace.

“He thinks we are too weak and doesn’t bother to make a move.” After a long silence, the old man who looked like an ice sculpture guessed.

Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountains, inside the Xiaodao Temple.

Meng Qi was practicing Wuji seal when he suddenly had a sudden impulse and looked up at the sky, only to see an inconspicuous star shift in the extreme north direction.

“Someone entered theTo the secret place of Yaochi” Meng Qi thought, and understood the reason.

According to Lu Ya, after actually entering the secret place, there will be corresponding changes in the astronomical phenomena, but it is not obvious, so those who don’t know the inside story will not have any guesses about this.

But Meng Qi was more puzzled.

It wasn’t long before I got the news about Yaochi, and someone entered it, it’s too coincidental

In the depths of the Frozen Immortal Palace.

Because of Han Guang’s previous actions, he could only walk in the front and act as the vanguard, and he could not escape.

But he was smiling at the corner of his mouth, contented, and didn’t care, while the Dharma King hid in the void, his eyes were deep, and he didn’t know what he was thinking. to be continued

s: The number of words in this

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