I Honor

Chapter 1093

Opening the world in Yiye

An invitation, a special invitation.

Its specialness does not lie in the above text, the plain and straightforward description only briefly describes the time and place of the Jinao Banquet, its specialness itself.The invitation card in Mr. Lu Da’s hand is like a leaf picked off by the side of the road. It is still stained with the morning dew, and the color of many leaf veins has turned darker, forming tiny characters.

When his eyes really came into contact with this leaf, there was a bang, and his vision changed. Mr. Lu Da saw a vast world, the blue sky dotted with white clouds, the sun hanging in the middle, the ground covered with green grass, and there were different kinds of trees growing in the distance. The lake is like a mirror, reflecting the dreamy beauty.

The sun is setting in the west, the moon is rising in the east, there are predators crawling in the grass, their eyes are fixed on the prey in front of them, everything is so real, happening in every corner of this world.

Suddenly, the world shattered and turned into a stream of light. Mr. Lu Da watched intently as the invitation card in his hand was burned to ashes, and he did not overreact.

“Hiding Xumi in mustard seeds, opening the world in a leaf” Mr. Lu Da whispered.

One invitation, one world

For Mr. Lu Da, who has touched the threshold of a fairy, this is not unfamiliar, it is a method only a fairy

The winter solstice is still several months away, and the invitation from Jin’ao Island was sent ahead of time, without hiding the location, as if he was not afraid of being scouted or that you would not come.

Inside the Sword Washing Pavilion, Su Wuming was holding the horizontal sword on his knee, holding his right palm halfway, the invitation quietly and spontaneously ignited, and the whole world was destroyed without a sound.

Generally, all Fagao people who can confirm their whereabouts and are worthy of invitation have received such an invitation.

Jin’ao Island in the East China Sea suddenly appeared in the world like this, and the end surrounded by clouds and mist seems to usher in the long-lost “return”

Tianyi Island, Golden Crow Sect.

According to the list, Meng Qi sorted out the corresponding items from Yedi’s treasury, and exchanged them for equivalent items from the Golden Crow Sect. They were good at refining, and there were more or less all kinds of strange items.

At this time, Meng Qi was in the “Lihuo Temple” of the Golden Crow Sect, surrounded by numerous prohibitions. There is an ancient three-legged tripod in front of him. The body of the tripod is dark gold, and there is a flying and circling Great Sun Golden Crow engraved on it. It makes people have the terrifying feeling of the Dharma body melting, as if there is unparalleled high temperature and burning power inside, majestic and mighty.

Instilled with the common sense of Yedi’s four concubines, Meng Qi understood that this was the “Golden Crow Pilgrimage Cauldron”, a fairy-level magic weapon passed down by the Golden Crow Sect for an unknown number of years. But it is mainly used for refining, and there are not many offensive and defensive methods. The Golden Crow Sect has both sides and does not offend any party. This is why they were not forcibly taken away after the decline. The experience of the Golden Crow Pilgrimage Cauldron and the Golden Crow Sect’s experience in refining magical weapons for generations is always a taboo. Even if the materials are difficult to collect, the failure may be more than 50%, but it can’t stand the accumulation of time and it is easy for one family to dominate. Therefore, Fagao people will tacitly prevent this development and keep things as they are.

Fan Lishuang and the other eight elders of the Golden Crow Sect sat in different directions of the ancient cauldron, corresponding to different Golden Crows, and he said solemnly: “Yedi, please also send these three broken swords of the divine weapon into the depths of the Golden Crow Pilgrimage Cauldron. There are caves and laws, as long as you pass the level of melting, refining is relatively simple, but to melt the fragments of the gods of the immortal level, the closer you are to the core of the great sun in the cauldron, the easier it is to succeed, otherwise you have to rely on time to slow down. It wears off slowly, there are too many variables, and the possibility of failure is huge.”

Meng Qi nodded slightly. Holding the fragments of Xuanming Sword, Suzaku Lihuo Sword and Dongji Yimu Sword in his hands, wrapping them with spiritual consciousness, and blessing them layer by layer with the power of true essence, after Fan Lishuang opened the ancient cauldron to seal them, he slowly sent them in.


Meng Qi’s eyes went dark, and he was already in another world. The night sky is vast, and there are real red flames burning fiercely all around.

In the depths of the night sky, there was a round of dark golden and almost black sun, the closer it was to it, the hotter it became, and the color of the flames changed, making one’s heart palpitate.

“That should be the core of the myth of the Great Sun.” The avatar transformed by Meng Qidao’s spiritual consciousness wrapped the fragments of the divine weapon and flew over. As the distance got closer, the appearance of the Dark Golden Sun was completely clear to the eye.

This is a majestic and gigantic three-legged strange bird, with dark golden and almost black feathers, each piece is painted with strange inscription patterns, sprayed with infinite flames, and there is no substance around it, only the flames of blue, purple, golden and indescribable colors are flickering, And there is a star in each flame, which seems to provide gravity and light for different galaxies in different universes.

This is the legendary Great Rijinwu corpse

It is said that the great power will not be unknown, but who is the great sage in ancient times?

Meng Qi’s knowledge is far better than that of the immortals here. He has handled and seen a lot of legendary things, and he recognized the specialness of this Golden Crow at a glance.

But the legendary Golden Crow corpse can only be refined into a fairy-level cauldron in the end

Meng Qi’s avatar turned into a beam of saber light, cutting through layers of flames with unparalleled sharpness, like a shooting star piercing the sky, and quickly approached the terrifying three-legged Golden Crow.

With a bang, as the distance got closer, the power of Meng Qi’s avatar began to burn, and the scorching sensation invaded his consciousness, making his vision red, and at this time, he was still not a short distance away from the core flame.

The avatar changes again, turning into a chaotic mass, the burning flame is swallowed, and no more light overflows.

This mass of chaos continued to contain and assimilate everything around it, passing through the fire layer in front of it with an unstoppable attitude, and arrived at the place where the purple, white, and green flames were blazing.

At this time, there was a crackling sound, and the chaos seemed to be burned dry, with cracks appearing everywhere, and it could no longer beSend the shards of the magic weapon into the flame layer where the stars stand out.

Meng Qi’s right hand outside the ancient cauldron suddenly grasped, and with the help of causal connection, he confused the front and back, and switched positions with the clone. The Qingyun rose above his head, and the chaotic light hung down. Holding the fragments of the magic weapon, he broke into the flame Where the colorful weirdness lies.

Taishang Wuji Yuanshi Qingyun can block a blow from the core fragments of the Haotian Mirror, and the body of the Blood Sea Rakshasa is no more than that

Then, with a push with his left hand, he drove the three divine weapon fragments into the depths with the power of returning everything to the void.

With a flash of light, Meng Qi’s main body and clone switched positions again, and his spiritual consciousness and power were completely burned out.

Keke Meng Qi coughed a few times, rubbed his eyes, felt like he was burning to tears, finally stopped, looked at Fan Lishuang and the others: “Okay, sent to the vicinity of Taiyang Shenhuo.”

Fan Lishuang and the others stared blankly at Meng Qi, as if they were looking at some incredible monster. It took a long time before they came back to their senses: “Actually, there is no need to go so deep.”

Just stop outside the last flame layer, and it will take seventy-nine days to melt it. Do you think you are a real angel?

But he really sent the shards of the magic weapon into the last flame layer

This, is this still a fairy?

This is the legendary “Da Fan Ye”

“Is this wrong?” Meng Qi asked doubtfully, whether it would affect the refining.

Fan Li Shuangmuna shook his head: “Yes, that’s right, it can be melted in seven days.”

The focus of the two parties is completely different.

“Then I’m relieved.” Meng Qi secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Knowing that the “Taiyi Tianzun” had provoked the immortals in a short period of time, Huo Lishang stood at the port, his mood was like a tide, and he couldn’t calm down for a long time.

This ability to cause trouble is really something I have only seen in my life

Now it is very dangerous to change back to the identity of Ye Di. The pursuit of the celestial figure is not a joke. If I come into contact with people related to Ye Di, it will be easy for him to detect and find out the real situation. At that time, I will explain that the exchange of identities is a mess Will he listen? Moreover, the messenger Yin Feilong said is very mysterious, and a celestial figure appeared on Shijue Island again. The two may not be unconnected. It may be more dangerous to clarify rashly

I can’t go to the manager. Huo Lishang has always been decisive and never dragged his feet.

Next, I will work hard with the strength of the first time I entered the location, re-accumulate wealth, and exchange for high-grade healing pills, and recover little by little. Although it is difficult and tortuous, it is relatively safe.

Such a life experience is also interesting

He thought about it, took a step, and embarked on the journey again.

“Yin Zu” Xu Bei saw the envoy from Jinao Island again.

“Things have changed, there is no need to pursue Emperor Ye anymore.” The emissary of Yuyi Starcrown said in a deep voice.

Xu Bei frowned and said, “What has changed?”

“The owner of the island will invite Qihai Dharma Body to the winter solstice banquet, including Yedi.” The angelic messenger replied concisely.

As the cool wind whizzed, Huo Lishang on Shijue Island suddenly shuddered, sighing secretly that his Dharma body was damaged, and he knew it was cold. To be continued.


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