I Honor

Chapter 1096

Fifty-Three Each Learns a Sword

Ye Yuqi seemed to have guessed that Meng Qi would give such an answer, and made a similar joke without being surprised at all. She nodded slightly, turned around and led Meng Qi into the pavilion where title exercises were stored, and took out the five jade slips related to the Lingbao Tianzun, respectively. It is the Zhuxian Sword Sutra, the Juxian Sword Sutra, the Trapped Immortal Sword Sutra, the Killing Immortal Sword Sutra and the Zhuxian Sword Array Diagram.

Meng Qi reached out his consciousness and infiltrated the jade slip carrying the Jade Sword Sutra. As soon as he was touched, a blue pure long sword flew from the sky in the world of his mind. It was so sharp that it dimmed the color and solidified the change, as if It can penetrate the future, smash the past, and cut off all the imprints of time.

The sword energy is raging, the green is vast, Meng Qi seems to have fallen into an unspeakable nightmare, the true spirit body is crushed inch by inch, the experience of the earth is blurred, the martial arts journey that started from Shaolin is falling apart, and all the possibilities from now to the end of this life are falling apart. All were cut off, leaving only a dead end.

I don’t know how long it took, Meng Qi suddenly came back to his senses, his face and body were covered with drops of black “sweat”. At the level of Dharma Body, he had completely got rid of the mortal womb, and it was impossible for him to sweat anymore. It is the reappearance of past experience brought about by the change of mood, which is an illusion, but if it is really a drastic change in the mind, it is a feeling like a near-death experience.Received, the dharma body will automatically dispel the invading external demons and condense into “black sweat” to prevent insanity. This sweat is not that sweat.

Meng Qi’s body trembled, and all the black beads of sweat flew away, and then he let out a long breath, feeling like he had regained his life. The Sword of Immortal Execution is the sword of time. It is unbelievable, and it has the word “kill” at the head, which is completely different from other exercises I have obtained. Even if I understand it, it seems to have experienced a killing, and if I don’t pay attention, I will never recover.

“Take your time.” Ye Yuqi heard about Lingbao Tianzun’s story about Zhu Xian’s Four Swords, and knew the danger. So a special reminder.

Meng Qi circulated Yuanxin Seal and Yin-Yang Seal, and the exhaustion of his mind and dharma body quickly recovered. Then he came to realize one by one and used this to make a cheat book, and if he took the jade slips directly, he would be destroyed by the Six Paths, and it was not his own ability to recreate the inheritance of the true meaning.

The Absolute Immortal Sword is a space-killing sword with a dark color. It is not only a space in the general sense, but also a higher-level and lower-level “space”, such as a “space” that only has length and width but no height. The ubiquitous “space” in the world, and the red color of the Immortal Sword symbolizes energy. Whether it is the material reality or the fantasy world, it is inseparable from the support of the law corresponding to the evolution of energy. The Immortal Killing Sword is the sword of white matter, the beginning of all things, and the end of all things.

After sitting quietly for a long time, Meng Qi came to his senses, left Bi Youtian immediately, and went straight to Beizhou Changle. Looking for Big Brother Gao Lan.

Not to mention the happy cooperation between Mr. Lu Da and Su Wuming, everything is easy to discuss, and the matter of practicing “Zhu Xian Sword Formation” is an irresistible temptation for the two pure and pure swordsmen, only Gao Lan is unpredictable. He is even more elusive than when he was a lunatic, so he must be dealt with first.

Mr. Lu Da may not be able to thoroughly study the content related to Zhuxian Sword Formation, he is only on his own path, but the stones of other mountains can be used to attack jade. Comprehending this supreme sword formation can reflect one’s own swordsmanship, find out the shortcomings and find the way forward.

Changle, the imperial palace.

When Meng Qi stepped into the hall. It was found that Gao Lan was wearing a black imperial robe, and Angzang’s majestic body was perched on the throne, with his right hand resting on his forehead, looking at himself thoughtfully.

“See Big Brother.” Meng Qi cleverly changed his address.

Gao Lan’s eyes were deep, and he didn’t speak for a long time. It took a long time before he said:

“This is the imperial palace, so you have to call it Brother Huang.”

“” Meng Qi’s expression froze.

Don’t guess what big brother is thinking, you can’t even guess after guessing, it’s harder to understand than a mental patient

“You came here for the matter of Jin’ao Island in the East China Sea.” Gao Lan took the initiative to provoke this topic.

“Yes, big brother, uh, imperial brother, are you planning to go to the banquet?” Meng Qi asked.

Gao Lan supported his forehead with his right hand, tapped the armrest of the throne with his left hand, and said in a slow voice: “I can move at will in Dazhou, and can mobilize the power of all beings to the maximum. Changle has a long-established formation, and Jin’ao Island only mentions banquets Not to mention specific things, even if there is no malice, the attitude is as arrogant as possible. Arrogance breeds extremes, and extremes breed irritability. We may encounter thunder and anger if we say something different. More importantly, Jin There is at least a 40% chance that Ao Island has malicious intent, and besides, the number of immortals on the island is unknown, the formation prohibition method is unknown, and whether there are other strong people is even more unknown.”

“So, brother, you want to refuse to go to the banquet.” Meng Qi nodded slightly when he heard that.

Gao Lan glanced at him: “I mean to go to the banquet.”

Every reason you gave before didn’t look like you were going to a banquet. Meng Qi was in a cold sweat and could only complain silently.

“Everything about Jin’ao Island is unknown to us, and the same is true for whether we can join forces to fight against it. If we don’t go to Jin’ao Island for a banquet, how can we know their reality and what their plans are?” Gao Lan put down With his right hand, he stood up, with a majestic figure and a very masculine charm, “The most important thing is, if there is a legend in Jin’ao Island that the power has returned? If you refuse to go to the banquet, you will be punished directly. There is no room left, if you go to a banquet, if you see that the situation is not right, you can still accept your head and worship.”

Gao Lan said joking words in a cold voice, which made the corners of Meng Qi’s mouth twitch subconsciously.

But the elder brother used to be equally arrogant no matter he was funny or cold, how could he have the idea of ​​accepting his head and bowing down?

Could it be that he has learned to bend and stretch after recovering from mental illness, or that he has other plans and is sure to retreat

Surprised and doubted, Meng Qi didn’t ask any more questions, but since Gao Lan was going to the banquet, it was easy to discuss the matter of “Jade Immortal Sword Formation”, so Meng Qi revealed all his preparations.

Gao Lan took two steps with his hands behind his back, before he said lightly: “For the sake of Zhuxian Sword Formation, I will reluctantly cooperate with Lu Da once.”

Two days later, at the Thrushcross Villa, the four dharmakayas gathered.

Meng Qi didn’t hesitate, and said directly: “Senior Su, you have the ubiquitous legendary characteristics, and you also have the all-inclusive appearance of the Supreme Being, which is most suitable for cultivating the Absolute Immortal Sword that symbolizes space.”

“Okay.” Su Wuming was always impatient.

“Senior Lu, you have mastered the subtleties and penetrated deep into the underlying structure of matter, just in time to practice the Immortal Slaying Sword.” Meng Qi turned to look at Mr. Lu Da.

Mr. Lu Da nodded slightly, without any objection.

“The power of sentient beings contains both illusion and reality, and is a special energy. The Human Emperor’s Sword’s non-grinding will can perfectly control them. Brother, you practice the Immortal Sword.”Meng Qi already knew that Gao Lan was promoted to Earth Immortal. After all, he was the only one who had the lowest realm.” As for me, I can feel the existence of the river of time, can manipulate fate in a small range, and can barely practice Zhuxian Sword, but I have to ask Senior Su borrowed a fragment of the Eastern Emperor Bell for use. ”

“Okay.” Su Wuming’s eyes were empty and indifferent, without any hesitation.

Time flies, years go by, and the season soon comes to winter.

Meng Qi and the others had preliminarily practiced the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and each returned home to prepare. At this time, there were still nineteen days before the banquet on Jinao Island.

After returning to Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountains, Meng Qi sat cross-legged on the cloud bed, holding a dark mirror fragment in his hand, which seemed to reflect the universe of all realms, it was the Haotian Mirror.

After finishing the preparations for joining forces, it is time to make preparations for yourself.

I don’t know if the 19th day is enough to leave my mark on a certain universe with the help of the Haotian mirror fragments

s: The transitional

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