I Honor

Chapter 1098

Strange Journey

The quiet room was dim, and Meng Qi, who was sitting on the cloud bed, presented a strange emptiness, as if he existed here, but also seemed to be far away in the sky. Countless universes layer upon layer, fleeting and fleeting.

Different from the normal path of legends, Meng Qi no longer has “others and me”, and cannot rely on methods such as assimilation, attunement, communication and tolerance to form “projections”, strengthen connections, and change the accumulated quantity into a qualitative change, so that all worlds are unique. Ubiquitous, and can mobilize the sea of ​​energy corresponding to the universe with the help of projection, he can only create from scratch an imprint that belongs to his “self” and covers subtle connections, so as to replace “others and me”, communicate and master different universes and worlds .

But what kind of imprint should be left in order to conform to the projection characteristics of the “self” in the corresponding universe, to match the source of the Dao, to establish a subtle connection, and how to leave an imprint, Meng Qi’s eyes are still darkened, and he can only move forward.

Relying on the specificity of the “Haotian Mirror” fragments can get twice the result with half the effort

With his spiritual consciousness thrown into the fragments of the Haotian Mirror, Meng Qi’s mind was dark and his mind was fuzzy, as if he was flying in the vast, cold and dark universe.

Suddenly, the void split open, revealing a faint halo, and Meng Qi’s spiritual consciousness was wrapped in the breath of the Haotian Mirror, and flew over suddenly.

Through layers of curtains, the sky and the earth spun, everything alienated, and Meng Qi lost consciousness for a short time.

I don’t know how long it took, his consciousness gradually returned, but he found that his eyes could not see anything, his ears could not hear sound, and his body had lost the sense of touch. Only his spirit could spread a little, sense the movement around him, and feel his own spiritual consciousness. Trapped inside a palm-sized puppet.

I’m possessed by a puppet

The unprecedented encounter made Meng Qi somewhat astonished. This is the “road to create imprints” revealed by the fragments of the Haotian Mirror

As soon as the idea came up, he “heard” the sound coming.

This is a common ruined temple in the wild. At this time, the night is dark and there are constant clattering sounds. The rain is like a curtain, isolating this place from the outside world.

There are many corpses lying here and there in the temple, with different wounds. But all of them showed the speed of the murderer’s swordsmanship.

“The blood hasn’t solidified yet, so it didn’t take long for this to happen.” A young man with curly hair held a long sword and half-kneeled next to the corpse, examining it carefully.

He has a pleasing handsome face, but a lazy temperament. I belong to the kind of person who can sit but don’t stand, can lie down but doesn’t sit.

Standing beside him is a middle-aged man dressed as a scribe, with five long beards, meticulously dressed, his eyes are hidden, and the hand holding the sword is light purple. Always catch the leader.”

Several voices of “President Miao arrest the head” sounded at the same time, and there were two men and a woman around, the woman was not very old, about fifteen or sixteen years old. The brows and eyes of the immature face have just opened, youthful and beautiful, the farthest from the corpse, with a timid look, one is young and the other has half-white hair, with wrinkles at the corners of the eyes.

It turned out to be Mr. Miao from the Four Seas Escort Agency who was arresting the head

He is a well-known figure in the world, even if he is not first-class, he is not far behind, but now he is buried in a ruined temple. Nobody cares.

Could it be that he picked up some great darts?

The middle-aged scribe shook his head: “Every man is innocent, but he is guilty of carrying a jade. There is nothing more dangerous than this, Cheng’er. Don’t look any further. Once the rainstorm stops, we will stay away from this place immediately.”

After speaking, he turned around and walked to the collapsed Buddha statue and sat down.

“Yes, Master.” Xu Cheng withdrew his gaze, the wounds still remained in his mind. They seem to come alive, turning into sword lights, so fast that it makes one’s heart palpitate.

What a quick sword

“Daddy, you seem to know what’s going on.” The delicate and immature young girl expressed the unfinished meaning of the middle-aged scribe, she couldn’t hide her curiosity for a while, she jumped over like a fox, and asked coquettishly.

Xu Cheng and other disciples also cast their gazes over there, full of curiosity for knowledge.

What kind of treasure caused the world-renowned Boss Miao of the Four Seas Escort Bureau to catch his head and be robbed to death?

Shang Jiuming, a middle-aged scribe, looked around, pondered for a moment and said, “It’s okay to tell you, it’s just that there are many rumors in the world, but you are not at the level, and it is difficult to get in touch with it.”That’s all. ”

“What’s the matter?” the beautiful girl Shang Lingxi asked in confusion.

Shang Jiuming caressed the blade of the sword, motioned his disciples to sit down with his daughter, and then said slowly, “Have you ever heard of the Four Great Books?”

“No.” Xu Cheng, Shang Lingxi and others shook their heads blankly. If they talk about tyrannical skills, they know a lot about them, such as the Star Transformation Sutra, the Heavenly Silkworm Magical Skill, the Great Sun Li Fire Wheel, the secret of the Heavenly Luo Demon Skill, and the True Secret of Immortality. One is not the miraculous skill of the top masters, but the four great books are almost unheard of.

Shang Jiuming showed a somewhat leisurely and fascinated expression: “Martial arts are declining day by day. More than a hundred years ago, the four great books were published together, and the masters of the rivers and lakes came out in large numbers, which is not comparable to today’s martial arts.”

“The strange book first recommends the alchemy, the origin is unknown, it points directly to the Dao, swallowing a golden elixir, my fate is up to me, it is difficult to practice directly, but it has derived the Taoist secrets such as the Star Transformation Scripture and the Celestial Silkworm Magic Art, It has created countless great masters such as Tianhe Zhenren, and now it is preserved in Zhitian Temple, a holy place of Taoism, and has not appeared in the world for many years.”

Shang Lingxi covered her lips with her right hand, shocked and stunned, Xu Cheng and other disciples were also inexplicably shocked.

The top magical skills I know are only a certain aspect and part of Dan’s requirements

No wonder it’s called a strange book

“The second strange book is the Devil’s Evil Canon. They call themselves the holy book. They study the mysteries of heaven and man. They are divided into multiple volumes, each containing a powerful magic art, such as Tianluo Gong and Yin Yin Secrets. It is said that if the evil book is Unity can allow people to cultivate the supreme magic art and see the secret of the broken void. Unfortunately, the magic sect has become more and more divided for more than a hundred years, and many chapters of the evil classics have long been lost.” Shang Jiuming said eloquently, listening Xu Cheng, Shang Lingxi and others were fascinated. It turned out that this was the source of the “Tianluo Demon Art”. It turned out that the powerful and terrifying branches of the Demon Sect in their hearts were not in their peak state.

Shang Jiuming continued: “Northern Buddhism’s Da Ri Li Huo Lun ruled the world, but more than a hundred years ago, their most terrifying and powerful thing was not this magical skill, but the secret wisdom to teach the root scriptures, cultivate the spirit, and complete the empowerment. , accumulated from generation to generation, extremely tyrannical, like a Buddha walking in the world. It can pull people into reincarnation in previous lives, mysterious and unpredictable, it can be called the most unpredictable book in the book.”

Xu Cheng, Shang Lingxi and others looked at each other in dismay. This description is like a myth and a legend rather than a martial arts secret.

There is such a miracle in the world

“It’s a pity. More than a hundred years ago, the Living Buddha and the Shocking Sword met in today’s abandoned capital, and they joined hands to present a famous game of spiritual confrontation through the ages. Halfway through, the living Buddha was defeated and enlightened, passed away on the spot, his body was condensed into glass, and passed on to the world forever, but this was an unexpected sitting transformation after all. He didn’t have time to empower and teach the Dharma, and the tyrannical spirit and wisdom accumulated for countless generations were interrupted. It is extremely difficult for future generations to practice esoteric wisdom teaching again, and it has not been successful until now.” Shang Jiuming said with emotion. The anecdotes of the rivers and lakes passed down by the old people are really legendary.

This is even more exciting than Mr. Storyteller’s story, and it’s even more incredible

“Daddy, where is the fourth strange book?” Shang Lingxi asked impatiently, blinking black and white eyes.

“That’s right, the fourth strange book is” Xu Cheng couldn’t help being curious. They completely forgot that the original purpose was to find out why Mr. Miao of the Four Seas Escort was killed for the treasure

Shang Jiuming smiled slightly, with a sentimental expression on his face: “It’s not a book, it’s a puppet, an Excalibur puppet.”

Speaking of these four words. He became serious and solemn.

“Excalibur Puppet” Shang Lingxi looked at her father with innocent and blank eyes.

The last strange book turned out to be a puppet

Shang Jiuming said with deep eyes: “It was also more than a hundred years ago that the Sword Emperor and the Shocking Sword fought in the sunset peak of the abandoned capital, and both of them shattered into the void, leaving behind an unattainable figure. No one can reproduce this scene after that .”

“Before the decisive battle, they used the puppets they got at hand as letter paper. They used the sword in their hands as a pen, and fought with the swordsmanship they had learned all their lives. They engraved 30 characters. The first fourteen and the last sixteen were Sword Emperor, Shocking God Each sword’s understanding of swordsmanship includes their peerless swordsmanship, especially the former, and the method of true energy circulation, which reproduces the path of the sword emperor back then.”

“In the beginning, the Excalibur Puppet was kept by the sword emperor’s disciples, but things changed at any time, and it ended up in the rivers and lakes. Every time it was born, it was accompanied by blood and blood. Misfortunes have come because of this, too many to enumerate.”

“President Miao died because of this,” Xu Cheng blurted out.

Shang Jiuming nodded lightly: “Mr. Miao has made great progress in martial arts in recent years, and it is rumored that he got a puppet with a magic sword.”

Several disciples were stunned for a moment, they didn’t expect to encounter something related to the strange book

“Actually, our school’s swordsmanship has a lot to do with the divine sword puppet.” Shang Jiuming suddenly sighed.

“Ah” Shang Lingxi looked confused.

Shang Jiuming smiled wryly and said: “The ancestor of my Shang family was the commander of the Forbidden Army who abandoned the capital. He was the one who sent the letter of the Excalibur Puppet to the Sword Emperor and Shocking Sword. Mastered the two tyrannical swordsmanship of Suppressing Evil and Shocking God. Later, the family grew stronger and became a sect. It flourished for a while, but gradually declined.Defeated, lost the rubbing, and the sword technique was incomplete. ”

“I don’t know when we will be able to regain the glory of the past”

The voice gradually lowered, and the scene was quiet and depressing for a moment.

Listening to what they said, Meng Qi understood that he had returned to the world of the Sword Emperor and Demon Queen, and had become the “Excalibur Puppet” left behind.

My past experience and legacy of swordsmanship have become legends in the world. What does this have to do with leaving a mark?

How should this strange journey brought about by the fragments of the Haotian Mirror develop in order to derive its imprint?

Xu Cheng’s mind was flying, and he lay down lazily with his hands on the back of his head, thinking about things related to the four great books.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he saw a puppet with a funny smile hiding in the dark above the beam.


As soon as he thought about it, he found that the puppet’s eyes blinked, and a drop of clear tears flowed down.

Blinking tears, Xu Cheng was struck by lightning, as if he had encountered a ghost, and his heart was beating so fast that it was about to explode.

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