I Honor

Chapter 1103

: A Wonderful World

It is the winter solstice of the year again, and the capital is wrapped in silver.

Qian Ping’an put his hands in each other’s sleeves, wore a dusty coat, breathed white air, stepped on the snow, and creaked towards the tea shop he used to go to.

Today coincides with the great joy of the owner. The rice shop has not opened yet, so I rest early, and I can go to Mr. Wenshu to talk about the novelties published in the newspaper.

Over the past year, great changes have taken place in the world, but in the eyes of Qian Pingan, a rice shop guy, life seems to have not changed much. It is just that the rare and precious goods from the north and the south are becoming more and more worthless. The owner, who has always been stingy and frugal, also got a string of pearls and asked the monks in the temple to consecrate them.

Other than that, everything remains the same, except that the stories told by the storyteller are getting more and more interesting. The rivers and lakes that were far away from me in the past seem to be in front of me, and I don’t even know a few neighbors next door. Rushu Jiazhen is a word I learned from a storyteller, which makes me look like I have read books and experienced the world, in front of strangers, I look like the kind of master who hides in the market or in the world of games, and this comes from something called a newspaper.

They come and go through the teleportation array, and spread the stories of the rivers and lakes everywhere. Chen Xiucai at the alley said that this is “knowing the world without leaving home”.

“My boss has always been grimacing recently, nagging about the rice crops in the south three times a year, my dear, how much grain should I harvest?” Qian Pingan thought about the past few days casually, and the price of rice in the capital dropped three times a day , the boss was worried about graying a few black hairs, and hurriedly asked his son to marry a wife to rejoice.

The young master is very interesting. I can often see him listening to books in the tea shop. He always comforts the master not to care too much about the food in the south. He said that there are disadvantages and advantages in the world, and there are advantages and disadvantages. Since he can cook three times a year , the taste is definitely not as fragrant as the rice here. At that time, different rice will have different prices, and some people will enjoy it for the poor and those with more spare money. Things will not be too bad.

These are the words I love to hear the most, if Mi Pu can’t go on. Can only find another way of life.

In imagination. Qian Pingan stepped into the tea shop, insideIt’s much warmer, but it doesn’t burn charcoal in copper pots like restaurants and teahouses. It seems like spring is coming. The tea here is cheap and can’t afford such consumption. Only people like Qian Ping’an will spend a few pennies to drink tea here. listen to books.

The only fire light came from the storyteller’s feet. The copper furnace gleamed red. Dispel the chill.

Mr. Storyteller has a goatee. Because of his literacy, because he can tell the content of newspapers such as Wulin Express in the first place, he is respected by the poor nearby. Now he drinks the bamboo leaf green tea specially prepared by the tea shop, shaking his head and closing his eyes. Like humming an opera. Waiting for the next story.

Qian Pingwen took a sip of the big bowl of tea and felt warm. The coldness of the body melted away like snowflakes, an indescribable comfort.

For a fellow like him, it is a great luxury to be able to come here to have a cup of tea and listen to storytelling every now and then.

At this moment, a few horses came running like wind and clouds, and suddenly stopped at the door of the tea shop, and jumped down a few men wearing big cloaks and armed with swords.

“Shopkeeper, here are five bowls of good tea, hot and strong.” The leading man was wearing a fur hat, holding a three-foot long sword inlaid with gold and jade in his left hand, and there was a scar between his eyebrows, making him look like a god with open eyes.

“There is a scar on the forehead, the scabbard is inlaid with seven jades, and the Yuexi “God’s Eye Sword” is high and low.” Qian Ping’an thought to himself.

And some customers in the tea shop have already whispered, and they also think that this is the “God’s Eye Sword”, a top-notch master in the world, who has appeared in “Wulin Express” several times.

People who often come to listen to books are as familiar with him as they are with their neighbors.

“That God’s Eye Sword that was defeated by Gu Wenxiang, the God of Sadness,” a tea guest asked back.

“That’s right, that’s him, but Gu Wenxiang slapped the Seven Jade Sword away with the Three Swords.” Someone answered in the affirmative.

“Gu Wenxiang is one of the most masters in the world. He is one of the best swordsmen in the world. It is normal for Shenmu Sword to lose to him. It is natural to lose to Gu Wenxiang, but at that time Gao Fushen was proud of his swordsmanship and took the initiative to challenge, tsk tsk” Whispering like mosquitoes and flies Fei, swinging away quickly, talking about the battle that made Gao Fuchen appear on the “Wulin Express” for the first time.

Gao Fushen was young and successful, he is a well-known swordsman in Jianghu, his ears are so sharp, he has already picked up all the discussions in his heart, at this moment, he heard the blood rushing up, his face flushed, the pain was burning, and he was so ashamed and annoyed.

It’s fine to be talked about by fellow Jianghu, I’m really too arrogant to challenge the palm of the heart, but now I’m being talked about by ordinary people who don’t have any skills, and I laugh at it wherever I go, it’s a shame.

I really want to be famous in the world, but not this famous

The emergence of “Wulin Express” has made the reputation of myself and other people in the world have undergone a wonderful change. In their words, they have become “public figures”. The more you have your own style, the easier it is to be admired.

In this kind of world, I always feel that there is something wrong with Gao Fushen, who is angry with Gao Fushen, wishing to draw his sword and kill these noisy and poor people, but if he is really so impulsive, as long as he does not kill them all, there will be similar words in the “Wulin Express” every few days Front page headlines:

God’s eyes and swords have become demons, and he has killed innocent people because of his reputation. Gao Fushen actually went crazy. Walking into the heart of the murderous demon Gao Fushen, what kind of rivers and lakes and rules made him make such an extreme choice? Nine-year-old voyeuristic woman bathing, a perverted life of ups and downs

Just thinking about the topic makes Gao Fushen shudder. This makes him feel more uncomfortable than chasing people all over the world. His reputation is completely ruined. The reputation of evil spirits and heresies is scary and mysterious, and this will only make people laugh and cry , shaped like a buffoon, and if he retaliated against “Wulin Express”, he would not be able to draw a sword if he only thought of their boss’s magical teleportation ability.

The rivers and lakes are so big, there are very few people who are not for fame and fortune.

Taking a deep breath, Gao Fuchen chose to turn a deaf ear and turned his head to leave.

At this time, his companion said via voice transmission: “Brother Gao Xian, you can bear as much slander as you can bear the praise.”

Gao Fuchen looked sideways at this companion, nodded slightly, then moved forward again, and sat down at a table.

Among the Jianghu people, this brother Ren is more fond of dancing and writing, and he is very fond of certain sentences in “Wulin Express”. It’s often talked about, but some of it does make sense.

“Don’t be angry, the enemy will laugh.” The companion said again, using the “famous quotes” he collected.

Gao Fushen sat quietly, all he could think about was the newspaper. This new thing is now springing up like mushrooms after rain. There are people from all over the world, involving all walks of life, no longer as in the past due to the limited coverage of “Wulin Express”, most of them are top figures in the martial arts. fame. And did something relatively influential. It’s hard to escape the report and the reputation spread.

I heard that the owner of “Flying Fox Village” gave money to the editors of the local newspaper and “Wulin Express” to cover up the fact that he failed to lose to his disciples during the duel. Palm”, the matter was relatively sensational, and the editors in one place couldn’t suppress it at all.


The storyteller slapped the tree with a start, the whole room regained consciousness, and became extremely quiet.

“The front page of today’s Wulin Express is a series of Jianghu allusions.It’s the event that frightened the sword in the past, and it’s inscribed with the sword to walk the world. “Mr. Storyteller said concisely.

Gao Fushen was refreshed. “Wulin Express” actually used the front page to serialize allusions

And Shocking God Sword is his highly respected predecessor, thinking that he is the number one swordsman in all ages.

But Qian Ping’an’s eyes were blank and he didn’t understand. Therefore, his understanding of Jianghu affairs began in the past few months. It is not bad to know the famous masters of today. How can he know the strong people in the past?

The vast majority of tea drinkers are the same as him.

The storyteller’s expression became solemn, and he read the wedge:

“Throughout the ages, there have been only a handful of people who have reached the pinnacle of martial arts and broken the void. The closest ones are the Sword Emperor and Shocking Sword.”

“Jing Shenjian learned martial arts when he was young, and he became a master of the crown, and then he felt nature, looked at the way of heaven, and set foot in the rivers and lakes because he escorted Lu Guan to the capital. Sitting with the Sword Emperor and discussing Taoism, I realized something in my heart, knowing that martial arts is hard to be manipulated by others, so I abandoned my glory and wealth, and drifted away. Feng, both shattered and left.”

Qian Ping’an and others were deeply shocked by the short summary. It seems that this is the real martial arts master. Compared with him, the top masters known before are like ordinary people, without the spirit of a master.

The storyteller began to talk about the main text: “The Shocking Sword has no specific name handed down from generation to generation, only the name Xiaomeng, but after he set foot in the rivers and lakes, it doesn’t matter what his name is, because the world will only remember the Shocking Sword.”

“In order to learn the sword, he has gone through a lot of hardships and suffered a lot of loneliness, so he cherishes his body very much, and patiently waits for the opportunity to use the sword, the opportunity to make a sword known to the world.”

“At this time, his sword and people are both unknown, and no one knows what kind of style is hidden in his scabbard. When he has accumulated full strength and waits for the opportunity, he takes up his sword and walks from the silence of the ancient temple in the deep mountains. When he walked out, everyone was shocked, who is he, where did he come from, how could he have such terrible sword skills

It didn’t take long for him to become one of the two most famous swords in Jianghu.

From unknown to famous, it only takes one sword strike, and no one dares to look directly at it again.

Qian Ping’an has never heard of such a story, and never knew such a character existed. For the next month, as long as he is rich and not busy, he will go to the tea shop to listen to books after the rice shop closes. If not, he will find a familiar tea shop. Chatting with guests, listening to their reports, from “Send Lu Shuai thousands of miles away with a sword, kill six generals after five passes, Yezhen Shanhe Temple is not worthy of my sword” and so on, I heard “The Battle of Sunset Peak” all the time. person style.

“If I had known the story of the Shocking Sword before, I would have tried every means to practice martial arts.” Qian Ping’an sighed.

This time “The True Story of the Shocking Sword” is much more detailed than the previous ones, and the image of the “Shocking Sword” has also been enriched. Although it is somewhat different from the previous “Stern Swordsman”, it is more humane and closer to imagination In the daily life of the swordsman, Gao Fushen and other advocates of the “Shocking Sword” not only did not resist, but quickly accepted this new image and slightly changed their cognition.

This is the amazing sword

Among the Divine Sword Puppets placed in Shang Jiuming’s study room, Meng Qi’s spiritual consciousness used this change and the medium of the Divine Sword Puppet to understand the feedback of the heaven and the earth and the changes in the connection.

“We have to adjust in this direction.” Meng Qi learned something.

The next day, when Qian Pingan stepped into the tea shop again, the front page of “Wulin Express” in front of Mr. Storyteller had changed to:

“The long sword is ruthless and the man is affectionate, and the secret history of the frightening sword is romantic.” To be continued.

s: Two updates will resume today, but the second update will be a little later, because you can only get to the hotel after ten o’clock at night to get online, so it will be updated before midnight


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